

The Research on Innovation of Agricultural Science and Technology Extention System in China

【作者】 钟秋波

【导师】 胡小平;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 农业经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 面对农业发展的新要求、国内农业资源的约束和国际市场的巨大挑战,提高农业科技转化率,促进农业可持续发展,解决“三农”问题,必须依靠科技创新和技术推广。农业科技是确保国家粮食安全的基础支撑,是突破资源环境约束的必然选择,是加快现代农业建设的决定力量。实践证明,有效的农业科技进步不仅取决于科技本身的创新,更重要的取决于有效的农业科技推广。农业科技成果的推广应用是改善和解决“三农”问题的重要途径和手段。农业科技推广体系作为促进农业创新成果转化的重要载体,是农业科技推广工作的基础和组织保证,也是我国政府对农业支持和保护的重要组成部分。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,我国政府主导型农业科技推广体系已不适应新阶段农业发展的要求,需要改革和创新。虽然我国农业科技推广体系进行了一系列的改革,在组织体系、推广内容、推广方式等方面有了较大的突破,但总体而言,科技成果转化率低,科研、推广、生产三者衔接不紧密,推广人员素质偏低等问题没有得到根本解决。因此,在我国全面建设小康社会的新形势下,创新农业科技推广体制,完善农业科技推广组织体系与保障机制具有重要的现实意义。本研究兼顾理论分析和实证研究,以理论分析为基础,在对相关文献和理论进行梳理的基础上,运用定量分析、定性分析、典型调查及案例分析等方法对我国农业科技推广现状和存在的问题进行分析,探讨我国农业科技推广体制的现状与弊端,对我国超级稻推广情况进行了实证分析,总结了美国、日本、印度三国农业推广体系的特点和成功经验,提出对不同类型农业技术进行分类推广,以最大限度地发挥各类推广组织的作用,建立高效的多元化农业科技推广组织系统;构建了我国农业科技推广体制创新的保障机制;并对高校农业科技推广体制进行试构建,研究制度框架中的组织结构、运行机制和推广模式。研究内容主要包括以下七个方面:第一,与农业科技推广相关的文献和推广理论研究,包括国外主要研究动态、公共产品理论、农业科技成果转化理论、农业技术创新扩散理论、制度变迁理论。第二,我国农业科技推广现状与问题研究。从管理体制、运行机制、投资机制、推广人员等方面,对我国农业科技推广的现状和存在的问题进行分析,特别是通过我国超级稻推广的典型调查,为我国农业科技推广体系的现状研究提供依据。第三,国外农业科技推广体系考察,重点介绍了美国、日本和印度推广体系的经验和对我国的启示。第四,我国农业科技推广创新体制研究。探索和创建了一个适应社会主义市场经济体制,以政府农业部门的农业技术推广体系为主体,高校、科研机构与市场型组织紧密结合,按科技成果的技术特征分类,对不同类型农业技术进行分类推广的多元化农业推广系统。第五,农业科技推广保障机制创新研究。对农业科技推广体系的法律保障体系、投入保障机制、激励约束机制等进行研究,力求为农业科技推广事业发展提供良好的外部环境和坚强的后盾。第六,高校农业科技推广体制创新试构建。以发挥我国高校农业科技推广的潜能为出发点,较为系统地研究了我国高校农业科技推广的组织结构、运行机制和推广模式创新。第七,我国以大学为主体的农业科技推广实践与探索,分析大学农业推广的优势和面临的困境,以河北农业大学、东北农业大学、西北农林科技大学农业科技推广的典型模式为案例,分析我国大学推广模式的创新实践,探索我国大学农业科技推广的成功经验。论文主要研究结论如下:(1)公共产品理论、农业科技成果转化原理、农业创新扩散原理和制度变迁理论是我国农业科技推广体制创新研究的理论依据。农业科技推广的公共产品特性决定了政府在农业科技推广中的主导作用。大学是农业科技成果转化的重要源头之一,要发挥农业高校科技推广的优势和潜能,需要建立一套完整、高效的农业科技推广体系。路径依赖决定并影响着推广制度变迁的轨迹,因此对我国新型农业科技推广体制改革不能完全抛开既成的体制和运行机制。(2)美国、日本、印度农业科技推广体系构建的经验对我国农业科技推广体制改革和创新有很好的借鉴作用。应建立健全我国法律法规体系;加大政府投资力度,鼓励企业、组织与个人参与农业推广投资,形成农业科技推广多元化融资渠道;加强农业科研、教育、推广之间的协作,建立产学研推一体化的科技创新体系:充分发挥农民协会、涉农企业等市场组织的作用;通过严格的考核和培训制度,提高推广队伍综合素质。(3)我国现行政府主导型农业科技推广体制难以满足现代农业发展的需求,存在着职能不清,管理体系不规范;农业推广与农业教育、农业科研衔接不紧密;投资机制不健全;推广队伍整体素质较低等问题,制约了农业科技成果的有效转化,影响到农业和农村经济的可持续发展,改革和完善我国现行的农业科技推广体系已迫在眉睫。(4)鉴于我国农业科技推广体系的现状和建立社会主义新农村的要求,我国农业科技推广体制创新应明确实行分类推广,公益性推广服务主要由政府推广机构承担;经营性推广服务主要由市场型推广组织承担;中介性技术推广采取政府调节与市场机制相结合的方式。我国新型农业科技推广体制是一个以市场为导向,以政府农业部门的农业技术推广体系为主体,高校、科研机构、市场型组织紧密结合,按科技成果的技术特征分类,对不同类型农业技术进行分类推广的多元化农业推广系统。(5)提出加强政策法律建设、强化农业科技推广财政投资、建立多元化农业科技投入机制、加强农业科技推广人才队伍建设、加快网络信息平台建设等保障措施。(6)高校具有人才、知识、技术、信息的优势,开展农业科技推广优势显著,是我国农业科技推广和农村社会服务的重要力量,对推动农业生产发展、实现农民增产增收具有引领、示范和推动作用。多年来我国大学推广模式创新实践为构建新型“大学农业科技推广模式”奠定了基础。在破解城乡二元结构、构建现代新型农业服务体系过程中大学理应当仁不让。大学农业科技推广体制创新是我国一项可行而有益的举措。新型农业科技推广体系制度设计必须突显农业大学的重要作用,突出高校农业科技推广产、学、研三位一体的融合特征,调动科教人员、推广人员、企业参与农业科技推广的积极性。论文可能的创新主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)本研究从推广体系和保障制度两个方面探讨新型农业科技推广体制,对高校农业科技推广的基本框架、组织结构、运行机制和推广模式进行试构建,从体制创新角度进行研究论述,在研究视角方面较以往研究可能具有一定创新。(2)以四川省超级稻推广实地调研为例,从种植效益、农技人员推广积极性、政府经费和补贴政策四个方面对影响农户种植超级稻的因素进行分析,得出“加快超级稻的推广速度和效果必须构建一个高效、灵活、多元化的农业科技推广体制”的结论,这部分的实证研究是我国农业科技推广体系现状的有力证明。(3)提出了按科技成果的技术特征分类,对不同类型农业技术进行分类推广。确立了政府型主导模式在新型农业科技推广体制中的主体地位,并对农业高校科技推广体制创新进行了试构建,这些创新性设计主要包括新的组织体系、运行机制、推广模式。(4)从实践层面提出推动农业科技推广体制创新顺利进行的保障机制,即完备的法律保障体系;有效的政府扶持政策;投入保障机制创新;激励约束机制创新;加强农业信息化建设。(5)在研究方法上大量采用案例分析法。用调研个案对我国农业科技推广体制的现状进行分析,总结了河北农业大学的“太行山道路”、东北农业大学的“农业专家在线”和西北农林科技大学的“一体两翼”科技推广模式三个不同类型大学农业推广实践创新的案例,深化了农业推广的研究,有针对性地解决了研究中的理论与实践结合问题,弥补了我国农业推广研究案例分析不足的缺陷。

