

Research on Organic Agriculture and Industrialization Development In China

【作者】 黄惠英

【导师】 何永芳;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 有机农业是常规农业的一种替代形式,是一种可持续发展农业。常规农业近几十年在全球得到了快速发展,在为人类提供大量丰富农产品的同时,也给人类的生存带来了一定的潜在危害。常规农业使用的化肥和农药残留在农产品中,对人类的健康存在潜在危害;使土壤的有机质含量下降,土壤结板,整体生产力退化;农药和化肥流入水中会引起水富营养化;释放于空气中会增加空气的温室效应;毒害自然界的生物,减少生物多样性。常规农业对人类以及生态环境的负面效应越来越引起人类的注意。近几年,随着人们的温饱问题得以解决,收入逐渐增加,消费水平不断提高,人们开始关注食品安全问题,积极寻求一种能替代常规农业生产方式的可持续发展农业生产方式,有机农业生产方式就是其中一种。2010年中央1号文件提出,加快农产品质量安全监管体系和检验检测体系建设,积极发展无公害农产品、绿色食品、有机农产品。这为有机农业的发展奠定了基础。有机农业可以为人类提供安全性较高的农产品,改善人类健康;保护生态环境,并修复已经恶化的生态环境,减少农业面源污染,降低农业对不可再生资源的消耗;有机农业是劳动密集型农业,可以提高农民在当地的就业率。市场上的有机农产品的价格高于常规农产品,较高的有机农业收益可以增加有机农业生产者的收入。有机农业的显性功能与隐性功能越来越被人们所认可。目前,有机农业在全球已经进入平稳发展时期,世界各国在遵循自然规律以及生态学原理的基础上对有机农产品的产地、生产过程、加工、储运等都做了相关的规定并制定了相关标准,成立了有机农业认证机构。中国在20世纪80年代才开始发展有机农业,发展初期的主要目的是为了出口创汇,国内市场几乎没有有机农产品销售额。但由于最近十几年,中国的食品安全事件层出不穷,人们越来越关注食品的安全性。中国的市场销售份额开始不断增加,中国有机农业的生产规模随之不断扩大。为了保证有机农产品从“田间到餐桌”全过程的安全性,发展有机农业产业化很有必要。在中国,有机农业产业化模式主要有:有机农业公司带动型、有机农业专业合作社带动型、有机农场带动型。不同的有机农业产业化模式,所产生的生态效益、社会效益、经济效益在综合效益中的重要性系数也不同。中国不同规模类型城市应该根据本地区的经济发展水平以及社会、生态环境特点选择适合本地区有机农业产业化发展的最优模式,从而有效地促进有机农业及其产业化快速发展。全文除绪论外,主要从以下几个方面展开研究。第一,结合可持续发展理论、生态经济理论、循环经济理论分析有机农业的发展原理以及有机农业与这些基础理论之间的关系;分析有机农业产业化的基础理论,制度创新理论、交易成本理论、分工协作理论、规模经济理论,论述有机农业产业化与基础理论的关系,为本文的研究提供理论基础。综述国内外有关有机农业以及有机农业产业化的研究文献,并进行评述,为本研究提供基础资料。在有机农业及其产业化基础理论与文献综述的基础上,论述发展有机农业及其产业化的潜在效益以及隐性效益,论证本研究主题的必要性。第二,发展有机农业及其产业化具有重要意义。世界各国早已认识到这一点。大约在20世纪初,有机农业开始萌芽,世界有机农业发展历程可以分为:萌芽阶段、扩展阶段、快速发展阶段、平稳发展阶段。在发展过程中,世界有机农业出现各洲、各国有机农业面积发展不平衡以及有机农业种植面积与生产者人数不成正比的特点,而且消费市场主要集中于欧洲与北美洲,出口国主要集中于亚洲和拉丁美洲。但随着有机农业的进一步发展,国际有机农业组织逐渐增加,而且各国为了减少有机农产品贸易壁垒,开始实施有机农产品等效互认标准。世界有机农产品的供给和需求都在不断增加,发展中国家的有机农产品消费增长率将超过发达国家。中国有机农业开始于20世纪80年代,经历了萌芽阶段、起步阶段、发展阶段。目前,中国有机农业在全国各地发展不平衡,主要集中于东北三省、内蒙古以及山东省,而且中国有机农产品品种少,结构比较单一。中国最初生产的有机农产品主要是为了出口,2003年,国内市场开始扩大,目前,国内市场销售额已经超过出口额。消费群体主要集中于北京、上海、广州、天津等一线城市。中国发展有机农业面临的主要问题有:“诚信”问题,生产地比较偏远、分散,政府支持力度不够。但在将来,中国的有机农产品生产规模会逐步扩大,市场体系将会不断完善,品种将趋于多元化。第三,本研究的核心即有机农业及其产业化发展研究。在研究了世界与中国有机农业发展之后,本文又分别研究国内外主要有机农业产业化主要模式。国外的有机农业产业化主要模式有:合作经济组织模式,有机农场模式,有机农业公司模式;国内的有机农业产业化模式主要有:有机农业公司带动型,有机农业合作社带动型,有机农场带动型,并对国内三种主要模式在经营目的、经营范围、模式的优劣势上进行了比较。第四,通过问卷调查获得有关北京市有机农业及其产业化的相关数据,并了解不同模式对生态效益、经济效益、社会效益的不同指标有什么不同的影响。然后请有关专家对有机农业公司带动型模式、有机农业专业合作社带动型模式、有机农场带动型模式在有机农业产业化过程中所产生的生态效益、社会效益、经济效益以及影响三种效益的各种不同指标赋值。结合专家的评分表以及问卷数据,用层次分析法分析有机农业产业化主要模式所产生的生态效益、社会效益、经济效益在综合效益中的比重、不同模式所产生的各种效益的重要性系数以及对每种效益所包含的不同指标的影响程度。第五,结合实证分析结果,提出我国加快有机农业及其产业化发展的几点思考,不同规模类型城市根据区域经济、社会、生态发展特征选择适宜的有机农业产业化模式,并针对不同规模类型城市如何促进本区域最优有机农业产业化模式发展提出政策建议。本文主要创新有:(1)本文通过实证研究发现,有机农业产业化产生的生态效益、社会效益、经济效益这三种效益中,生态效益在综合效益中的比重最大,其次为经济效益,社会效益比重最小。在生态效益的各项指标中,有机农业生产方式对提高土壤有机质含量以及保持生物多样性的正面效应很显著;在经济效益各项指标中,农业人均纯收入的效应很显著;在社会效益的各项指标中,减少单位投资有毒物质的含量的效应很显著。(2)本文研究发现:在有机农业产业化各种模式中,有机农业公司带动型产生的经济效益最显著,有机农业专业合作社带动型产生的社会效益最显著,而且有机农业专业合作社带动型对有机农业产业化产生的生态效益、社会效益、经济效益的平衡性也最好,有机农场带动型产生的生态效益最显著。(3)分别结合特大及巨大城市、大城市、中小城市的经济水平,消费状况,社会以及生态特征研究发现:特大及巨大城市发展有机农业产业化的最优模式是有机农场带动型模式,大城市的最优模式是有机农业专业合作社带动型模式,中小城市的最优模式是有机农业公司带动型模式。(4)本文认为,规模类型不同的城市,发展有机农业的政策应有所差异。特大及巨大城市促进有机农场发展的主要政策应是:建立有机农场政策登记制度,完善土地流转机制,为有机农场主提供一定的综合素质培训,加大对有机农场的政策倾斜。大城市促进有机农业专业合作社的主要政策应是:大力宣传合作思想,提高农民对合作社的认识;加大对合作社的扶持力度,完善外部规章制度,为合作社创造良好发展环境;对合作社的带头人进行免费技术、相关政策等培训,以提高合作社的整体竞争力;协助合作社制定相关规章制度,提高合作社的运作效率。中小城市促进有机农业公司发展的政策应是:积极引进有实力的有机农业公司,加强农村基础设施建设,拓展融资渠道,监督有机农业公司和农户的履约率。本研究的主要不足之处有:论文中有关北京市有机农业及其产业化的数据是由笔者问卷调查获得的,对北京市有机农业产业化经营的效益研究数据是由专家打分而得,因此,数据还不够全面。文中涉及国外有机农业的发展历程、发展现状,国外有机农业产业化主要模式的文献还不充分,难以深入研究相关问题。这些不足之处,在以后的研究中还需完善。

【Abstract】 Organic agriculture is an alternative form of conventional agriculture, and it is a kind of sustainable development. Conventional agriculture gets the rapid development in recent decades in the world, provides a number of rich agricultural products at the same time, also brought a certain potential hazards to human survival. On the one hand, the food safety problem is more and more, such as "instant chicken" events, drunkard wine "plasticizer","salmonella" in the United States, Belgium "dioxins", and so on. On the other hand, conventional agriculture has much problems, such as use of fertilizer and pesticide residues in agricultural products, potential hazards to the health of human beings, soil organic matter content decreased, soil knot board, the overall productivity degradation, pesticides and fertilizers into the water