

Study on Causes and Effectiveness Consequences of Supply Chain Virtual Integration

【作者】 赵亚蕊

【导师】 罗珉;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 技术革新、资源结构和获取方式的更新、客户偏好的变化莫测等不断增加的环境不确定性,使传统企业内部的管理运作逐渐暴露出对市场环境变化反应缓慢的缺陷。为了提高自身的竞争能力和适应能力,企业的生存与发展凸现出区域集中化趋势,特别是参与全球产业链分工的地方企业间的供应链虚拟整合。基于对已有研究的归纳和梳理,可以看出,供应链虚拟整合的价值创造以及供应链虚拟整合与企业绩效间关系的研究较多,关于供应链虚拟整合驱动因素的研究相对较少。将环境不确定性和管理者认知作为供应链虚拟整合驱动因素的实证研究更是薄弱。从理论上探讨环境不确定性、管理者认知对供应链虚拟整合的驱动影响和作用机理,以及供应链虚拟整合的缓冲机理,对企业间关系的稳定性和企业柔性效能的提升具有重要意义。为弥补现有研究的不足,本研究依照“环境不确定性、管理者认知——供应链虚拟整合——企业柔性效能”的基本逻辑框架,以中国部分中小企业为研究对象,做了相关的理论和实证探索。具体而言,在对环境不确定性和管理者认知对供应链虚拟整合的驱动影响和作用机理,以及供应链虚拟整合的缓冲机理进行分析之后,本研究提出了几个变量之间关系的概念模型和研究假设。在此基础上,通过IBMSPSS20和VisualPLS1.04b1软件分析处理调研数据,对整个模型进行了测量和验证。最终形成以下几个主要结论:(1)通过对环境不确定性、管理者认知对供应链虚拟整合的驱动影响和作用机理,以及供应链虚拟整合缓冲机理的探索,揭示了供应链虚拟整合的本质。事实上,在已有的研究当中,对供应链虚拟整合产生原因的研究相对缺乏,对供应链虚拟整合缓冲机理的研究则更为欠缺,本研究则一定程度上弥补了这一不足。具体而言,本研究首先分析了供应链虚拟整合的驱动因素,包括外部驱动因素环境不确定性和内部驱动因素管理者认知。供应链虚拟整合行为则是由这两者共同作用而成。本研究基于组织结构形态演变的视角,探讨了环境不确定性和管理者认知作为供应链虚拟整合的两个驱动因素,对供应链虚拟整合行为的驱动影响和作用机理。详细论述了不同的经济发展阶段下,不同程度的环境不确定性和管理者认知与不同的组织结构形态的动态匹配过程。在此基础上,本研究进一步阐释了供应链虚拟整合的缓冲机理,即深入探讨了供应链虚拟整合行为是如何通过提高企业柔性效能进而应对环境不确定性冲击的。为了揭示供应链虚拟整合缓冲机理的本质,本研究对供应链虚拟整合所形成的隔绝缓冲、协调缓冲和创新缓冲三个缓冲机理的主要内容,以及三者之间的关系做了进一步的探讨。(2)供应链虚拟整合的不同驱动因素(环境不确定性和管理者认知)对于供应链虚拟整合的三个维度(关系整合、资源整合以及知识/信息整合)的影响存在差异性。本研究通过中国中小企业的实地调研,实证检验了环境威胁性、环境复杂性、环境动态性、管理者认知对供应链虚拟整合的影响关系。关于环境不确定性对供应链虚拟整合影响关系的研究假设,实证研究结果表明,环境威胁性和环境复杂性两个维度分别与关系整合、资源整合和知识/信息整合存在显著的正相关关系。因此,可以看出,供应链虚拟整合行为产生的驱动因素包括环境威胁性和环境复杂性。在企业的实际经营过程中,应对环境资源获取困难(环境威胁性)以及环境过于复杂问题的主要方式之一,便是与其他企业进行供应链虚拟整合,以此提高企业的柔性效能,以应对环境不确定性问题。但需要注意的是,环境动态性对供应链虚拟整合的影响关系当中,只有环境动态性对资源整合的影响存在显著的正相关关系,而环境动态性与关系整合、知识/信息整合的正相关关系均不显著,因此,环境动态性对资源整合行为具有明显的驱动作用,而对关系整合、知识/信息整合的驱动影响较弱。关于管理者认知对供应链虚拟整合影响关系的研究假设,实证研究结果表明,管理者认知对关系整合、资源整合和知识/信息整合影响均存在显著的正向影响关系。因此,在企业的实际经营当中,供应链虚拟整合行为主要的驱动因素之一是管理者认知,它与环境不确定性共同作用于供应链虚拟整合战略行为。环境不确定性作为外部因素对供应链虚拟整合行为产生驱动影响,而管理者认知作为内部因素,对企业的战略行为同样存在驱动影响。(3)供应链虚拟整合的不同维度对企业柔性效能存在不同的影响。关于供应链虚拟整合对企业柔性效能影响关系的研究假设,实证研究结果表明,关系整合、知识/信息整合以及资源整合对企业柔性效能的影响均存在显著的正相关关系。因此,企业在实际经营过程中,通过供应链虚拟整合,建立互惠的合作关系,实现资源的交换,知识/信息的交流与共享,能够有效提高企业的柔性效能。(4)在供应链虚拟整合对企业柔性效能的影响关系中,网络化程度存在不同程度和不同方向的调节作用。关于网络化程度在供应链虚拟整合对企业柔性效能影响关系的调节作用,实证研究结果表明,在关系整合对企业柔性效能的影响关系中,网络程度起到负向的调节作用。而在资源整合与知识/信息整合两个维度对企业柔性效能的影响关系中,网络程度均起到了正向的调节作用。因此,企业在实际经营过程中,与其他企业的资源整合以及知识/信启、整合程度越高,越有利于提高企业的柔性效能。而与其他企业的关系过于亲密的话,反而会降低企业的柔性效能。本文基于理论和实证研究得出的相关结论,使我们对供应链虚拟整合的动因及其效能结果的研究有了更为全面和深入的理解。在已有的研究基础上,本研究的创新点主要包括以下几个方面:(1)在中国中小企业的情境下,本研究从供应链虚拟整合的外部驱动因素环境不确定性和内部驱动因素管理者认知的视角出发,系统性的提出了供应链虚拟整合动因及其效能结果的综合概念模型。在已有的研究中,将环境不确定性和管理者认知作为供应链虚拟整合驱动因素的实证研究相对较少。本文在已有的研究基础上,将环境不确定性和管理者认知作为供应链虚拟整合的驱动因素,按照“供应链虚拟整合的驱动因素(环境不确定性和管理者认知)——供应链虚拟整合——企业柔性效能”的研究思路,对驱动因素如何驱使供应链虚拟整合行为产生,以及供应链虚拟整合行为如何对企业柔性效能产生影响进行了理论探讨和实证分析,以弥补相关研究中逻辑上的不足。此外,本研究尝试性的将网络化程度(供应链虚拟整合程度)作为调节变量,以考察其对供应链虚拟整合与企业柔性效能之间关系的影响。同时提出,在中国的经济运行背景下,网络化程度对供应链虚拟整合与企业柔性效能之间的影响关系存在正向的影响关系。(2)本研究探索性的提出了供应链虚拟整合的关系整合、资源整合以及知识/信息整合三个维度。通过文献归纳整理可以发现,供应链整合的维度划分已经相对成熟,主要包括顾客整合、供应商整合和内部整合三个维度。本研究打破了供应链整合传统的维度划分方式,着重探讨了作为供应链外部整合的供应链虚拟整合的维度划分。并根据组织间关系研究中关于社会逻辑观、知识基础观与组织学习理论等相关理论,将供应链虚拟整合维度划分为关系整合、资源整合以及知识/信息整合三个维度。(3)基于组织结构形态演变的视角,本研究较为系统的探讨了环境不确定性、管理者认知对供应链虚拟整合的驱动影响和作用机理。就现有文献而言,多数研究集中于供应链虚拟整合的内生性影响因素。事实上,供应链虚拟整合行为是随着组织自身所处的环境变化而进行的。有效率的组织最基本的评价标准便是与外部环境相匹配。随着环境不确定性程度的变化,聚焦于组织结构变化以及组织与外部企业建立新关系或者取消原有关系的演化,使我们能够更为深入的理解供应链虚拟整合的产生过程。基于环境不确定性的特性和管理者认知的结果,探索它们在虚拟整合过程中所扮演的驱动因素角色是十分有必要的。由此,基于对环境不确定性和管理者认知驱动因素的识别,我们拓宽了之前对诸如对偶关系、结点逻辑等关于演化的研究。在总结前人的研究基础上,通过寻求环境不确定性和管理者认知对企业供应链虚拟整合的影响,本研究集中探索了环境不确定性和管理者认知对供应链虚拟整合的驱动影响和作用机理。(4)本研究探索性的研究了供应链虚拟整合的缓冲机理。对于供应链虚拟整合的现有研究多数集中于对供应链虚拟整合价值创造的探索。事实上,供应链虚拟整合行为也是缓冲或者适应不确定性冲击的有效手段或者方式。在不断增加的不确定性环境下,企业通过与其他组织建立联系,能够提供在变化环境中竞争所必须的关键性资源,以应对不断增加的不确定性。因此,本研究构建了一个较为完整的供应链虚拟整合缓冲环境不确定性的分析框架。系统性的探讨了供应链虚拟整合所实现的隔绝、协调和创新三种缓冲机理。具体而言,本研究以供应链虚拟整合的三个内生性维度——关系整合、资源整合以及知识/信息整合为动力,以组织学习和界面规则为途径——形成隔绝、协调和创新三种缓冲机制来提高企业的柔性效能,进而缓冲环境不确定性带给企业的冲击。

