

The Research on Training Mode of Migrant Workers in China

【作者】 徐建军

【导师】 唐仁健;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 农业经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 农民工就业培训是我国发展工业化、城镇化的关键环节,它在提高农民收入、构建社会主义和谐社会中也发挥着十分重要的作用。近三十年来,随着经济体制改革的推行和深入,剩余劳动力从农村向城市流动的自由度大幅增加,对他们进行全面系统的培训,不但可以有效促进劳动力转移的效率,还可以使之成为城镇建设和发展非农产业的主要力量之一。目前,我国农村劳动力的整体科学文化素质和劳动技能水平并不高,与城乡二元经济结构相对应,城乡“二元教育”结构的特征也十分鲜明。因此,对我国当前农民工就业培训过程中存在的问题进行详细分析、对农民工培训的模式构建提出系统化建议,将有利于国家经济社会的稳定和发展,是一个亟待研究的重要课题。本文研究的主要内容包括如下几个方面:首先,对研究农民、培训等基本概念进行了界定,并对人力资本理论、劳动力转移理论、供需均衡理论等相关基础理论进行了归纳和评述。其次,对我国当前农民工就业培训的现状和存在的问题进行了分析。现状分析中,包括我国政府对农民工培训出台的基本政策、劳动力转移“阳光工程”和“雨露计划”等重要措施的执行效果、农民工培训开展的进程等方面;对于农民工培训存在问题的分析,包括农民工自身存在的问题,政府在管理、监督和服务上存在的问题,培训市场、培训机构以及整个培训机制存在的问题等方面。第三,从农民工培训市场的核心机制——市场供求机制入手,通过自身实地调研取得的数据进行实证分析,深入研究我国农民工培训领域存在的问题,以及问题背后的结症所在。在培训需求方面,在对全国农民工培训基本状况进行总结的基础上,借助笔者在成都市的调研数据,对农民工培训需求进行了详细分析;在培训供给方面,重点分析了我国当前现存农民工培训机构的主要类型,培训的主要形式和主要内容,并对培训供给中存在的问题进行了深入探讨。第四,对我国现存的农民工培训模式进行了研究,包括对政府主导型、学校主导型、企业主导型、校企联合型和社区主导型等五种培训模式的总结,和对东莞模式、富平模式和河北农大模式的研究。第五,对国外、特别是经济发达国家的培训模式进行了归纳和总结,其中包括美国模式、加拿大模式、德国模式、法国模式、日本模式、韩国模式等等。在此基础上,对这些模式各自的优缺点和适用性进行了分析。第六,对我国未来时期农民工培训模式的构建进行了深入的探讨。在这个章节中,主要分析了模式构建的总体思路、基本原则、制度设计和“主体主导——信息反馈”培训模式构建等四个方面。最后,对我国农民就业培训提出了相关的政策建议。本研究的主要结果有以下几个方面:1、当前我国农民工就业培训中存在一定的问题。随着我国国民经济的快速发展和城乡流动人口的增加,我国农民工参与培训的人数和规模也在逐步增大。政府出台了一些有针对性的政策措施,加强了对农民工培训的财政经费投入,实施了劳动力转移阳光工程、雨露计划等一系列具有代表性的具体项目,逐步推进了农民工技能培训事业的开展,提高了农民工的科学文化素质和劳动技能水平,大幅提高了农村居民的工资性收入,为农村劳动力转移做出了重要贡献。但是,在具体工作实践中,仍然存在一些重要的问题。