will cause in the eutrophication, release in the air will increase the greenhouse effect of the air, poisons creatures of nature, reducing biodiversity. Conventional agriculture more and more negative effects on human and ecological environment caused by human’s attention. In recent years, as to solve the problem of food and clothing of people, increasing income, consumption level rise ceaselessly, people begin to pay close attention to food safety problems and actively searching for an alternative to conventional farming way of sustainable development of agricultural production. Organic agriculture is a kind of agricultural sustainable development.Speeds up the agricultural product safety supervision system and the examination system, develop the pollution-free agricultural products, green food and organic gricultural products, all above is mentioned in Central file No.12010.This laid the foundation for the development of organic agriculture. Organic farming can provide human with safe agricultural products, improve human health, repair and protect the deteriorated ecological environment, reduce agricultural non-point source pollution, reduce agricultural consumption of non-renewable resources. Organic agriculture is labor-intensive agriculture, it can improve the local employment rate. The organic agricultural products on the market price is higher than that of conventional agricultural products, high organic agricultural yields can increase the income of agricultural producers. The dominant and recessive functions of organic agriculture are accepted by human. At present, the development of organic agriculture in the world has entered a steady development period, all countries in the world to follow the natural rules and ecology principle on the basis of the origin, and pay close attention to production process of organic agricultural products, processing, storage and transportation, etc. All countries have made related regulations and formulate the relevant standards, set up organic certification bodies.China started to develop organic agriculture in the1980s, the main purpose of the development initial period is in order to earn foreign exchange through exports, domestic sales almost no organic agricultural products market. But in recent years, China’s food safety incidents are not group, people pay more and more attention to the safety of food. China’s share of the market sales began to increase, China’s organic agricultural production scale expands unceasingly. In order to ensure organic agricultural products from field to table process of the country’s security, organic agriculture industrialization is necessary. In China, organic agriculture industrialization pattern mainly contains three kinds:leading by organic agriculture company, leading by professional cooperatives organic agricultural,and leading by organic farm. Produced by different organic agricultural industrialization mode, ecological benefits, social benefits and economic benefits in the importance of the total benefits coefficient is different also. Chinese cities at all levels should be based on the region’s economic and social development level, ecological environment characteristics choose to suit the optimal model of organic agriculture industrialization in this region, so as to effectively promote the industrialization of organic farming and its rapid development.In addition to the introduction, the research mainly from the following several aspects to study.First, combining the theory of sustainable development, ecological economics theory, the circular economy theory analysis principle of the development of organic agriculture and organic agriculture and the relationship between basic theory; The basis of analyzing the organic agriculture industrialization theory, the system innovation theory, transaction cost theory, division of labor cooperation theory, scale economy theory bidding spree discusses the relationship between organic agriculture industrialization and the basic theory, which provides the theoretical foundation for the research of this paper. Summarized domestic and foreign research literature about organic agriculture and organic agriculture industrialization, and the literature review, provide