

Research on the System of Watershed Land Use Function Zoning

【作者】 刘世斌

【导师】 李江风;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 土地资源管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 流域是一个相对完整的地理单元。随着社会经济的快速发展,流域土地资源的大规模开发不仅加剧了资源短缺,还直接威胁到人类的生存和发展,流域的生态环境问题因土地资源的不合理开发利用而日益凸显,成为流域社会经济协调发展和居民生产生活水平提高的严重制约因素。党的“十八大”报告提出“大力推进生态文明建设”,要求做到优化国土空间开发格局、全面促进资源节约、加大自然生态系统和环境保护力度、加强生态文明制度建设。那么,如何引导并形成流域各区域土地利用的主导功能,构建合理的土地开发利用模式,实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的和谐统一和协调发展,已成为流域国土空间开发的一个重要研究领域。流域内不同地区的区位优势不同,土地利用、气候条件、地形地貌、水文条件、植被分布等自然状况具有一定的差异,所面临的社会经济和生态环境问题不同,各地区的土地利用方式有各自的特点,土地利用的主导功能也有所不同,所以在构建可持续性的土地开发利用模式时,进行土地利用功能分区是一种重要措施。进行流域土地利用功能分区体系的研究,全面梳理流域土地利用功能分区的理论体系和技术方法,为科学合理地开展流域土地利用功能分区,促进流域土地利用与生态环境的协调发展提供了有效的解决途径。本文基于流域土地可持续利用的需求,以理论研究和实证研究为主线,通过对流域土地利用特点、流域土地开发产生的环境问题以及土地利用功能分区相关内容的详细分析,探讨了流域土地利用功能分区的理论体系和方法体系,以此构建流域土地利用功能分区体系;在此基础上,结合梁子湖流域的实际情况,提出梁子湖流域土地利用功能分区的目标、原则和依据,分别运用基于决策树模型的综合分析分区法和基于土地利用与生态环境评价的系统聚类法划分梁子湖流域的土地利用功能区,对两种分区方案进行对比分析确定最终的分区结果,最后提出各功能区土地利用的调控措施和梁子湖流域土地利用与生态环境协调发展的土地利用模式。全文共分为八章。第一章为绪论,阐述了文章研究的背景、目的与意义,介绍了文章研究的主要内容和技术路线。第二章为研究综述,分别就流域以及土地利用功能分区的相关问题进行了论述,并对流域土地利用功能分区的国内外进展进行了综述。第三章为流域土地利用功能分区的理论体系研究,通过分析流域土地利用功能分区的理论基础,分区的目标、原则和依据,流域土地利用功能的类型划分,流域土地利用功能分区的方案以及流域土地利用模式,以此形成流域土地利用功能分区的理论体系。第四章为流域土地利用功能分区的方法体系研究,通过分析地理空间分区的一般方法和土地利用功能分区的常用方法,提出流域土地利用功能分区的两种针对性方法,并研究了流域土地利用功能分区指标体系构建的相关问题,以形成流域土地利用功能分区的方法体系。第五章为研究区概况,介绍梁子湖流域的自然条件、社会经济状况,分析了梁子湖流域的土地利用现状和面临的环境问题。第六章以梁子湖流域为例开展实证研究,以构建的流域土地利用功能分区理论体系和方法体系为依据,提出了梁子湖流域土地利用功能分区的目标、原则和依据,确定梁子湖流域土地利用功能分区的基本单元,分别采用基于决策树模型的综合分析分区法,以及构建流域土地利用与生态环境评价指标体系为依据的系统聚类法,形成两套分区方案,并对两种分区方案进行对比分析确定最终的梁子湖流域土地利用功能分区结果。第七章为梁子湖流域土地利用模式构建研究,主要提出7个土地利用功能区的土地利用调控措施,并探讨了梁子湖流域土地利用与生态环境协调发展的土地利用模式。第八章是对全文的总结与展望,分析了文章的研究结论和创新点,提出需进一步深入研究的问题。研究表明:1、流域是一个结构和功能独特、相对独立完整的自然——经济系统,其土地利用类型、土地利用空间布局和土地利用功能等方面存在较大的区域差异,土地利用的生态功能地位突出;土地利用功能分区是土地资源可持续利用的重要措施,是在“十一五”规划和主体功能区划指导下的一种较为中观具有一定导向性的土地利用分区方式,是我国土地利用分区研究工作的补充和完善;目前,有关土地利用功能分区体系的研究并不系统,特别是针对流域这个特定对象的土地利用功能分区的研究更是少见,考虑流域环境保护要求以及经济社会发展需求,开展流域土地利用功能分区研究,对土地开发和保护空间进行合理划分,是流域土地资源的合理利用和可持续利用研究的一个重要科学问题。2、流域土地利用功能分区的具体目标包括明确流域各区域土地利用的主导功能、形成合理的土地利用模式、保护流域的水体并维护流域的生态系统平衡、发挥土地作为流域社会经济调控的手段等,分区的原则有区域内相似性与区域间差异性原则、主导因素原则、因地制宜原则、统筹协调原则等;任何一种土地利用类型都具有多功能特性,但其主体功能是明确的,结合流域土地利用对人类的服务功能,文章将流域土地利用功能划分为生产功能、生活功能和生态功能三类;流域土地利用功能分区方案有其独特性,把握各区域土地利用的主导功能并因地制宜地确定其土地利用的方式,才能发挥各功能区土地利用的优势,进而促进整个流域的全面发展。以上内容构成了流域土地利用功能分区的理论体系。3、地理空间分区的方法多样,综合土地利用功能分区的研究可以看出综合分析法贯穿于大多数的土地利用功能分区研究,部分分区工作则仅使用叠图法进行操作,聚类分析是分区工作中较常用的方法且一般须结合指标体系法使用,将叠图法与系统聚类分析法相结合的土地利用功能分区方法则被广泛采用;以流域土地利用的特点和土地利用功能的差异性为基础,可采用两种有针对性的方法开展流域土地利用功能分区:一是基于决策树模型的综合分析分区法,二是以流域的土地利用与生态环境综合评价作为土地利用功能分区的主导标志,利用各分区单元土地利用子系统和生态环境子系统的综合评价得分为基础进行系统聚类,并加以综合分析来划分流域的土地利用功能区;流域土地利用功能分区指标体系包括土地利用子系统评价指标体系和生态环境子系统评价指标体系,流域的土地利用子系统评价准则包括土地利用条件、土地利用功能和土地利用效益三个方面,生态环境子系统评价准则包括生态环境现状和生态环境压力两个方面,各评价准则又包含若干评价因子,合理确定各评价指标的权重是决定评价是否科学,结果是否准确的关键,本文采用专家打分法来确定各评价指标的权重。4、梁子湖属于城郊型湖泊,是目前中国水质最好的淡水湖泊之一,梁子湖流域位于武汉市、鄂州市、黄石市和咸宁市的交界地带,总面积2417.24km2,流域经济相对落后,开发程度较低,旅游业较为发达;2009年末,流域土地利用中农用地面积167469hm2,建设用地面积16484hm2,未利用地面积57771hm2;流域土地利用的特点是水体资源集中,水质良好,但生态脆弱,土地利用类型分布集中,土地利用空间布局的地域差异明显,旅游景观用地分布相对集中;面临的环境问题有城镇化进程的压力、旅游资源开发与环境保护的矛盾日益显著、农业渔业资源的过度开发产生的威胁以及上游水土流失等。5、开展梁子湖流域土地利用功能分区研究,其目的是丰富完善流域土地利用功能分区的理论体系和方法体系,引导形成梁子湖流域各区域的土地利用主导功能。梁子湖流域土地利用功能定位:发挥梁子湖流域水资源优势,加强核心水域和集水区的生态保护,重视流域生态农业基地建设和城乡一体化建设,提升流域生态旅游特色,为农业生产和新型产业发展提供用地保障,凸显生态保护功能,促进土地利用与生态环境协调发展,保障流域生态旅游区建设目标的实现。依据流域土地利用功能分区理论体系和方法体系,文章构建了梁子湖流域土地利用功能分区的决策树模型,形成了基于决策树模型的土地利用功能分区方案,该方法将梁子湖流域划分生态、生产和生活三种类型的功能区,共计7个土地利用功能区;文章还研究了基于系统聚类法的梁子湖流域土地利用功能分区,该方法通过构建土地利用子系统与生态环境子系统之间的评价指标体系,计算各分区单元的土地利用与生态环境评价得分,以此作为聚类分析的依据,生成聚类分析谱系图并形成分区结果,该方法将梁子湖流域划分为生态型、生产型、生活型和核心水体四类土地利用功能区。综合分析上述两种分区方案,最终形成梁子湖流域的土地利用功能分区方案:27个分区单元被划分成7个功能区块,其中生态类功能区3个,生产类和生活类功能区务2个,具体为:梁子湖核心水体生态功能保护区、流域北部生态屏障功能区、流域上游水源涵养生态功能区、流域基本农田保护区、流域一般生产功能发展区、流域下游生活功能改良区和流域西北部生活功能发展区,各功能区的面积依次为30818hm2、18793hm2、59092hm2、97087hm2、17409hm2、1465hm2、17060hm2;文章最后提出了各功能区土地利用的调控措施,并针对流域土地资源开发利用面临的环境问题,从产业结构调整、生态屏障建设、形成协调机制等方面探讨构建梁子湖流域土地利用与生态环境协调发展模式。

