

A Remote Sensing Study on Mine Environmental Effects

【作者】 郝利娜

【导师】 程新文; 张志; 薛重生;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 资源与环境遥感, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 在中国社会经济快速发展的今天,资源和环境问题已成为严重制约社会经济发展的瓶颈,如何建立资源节约型和环境友好型社会,在满足社会高速发展对资源需求的同时保护好环境,实现矿山开发的可持续发展,是我国必须面对和解决的紧迫社会问题。我国是世界主要的矿业国家,矿业活动历史悠久,在长期的矿产资源开发利用过程中,由于认识的不足,长期以来环境保护意识淡薄,矿山环境保护法律、法规和条例不健全,管理滞后,矿山开发方式粗放,矿产资源的开采方式、技术装备和生产工艺落后,使得矿山在为国民经济建设和发展做出重要贡献的同时,带来了沉重的环境代价。粗放式的矿山开发方式所诱发的大量矿山环境问题,不仅造成资源破坏、环境破坏和污染,引发矿山地质灾害,而且还危及到人民生命财产安全,严重影响和制约了社会经济及矿山的可持续发展。随着我国经济的迅猛快速发展,矿产资源的需求将会日益增加,矿山开发的规模也会逐步扩大,因此,迫切需要寻求有效监测矿山环境的新方法,确保在满足矿产资源需求的同时,保护好环境。当前,遥感技术已步入了高速发展时期,空间分辨率、光谱分辨率和时间分辨率得到显著提高,应用领域也不断扩大。遥感技术在气象、土地利用动态变化等领域的成功应用为矿山环境研究带来了新的契机。湖北省矿产资源种类多样,矿山类型齐全,鄂东南的金属矿集区及鄂西的磷矿集区涵盖了各类矿山开发的方式(地下开采、露天开采、露天地下联合开采)及矿山环境效应,代表性强,是进行各类矿山环境效应深入研究的理想之地。本文研究工作是以中国地质调查局开展的矿产资源开发多目标遥感调查与监测项目—湖北省重点矿集区矿山开发遥感调查与监测为依托,以湖北省重点矿集区为研究基地,以矿山环境遥感方法为主要研究内容,借鉴矿山环境和遥感技术的相关理论及研究方法,初步建立了矿山环境遥感监测的相关基础理论及基本方法,同时以矿山环境要素中的矿山尾矿库、矿业活动占地变化和矿山地质灾害等具体问题为研究内容开展方法研究。论文共分为七章,主要内容及章节如下:第一章绪论介绍了论文研究背景,综述了矿山环境遥感研究领域的相关文献,总结了当前的研究成果、存在的问题及未来发展趋势;第二章介绍了湖北省两个典型的重点矿集区(鄂东南金属矿集区和鄂西磷矿集区)自然地理、地质背景及矿产资源的开发利用现状,同时阐明了研究区的主要矿山环境问题;第三章基于矿山环境的理论初步建立了矿山环境遥感研究的基础理论和一般研究方法;第四章是矿山环境具体要素中的尾矿库专题研究,建立了尾矿库的图像识别标志,提出了尾矿库自动提取方法;第五章是矿山开发占地专题研究,建立了不同占地方式的遥感图像识别标志,同时采用不同时相的影像融合提取矿业活动占用土地信息;第六章是矿山地质灾害专题研究,建立了不同类型矿山地质灾害的图像解译标志,采用多源信息协同的方法提取大广山铁矿塌陷区范围;第七章是论文的结论与展望。第三章至第六章为论文的重点和核心,属于作者独立研究成果。主要研究学术成果及创新点如下:1、初步建立了矿山环境遥感研究的理论基础和研究方法。在已有的矿山环境相关理论基础上,基于遥感技术可探测的程度,总结和归纳出了矿山环境遥感研究基础理论,包括矿山环境遥感的概念、研究内容、矿山环境遥感的机理等;结合矿山环境遥感特点和遥感技术的一般研究方法初步建立了矿山环境的遥感研究方法,包括目视解译,计算机自动分类信息提取,遥感应用模型及多源信息协同综合提取信息。2、针对论文所用数据源特征,提出了合适的辐射纠正方法和图像融合方法。(1)依据WorldView-2全波段图像的特征,选用合适的定标方法完成了高分图像的辐射定标,并基于FLASSH模型对其进行大气校正。(2)分析了传统高空间分辨率全色影像与多光谱影像融合的模式中,光谱不匹配是导致融合后影像光谱失真的本质原因。以Hyperion和SPOT5的融合为例,基于由传感器决定的遥感图像光谱特征,提出了一种新的融合模式。该融合模式要求从高光谱影像中抽取多个单波段影像与多光谱影像中的一个波段进行融合,并确保多个单波段影像与多光谱影像中的一个波段具有相同光谱响应范围。提出的融合模式有效避免了传统融合模式中因光谱响应范围不匹配而产生的光谱畸变问题。3、建立了尾矿库的高分遥感图像识别标志和尾矿库信息自动提取模型。(1)详细阐述了尾矿库的环境效应(尾矿库溃坝、水土污染、土地占用、尾沙扬尘)和尾矿二次开发不当产生的新尾矿库问题。针对尾矿库产生的不同环境问题,提出了相应的研究方法。(2)以鄂东南典型的尾矿库(以程潮铁矿、大广山铁矿为代表的国有矿山大型尾矿库,私营企业的小型简陋尾矿库)为研究对象,基于WorldView-2影像,深入分析了尾沙的成分特征、表面纹理特征、尾矿库的结构特征、分布特征等及其在高分遥感图像上的响应,建立了各类型尾矿库的高分遥感图像识别因子,初步完成了研究区尾矿库的调查任务。(3)通过对比铁山尾矿库中尾沙的实测光谱和遥感图像上相应区域尾沙在WorldView-2全波段影像上的反射率光谱曲线,最终选取黄色波段和近红外2波段构建了改进型归一化尾沙指数(MNDTI),提取研究区尾矿库信息。针对含水尾沙与居民区屋顶、干涸尾沙与矿山道路的“异物同谱”问题,则采用同质性纹理特征解决。最终结合MNDTI指数和同质性纹理特征建立尾沙提取模型MTI (Model of Tailing Impoundment),快速提取了研究区不同类型尾矿库,初步摸索出了尾矿库信息的自动提取方法。4、建立了各类型矿山占地的遥感图像识别标志,基于不同时相的高光谱和多光谱影像融合后的图像,分别采用植被指数和自动分类法提取矿山占地变化信息。(1)详细分析了矿山开发占地的遥感图像特征,针对具体的占地类型在图像上的光谱、纹理特征,分别建立了其遥感图像识别标志。(2)在融合后影像中,自然植被区、矿业活动导致的植被破坏区以及非植被区光谱及纹理特征差异大,尤其在近红外波谱区间的第43波段和红色波谱区间的第27波段灰度值差异更为明显,因此选用融合后影像的第43波段和第27波段建立新的植被指数,采用密度分割的方法提取研究区矿山占地信息。(3)为了最大限度的利用融合后影像的光谱信息及纹理信息,本文还采用计算机自动分类法对研究区图像进行自动分类,提取矿山占地信息。基于融合后的49个波段,采用监督分类法提取的植被破坏信息中,矿山占地与城市混分现象较少,应用效果显著。5、依据不同矿山地质灾害的特征及其图像响应特征建立了矿山地质灾害的遥感图像识别标志,以大广山铁矿区为例,采用多源信息协同的方法综合提取了塌陷区的范围。(1)从地质条件、地形地貌、水文地质条件、人为因素、触发因素等方面详细分析了矿山地质灾害的孕灾条件;建立了矿山塌陷、地裂缝、滑坡、崩塌、泥石流地质灾害在遥感图像上的解译标志,并以研究区典型地质灾害为例探讨了其发展、发生的条件。(2)以大广山铁矿塌陷区为研究对象,采用多源信息协同的方法(地形因子分析、基于地统计学的影像纹理分析和植被盖度分析)综合提取了不同时相(SPOT5.SPOT4. QuickBird和Worldview-2)影像数据上的塌陷区域,通过多期影像监测得出塌陷发生的一般规律为:a、塌陷区坡度值主要在4°~30°之间,塌陷区外围坡度值为0°,与塌陷区地势差异较大;b、阳坡比阴坡发生塌陷灾害的可能性大;c、采用地统计方法统计影像灰度值分布规律发现,地面塌陷区以灰度最高值为中心向外扩展,在塌陷区内部及周围所形成的同心圆较碎,能与外围大片状分布区明显区分开来。矿山环境遥感调查与监测是一个集合了多个学科的交叉研究领域,涉及到地质学、地理学、环境科学、图像处理等多个学科多方面的理论、方法和技术研究,具有很强的学科.交叉性和前瞻性。本文对矿山环境遥感调查与监测的相关理论和方法进行了初步研究和探讨,在矿山环境具体要素研究中,受客观条件的制约,仅对较突出的尾矿库、矿山占地和矿山地质灾害进行了研究。在实际应用中还存在着一系列的理论问题及关键技术需要进一步深入研究,同时还需进一步扩大矿山环境要素的研究范围,如水土污染、生态破坏等。

