

Research on the Third Party Payment of China

【作者】 徐显峰

【导师】 李一鸣;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 我国第三方支付行业随电子商务而生,发展历程较短,但是发展速度较快,并迅速改变着人们的生活。基于对行业发展前景的乐观判断,很多企业纷纷进入第三方支付行业,包括电信运营商、银行以及其他非金融类机构等。由于存在众多企业的进入,第三方支付行业在发生深刻地变化:一方面行业的结构与利润发生改变;另一方面企业的市场定位、发展策略与运营模式也在发生改变;同时,政府加强了对行业的规范,使得行业在向着规范、有序的方向发展。行业格局的变化逐渐成为了理论界研究与关注的重点:企业如何取得准确的市场定位、正确的发展策略,如何选择分工与协作等成为各企业面临的重要课题。近几年来,我国第三方支付行业分工与融合的现象初步显现,但学术界对第三方支付分工与融合的趋势尚缺乏足够的研究,在产业链价值提升、产业内与产业间分工与融合发展、产业规制等方面,我们仍需要付出更多努力。因此,文章选择了从分工与融合的视角来研究我国第三方支付行业的发展,具有较强的理论价值和现实意义。本文先对第三方支付相关文献及理论研究进行综述,对国内外发展现状及经验进行了探讨,并对我国第三方支付行业存在问题进行分析,在前述基础上深入研究了第三方支付的产业价值链及其影响因素,进而深入研究第三方支付行业的产业演化方向,即从分工与融合的视角对行业演化加以探讨,最后,得出了产业整合是提升第三方支付产业链价值的有效途径。本论文的结构安排如下:第一章:导论。介绍了文章的选题背景、研究目的、研究内容和框架、研究方法、创新与不足。第二章:第三方支付的研究综述与理论基础。本章是整篇论文的基础,首先是概念界定,主要对第三方支付的概念、特征、种类进行梳理,对第三方支付与网上支付、移动支付、网上银行等概念进行类比分析。接着,对第三方支付的职能、平台竞争、影响因素、盈利模式、行业存在问题以及与传统行业的关系等进行研究综述。最后,对研究第三方支付分工与融合所需的基础理论,包括分工理论、网络外部性理论、产业链理论、产业融合理论、产业组织理论等进行了综合介绍。第三章:第三方支付发展现状。本章首先介绍了国内外第三方支付行业发展的基本情况,包括发展规模、速度、行业应用结构与市场竞争格局等。其次,对我国第三方支付产业的组织结构进行了重点分析,包括我国第三方支付产业的集中度及形成原因、市场行为与市场绩效等。接着,列举了我国第三方支付主要企业的经营状况。最后,总结了我国第三方支付行业发展存在的问题,包括行业定位、企业运营、同质化竞争、技术与信用风险等,提出了产业需提升价值的要求。第四章:第三方支付产业价值链分析。通过回顾价值链与产业价值链的相关理论,提炼出国内外关于产业价值链地位的影响因素。继而分析了我国第三方支付产业价值链的构成及特点。接着,运用五力竞争模型分析了我国第三方支付产业价值链的竞争格局与产业价值链现状,确认出我国第三方支付企业在产业价值链中的地位。最后,从市场规模、市场集中度、规模经济、产品差异化、技术等角度总结出我国第三方支付产业价值链的影响因素。本章提出第三方支付行业在追求价值提升的进程中促进了产业的演化。第五章:第三方支付产业演化方向分析。通过回顾产业演化的相关理论,指出第三方支付产业价值链的演化方向。接着,根据第三方支付产业链环节间的关系变化特征,详细分析了第三方支付产业短期深化分工与长期融合发展的趋势,包括:产业内部融合、与其他产业进行产业间融合的方向,运用博弈论分析了第三方支付产业链各方的竞争选择策略。最后,提出了产业整合将是第三方支付产业提升产业链价值的有效途径。第六章:第三方支付商业模式探讨:产业整合的视角。本章通过典型的商业模式,分析了第三方支付整合的原因与影响因素。提出了第三方支付产业的整合方式,包括横向并购的整合方式增强支付功能、提高市场份额;纵向兼并与合作的整合方式降低交易成本,提高服务质量。最后,通过典型实例分析了整合后的第三方支付企业的运营模式与运行效益,得出了产业整合提升价值的结论。第七章:研究结论与展望。对文章进行了要点总结,提出了对产业实践的启示与建议,包括行业发展方向、发展策略、政府监管等,同时指出研究的局限及未来研究方向。本文可能的创新点有:本文主要是从产业演化的视角研究第三方支付产业的演变趋势,更进一步地说是从产业链纵向关系变化的视角,深化对第三方支付产业分工还是融合路径的研究,明确第三方支付产业各链条环节之间的关系,进而提出第三方支付产业的提升发展对策。具体有如下几点:1.分析了第三方支付产业价值链现状,梳理出第三方支付产业价值链的影响因素。第三方支付产业价值链面临着同业低水平无序竞争激烈、安全问题依旧存在、银行等金融机构与第三方支付企业存在较强的竞合关系、第三方支付企业面临重新组革等现实问题。而影响第三方支付产业价值链的因素主要包括内部因素和外部因素。行业内部因素包括行业内部企业的创新能力(包括满足多样化需求的产品差异化以及技术创新)、规模经济性、市场规模和需求多样性、价值链关系等:而外部的影响因素主要是政策性壁垒。2.通过逻辑推演、博弈分析,提出第三方支付产业呈现出先分工后融合的趋势。短期来看,根据其依托机构进行划分的依托电子商务平台的第三方支付企业、依托银行的第三方支付企业、依托电信运营商的第三方支付企业以及独立的第三方支付企业等四种类型的产业企业,将充分发挥自身优势更加专注于第三方支付行业细分业务方向。具体来说,银行业务将更集中于交易双方信任的支付,电信运营商第三方支付企业将集中于小额支付与生活化支付,依附于电子商务的第三方支付业务将集中于电子商务支付,独立的第三方支付企业将继续深耕行业支付需要,不断改造传统行业,为企业资金链提供服务。而从长期来看,第三方支付更需要包括与银行、硬件制造商、电信运营商在内的企业密切合作,形成产业融合的趋势。融合动因主要有竞争合作的压力和对范围经济的追求、市场需求推动、行业内部技术的融合。具体融合内容上看,第三方支付行业内部的融合主要体现在支付手段与支付功能的融合,包括线上支付、线下支付的融合,互联网支付、移动支付、银行卡收单业务等支付功能的融合。第三方支付与传统行业的融合主要体现在提供符合行业需要的差异化支付服务,同时,进入企业资金链服务,改善企业资金链。第三方支付与物流产业的关系主要体现在资金运转信息平台和物品流动信息平台的融合,进而提高企业运行效率。3.论文比较分析了第三方支付产业的典型商业模式,指出行业整合是提升第三方支付行业效益的有效途径。当前,第三方支付产业的典型商业模式主要有支付网关模式、信用增强型支付模式、帐户型支付模式、移动支付模式等,通过对四种模式的比较分析发现,四种模式都存在一定的缺陷和不足。而通过整合,第三方支付企业可以更好地发挥规模经济性,充分运用各产业链环节上的技术优势,顺应政府对行业监管的需要。第三方支付的整合方式主要包括横向整合和纵向整合,横向整合主要体现:一是在拥有营业牌照获得运行资格的企业与不能取得运营资格企业之间的整合;二是业务领域的整合,即B2B、B2C和C2C之间的融合,进而提升平台效率;三是市场的合并,即中小型第三方支付通过合并进而扩大市场份额;四是技术的合并,主要是实现网上支付、移动支付、电话支付、电视支付、预付卡支付等多种支付方式的融合。纵向整合主要包括:一是整合与银行的关系;二是与终端设备制造商或运营商的合作,开发新型支付手段;三是走垂直型路线,深挖产业链服务。本文研究中还存在诸多的不足,主要是:一是对产业分工与融合理论探讨不够系统和深入。目前产业分工与融合仍处于不断发展阶段,学术界对产业分工与融合理论尤其是第三方支付业的分工与融合发展理论的研究尚不够成熟和完善。本文重在构建第三方支付产业分工与融合的完整概念框架,对当前产业分工与融合现象的描述缺乏经济学角度的深入阐释,对产业融合和第三方支付产业的分工与融合发展的内在机理研究尚不够透彻。二是缺乏对第三方支付产业分工与融合趋势的进一步预测和展望。随着第三方支付产业的市场化发展、前沿技术的不断升级以及法制法规的不断完善,使得第三方支付产业处于不断地发展变化之中。由于研究时间的限制,文章仅从当前第三方支付业分工与融合所展现的方面,以及基于价值提升,形成产业整合的趋势,阐述了该行业未来可能出现的发展方式,还需做更多的跟踪研究。三是缺少定量分析研究。由于我国第三方支付业发展时间不长、融合发展程度不够高,相关数据较少(文中对第三方支付的分工与融合趋势的分析,使用工具主要是博弈论模式的推导论证,而原研究计划中产业融合效应模型由于数据年份短、变量指标数据不全等原因未能顺利进行,使得准确定量分析部分不足,这是本文的一个遗憾和缺陷),因而本文的研究主要集中在定性的描述上,缺乏对第三方支付业分工与融合发展的量化分析和实证研究,未能从数据上深入解剖变化历程及影响因素。只有把定性分析与定量分析结合起来,才能进一步丰富产业融合理论。最后,由于第三方支付产业是技术性、应用性非常强的产业领域,且当前还处于摸索成长阶段,本人对其发展模式、运行机制的分析更多是结合个人工作实践与推想而展开,因而对于第三支付产业未来发展方向的相关论断,仍有待时间做跟踪检验。