【Abstract】 The management and operation of the traditional enterprise exhibited the defect of the slow response to the changes in the market environments, resulting from the increasing environment uncertainties such as technological innovation, the update of resource structure and acquisition mode, the vagaries of customer preference, etc. To improve the competitiveness and adaptability, the survival and development of enterprises show a regional centralization trend, especially the virtual integration of supply chain of local inter-enterprise which participate in the division of global industrial chain. Based on the induction and arrangement of previous research, it can be seen that many research focused on the value creation of virtual integration of supply chain and the relationship between the virtual integration of supply chain and the enterprise performance. However, few researches focuse on the driving factors of supply chain virtual integration. Furthermore, the study that environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition were used as the driving factors of supply chain virtual integration is much weaker. It has great significance in the stability of the inter-enterprise relationship and the improvement of enterprise flexible effectiveness to discuss the driving influence and mechanism of environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition on the supply chain virtual integration in theory.For making up the deficiency of previous researches, this study makes relevant theory and empirical exploration on the basis of some medium-sized and small enterprise in China according to the basic logical framework of "environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition-supply chain virtual integration-enterprise flexible effectiveness". After analysis of the driving influence and mechanism of environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition on the supply chain virtual integration as well as the buffering mechanism of supply chain virtual integration, this study proposes a conceptual model among several variables and the research hypotheses. On that basis, some main conclusions have been formed by the measurement and verification of the whole model obtained from the survey data processing with IBMSPSS20and VisualPLS1.04b1software:(1) The essence of supply chain virtual integration has been revealed through the exploration of the driving influence and mechanism of environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition on the supply chain virtual integration as well as the buffering mechanism of supply chain virtual integration. In fact, the research on the formation reason of supply chain virtual integration is relative lack. Furthermore, few investigations focused on the buffering mechanism of supply chain virtual integration. This study makes up these deficiencies to a certain degree.Concretely speaking, this study firstly analyzes the driving factors of supply chain virtual integration, which included the external driving factor (environmental uncertainty) and the internal driving factor (managerial cognition). The behavior of supply chain virtual integration can be achieved due to the combined action of the external and internal driving factors. Based on the perspective of the evolution of the organizational structure and morphology, the driving influence and mechanism of environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition on the behavior supply chain virtual integration have been discussed in this study. The dynamic matching process between different environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition and different organization structure forms in the different stages of economic development is discussed in detail. On that basis, this study further illustrates the buffering mechanism of supply chain virtual integration. That is to say, this study illustrates in depth that the behavior of supply chain virtual integration is how to respond to the impact of environmental uncertainty by improving Enterprise flexible effectiveness. In order to reveal the nature of buffer mechanism of supply chain virtual integration, the main content and relationship of isolated buffer> coordination buffer and innovation buffer which are formed by supply chain virtual integration are analyzed.(2) The effect of different driving factors (environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition) on the three dimensions (relationship integration, resources integration and knowledge/information integration) of supply chain virtual integration is different. Thus, according to the field research of medium-sized and small enterprises in China, this study examines the effect of environmental threats, environmental complexity, environmental dynamics and managerial cognition on the supply chain virtual integration.For the research hypothesis of the effect of environmental uncertainty on the supply chain virtual integration, the empirical results show that a significant positive correlation existed between two dimensions (environmental threats and environmental complexity) and relationship integration, resource integration and knowledge/information integration. Thus, it can be seen that the driving factors formed from the behavior of supply chain virtual integration include environmental threats and environmental complexity. In the actual operation process, one of the main way to respond to the difficulties in the acquisition of environmental resources (environmental threats) and the environmental complexity is the supply chain virtual integration with other enterprises to improve the enterprise flexible effectiveness and respond to the environmental uncertainty. However, it is important to note that a significant positive correlation just existed in the effect of environmental dynamism on the resource integration. The positive correlation between environmental dynamism and relationship integration, knowledge/information integration is not obvious. Therefore, environmental dynamism has an obvious driving effect on the resource integration. No obvious effect of environmental dynamism on the relationship integration, knowledge/information integration is observed.For the research hypothesis of the effect of managerial cognition on the supply chain virtual integration, the empirical results show that managerial cognition has an obvious positive effect on the relationship integration, resource integration and knowledge/information integration. Thus, the main driving factor of the supply chain virtual integration is the managerial cognition. The combined action of managerial cognition and environmental uncertainty affects the strategic behavior of supply chain virtual integration. Not only environmental uncertainty as external factor but also managerial cognition as internal factor has driving effect on the supply chain virtual integration and the strategic behavior of enterprises.