例如,在培训的客体方面,农民工对参加培训的观念较为保守、缺乏培训信息获取渠道,经济条件不充裕、拿不出学费等等;培训主体方面,政府部门的农民工培训立法还不够完善、培训资金来源不足,同时还存在缺乏有效的监督考核机制、培训管理体制落后等问题;培训市场则存在信息传导不通畅、信任度不够、培训机构的运营机制不规范等问题。2、我国农民工培训市场上存在“有效需求不足”的情况。本文首先对全国农民工培训需求的基本情况进行了归纳,然后以成都市农民工培训需求的实证调研分析为重点,发现农民工在理论上、逻辑上和思想上存在的、巨大的就业培训需求,并没有有效地转变成行动上的有效培训需求。存在“有效培训需求不足”现象的主要原因有两个方面:其一是农民工主观意识上的局限,其二是客观上的培训制度还不够完善。3、农民工培训市场“有效需求不足”的根本原因是市场的“有效供给不足”。政府培训机构、大中专职业技能学校、企业培训部门和各类民营培训机构是当前我国农民工培训的主体。通过对这些培训机构的运行机制、管理模式、投入机制进行深入分析的基础上,我们发现这些培训主体均存在各自的问题:政府主导型培训机构覆盖面积较小,投入的财政资金有限,各部门之间协调合作的效果不理想;普通企业通常不将农民工视为长期的、值得重点培养的员工,并最终形成“重用轻养”的情况;正规的大中专职业技能学校和社会上民办的培训机构通常收取较高的学费,成为农民工入学的一个“经济阻碍”。在结合供求分析之后,进一步得出,当前我国农民工就业培训的“有效需求不足”和“有效供给不足”相附相依、同时并存。更进一步,这个困境的根源则在于培训主体的资金投入不足,需要政府资金加大扶持和资助力度。4、总结了国内开展成功的农民工培训模式的特点。在对国内各种现存的农民工培训模式进行分类和总结的基础上,重点分析了东莞就业培训模式、北京富平就业培训模式和河北农大技能培训模式。并且指出这三个模式各具办学特色,分别是政府主导型、校企联合型和学校主导型培训模式的重要代表,他们的办学成功之路值得其他同类型的培训机构进行参照和学习。更为重要的是,本文给出了这三种模式的实现条件或适用性。5、在对国外培训的办学特征和模式优点进行系统剖析的基础上,本文发现有完善的培训立法、培训机构与用人单位联系紧密、培训机构组织多元化、培训内容以市场为主导、重视师资配置等五个方面十分值得我国参考和借鉴。北美培训模式中的美国模式和加拿大模式、欧洲模式中的德国模式和法国模式、东亚模式中的日本模式和韩国模式,是当前国外培训开展成功国家的主要培训模式,它们对我国农民工培训的开展均具有一定的借鉴意义。6、通过全文对国内外农民工就业培训相关问题的深入研究,进一步提出了我国未来时期农民工培训的总体思路、基本原则和制度设计。制度设计是我国培训事业有效进行的根本,对此本文提出要重点建立健全法治机制、投入机制、管理机制和考评机制四个方面的内容。与此同时,本文提出了一种具有普适性的“主体主导——信息反馈”的农民工培训模式构架,并且指出:这种模式的核心要求,就是培训主体能够对培训市场和就业市场反馈的各种信息,及时准确地分析,并且有效修正原先培训过程中存在的不足。本文可能存在的创新点有如下几个方面:第一,指出农民工在理论上、逻辑上和思想上存在着巨大的就业培训需求,但并没有有效地转变成行动上的有效培训需求;同时,当前我国农民工就业培训的“有效需求不足”和“有效供给不足”相附相依、同时并存;这个困境的根源则在于培训主体的资金投入不足。第二,详细分析了东莞模式、富平模式、河北农大模式三种典型的成功案例。在此基础上,指出了三种培训模式的实现条件或适用性。第三,本文指出,制度设计是我国农民工模式成功构建的根本,需要重点建立健全法治机制、投入机制、管理机制和考评机制四个方面的内容。同时,本文提出了一种具有普适性的“主体主导——信息反馈”的农民工培训模式构架。