basic data for this study. Based on organic agriculture and organic agriculture industrialization theory and on the basis of literature review, expounds the development of organic agriculture and organic agriculture industrialization as well as the potential benefits of recessive benefit, demonstrates the necessity of this research topic.Second, the development of organic agriculture and its industrialization is of great significance, countries around the world have already realize this. About at the beginning of the20th century, the organic farming began to sprout off. The organic agriculture development can be divided into several stages, as embryonic, expansion, rapid development, and stable stage of development. In the process of development, different states and countries organic farming area of unbalanced development and the characteristic of agricultural acreage is out of step with the number of producers, and consumer market mainly concentrated in Europe and North America, the exporter mainly concentrated in Asia and Latin America. But with the further development of organic agriculture, and gradually increase the international organic agriculture organization, and countries in order to reduce the organic agricultural products trade barriers, began to implement organic produce equivalent mutual recognition of standards. The organic agricultural products supply and demand is growing, organic agricultural products consumption growth in the developing world will be more than the developed countries. Organic agriculture began in the1980s, China has experienced the embryonic stage, early stage, stage of development. China organic agriculture, unbalanced development in all parts of the country, mainly concentrated in the three northeastern provinces, Inner Mongolia and ShanDong, and organic agricultural products in China, less structure is single. China’s first production of organic agricultural products mainly for export, in2003, began to expand in the domestic market. At present, the domestic market sales more than exports. Consumer groups are mainly concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin and other cities. Of the main problems in the development of organic agriculture in China contains:"bad faith", production is relatively remote, dispersion, insufficient support from the government. But in the future, China’s organic agricultural products will gradually expand the scale of production, the market system will continue to improve, varieties will be diversified.Third, the core of this research is the organic agriculture and its industrialization. Having studied the organic agriculture development of world and China, respectively, research at home and abroad mainly organic agricultural industrialization model. Foreign main organic agricultural industrialization mode, such as organization for economic cooperation pattern, the organic farm model, organic agricultural company model. Domestic organic agriculture industrialization patterns, such as, leading by organic agriculture company, leading by professional cooperatives organic agricultural,and leading by organic farm. And the three typical modes in domestic business purpose, scope of business, mode of advantages and disadvantages were compared.Fourth, this article through the questionnaire survey to obtain the relevant data of Beijing organic agriculture and the industrialization, the understanding of different management pattern of ecological benefit, economic benefit, social benefit what are the different effects of different indexes. Then ask experts assign a value for organic agricultural company model, organic agricultural professional cooperatives, organic farm in organic agriculture industrialization produced in the process of ecological benefits, social benefits and economic benefits. Combination of expert assessment and questionnaire data, use the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis of organic agriculture industrialization main mode of ecological benefits, social benefits and economic benefits in the proportion of comprehensive benefits, different patterns of all kinds of benefits and the importance coefficient of each benefit contains the influence degree of different indicators.Fifth, combined