

Studies on the Multy-pillar Pension Insurance System of China’s Landless Peasants

【作者】 冼青华

【导师】 孙蓉;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 保险学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 对于失地农民养老保险问题的研究,国内以往主要侧重于社会保险或者商业保险的角度进行研究,或者从事某一方面如保险基金的筹集与监督管理、保障水平的确立、征地补偿的测算等的研究。结合国内外养老保险的多层次改革、社会保险与商业保险融合发展的趋势,本文主要从宏观的角度对我国失地农民多层次养老保险体系进行研究。具体地,从失地农民的特殊性及其原因、失地农民多层次养老保险体系的框架设计及其正常运行的对策建议和配套措施等几方面展开研究。本文的研究基于以下背景。新中国成立后,随着现代工业化的建设,启动了中国的城市化历程。伴随着我国的工业化和城市化进程的加快,不断征用农地,大量的农民从土地中剥离出来,形成了特殊群体——失地农民。农民被动地离开了土地,失去了基本生活资料和附属于土地的所有保障,面临生存、就业和养老等各种压力,未来生活的不确定性和老年经济风险突然增加。直到目前为止,还没有一个国家统一的政策,为他们提供社会保险。然而,其他的群体都纳入了基本的养老保险范围,城镇职工、机关事业单位职工、农村居民和城镇居民分别由城镇职工养老保险、机关事业单位职工养老制度、新型农村养老保险和城镇居民养老保险保障。唯独失地农民成为养老保险的真空地带,失地农民难以承受巨大的生存和养老压力,不满情绪日益膨胀,有的甚至被逼走上维权之路,因征地引发的群体事件屡屡发生。本文的篇章结构安排如下:导论:提出本文所研究的问题,阐明了研究背景和研究意义,对国内外研究现状进行梳理和评述,阐述论文的研究方法、研究思路及总体框架,指出论文可能的创新点和存在的不足。第1章:失地农民养老保险的基本理论。本章立足于土地的保障功能及老年保障风险,诠释失地农民养老保险的基本理论。阐述了土地的功能以及对农民的重要意义;界定失地农民的概念并与农民和农民工进行比较;分析老年风险及人们对养老保险的需求;阐述了养老保险的基础理论并以此确定了本文研究失地农民多层次养老保险体系的理论基点。第2章:失地农民产生的背景及其安置政策的国际比较。本章在对我国城市化的进程及特征、中国土地征用政策的变迁以及对失地农民的安置政策的演变进行历史分析的基础上,就发达国家和发展中国家的失地农民的产生及安置政策和失地农民养老保险制度等与我国进行比较分析,旨在总结经验与教训。第3章:中国失地农民养老问题的特殊性及现行的养老保险措施。本章论述了失地农民养老问题的特殊性在于农民失地后总体生活水平下降导致抗风险能力减弱、传统的养老保障功能迅速弱化和人口老龄化等;分析失地农民养老问题的原因有土地征用制度存在缺陷、征地中政府职责的错位和城乡养老保险的二元结构等;阐述并评价了现行的失地农民养老保险措施及其不足。第4章:中国失地农民多层次养老保险体系的框架设计。本章基于失地农民养老保险的特殊性和政府责任的体现、不同保障需要的满足、风险共担的实现、商业保险优势的发挥以及非经济因素等分析,论证了构建失地农民多层次养老保险体系的必要性与可行性。构建失地农民三层次的养老保险体系,应包括第一层次的基本养老保险,第二层次强制性的专业年金,即补充养老保险,第三层次的个人储蓄养老保险,并对各层次定位及其关系进行阐明。第5章:中国失地农民多层次养老保险体系运行的对策建议。本章论述了在保证失地农民多层次养老保险体系正常运行五个方面的对策建议,包括建立科学的筹资机制、确定合理的保障水平、多层次中各层次的协调发展、强化基本养老保险个人账户基金的私营化管理和拓展商业性养老保险市场。第6章:中国失地农民多层次养老保险体系运行的配套措施。本章立足于我国国情,为创造良好的宏观环境,需要以下的配套措施:土地管理制度的改革与完善、安置途径的多元化、就业服务的强化以及与相关养老保险制度的衔接、鼓励家庭养老和提供非缴费性的养老保险。第7章:本文的结尾部分,提炼了本研究的基本结论,展望了这一领域未来的研究方向。本文可能的创新之处包括以下三个方面:第一,研究视角的创新。国内现有关于失地农民养老保险的研究,多侧重于某一方面,比如保险模式(即主张政府型或者商业型的养老保险)、保险基金的筹集与监督管理、保障水平的确立、征地补偿的测算等,缺乏系统性的深入研究。本文尝试结合社会保险、保险学与福利经济学理论,系统研究失地农民养老保险制度,初步确立了构建失地农民多层次养老保险体系的框架。第二,本文基于失地农民养老问题的特殊性与多层次养老保险的基础理论,构建了三层次失地农民养老保险体系,并提出在养老保险体系中的第二层次实行强制性的专业年金,与第三层次自愿性的个人储蓄相结合,作为对基本养老保险补充的建议。本文提出的失地农民多层次养老保险体系,融合了世界银行提出的五个层次养老保险体系的思路和国外对城市化进程中的剩余劳动力养老保险安置的实践经验,对解决中国失地农民的养老保险问题提供了思路。这一体系的构建,通过社会保险与商业保险有机结合,充分利用社会资源,有利于实现失地农民养老保险在国家、集体、个人和用地单位的风险共担,提高养老保险体系的运行效率。第三,提出了基本养老保险盯紧社会平均工资的观点和建立了基本养老保险统筹部分保险缴费额的精算模型。虽然我国城镇职工养老保险实施统账结合的模式运行了将近20年,但是到目前为止,养老金水平调节机制没有确立。本文在总结了我国城镇职工养老保险金调节规律的基础上,运用基本养老金给付结构的基础理论,提出基本养老保险金盯紧社会平均工资的建议。同时,立足失地农民基本养老保险统账结合的运行模式和大部分选择趸缴保险费的特征,尝试建立了统筹部分保险缴费额的精算模型,为明确政府在投保时的财政责任提供了依据。

【Abstract】 Traditional domestic studies on landless peasant’s pension insurance focus on the perspective of social insurance and commercial insurance, or on certain aspects like the funding and supervising; the establishment of security levels; and the calculation of compensation for the land requisition, etc. With the trend of multi-pillar pension insurance reform as well as the integration development of social insurance and commercial insurance, this dissertation aims to study the multi-pillar pension insurance system of China’s landless peasants from a macro point of view, specifically, from the particularity of landless peasants and its causes, from the framework designing of landless peasant’s multi-pillar pension system and the guarantee and supporting measures for its operation.This dissertation is based on the following background. China has launched the urbanization process since the construction of the modern industrialization since1949. Along with the accelerated process of industrialization and urbanization, lots of agricultural lands have been expropriated continuously and a mass of farmers have been spun off from their lands. A special group of landless peasants comes into being. These farmers passively leave the lands, losing their basic subsistence and all the guarantees attached to the lands