【Abstract】 The watershed is a relatively complete geographic unit. With the rapid development of society and economy, large-scale development of the watershed land resources has not only exacerbated the shortage of resources, but also threatened the survival and development of human. The ecological environmental issue has become increasingly prominent for unreasonable development and utilization of land resources, which has become a serious constraint for watershed to improve the coordination of social-economic development and residents’ production and living level. The report of the Party’s "18th Meeting" proposes that we have to vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization, to optimize national spatial development pattern, to comprehensively promote resource conservation, to increase the protection of natural ecosystem and environment and to strengthen the system of ecological civilization construction. Then, it has become an important research field to guide the formation of the watershed in regional land use and to construct a reasonable model of land development and utilization to achieve economic and social benefits, harmony and unity of the ecological benefits and the coordinated development of watershed land space development.The location advantages of watershed in different areas are different. The natural conditions such as the land use, climatic conditions, topography and hydrological conditions, vegetation distribution have some differences, and the social-economic and ecological environment problem are different. The way of all regions of the land use has respective characteristics. The leading functions of land use are different, too. Therefore, it is an important measure to divide function zoning of land use when one builds sustainable land development and utilization mode. To do the research of functional partition system of watershed land use, and to comprehensively sort watershed land-use functional partition theory system and technology provide an effective solution way for scientific and rational watershed land use partition function, and promote the coordinated development of watershed land use and ecological environment.This paper detailedly explores the partition theory system of watershed land use the and methodology based on the needs of the watershed sustainable land use to build watershed land use function zoning system, taking theoretical and empirical research as the main line through the use of the characteristics of watershed land. Watershed land development generates environmental issues. On this basis, combining with the actual situation of Liangzi Lake watershed, the paper puts forward the target, principle and the basis of function zoning of land use in Liangzi Lake watershed respectively. Meanwhile, this paper does a comprehensive analysis of partition method based on decision tree model and the land use function in Liangzi Lake watershed system clustering method of land use and ecological environment assessment based on the comparative analysis to determine the ultimate results of two kinds of partition scheme on the basis of the land use and land use pattern of coordinated development of ecological environment of each functional area of land use regulation measures of Liangzi Lake watershed.The thesis can be divided into eight chapters. The first chapter is the introduction of the study of the background, purpose and significance of the article, the main content of the article research and technology roadmap. The second chapter is the research review, respectively discussing the watershed and related problems of land use zoning. The progress in the functional zoning of land use at home and abroad is reviewed. The third chapter is the theoretical