

Research on the Subject of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Ecology

【作者】 王东强

【导师】 曾狄;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化、政治民主化、社会多元化和文化融通化趋势的不断深入,全员育人成为必然之势。中共中央国务院印发的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》从政策层面对高校思想政治教育主体合作提出了新的要求,推动了高校思想政治教育主体理论研究和实践建设的不断创新。虽然不同高校思想政治教育主体根本的价值取向是一致的,但是在我国高校思想政治教育现实实践中,思想政治教育主体围绕各自的思想政治教育具体工作目标,践行着不同的思想政治教育方式,责任失衡、合作程度不高,却是不争的事实。这种“各自为政”的局面造成高校思想政治主体生态链的“断裂”,全员育人的实效性大打折扣。在学科交叉研究日益突出的背景下,本论文试图在生态学跨学科分析框架下进行高校思想政治教育主体研究,期望能进一步明确和深化高校思想政治教育主体之间相互联系、相互影响、相互依存内在规律的认识,进而为提高大学生思想政治教育实效性提高理论依据和现实参考。全文共分为六章,其逻辑结构和基本内容如下:导论。本部分对论文的研究背景和研究意义,研究思路、主要内容、研究方法,创新与不足等方面进行了介绍。此外,本部分还以高校思想政治教育主体为主题词从多个相关领域进行了文献综述,认为目前高校思想政治教育主体研究,宏观叙事取向明显,主体互动和衔接的协同理论研究完整性不足,尤其从生态学方面进行高校思想政治教育主体的研究更是鲜有涉及,这给后人在跨学科性视域下进行高校思想政治教育主体研究留下了广阔的空间。具体来看,现有文献在规范性研究、学理性研究、对策性研究等方面还有待于进一步探讨。第一章,本文的相关理论基础。本部分运用文献研究法,旨在掌握和明晰高校思想政治教育主体研究的理论基础。根据研究的目的和任务,通过大量查阅、搜集、鉴别、整理相关文献资料,对马克思主义主体理论、基础理论(主要包括系统科学理论、生态学理论)、具体理论(主要包括主体教育论、教育生态学理论和思想政治教育生态理论)的核心思想和主要观点进行了系统性的归纳和分析,形成了对高校思想政治教育主体研究的科学认识,特别是构成了高校思想政治教育主体研究的生态学理论基础。第二章,高校思想政治教育主体体系生态性建构。本部分旨在把高校思想政治教育主体研究纳入生态学分析框架,对高校思想政治教育主体进行全面地建构性研究。本文尝试性地从生态学角度界定了高校思想政治教育主体的概念并阐释了其基本内涵,提出高校思想政治教育主体是“在高校思想政治教育生态环境中,为了实现思想政治教育的价值取向,从事高校思想政治教育活动的个人和组织机构交互作用、协同进化而形成的纵横交错、有机统一的生态系统”;接着本文高度概括了高校思想政治教育主体的共生性、交互性、层次性、动态性、成长性等生态特征。在主体要素构成的生态原则指导下,本文对高校思想政治教育主体结构进行了纵向主体和横向主体的划分、空间构造的分析并剖析了相应的生态功能。第三章,高校思想政治教育主体生态问题分析。本部分旨在全面揭示高校思想政治教育主体的发展现状、现实困境及其深层原因,进而深入把握影响高校思想政治教育实效性的关键环节和核心要素。近年来,我国高校思想政治教育主体发展的政策环境不断优化,主体系统不断完善,全员育人模式不断丰富,推动了高校思想政治教育主体理论研究和实践建设的发展和创新。但是,思想政治教育主体本身仍然存在诸多问题。本部分运用生态学理论,针对高校思想政治教育纵向主体衔接失效、横向主体互动不足、主体生态环境“雾霾化”等方面的一系列问题,从生态学的视角反思了高校思想政治教育主体价值理念、思维方式、行为规范、能力水平的不足和缺陷。第四章,高校思想政治教育纵向主体衔接的生态机理。本部分旨在尝试用生态学话语体系来表述或刻画高校思想政治教育主体衔接机理,有效地描述与探索高校思想政治教育主体衔接的复杂性现象及其内在关系。针对主体衔接机理问题,本部分阐述了高校思想政治教育纵向主体内在的介体循环传递机理、主体生态链运行机理、主体系统稳态机理、主体界面生态机理,以生态学视角探讨了高校思想政治教育主体系统在空间上展开的各组成部分相互联系、作用方式和时间上存在和发展的形态与关系,明确了纵向主体间各个环节、各个层次之间本质的、必然的联系。第五章,高校思想政治教育横向主体互动的生态机理。本部分旨在借用生态学理论体系对高校思想政治教育横向主体之间相互作用、耦合联动的规律做出探索性解释。根据生态学研究方法,可以把高校思想政治教育主体实践作为生态行为过程。在此基础上,本文并不限于对高校思想政治教育横向主体互动问题的原则性讨论,而是在生态学跨学科分析框架下探讨了高校思想政治教育主体序差互动、竞争合作、群体动力的基本机理。同时,高校思想政治教育横向主体互动的协同机理主要表现在主体共生态理念整合、主体相互支撑和渗透、利益是主体协同的纽带等三个方面。上述分析进一步明确和深化了高校思想政治教育主体之间相互联系、相互影响、相互依存内在规律的认识,为进一步提高大学生思想政治教育实效性奠定了学理基础。第六章,高校思想政治教育主体生态优化对策。高校思想政治教育主体生态优化对策是本文研究的最终归属和落脚点,理论研究与问题分析均以其为服务目标。本部分基于高校思想政治教育主体衔接和互动的生态机理,根据生态学和新制度经济学等相关理论和分析方法,构建了高校思想政治教育主体有效衔接和良性互动的有效机制和配套制度。根据生态学和人力资源管理理论,针对高校思想政治教育主体协作实效性问题,本部分为高校思想政治教育主体有效衔接和良性互动提供了可资借鉴的生态性评价体系。综上所述,本文通过借用生态学语言、运用生态学原理以及生态学方法,有效地描述与探索了高校思想政治教育主体系统复杂性现象及其主体衔接和互动的生态机理,为高校思想政治教育主体研究提供了新的视野、新的逻辑和新的方法;本论文提出的研究理念有助于转变全员育人理念;相关对策研究有助于更好地指导我国高校思想政治教育主体有效衔接和良性互动的具体实践,既能避免和纠正以往高校思想政治教育工作的片面性,又能充分调动一切主体资源,有效地提高高校思想政治教育工作的科学性和实效性。

【Abstract】 With the deepening of the trend of economy globalization, politic democratization, society pluralism and culture combination,"education by all staff and for all students" is becoming an inevitable trend. The "National long-term Education Reform and Development Plan Outline (2010-2020)" issued by The CPC Central Committee and the State Council proposes new requirements for the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities cooperation from the policy level and promotes innovation of the theory study and practice construction of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. It is an indisputable fact that fundamental value orientation of the different ideological and political education subject is the same, but in the real practice of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, the ideological and political education subject practices with different ideological and political education ways, owns imbalance responsibility and lower cooperation level around each of the specific objectives of the ideological and political education. That "each following his own policy and way" situation caused "fracture" of the Ideological and political subject ecological chain and greatly reduced the effectiveness of the "education by all staff and for all students". Under the background of the increasing prominent interdisciplinary research, this paper attempts to study ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities in interdisciplinary analytical framework from the perspective of ecology and looks forward to further clarifying and deepening the understanding of inherent laws of interrelation, interaction, interdependence among the ideological and political education subjects for the theoretical basis and practical reference to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The paper is divided into six chapters, its logical