

The Research on the Mechanism of Sustainable Development on the Village Bank

【作者】 刘通

【导师】 胡小平;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 农业经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 创建村镇银行是深化农村金融改革的创新之举,为农村金融发展注入了“新鲜的血液”,有利于竞争性农村金融市场的构建,能够在一定程度上缓解农村金融供需的矛盾,并为民间资金提供了良性的发展渠道。村镇银行按照现有的制度安排建立了起来,其是否愿意留在农村并成为支农发展的重要力量,关键要看能否实现机构的可持续发展。适当的利润,无论对于村镇银行资金的提供者和接受者,都有着重要而有益的作用,它是决定村镇银行可否实现可持续发展的关键。本文通过对孟加拉村镇银行、印度尼西亚人民银行、美国社区银行的案例分析,总结得到有利于中国村镇银行发展的启示:首先,尽快进行利率市场化改革,赋予金融机构自主的利率定价权,利率市场化后,一方面可以增加金融机构的存款规模,另一方面金融机构可以更好地对客户进行风险识别和风险定价,有利于金融机构根据业务、客户特点制定可实现机构可持续发展的利率;其次,利用地缘、人缘优势进行深入调查来获取信息,相比国有银行而言信息成本要小,工作效率的提高也可以降低经营成本,增加收益;第三,创新金融产品,开发符合当地经济社会发展的存贷款产品是村镇银行实现可持续发展的重要环节;最后,建立一套符合当地特色的小额信贷流程和管理办法:简化信贷操作流程,缩短放贷时间,采用适合中小企业和农户特点的贷款调查方式,配备素质高、专业性强的信贷人员。目前,在金融机构事实上已经商业化的情况下,只有农村的经营性需求,满足了商业信贷的基本条件。在政府号令金融机构支农的情况下,商业金融组织,也将目光普遍性地投向了这一类资金需求。为数不多的支农资金以及政策贴息优惠,都到了大款、大户手里,位于底层草根金融以及支农政策所关注的广大农户却没有得到金融服务。基于此,本文将对农村金融的需求层次进行细分,同时,结合中国地区经济发展的不平衡,提出了中国村镇银行发展应分三阶段走:第一阶段是扶贫阶段,首先应立足当地发展实际,以支持农户、农村经济为主,积极支持农民发展种植、养殖业,解决农民生产生活中的资金困难,扩大自身影响,切实体现村镇银行的政策导向作用;第二阶段,应将个体工商户、中小企业等较为活跃的经济主体作为重点扶持对象;第三阶段,随着农业产业化链条的延伸,把服务重点转向实力较强、惠民富民、规模化经营的农民、农村经济组织、民营企业,成为服务三农为重点,辐射县域中小企业的综合性特色银行。为深入探索支撑中国村镇银行可持续发展的制度体系,本文尽可能较全面地反映了目前村镇银行的内外部制度在运行过程中存在的问题,集中体现在:一.制度缺失。金融监管部门设计村镇银行宏观管理制度时,在注意了行业风险的防范的同时,忽视了如何有利于村镇银行发展的问题,导致金融创新动力不足;没有理顺村镇银行发展的金融环境,由于村镇银行处于发展初期,国家有关鼓励村镇银行服务“三农”的相关制度,保护投资人利益的存款保险制度都没有建立;村镇银行缺乏国家隐性担保,由于公众对村镇银行了解有限,多数银行会选择有国家信用做后盾的各大银行,这直接导致村镇银行在创立之初很难吸收公众存款;行政干预增加了信贷风险,成为影响村镇银行农户小额信贷支农可持续发展的重要原因。二.村镇银行股权结构有待进一步改进。