system of the partition function of the use of land, through the analysis of land use zoning of the theoretical basis, objectives, principles and basis for zoning, land use classification function, patterns of land use zoning plan and land use in the watershed so as to form the watershed land use theory system function partition. The fourth chapter focuses on the methods.The author analyzes spatial zoning and land use zoning methods, the land use zoning of the two kinds of specific methods, and studies the related issues of construction of function zoning index system of land use and the method to form system function partition. The fifth chapter is the overview of the study region, introduction of natural conditions and social economic status of Liangzi Lake watershed, and the land use of Liangzi Lake watershed and environmental issues. The sixth chapter is the empirical research by taking Liangzi Lake Watershed as an example, based on the construction of the watershed land use zoning theory system and method system.The author puts forward the target, principle and the basis of function zoning of land use in Liangzi Lake Watershed, and determines the basic unit of land use in Liangzi Lake Watershed area respectively, using a comprehensive analysis of zoning decision tree model based on the construction, as well as watershed land use and the evaluation index system of ecological environment for the system clustering method based on partitioning scheme, forming two sets. Two kinds of partition scheme are analyzed to determine the final partition function of land use in Liangzi Lake Watershed. The seventh chapter is the research on the construction of land use pattern in Liangzi Lake Watershed, mainly puts forward7measures of land use regulation function area, and discusses the land use and land use pattern of coordinated development of ecological environment in Liangzi Lake watershed. The eighth chapter is the summary and prospect of the full text, and analyzes the research conclusion and innovation and the need to further in-depth study of the problem.The research shows that:1. The watershed is a unique structure and function, a relatively independent and complete natural--economic system. There are obvious differences existing in land use types, spatial distribution of land use and land use function. The status of land use ecological function is highlight. Land use zoning is an important measure for the sustainable use of land resources. Land use zoning is a medium in the "eleventh five-year" planning and the main function division under the guidance of certain guidance, and it is the supplement and perfects our country land use zoning research. At present, the study of land use system function partition is not systematic. Especially, studying on the watershed the specific objects on the land use zoning is even rarer. Therefore, it is an important scientific issue of reasonably using the land resources in the watershed and the sustainable utilization to consider the watershed environmental protection requirements and the needs of economic and social development, to divide functional zoning of land use, to reasonablely divide land development and protection of space.2. The specific target of land use function partition includes the leading function of land use, the reasonable land use pattern, water protection and maintenance of watershed ecosystem balance, taking land as a social and economic regulation means. Principles of partition contain regional similarity and regional differences. The principles of leading factor suit one’s measures to local conditions and overall coordination principle. Any kind of land-use types has many, functional properties, but its main function is clear. Combining with the watershed land use-services to humans, the paper divides land use function