【Abstract】 Born with the e-commerce, the third-party payment industry experienced a short course of development. With a rapid pace of development, the third-party payment is changing people’s lives rapidly. Having an optimistic judgement at the development of the third-party payment industry, many enterprises get into the third-party payment industry, such as operators, banks and other non-financial institutions. Also, the third-party payment industry itself has undergone profound changes that the structure and profits of the industry are experiencing, as well as the industrial chain strategy and operating modes. At the same time, the government is trying his best to strengthen industry norms. As a result, changes in the industry structure have become a focus. On the one hand, numerous organizations enter the industry. Meanwhile, facing the enterprises, the relationship within the industry between competition and cooperation and between the division of labor and collaboration has become an important problem.In recent years, the phenomenon of division and fusion about the third-party payment industry in our country become clear, but the academic research circles about division of labor of the third-party industry and the fusion trend is still lack of sufficient. In the aspect of the industry value chain upgrading, we still need to make more efforts about industrial division of labor and industrial development and integration, industry regulation. Therefore, this paper chose the development perspective based on the industry of the division and integration of third-party payment in our country, it has great theoretical value and realistic significance.In this paper, Ⅰ first reviewed the theoretical research and related literatures about the third party payment, and then analysed the existing problems of third party payment in our country. Based on the foregoing, Ⅰ analysed the industry value chain, the third party payment and its influencing factors in-depth. Proceed to the next step, Ⅰ analysed the evolution direction of the third party payment industry from the perspective of the division and integration of industry. Finally, I come to a dicision that integration is an effective way to promote value chain of the third party payment industry.This paper is organized as follows:The first chapter:introduction the innovation of this paper, the topic background, research purpose, research contents and framework, research methods.The second chapter:research review and theoretical foundation of the third party payment. This chapter is the foundation of the whole thesis. Firstly, defines the concept, main carding on the concepts, characteristics, types of third party payment, analogy analysis of third party payment and online payment, mobile payment, online bank concept. Then, research review about function problem, the relationship between with the traditional industry, the existence of the third party payment, the platform competition, the influence factors, the profit model of the third party payment. Finally, introduce the basis of the theory of the third party payment research, including the division of labor theory, theory of network externality, the theory of industrial chain, industrial convergence theory, industrial organization theory etc.The third chapter:the development present situation of third party payment. Firstly, this chapter introduces the basic situation of the third party payment industry, including development scale, speed, industry structure and market competition pattern. Secondly, selective analysis the organizational structure of the third party payment