structure and basic content as follows:Introduction. This part introduces the paper’s research background and significance, basic idea, logical structure, main content, research methods, innovation and insufficient. In addition, this part also carries out literature review taking the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities as the theme from multiple areas, and Hold the opinion that the current study overemphasizes macro-narrative approach and lacks theory research integrity of the ideological and political education subject’s effective convergence and benign interaction. Especially, the ideological and political education subject study is rarely involved from the perspective of the ecology, which education left a wide space in the sight of the cross-disciplinary nature. Specifically, the existing literature needs to be further explored in the normative study, theoretical study and countermeasures research.Chapter1is the theoretical basis of this paper. The part makes use of literature research to grasp and clarity of the main theoretical basis of the study of the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities. According to the study purpose and task, this part summarizes and analyzes systematically the core idea and the main point of Marxism subject theory, macro basic theory (such as the system scientific theory, ecology theory), micro specific theory (such as subject education theory, education ecology theory and ideological and political education ecological theory) were through inspecting, collecting, identifying, and arranging a large number of relevant literature. The target of this part is to form scientific understanding of the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities study and construct the theoretical basis of the main study of the ecology of the Ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities.Chapter2is the ecological construction of ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities. The purpose of this part is to carry out comprehensive construction study to the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities in the ecological analysis framework. This paper tries to define the concept and explain its basic connotation of the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities from ecological point of view. The concept of the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities is crisscross and the organic unity of ecosystem which the individuals and organizations of the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities engaged in ideological and political education activities interacted and convoluted in order to realize the value orientation of the ideological and political education in the ideological and political education environment in colleges and universities.Then this part summarizes the ecological characteristics of the symbiotic, interaction, Hierarchy, dynamic and growth of the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities. Under the ecological principles guidance of the elements structure of the ideological and political education subject, the paper divides the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities into longitudinal subject and horizontal subject, analyzes their space construction and dissects the corresponding ecological functions.Chapter3is the ecological problems analysis of the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities. This part is designed to fully reveal the main development status, the reality plight and its underlying causes of the ideological and political education subject, in order to grasp of the key links and the core elements that affect the effectiveness of the ideological and political education. In recent years, the ideological and political education subject development status such as the policy environment optimization constantly, the subject system perfection constantly, and the "education by all staff and for all students" mode continuously enriched have promoted the development and innovation of the main theoretical research and practical construction of the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities. However, there are still many problems. This part make use of ecology theory and anal size a series of problems such as longitudinal subject convergence failure, horizontal subject interaction deficiencies, subject ecological environment hazy from the perspective of ecology, and reflects the shortcomings and deficiencies on the values, ways of thinking, behavior criterion, competence level of