【Abstract】 Along with the establishment and perfection of the socialist market economic system, China’s government leading agricultural technology extension system has not adapted to the new stage of agricultural development, need to reform and innovation. Though a series of reforms of the Agricultural Technology Extension System in China, has made significant breakthroughs in the organizational system, promotion of content, promotion and so on, but overall, the low conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements, research, extension, production three convergence is not close, extension personnel low quality problems have not been fundamentally resolved. Therefore, in the new situation of building a well-off society in China, the innovation of agricultural science and technology extension system, has important practical significance to improve the organization of agriculture science and technology extension system and safeguard mechanism.Based on the review of the relevant literature and theory, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, typical survey and case analysis methods of agricultural extension in our country present situation and the existing problems were analyzed, to investigate the present situation and problems of agricultural science and Technology Extension System in China, the promotion of super rice in China empirically analysis, summarized the characteristics and the successful experience of the United States, Japan, agricultural extension system in India, the classification of different types of agricultural technology, to establish a diversified agricultural technology extension organization system; construction of guarantee mechanism of system innovation of agricultural science and technology; and the University of agricultural science and technology extension system construction.The main contents are follows:Firstly, with the popularization of agricultural science and technology literature popularization and the related theoretical research, including the main foreign research dynamic, the theory of public goods, the theory of transformation, agricultural science and technology achievements of agricultural technology innovation diffusion theory, the theory of institutional change.Secondly, research and extension of agricultural science and technology in china. From the management system, operation mechanism, investment mechanism, promote personnel and other aspects, analyzed the status quo of China’s agricultural science and technology and the existing problems, especially through the typical survey of Chinese Super Rice promotion, provide a basis for further research.Thirdly, investigation of agricultural science and Technology Extension System in foreign countries, introduces the United States, Japan and India to promote the system’s experience and Its Enlightenment to china.Fourthly, Study on the popularization of agricultural science and technology innovation system of our country.Fifthly, Research on security mechanism of innovation of agricultural science and technology promotion. Legal safeguard system, the extension system of agricultural science and technology investment mechanism, incentive mechanism and so on, in order to provide a good external environment and strong backing for the popularization of agricultural science and technology development.Sixthly, Innovation of agricultural science and Technology Extension System in Colleges and universities try to construct. In order to give full play to the popularization of agricultural science and technology in Colleges and universities of our country’s potential as a starting point, to systematically research on the popularization of agricultural science and technology in China’s colleges and universities organization structure, operation mechanism and promotion mode innovation.Seventhly, Promotion