and have to face such pressures as survival, employment and pension. The uncertainty of future life and the risk of aging economic risks have been suddenly increased. So far, there is not a national policy to provide them with social insurance. However, other groups, like urban employees, public institution staff, rural residents and urban residents are all covered by the pension insurance system. Landless peasants find it unbearable for them to shoulder the huge survival and pension pressures, and their discontent is swelling. They are forced to protect their own rights so that mass incidents are triggered frequently due to the land acquisition.The dissertation is organized as follows:Introduction:This chapter presents the research issues. It clarifies the research background and its significance; sorts out and comments on the research status at home and abroad; states the research approaches, research ideas and the overall framework, and points out the innovation and its inadequacies.Chapter1:The basic theories of landless peasant’s pension insurance. Based on the land guarantee function of lands and the pension risk of aging, this chapter interpretes the basic theories of landless peasant’s pension insurance. It elaborates the function of the land and its importance to the farmers; defines the concept of landless peasants and compares it with farmers and migrant workers; analyzes the risk of aging, and the demand for pension insurance; expounds the basic theory of pension insurance and determines the theoretical basis of multi-pillar pension insurance system in this dissertation.Chapter2:International Comparison of the background of landless peasants and its resettlement policies. This chapter aims to sum up experience and lessons by historically analyzing the process and characteristics of China’s urbanization, the changes of China’s land acquisition policies and the evolution of the resettlement policies for landless peasants, and by comparing it with the emergement of landless peasants, the resettlement policies and pension insurance systems in the developed and developing countries.Chapter3:The particularity of China landless peasant’s pension problem and its actual measures of pension insurance. This chapter points out that the particularity of landless peasants’pension problems lies in the declining living standard, the weakening of the risk resist ability, the fading of traditional pension security function, as well as the aging of the population. It analyzes that the cause of all the problems involves the defects of land requisition system, government responsibilities misplacement of land expropriation, and the dual structure of urban and rural pension insurance, etc. It also elaborates the current measures for the landless peasant’s pension insurance and their shortcomings.Chapter4:The framework designing of multi-pillar pension insurance system for landless peasants in China. This chapter demonstrates the necessity to build up a multi-pillar pension insurance system for landless peasants, based on the analysis of the following aspects:the particularity of landless peasants, manifestation of the government responsibility, to meet the different security needs, to realize the risk sharing, to take advantage of the commercial insurance and non-economic factors. The three pillars of the pension insurance system includes the first pillar of the compulsory basic pension insurance, the second pillar of the mandatory professional pension, the third pillar of the voluntary personal savings. It elaborates orientation of each pillar and their relationship thoroughly, and designs the single premium and the operating mode of each pillar.Chapter5:The countermeasures for operating the landless peasant’s multi-pillar pension insurance system. This chapter discusses the guarantee measures