【Abstract】 Today, socio-economic develops rapidly in China, resources and environment problems have became a bottleneck, seriously restricting the development. It’s a pressing social problem to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society that we have to face and solve, we should meet the resource demand for high-speed development and protect the environment at the same time, achieve sustainable development of mining.China is the main mining country in the world with a long history of mine exploitation. While, because of the lack of environmental protection consciousness, the laws or regulations about mine environmental protection are not sound, the mining technology and equipment are also outdated, which bring a heavy environmental price. Improper mining way induced a lot of mine environment problems, giving rise to the resource damage, environmental pollution and mine geological disasters. The problems also endanger the people’s life and property security, seriously affected and restricted the social economy and the mine sustainable development. With the rapid development of China’s economic, demanding for mineral resources will increasing day by day, and the scale of mine exploitation will gradually expand as well. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find new methods to effectively monitor the mine environment, ensure that the environment will well protected in the process of mineral resources development.At present, remote sensing technology has entered a rapid development period, spatial resolution, spectral resolution and time resolution have been significantly improved, applications expand unceasingly. The successful applications in the field of meteorology and land use dynamic change bring new opportunities for mine environmental studies.Hubei Province has variety of mineral resources and mine types. Polymetallic ore concentration area in southeastern Hubei and phosphate ore concentration area in western Hubei cover various mining methods (underground mining, open pit mining, open-air underground combined mining) and mining environmental effects. It is an ideal area to intensively study different mine environment effects. The work of this study is relying on a project named "remote sensing survey and monitor for the key ore concentration area in Hubei province", which is carried out by China Geological Survey Bureau. This study chooses ore concentration areas in Hubei as study area, mainly discuss remote sensing method for mine environment. The author used correlation theory and research method of mine environment and remote sensing technology for reference, preliminary established basic theory and methods of mine environment monitor using remote sensing technology. Some specific problems like mine tailings, land cover change of mining activity and mine geological disaster, are also discussed.The thesis is divided into seven chapters, main content and chapters are as follows:The first chapter introduced the thesis background, summarized related articles at home and abroad, summed up the results of the current study, the existing problems and the development trends; The second chapter described the information of two typical key mineral area in Hubei Province (the southeastern Hubei metallic ore concentration area and western Hubei phosphorite concentration area), including physical geography, geology background and the status quo of mineral resources development and utilization, also clarified the main mining environmental issues; Based on the theory of mine environment, the third chapter initially established basic theory and general research methods of mine environmental remote sensing; The fourth chapter is a monographic study of tailings, established the tailings image interpretation marks and proposed automatic extraction method of tailings; Chapter fifth mainly discussed the land cover in mine development, established the image interpretation