【Abstract】 Training of migrant workers is the key link in the development of industrialization and urbanization in China. It is also very important to improve the income of the farmers and to build a harmonious socialist society. In the last30years, with the deepening of economic reform, freedom of surplus labor from rural to urban have increased significantly. A systematic training of migrant workers, not only can improve the efficiency of labor transfer, but also can enable them to become a major force in cities and towns. At present, the cultural quality of the rural labor force in China is not high. Corresponds to the urban-rural dual economic structure, the structure of urban-rural "dual education" is very distinct. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the problems of China’s migrant workers training and to make recommendations to the mode of training of migrant workers are important issues.In this paper, the main contents include the following aspects:First of all, to define some basic concepts, such as farmers and training and so on. And the human capital theory, labor transfer theory, supply and demand equilibrium theory are summarized. Secondly, it analyzes some problems of the training of migrant workers in China. It included the government’s basic policy on the training of migrant workers, the problems in the management, supervision and services, training market, training institutions and training mechanisms.Third, starting from the market supply and demand mechanism, which is the core mechanism of the training market of migrant workers, we deeply study the problems of the training of migrant workers in China, as well as the reasons behind the problems. On the training needs side, we use the survey data in Chengdu city, make a detailed analysis of the training needs of migrant workers; On the training supply side, the focus of our analysis are the main types of migrant workers training institutions, the main form of training,and main content of training. Fourth, sum up the training mode of the economically developed countries of migrant workers, such as the American model, the Canadian mode, the German model, the French model, the Japanese model, Korean model and so on. On this basis, we analyzes their advantages, disadvantages and applicability. Fifth, we study the training mode of migrant workers in China, such as government-oriented, school-oriented, enterprise-oriented, and community-oriented, and so on. And we detail analyze the Dongguan mode, the Fuping mode and the Agricultural University of Hebei mode. Sixth, we explore how to build the training mode of migrant workers in future. In this section, we analyze three aspects, for example, the general idea, the basic principle and system design. Finally, we present the relevant policy recommendations.The main results of this paper include the following aspects:1, there are some problems in the training of migrant workers in China. With the rapid development of the national economy and the increase in the population of rural-urban migration, the number and scale of migrant workers who need be trained are gradually increased. The government has introduced a number of targeted policy measures, and strengthen the fiscal funding for the training of migrant workers. Meanwhile, the government has implemented a series of specific projects, for example, the transfer of labor Sunshine Project, Rain Plan, and so forth. The government has gradually promote the training of migrant workers project and enhance the cultural quality of the migrant workers and income. This made an important contribution for the transfer of rural labor. However, in the specific work practice, there are still some important questions. For example, on the side of object of the training, the concept of farmers to participate in the training is conservative, they lack of training access to obtaining information, their economic conditions are not sufficient, they take no tuition, and so on; On the side of training body, the vocational training legislation is still not perfect, there are insufficient funding, there is a lack of effective supervision and evaluation mechanism, and there are some defects in training management system, and so on.2, there is a lack of "effective demand" in the training market of migrant workers in China. First, this paper analyzes the basic situation of the national training needs of migrant workers. Second, the research focused on training needs of Chengdu city, we found there is a lack of "effective training needs" of migrant workers too. There are two main reasons:First, the limitations on the subjective awareness of migrant workers, and second, the training system is not perfect. 3, there are their own problems in the different training body. Government-led training institutions cover a small area, their financial funds invested is also limited, there are not effective coordination and cooperation between the various departments; Companies companies often do not treat the migrant workers as a long-term training object; Vocational schools usually charge higher tuition fees. The combined analysis of supply and demand, we have come to the result that,"insufficient effective demand" and "lack of effective supply exist at the same time in training of migrant workers in China. The reason for this dilemma is the lack of funding from training body.4, this paper summarizes the characteristics of successful domestic training mode of migrant workers. On this basis, we focus on analyzing the the Dongguan mode, the Fuping mode and the Agricultural University of Hebei mode. And we point out that, these three models have different features. They are important representative of the government-led mode, colleges-oriented, enterprises and schools combined mode.5, on the basis of analyzing the characteristics and advantages of the foreign training of migrant workers, we find that some aspects worthy of our attention. For example, improve the legislation, training institutions and the employer are closely linked, diversification of training institutions, market-oriented, pay attention to the allocation of teachers, and so on. The North American vocational training mode, the European mode and the East Asian mode all carry out a successful training mode. they carry out the training of migrant workers in Chinaa certain significance. There are important guiding role for us.6, this paper presents the general idea of the training of migrant workers in the next period, the basic principle and system design. The design of the system is the basic of China’s vocational training. In this paper, we point out four aspects, they are:to improve the rule of law mechanisms, input mechanism, management mechanism and evaluation mechanism.In this paper, the possible innovations are as follows:1, points out that the migrant workers there is tremendous employment training needs in theory, logic and thought, but did not effectively into effective action on the training demand; at the same time, the current employment training of the rural migrant workers in China "insufficient effective demand" and "effective supply" attached together, at the same time; the root causes trouble is the lack of funding for training subject.2, a detailed analysis of the Dongguan mode, Fuping mode, Hebei Nongda three modes of typical successful cases. On this basis, points out the realization or the applicability conditions of the three kinds of training mode.3, this paper points out that, system design is the basic model of China’s migrant workers were constructed successfully, the need to focus on establishing and perfecting the legal system, investment system, four aspects of management mechanism and evaluation mechanism of the content. At the same time, this paper presents a kind of universal "dominant migrant workers training framework information feedback"

【关键词】 农民农民工培训模式
【Key words】 FarmersMigrant workersVocational trainingMode