the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities.Chapter4is the convergence mechanism of ideological and political education longitudinal subject in colleges and universities. The purpose of this part is to try to describe or characterize the convergence mechanism of the ideological and political education subject to describe the subject convergence complex phenomenon and its inherent relationship from the perspective of the ecology discourse system. To be aimed at subject convergence mechanism, the paper presented the copula loop transition mechanism, the ecological chain running mechanism, system steady-state mechanism and the interface ecological mechanism of ideological and political education longitudinal subject in colleges and universities. This part explores interrelation in the space and the relationship of the existence and development in the time of ideological and political education longitudinal subject in colleges and universities and clears of the necessary and essential link of longitudinal subject between various aspects various levels from the perspective of ecology.Chapter5is interaction ecological mechanism of the ideological and political education horizontal subject in colleges and universities. This part is intended to make exploratory explanation on the interaction and coupled linkage of the ideological and political education horizontal subject in colleges and universities according to ecology theoretical system. Based on metaphor research methods, we can take practice of ideological and political education subject as a process of ecological behavior. On this basis, the paper is not limited to the principle discussion of the ideological and political education horizontal subject interaction, but in the ecology interdisciplinary analytical framework to explore the ecological mechanism of sequential difference interaction, competition and cooperation, group dynamics of the ideological and political education subject. Meanwhile, the collaborative mechanism of the ideological and political education horizontal subject Reflects in the following three aspects:the subject common ecological concept integration the subject mutual support and infiltration, and the interests as the subject collaborative ties. The above analysis further clarifies and deepens inherent law understanding of the influence and interdependence each other of the ideological and political education subject to laid theoretical foundation to further improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.Chapter6is the ecological optimization countermeasures of ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities. The ecological optimization countermeasures of ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities are the ultimate home and the end result of this study. Theoretical research and problems analysis are aimed at optimization countermeasures goals. Based on the ideological and political education subject convergence and interaction ecological mechanism, this part builds the effective convergence mechanism and benign interaction mechanism and supporting systems for the ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities according to ecology and new institution economics theory and analysis methods. Based on ecology and HRM theory, this part provides the ecological evaluation mechanism for the ideological and political education subject effective convergence and benign interaction to be aimed at the question of cooperation effectiveness of ideological and political education subject in colleges and universities.In summary, this paper make use of ecology language, ecological principles and ecological methods to describe and explore the complexity phenomenon of ideological and political education subject system in colleges and universities and its convergence and interaction ecological mechanism, which provides new vision, new logic and new methods for the ideological and political education subject research in colleges and universities. This paper presents the research philosophy will help to transform the idea of "education by all staff and for all students"; Relevant countermeasures research can help to guide our ideological and political education subject effective convergence and benign interaction, which not only can prevent and correct the one-sidedness of the ideological and political education work in colleges and universities, but also fully mobilize all the subject resources to improve the scientificalness and effectiveness of the ideological and political education work in colleges and universities.