股权过度分散,易导致股权约束的弱化,进而引发公司“内部人控制”情况下的全体股东利益受损问题;股权过度集中,形成某一股东对公司的绝对控股,则又容易造成“一股独大”条件下的滥用控股权问题,不但中小股东利益受损,而且公司自身的独立性亦难以保障。三.村镇银行经营管理机制缺乏效率。产品种类单一,结构失衡以及服务功能缺失,往往导致村镇银行经营效益不高;科技、人才等后台支撑的缺乏,也使得村镇银行的产品和服务发展受到限制;村镇银行管理成本较高,盈利能力有限;内部人事管理制度绩效不明显。村镇银行要实现可持续发展需要坚持以下原则:坚持服务“三农”的功能定位;坚持市场化方向:坚持因地制宜地选择多样化的激励制度。统筹兼顾,妥善处理好盈利和履行社会责任之间的关系,是村镇银行短期内最大的管理目标。村镇银行市场定位要关注的重点是贷款的投向,首先把确保每一笔贷款的安全和风险作为重中之重,绝不能以牺牲自身安全和可持续发展换取所谓的体现“政策性”目标,事实上,牺牲银行资金安全得到的政策性支持最终将葬送政策性目标。作为新型农村金融机构的村镇银行,一些地处经济基础薄弱的县域,加上受本身实力所限,如果没有政府和相关部门特殊政策的扶持,生存和发展空间将极为有限,村镇银行要实现自身的健康可持续发展,更离不开制度政策的规范与保障:具有生机和活力的农村经济,是村镇银行,更甚一步说是农村金融得以繁衍滋养的基础;适度有效的利率浮动权限是村镇银行实现赢利的重要工具;农业保险和存款保险制度能为村镇银行发展保驾护航;有效的监管制度是村镇银行健康运行的保障。从股权约束的角度看,一个合理的公司股权结构应该既避免股权的过度分散,又避免股权的过度集中。因此,无论是理论角度还是实践角度,适度集中的股权结构都是公司最有效的股权结构,追求适度集中的股权结构应该是我国村镇银行股权改革的方向和目标。在股权相对分散基础上的相对集中或控股,是村镇银行股权结构的最优选择。针对当前我国村镇银行实际运行中主发起银行一股独大的现实,有必要对此加以纠偏,改变现行规定中“村镇银行最大股东或惟一股东必须是银行业金融机构”的现行规定,在开放“市场准入”的同时,还必须坚持“脚踩一条船”原则,也就是,村镇银行的董事长和执行董事,不能同时又是工商企业主。提高村镇银行经营管理绩效,需要扎扎实实做好信贷调查评定工作:深入调查,建立健全客户的资信档案;明确工作职责,落实评级责任:统一评定标准,实施规范操作;对客户的信用档案实行电子化管理,建立信息共享机制;对信贷实施动态管理,努力做好信贷复评工作。提高银行经营绩效还需要建立科学的贷款利率定价机制:村镇银行要建立并理顺浮动利率的贷款定价机制,根据不同客户信用等级和市场变化实施差别化利率,村镇银行的信贷主要是针对“三农”的贷款,具体可根据农户贷款期限、贷款用途以及农户的信用状况风险定价,依据风险度的高低来决定贷款投放额度的利率浮动幅度;贷款应根据不同地区的经济状况、不同的贷款用途发放不同额度的贷款,在确定小额信贷基本利率的基础上,适度提高贷款的利率水平,让利率能够覆盖成本和损失。建立和完善信贷管理责任激励机制,优化对信贷人员的激励机制,由单一的负激励转变为正负激励机制并举,企业激励机制的实施过程中要注意员工需求内容的变化,根据员工不同的需求及时改变对员工的激励方式,感情激励是对核心员工长期的激励方式。加强经营管理,降低村镇银行信贷经营成本:一是优化机构网点设置和人力资源配置,最大限度地发挥机构网点和信贷人员的服务效能。二是规范信贷业务操作流程,提高办理贷款的工作效率。三是培养农户自觉还款的习惯。加强信贷专业管理人才的培养,打造一支合格的信贷人员队伍。良好有序的金融环境、健全的内控和风险管理机制、正向的激励机制是村镇银行实现健康可持续发展的保障,只有实现了可持续发展,才能进一步发挥村镇银行服务“三农”,发挥“鲶鱼效应”,真正填补中国广大农村金融服务的空白。