in our country, including the concentration and the cause of formation, the market behavior and market performance. And then introduces the management state of the enterprise of the third party payment in our country. Finally, summarizes the problems of the third party payment industry in our country, including the industry positioning, business operations, the homogenization of competition, technology and credit risk, further industry value chain of the third party payment industry need to upgrade.The fourth chapter:analysis the value chain of the third party payment industry. Through the review of the related theories of value chain and industry value chain, refine the industry value chain status factors. Then analyze the structure and characteristics of the value chain of the third party payment industry in our country. Then, use five competitive forces model of competition to analyze the industrial value chain of the third party payment industry in our country, and identify the status of the third party payment in the industry value chain in our country enterprise. Finally, summarize the factors affecting our country third party payment industry value chain from point of the market scale, market concentration, scale economy, product differentiation, technology. This chapter puts forward the evolution of third party payment industry in the pursuit of value in the process of promoting industry.The fifth chapter:analysis the evolution direction of third party payment industry. Through the review of the related theories of industry evolution, This chapter point out the evolution direction of the third party payment industry value chain. Then, analysis the deepening of division of labor and industrial short-term long-term convergence trend according to the characteristics of the third party payment industry chain internodes, including the industrial integration between the direction and other industry and the internal industry, and use game theory to analysis the competitive strategy of the third party payment industry chain parties. Finally, this chapter raise that the integration of the industry will be a effective way to enhance the value of the industrial chain of third party payment industry.The sixth chapter:discussion on the third party payment business model:from the industrial integration perspective. Through analysis of the typical business model, this chapter explains the reasons and affecting factors of integration about the third party payment. The integration of the third party payment industry, include the integration of horizontal mergers which enhance the payment function, improve market share; and integration of vertical merger and cooperation which reduce transaction costs, improve service quality. Finally, this chapter come to a dicision that the integration of the industry can enhance the value, through the analysis of typical examples.The seventh chapter:conclusion and prospect. This chapter make a summary of the article, and make some suggestions of industry practice, including the development of the industry, development strategy, government regulation, and furthermore it points out the study limitations and future research directions.Why this paper is innovative:This paper is mainly to research the evolution trend of the third-party payment industry from the perspectives of the development trend of industry, furthermore, the deep research is about the division of labor and the fusion path changes the third-party payment industry from vertical relationship of the industrial chain perspective. Analysis the relationship between chain link of the third-party payment industry, and make further efforts to propose promotion development countermeasures about the third party