marks for different cover types, and extracted mining land information using different period images; Chapter Ⅵ is a monographic study of mine geological disasters, established the image interpretation keys and extracted subsidence area of Daguangshan Iron; Chapter Ⅶ is the conclusion and outlook of the thesis. Chapter Ⅲ to Ⅵ are the focus and the core of the thesis, research results belong to the author independently. Main academic research results and innovations are as follows:1. Initially established the basic theory and methods of the mine environmental remote sensing research. Based on the existing relevant theories, summarized the basic theory and methods of the mine environmental remote sensing research, including the concept, research contents and mechanism of mine environment remote sensing; Combined the mine environment remote sensing character and general research method of remote sensing technology, established remote sensing monitor method of mine environment, including visual interpretation, automatic classification for information extraction, application models and multi-source information synergy.2. For data characteristics used by the paper, we put forward suitable radiation correction method and image fusion method.(ⅰ) Based on characteristics of WorldView-2full-band image, we completed radiometric calibration of high resolution image, and done the atmospheric correction using FLASSH model,(ⅱ) Analysis of the traditional high spatial resolution panchromatic and multispectral image fusion model, we found that spectral mismatch is the essential factor that causes spectral distortion after image fusion. Take the integration of Hyperion and SPOT5as an example, the author proposed a new fusion model which considering the remote sensing image spectral characteristics determined by the sensor. This fusion model requires multiple bands extracted from hyperspectral image and one band extracted from multi-spectral image, ensure that the multiple bands and the one band have same spectral response range. The proposed fusion mode effectively avoided the problem of spectral distortion.3. Established the image recognition signs and automatic extraction model of tailings.(i) Discusses in detail the environmental effects of the tailings(tailings dam failure,water and soil pollution,the land occupied by the tailing dust)and tailings which are secondly developde improperly generated new problems. This paper focuses on tailings research methods appropriate to the different environmental issues.(ii) Take the typical tailings in southeastern Hu.bei (large tailings of state-owned mining and small simple tailings of private enterprise) as research object, analyzed the characteristics of composition, surface texture, structure and distribution based on the WorldView-2image, established the recognition factors of different type tailings in high resolution remote sensing image, preliminary completed the investigation of tailings in the study area,(iii) Contrasting the measured spectrum and WorldView-2image spectrum of tailing sand in Tieshan tailing, we ultimately chose the yellow and near-infrared bands to build an improved normalized tail sand index (MNDTI), and then extracted tailing information. For the "foreign objects with same spectra" problem of water-bearing sand and roofs, dry sand and mine road, we use homogeneous texture feature to solve. Finally,wu have built the model of tailing impoundment (MTI) which combining the MNDTI index and homogeneous texture feature, rapidly extracted different types of tailings in the study area, preliminary groped out the automatic extraction method of tailings information.4. Set up various types of recognition marks of the mining covering area in the remote sensing image.Based on different phase of hyperspectral and multispectral image after image fusion,we have used vegetation index and automatical classification respectively to extract the information of land occupation of mine.