(3) Different dimensions of supply chain virtual integration have different effects on the enterprise flexible effectiveness. For the research hypothesis of the effect of supply chain virtual integration on the enterprise flexible effectiveness, the empirical results show that a significant positive correlation existed in the effect of relationship integration, knowledge/information integration and resource integration on the enterprise flexible effectiveness. Therefore, the enterprise flexible effectiveness can be improved by the supply chain virtual integration to build the mutual beneficial partnership to achieve the exchange of resource and the communication and share of knowledge/information in the actual operation process.(4) The network level has a regulating action with different degrees and orientations in the influence relationship of supply chain virtual integration on the enterprise flexible effectiveness. For the regulating action mentioned above, the empirical results show that the network level has the negative regulating action in the influence relationship of relationship integration on the enterprise flexible effectiveness. However, the network level has the positive regulating action in the influence relationship of resource integration and knowledge/information integration on the enterprise flexible effectiveness. Thus, the higher resource integration and knowledge/information integration is, the larger the enterprise flexible effectiveness is improved. But the enterprise flexible effectiveness will decrease when the relationship with other enterprises is too close.’Based on the conclusions of the theory and empirical research, the motivation and efficient result of supply chain virtual integration are understood comprehensively and deeply. On the basis of previous studies, the main Innovations include some points as follows:(1) Based on the medium-sized and small enterprises in China, this study proposes the motivation of the supply chain virtual integration and the comprehensive conceptual model of efficient result systematically from the perspective of environmental uncertainty of supply chain virtual integration as external driving factor and managerial cognition as internal driving factor. According to previous researches, relatively few investigations that uncertainty and managerial cognition as the driving factor of supply chain virtual integration are found. On the basis of previous researches, this study uses the uncertainty and managerial cognition as the driving factor of supply chain virtual integration to research the formation of supply chain virtual integration drive by driving factors and the effect of supply chain virtual integration on the enterprise flexible effectiveness according to the research approach of "Driving factors of supply chain virtual integration (uncertainty and managerial cognition)-supply chain virtual integration-enterprise flexible effectiveness", which makes up the logic lack in relevant researches.This study uses the degree of supply chain virtual integration (network level) as the adjusting variable to investigate the effect of the degree of supply chain virtual integration on the relationship between the supply chain virtual integration and enterprise flexible effectiveness. Meanwhile, this study proposes that a positive correlation existed in the effect of network level on the supply chain virtual integration and enterprise flexible effectiveness.