

On Integrated Marketing of Retailing Business in China’s Commercial Banks in the Context of Network

【作者】 李忠俊

【导师】 周启海;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文从国际及国内互联网、网络经济、商业银行零售业务营销环境的现状与发展出发,以网络消费者行为理论、金融中介理论、服务质量理论、顾客满意理论、顾客忠诚度理论等为基础,采用定性和定量相结合的分析方法,围绕网络环境下我国商业银行零售业务的整合营销策略进行了较为系统的研究。本文首先对国内外互联网络、网络经济、商业银行零售业务营销的背景进行了概述和分析,并在商业银行学基础上根据金融中介理论的内涵对商业银行及其零售业务的概念进行了界定。然后通过对商业银行零售业务营销现状与存在的问题进行了分析,在系统分析中国商业银行市场细分和市场定位的基础上,本文确立了网络环境下我国商业银行零售业务整合营销策略框架。该整合营销策略包括三个营销子策略:(1)基于4Ps的营销策略,即产品(Product)、价格(Price)、分销渠道(Place)和促销(Promotion);(2)基于4Cs的营销策略,即顾客的需求和欲望(Customer’s needs and wants)、顾客获得满足所需的成本(Costto satisfy)、顾客购买的便利性(Convenience tobuy)和与顾客沟通(Communication);(3)基于4Rs的营销策略,即关联(Relevancy)、节省(Retrenchment)、回报(Reward)和关系(Relationship)。接着,用三章内容分别对我国商业银行营销的三个子策略进行详细分析,提出基于4Ps的产品导向营销策略、基于4Cs的顾客服务导向营销策略和基于4Rs的关系导向营销策略,指出应由三者共同构成网络环境下我国商业银行零售业务新的营销策略。最后,总结前面几章的研究成果,指出文章研究的不足,以及可以进一步深入研究的问题。本文的创新点如下:1.研究对象与研究内容新颖。本文别有新意的以商业银行零售业务的营销策略作为研究对象。而此前,大量原有的商业银行营销研究工作主要集中在公司信贷营销、某个单一渠道(如柜台、电子银行、电话、短信、手机等)方面的营销、某个单一零售产品的营销、其他银行业务方面的营销等,涉及整个商业银行零售业务营销策略的文献也主要是侧重于某一个或大或小的方面,例如趋势分析、模式分析、战略分析、绩效指标等,真正以网络环境下整个商业银行零售业务的营销策略作为研究对象或研究内容的文献还很少。2.研究视角与研究思路独特。本文在总结和提炼前人研究成果的基础上,对网络环境下(尤其在实体与网络高度融合的环境下)商业银行零售业务的传统4Ps营销策略进行了补充,整合与完善基于4Ps的产品导向营销策略、基于4Cs的顾客服务导向营销策略和基于4Rs的关系导向营销策略,以客户价值理论为导向,从向客户提供产品,到主动服务好顾客,再到与顾客建立长期的合作关系,构建对商业银行零售业务的整合营销研究,实现商业银行长期利润为目标。3.整合营销研究结论创新。本文在对我国商业银行零售业务营销策略的研究中,遵循价值发现、价值创造、价值传递、关系升华与价值再创造的研究思路,通过商业银行零售业务与目标客户之间的关系构造与升级过程,得出商业银行零售业务在网络环境下的PCR这一新型营销策略框架,该研究结论对商业银行零售业务的实际营销工作具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 From the situation and development of the international and domestic Internet, the network economy, and the marketing environment of the retail business in China’s commercial banks and based on network consumer behavior theory, financial intermediation theory, service quality theory, customer satisfaction theory, customer loyalty theory and so on,the research aim of this article will have a more systematic study the integrated marketing strategy of the retail business in China’s commercial banks in the network environment using a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis method.Firstly, this article provides an overview and analysis of the background of the international and domestic Internet, the network economy, and the marketing environment of the retail business in China’s commercial banks. Secondly, based on the Commercial bank theory, the article defines the concept of commercial banking and retail business in accordance with the connotation of the theory of financial intermediation. Thirdly, this article discusses the marketing current situation and existing problems of the retail business in China’s commercial banks and China’s commercial banks market segmentation and market positioning, then, the article establishes the China’s commercial banks retail business integrated marketing strategy framework under the network environment. The integrated marketing strategy Includes three sub marketing strategies, they are4Ps(product、 price、place and promotion),4Cs(Consumer、Cost、Convenience、Communication) and4Rs (Relevance、Reaction、Relationship、Reward).Then,the article has a detailed analysis of three marketing strategies through three chapters, and the article proposed the commercial retail banking product-oriented marketing strategy based on4Ps, the consumers service-oriented marketing strategy based on4Cs and relationship-oriented marketing strategy based on4Rs, Which together constitute the new marketing strategy of the retail business of commercial banks in the network environment.Finally, the article has a summary of the research results of the previous chapters, and points out the lack of research articles and further study.The innovation of this paper is as follows:1.The innovation of research objects. The article researches on the marketing Strategy of the retail business in China’s commercial banks. A large number of existing commercial bank marketing research focused on the company’s credit marketing, a single-channel marketing(Such as counters, electronic banking, telephone, SMS, mobile phones and so on), a single retail product marketing, and other banking business marketing, the entire business of retail banking marketing strategy literature mainly focus on a certain large or small respect, such as trend analysis, pattern analysis, strategic analysis, performance indicators. The research literature focus on the commercial bank’s retail business in the network environment is very little.2.The innovation of research perspective. This article summarized and refined the results of previous studies, and has a new research on the marketing strategy of commercial bank’s retail business in the network environment especially under the circumstance of the entity and network convergence). The author brings4Cs and4Rs into the field of marketing strategy and the article builds the research on the integrated Marketing of the retail business of commercial banks, this research which integrates the products related services and long-term relationship is more suitable to build a relationship value of retail business in China’s commercial banks.3.The innovation of research conclusion.In the research of the marketing strategy of commercial bank’s retail business, the article follows the research ideas of the value discovery、value creation, value delivery, relationship sublimation and value re-creation, and concluded PCR framework which is a new marketing strategy on the commercial bank’s retail business in the network environment.This study concludes with some guidance for the actual marketing of the commercial banks in the retail business.

  • 【分类号】F274;F832.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】6338
  • 攻读期成果