of agricultural science and technology to the practice and exploration of University as the main body of our country university agriculture extension, analysis of the advantages and difficulties with typical model of Agricultural University of Hebei, Northeast Agricultural University, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, the popularization of agricultural science and technology as a case, analysis of innovation practice of our country university extension mode, explore the successful experience of the popularization of agricultural science and Technology University of china.The main conclusions are involved.1. The theory of public goods, agricultural science and technology achievements transformation principle, the agricultural innovation diffusion theory and institutional change theory is the theoretical basis for research on Agricultural Technology Extension System Innovation in china2. The United States, Japan, India agricultural science and technology extension system construction experience is a good reference for China’s agricultural technology extension system reform and innovation.3. China’s current government leading agricultural technology extension system is difficult to meet the demand of modern agricultural development, there exist many problems, restricted the effective transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, reform and perfect our country agriculture science and technology to promote the current system has been imminent.4. The system innovation of agricultural science and technology should be clearly classified promotion,5. Put forward strengthening policy and law construction, strengthening the popularization of agricultural science and technology investment, establish a diversified investment mechanism of agricultural science and technology, strengthen the construction of talent team of agricultural science and technology promotion, speed up the construction of network information platform security measures.6. University of agricultural science and technology extension system innovation is a feasible and useful measure of our country. The important role of the Kasetsart University must highlight design of new system of agricultural science and technology extension system, highlight the popularization of agricultural science and technology, research, the Trinity fusion characteristics, mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers and scientific researchers, extension workers, enterprises to participate in the popularization of agricultural science and technology.This Paper may make five innovations.1. From the angle of system innovation on research perspective, in the previous studies may have certain innovation.2. Sichuan Province promotion to super rice field research as an example, from the planting benefit, agricultural extension factor four aspects enthusiasm, government funding and subsidies to farmers super rice planting effect analysis, empirical research in this part is proof that the current situation of agricultural science and Technology Extension System in china.3. The classification according to the technical characteristics of scientific and technological achievements, the classification of different types of agricultural technology promotion. To establish the government leading mode in the new agricultural technology extension system in the dominant position, and the scientific promotion system innovation of construction.4. The security mechanisms to promote the innovation of agricultural extension system smoothly in practice.5. Research methods in the extensive use of case analysis method.