(2) This study proposes exploratoryly three dimensions of supply chain virtual integration (the relationship integration, resource integration and knowledge/information integration). According to the collection and induction of relevant literature, it finds that the dimension division has matured, which includes customer integration, supplier integration and internal integration. This study brokes the traditional dimension division of supply chain virtual integration and seriously discussed the dimension division of supply chain virtual integration as the supply chain external integration. Furthermore, the dimension of supply chain virtual integration is divided into relationship integration, resource integration and knowledge/information integration according to the relevant theory about social logic viewpoint, knowledge-based view and organizational learning.(3) Based on the perspective of the evolution of organization structure, the driving effect and mechanism of environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition on the supply chain virtual integration is discussed systematically. According to previous literature, most researches focused on the endogenous influence factor of the supply chain virtual integration. In fact, the supply chain virtual integration varied with the environments where organization is. The basis evaluation criterion of the effective organization is the matching with external environments. With the variation of the degree of environmental uncertainty, we deeply understand the formation process of supply chain virtual integration by focusing on the variation of organization structure and the evolution of the building of new relationship or the cancel of previous relationship. Based on the character of environmental uncertainty and the results of managerial cognition, it is necessary to explore the role of driving factor acted by environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition in the process of virtual integration. Thus, we broaden the research of evolution such as dual relation and node logic on the basis of the recognition of environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition. Based on previous research, the driving effect and mechanism of environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition on the supply chain virtual integration are discussed by seeking the influence of environmental uncertainty and managerial cognition on the supply chain virtual integration.(4) The buffering mechanism of supply chain virtual integration has been studied exploratoryly. Most previous researches focuse on the value creation of supply chain virtual integration. In fact, the supply chain virtual integration is also an efficient measure to buffer or adapt the uncertainty impact. The enterprises can provide the critical resource that the competition needs by building the relation with other organizations to respond to the increasing uncertainty in the increasing uncertainty environments. Thus, this study structures a relatively complete analytical framework that the supply chain virtual integration buffers the uncertainty. Furthermore, three buffering mechanism (isolation, coordination and innovation) induced by supply chain virtual integration have been discussed systematically. Concretely speaking, with three endogenous dimensions (inter-enterprise relationship integration, resource integration and knowledge/information integration) as the motivation and the organizational learning and interface rules as the way, this study builds three buffering mechanism (isolation mechanism, coordination mechanism and innovation mechanism) to improve the enterprise flexible effectiveness and buffer the impact to enterprises induced by environmental uncertainty.