with the empirical analysis result, proposed our country in some thoughts on accelerating the development of organic agriculture and the industrialization, the different scale cities according to the characteristics of regional economic, social and ecological development suitable organic agricultural industrialization mode, according to different scale cities how to promote this region optimal organic agriculture industrialization development mode put forward policy suggestions.This article main innovation includes:(1)In this article, through the empirical study found that organic agriculture industrialization of ecological benefits, social benefits and economic benefits of the three benefits, ecological benefits in the proportion of comprehensive benefit is the largest, followed by economic benefit, social benefit proportion is minimal. In the indicators of ecological benefits, organic agricultural production mode to improve the positive effects of soil organic matter content, and maintain biological diversity is significant; In economic efficiency indicators, per capita net income of agriculture effect is very significant; In the indicators of social benefit, reduce unit investment poisonous substance content effect is very significant.(2)Found in this study are:in the organic agricultural industrialization patterns, leading by organic agriculture company produce economic benefit is the most significant, organic agricultural professional cooperatives of the most significant social benefits, and organic agricultural professional cooperatives to organic agriculture industrialization of ecological benefits, social benefits and economic benefits of balance, the organic farms produce the ecological benefits of the most significant.(3)Respectively in combination with consumption, social and ecological characteristics of extra large and giant cities, large cities, small and medium-sized cities, found that extra large and giant cities the development of organic agriculture industrialization of optimal model is organic farms, large cities the optimal model is organic agricultural professional cooperatives, small and medium-sized cities of optimal model is organic agricultural company model.(4)The author believes that the scale type of different cities, the development of organic agriculture policies should vary. Extra large and huge city main policy should be to promote the development of organic farming, such as registration system established organic farm policy, improve the land circulation mechanism, provide a certain amount of comprehensive quality training for organic farmers, increase the organic farming policy tilt. In big cities, to promote organic agricultural professional cooperatives shall be one of the main policy,and include vigorously promote cooperation ideas, raising farmers’ understanding of the cooperative. Increase support to cooperatives, improve the external rules and regulations, create good development environment for cooperatives. Provide free technology training for the leader of cooperatives, to improve the overall competitiveness of cooperatives. Cooperatives in planning of relevant rules and regulations, improve the operational efficiency of the cooperatives. Small and medium-sized cities to promote the development of organic agriculture company policy should be:actively introduce organic agriculture company with strength, strengthen rural infrastructure construction, expanding the financing channels, supervision company and peasant household the execution rate of organic agriculture.Due to the limitation of academic background and literature data collection is limited, the main shortcomings of this study are:The paper data on organic agriculture and organic agriculture industrialization in Beijing is obtained by the questionnaire survey, organic agriculture industrialization in Beijing the benefit of the study data is by the expert scoring and, therefore, the data is not comprehensive enough. Abroad to the development of organic agriculture were also involved, development present situation, the relevant typical organic agricultural industrialization management pattern of foreign literature is not enough, difficult to in-depth study related issues.