(ⅰ)Analyzing the remote sensing image characteristics of land occupation of mine in details, in view of the spectrum and texture feature of land types in the image, we have set up the remote sensing image recognition marks respectively.(ⅱ)In the images after fusion, vegetation region, vegetation destruction area and the nonvegetated area have large difference both in spectral and texture. Especially in the43th band of near infrared spectral range and the27th band of the red spectral, grey value is different more apparently. Therefore, we have choosen the43th and27th band to establish new vegetation index, adopting the method of density slice to extract the information of land occupation of mine.(ⅲ)In order to use the fused image spectral information and texture information maximizely, the article takes the computer automatic classification method to classify the image, gain the information of land occupation of mine. Based on the49bands after fusion, using supervised classification to extract the information of vegetation deterioration, we found land occupation of mine and the classification of chaos in city is less, and the application effect is remarkable.5. According to the characteristics of different mine geology disaster and their image characteristics, the author set up the identification mark in remote sensing image of the mine geological disaster. Taking Daguangshan iron mining area as an example, we adopt multi-source information synergy method to extract the area of the subsidence,(i) Disaster-forming conditions of mine geological disasters are analyzed in detail like geology, landform, hydrogeologic conditions, human factors and triggering factors. The study builds the interpretation keys for mining subsidence, such as ground fissure, landslide, collapse and debris flow, and also discusses their developing conditions on the typical geological disasters in this area.(ii)Taking Daguangshan iron mining area as the research object, the study adopts the method of multi-source information synergy to extract the subsidence area of the image in different time(SPOT5、SPOT4、 QuickBird and Worldview-2), drawing the general conclusions by multiphase image monitoring that the rules for the collapse occurred is:a. the area of the subsidence slope is between4°and30°, subsidence peripheral slope is0, the difference of the two area is obvious; b. the sunny slope is more likely to collapse than the shady slope; c. through the statistics of its gray value distribution,we found that the value reduced gradually from the centre to the edge, the circle around the subsidence is broken, and it’s easy to distinguish with the periphery.The investigation and monitoring of mine environment by remote sensing is a cross science, involving the theories and methods of Geology, Geography, Environmental science, image processing and so on, which has a strong subject crossing and prospective. The study makes a primary discussion on the theories and methods of the investigation and monitoring of mine environment by remote sensing. In the study of mine environment specific elements, due to objective conditions, only tailings mining, mine land occupation and mine geological disasters are studied. In practical applications, there are still some key technologies and theoretical issues need to further study, meanwhile, we also need to further expand the scope of study of mine environmental elements, such as soil pollution, ecological destruction, etc.