【Abstract】 Creating village bank is an innovation to deepen the financial reform in the rural areas. The village bank is beneficial to the construction of competitive rural financial market as well as alleviates the contradiction between supply and demand of rural finance. It provides healthy development channel for private capital in the rural areas.After constructed following current financial system., whether the village bank can be the major support for agriculture or not, the key point is the sustainable development of the organization. Moderate profit is important and rewarding for both the provider and receiver of the funds. And it’s the key for the sustainable development of the village bank.Based on the case studies of Bangladesh Village Bank, Indonesia People’s Bank and the community banks in the United States, there are some good experiences for Chinese village bank development. First, market-oriented interest rate reform should be carried forward as soon as possible. Under market-based interest rates, the financial organization can decide the price of the lending funds independently. Market-oriented reforms of interest rates will increase the deposit scale as well as improve customer risk identification and risk valuation. Market-based interest rates allow the financial institutes provide sustainable interest rates based on the characters of business and customers. Second, village banks can use their geographical superiority and personal advantage to obtain through information with lower cost comparing with stated owned banks. Third, innovative financial products and the loan products in accordance with local economic and social development is important to realize the sustainable development.Final, village banks need to build a set to conform to the local characteristics of microfinance process and management measures. Credit operation process should be simplified. Loan duration should be shortened. Suitable survey method should be applied for small and medium-sized enterprises and peasant household. And professionals should be employed to improve the efficiency.At present, under condition that the financial institutions in rural area in fact already have commercialized, only business demands meet the basic conditions of commercial credit. The government encourages the support to development rural economy from the financial institutes. Commercialized financial organizations are also look into this kind of funds demand. Limited funds and policy discount privilege went to those big customers. The broad masses of farmers who really need it cannot have opportunities to get funds from village banks. Based on this, we will classify the demand levels of the rural finance. Combining the unbalanced development of different areas in China, we propose that the village bank development in China should have three stages. The first stage is the poverty alleviation. The main task is to support farmer to develop planting and breeding industry, help farmer to solve capital difficulties, reflect its policy direction. The second stage is to support individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises. The third stage is to support the industrialization of agriculture. Powerful rural economic organization should be paid more attentions.To investigate the institute system of village banks for sustainable development, this paper tries to investigate the operational problems of village banks. Some problems we figured out are stated as below.First is the institutional deficiency. Financial regulation department focused on the risk prevention while overlook the financial innovation for the development of village Banks. The financial environment is not well constructed for the development of village Banks at that time. Because of the early stage of the village Bank development, based on the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" policy, the related regulation, which to encourage the village bank service and to protect the interests of the investors, did not set up yet. Without the state implicit guarantee and the awareness by the public, collecting public deposit is quite difficult for village banks. Administrative intervention increases the credit risks and hinders the sustainable development of the village banks.Second, the ownership structure of the Village bank need to be further improved. Overstretched equity weakens equity constraint easily and may lead the "insider control" problem. Over concentrated equity creates "a dominant", which is in a holding position. Under this condition, abuse liability may impair the interests of minority shareholders and itself independence.Third, the operational and management mechanism is lack of efficiency. Simple types of financial products, unbalanced structure and insufficient service function lead poor performance. Limited support from technology and human resource depart also hold its development..All above factors result in the high operational cost and low performance. Human resource management runs not very effectively.Principals as below should be followed to realize the sustainable development. First is the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" policy. Second is the market-oriented operation. Third is the diversified incentive system under local circumstance.In the short term, one of the largest management goals of village bank is to be balanced and properly handle the relationship between the profitability and the social responsibility. Usage of the loan is highly related to the market identification of the village bank. The safety of each loan should be secured. Policy goals should not be traded with the safety of the loans and its own sustainable development.Without the support from government and related administrative departments, village bank strive to survive and develop in some rural areas. Standardized institutional systems secure the sustainable development of village banks. The development of village bank depends on the development of rural economy. Moderate floating Interest rates bring profits. Rural insurance and deposit insurance secure village bank development safely. Effective administrative systems guarantee the healthy operation.From the perspective of equity constraints, a reasonable shareholder structure should avoid excessive decentralization or concentration. Therefore, whether it is a theoretical perspective or practical perspective, moderate concentration of ownership structure is the most effective equity ownership structure. The pursuit of moderate concentration of ownership structure should be a direction and goal of the reform of village bank equity in China.A concentrated shareholder structure is the optimal choice of village bank ownership. Currently, the biggest shareholder is always the founder bank of the village bank. Standing regulations require that the shareholder in the position must a banking financial institute. This should be amended to promote the market access. However, to avoid the risk of moral hazard, the chairman and executive director of the village Banks should not be the industrial and commercial business owners at the same time.To improve the village bank operational and managing performance, complete credit investigation evaluation should be accomplished solidly and deeply. Appropriate customer credit documentation system should be well built. Responsibilities for different positions should clear. Operation should be standardized. Customer documents should be maintained by digit files and can easily to be shared. Loan management should be dynamic. Credit review should be well done.Interest rate is essential for bank’s performance. Differentiated interest rates should be applied according to the market and the customer credit ratings. Loans from village bank targets on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". The duration and the usage of the loan and the credit condition determine the price of the loan. The risk levels decide the amount and the interest rate levels. Other elements should be considered to allow the interest covering the cost and potential lost, such as the local economic development level, different usages of the loan.Village bank should establish and complete its credit management incentive mechanism. In stand of single negative incentive mechanism, both positive and negative incentive mechanism should be practiced. Enterprise implementation process should pay attention to the incentive mechanism of employee. The content of the incentive should be changed over time. According to the different needs of employee, emotional incentive is the core long-term incentives. To strengthen management and reduce the cost of the village Bank:first step is to optimize outlet setting and human resource configuration, in order to maximize service efficiency. A qualified professional credit management team should be built and trained. Second step is to regulate credit operation process and improve the efficiency for operating loan. Three step is to cultivate the consciously reimbursement habit of farmers.A fine and orderly financial environment, a sound internal control and risk management mechanism and a positive incentive mechanism are the guarantee of healthy sustainable development of village banks. Only after realize the sustainable development, village bank can further play the key role of supporting "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" with "catfish effect" and fill the blank of financial services in the rural areas of China.

【关键词】 村镇银行可持续机制
【Key words】 village bankmechanismsustainable