payment industry.There are several key points in the paper:1. It analyzes the present status of value chain of the third-party payment industry and teases out its influencing factors.At present the value chain of the third-party payment industry is facing with some actual problems that the horizontal competition is fierce and disorderly at a low level,that the security problem persists,that there is a very strong competition and cooperation relationship between banks and other financial institutions and the third-party payment enterprises and that the third-party payment enterprises is re-setting.The factors influencing the industrial value chain are mainly divided into two types:internal and external factors.Internal factors includes the innovation abilities inside the industry,which includes product differentiation and technological innovation satisfying the diverse demand,scale economy,the diversity of the scale and demand of the market,the value chain relation and so on.And external factor mainly includes policy-related barriers.2. It is proposed that the third-party payment industry presents the trend that is first division and then convergence by logical deduction and game analysis.In the short term,the four third-party payment enterprises,which are divided according to the organizations they depend on and includes the one depending on e-ecommerce platform,the one depending on banks,the one depending on operators and the one depending on nothing,will give full play to their own advantages and focus more on market segmentation.Specifically,the first one will focus more on e-ecommerce payment,bank businesses more on the payment of the trust of trading partners,the third one more on micropayments and payments of living and the last one will deepen the industrial payment,make constant efforts to transform traditional industries and provide service for their capital chain.And in the long term,the third-party payment requires enterprises including banks, equipment manufacturers and operators to cooperate closely to form the trend of industrial convergence.The motivation of convergence mainly contains the pressure of competition and cooperation,the pursuit of scope economy,the driving of market demands and the convergence of technology inside the industry.From the point of the specific convergence,the convergence inside the third-party payment industry is largely reflected in the convergence of the payment means which includes online and offline payment,and the convergence of payment function,such as internet payment,mobile payment and bank card acquiring business.However,the convergence of the third-party payment industry with the traditional industry is mainly reflected in the differential payment services meeting the industry needs,engaging in capital chain service and the improvement of the chain.And the relationships of the third-party payment industry with logistics industry is largely reflected in the convergence of information platform of fund operation and logistics so to improve the operation efficiency.3. The thesis compares and analyzes its typical business mode of the third-party payment industry and points out that industrial integration is an effective way to improve its profits.The existing typical business mode of the third-party payment industry mainly includes:payment gateway mode,enhanced credit payment mode,account payment mode,mobile payment mode.By a comparative analysis of the four modes,a certain deficiencies and shortcomings can be perceived.But by the means of integration,the third-party payment enterprises can give better play to scale economy and make full use of the technological advantages of the links on the industrial chain to comform the government on the need