to ensure the normal operation of the landless peasant’s multi-pillar pension insurance system from five aspects:designing scientific funding mechanisms, determining a reasonable security level, the coordinated development of each pillar, strengthening the management of privatization for personal accounts fund of the basic pension insurance, to expand the market of commercial pension insurance.Chapter6:The supporting countermeasures for operating the landless peasant’s multi-pillar pension insurance system in China. Based on China’s national situation, this chapter suggests the following supporting measures to create a favorable macroeconomic environment:to reform and improve the land administration system, to diversify the resettlement approaches, to strengthen the employment services, to converge with the relevant pension insurance system, to encourage family care for old age and provide non-payment pension insurance.Chapter7:The closing of the dissertation refines the essential conclusions of this study and blueprints future researches in this field.The innovation of this dissertation may include the following three aspects:First, the innovation of research perspective. The existing domestic researches on the pension insurance to the landless peasants mostly focus on one aspect, such as insurance models (etc, to advocate government or commercial pension insurance), fund raising and supervising, the establishment of the security level, and the calculation of compensation for the land requisition, etc. However there has appeared no systematic in-depth study. This dissertation combines the theories of social insurance, insurance and welfare economics to study the landless peasant’s pension insurance system, and establishes the framework of multi-pillar pension insurance system for landless peasants.Second, based on the particularity of the pension problems of the landless peasants and the basic theory of multi-pillar pension insurance, the dissertation has initially built the three pillars of the pension insurance system for landless peasants, and advanced the implementation to combine the mandatory professional pension and the voluntary personal savings in the second pillar and the third pillar of the pension insurance system as a supplement to the basic pension insurance. Building China’s landless peasants multi-pillar pension insurance system is the integration of the idea of pension insurance system proposed by the World Bank and the practical experience from foreign pension insurance placement of surplus labor in the process of urbanization, providing the ideas of solving the problem of landless peasant’s pension insurance in China. The building of this system combines the social insurance and commercial insurance to make full use of social resources and realize the.risk-sharing for the landless peasant pension insurance in the state, the collective, individual and land units, to improve the operating efficiency of the pension insurance system.Third, the dissertation proposes the perspective of keeping an eye on the social average salary and initially establishment the actuarial model of Basic Pension Insurance premiums. Although the pension insurance for urban workers in China has been implemented for nearly20years, the pension adjustment mechanism is not established so far. In summing up the rules of China’s urban workers pension insurance regulation, the dissertation applies the fundamental theory of the basic pension payment structure, and proposes that the basic pension insurance should keep an eye on the social average salary. At the same time, based on the characteristics of landless peasant’s pension insurance operation, it has established the actuarial model of Basic Pension Insurance premiums and provided the basis for a clear fiscal responsibility of the government.