for industry regulation. The integration of the third-party payment consists of horizontal and vertical integration.Horizontal integration are reflected in four aspects:the integration between enterprises having business licenses and being awarded operation and enterprises out of the qualification for operation;the integration of business area, namely the integration among B2B.B2C and C2C,resulting in an increase in the platform efficiency;the consolidation of markets,by which small and medium-sized third-party payment enterprises expand market share;the integration of technologies,which is mostly the integration of many payment modes,such as online payment,mobile payment.telephone payment,TV payment and prepaid card payment.And vertical integration is as follows:integrating the relationship with banks;the cooperation with terminal equipment manufacturers or operators to develop a new payment means;taking vertical line and extending industrial chain.Howerver,there are still several deficiency in this paper:First,theory researches in industrial division and convergence are far from systematic and deep.Now industrial division and convergence is still in the development and the studies of development theory on industrial division and convergence,especially those of the third-party payment industry are hard to be mature enough and perfect.This article focuses on constructing a complete conceptual framework of division and convergence of the third-party payment but less on the deep explanation of description of the phenomenon of industrial division and convergence in terms of economics and all are not very intensive to the internal mechanisms of the development of the industrial convergence and division and convergence of the third-party payment industry.Second,the study lacks of the further forecasts and outlook of the trend of the division and convergence of the third-party payment industry.With the marketization of the third-party payment industry,the escalating advanced technology and the continuous improvements in laws and rules, the third-party payment industry is developing.But without enough time, this paper only presents the possible development modes of the industry in the future based on the division and convergence of the third-party payment industry and the value promotion,which results in the trend of industrial integration.Thus,more follow-up studies are needed.Third one is lacking quantitative analysis. Due to the thirdparty payment indu stry arrives in China is not long, the degree of its integration is low, the relevant da-ta is not sufficient.(The analysis of division of labor and integration in third party payment industry just use tools in subject of simple game theory. The short periods and incompletion of variable indicators’data, the original industrial integra tion effects model can not carried out smoothly. Lack of accurate quantitative anal-ysis is one of defects in the paper.), so the paper focus mainly on qualitative descri ption. As the lack of quantitative analysis and empirical research about the division of labor and integration of third party payment industry development, the paper can not deeply explain the process of industry changing and influencing factors. Only qualitative and quantit-ative analysis be combined can enrich the industrial in tegration theory further.Finally, as the third party payment industry is a very strong technical and practical industry, and it is currently still in the exploratory stages of growth. The n I can only combine my own work practice and imagination to analyze the industr y’s development model and operating mechanism. The personal inference about fu tur-e of third-party payment industry remains to be tested in the future time.