of watershed into the production function, living function and ecological function. Land use partition function scheme is unique. Grasping the leading function of the regional land use and suitting the measures to local conditions to determine the land use method can give full play to the advantages of each functional area of land use, and to promote the overall development of the whole watershed. The above constitutes the watershed land use theory system function partition.3. Geographic spatial partitioning of diversity, comprehensive study of land use zoning can be seen throughout the comprehensive analysis method of function zoning of land use. Party of work only uses the overlay operation. Cluster analysis is more commonly used and is generally required to combine with the method of index system. The land will be using the function partition method of overlay method. System clustering analysis method has been widely used in combination. Based on the land use characteristics and land use functional differences, two kinds of methods can be used to carry out watershed land use regionalization:the first is comprehensive analysis of partition method based on decision tree model. The second is the watershed land use and the comprehensive evaluation of ecological environment as the leading mark function zoning of land utilization. Using the unit, the divisions of land use comprehensive evaluation subsystem and environment subsystem based on clustering score system, land use function and comprehensive analysis, the watershed can be divided. Land use zoning index system of watershed includes evaluation index system and ecological environment system. Land use evaluation criteria system includes land use conditions, land use and land use of three aspects benefit. Evaluation criterion of ecological environment subsystem includes two aspects:the present situation of ecological environment and the ecological environment pressure. The evaluation criteria contain a number of evaluation factors, reasonably determining the weight of each index. This paper adopts expert scoring method to determine the weight of each evaluation index.4. Liangzi Lake belongs to the suburban lakes, which is one of the best Chinese freshwater lakes water quality at present. Liangzi Lake Watershed is the junction zone of Wuhan City, Ezhou City, Huangshi City and Xianning City. The total area is2417.24km2. Economy of this valley is relatively backward. The development degree is low. There is the more developed tourism industry. At the end of2009, area of agricultural land use in the area is167469hm2. There is a total area of16484hm2for construction. Unused land area is57771hm2. Watershed land use is characteristic of water resources. Water quality is good, but the fragile ecology. Land use type distributions, land use space layout of the regional differences are significant. Tourism landscape land distributions of relatively concentrated environmental problems are facing the contradiction. With urbanization pressure, tourism resources development and environmental protection is becoming more and more significant. There are the excessive development of agriculture and fisheries resources of the threat and the upstream soil erosion.5.The purpose of carrying out research on land use function zoning in Liangzi Lake Watershed is to enrich and perfect the land use system theory and method to guide the formation of functional zoning, land use dominant function in Liangzi Lake Watershed of each area, function of land use in Liangzi Lake Watershed:making good use of water resources in Liangzi Lake Watershed, strengthening ecological protection core waters and catchments, attention ecological agriculture base construction and the integration of urban and rural areas, promoting ecological tourism, providing guarantee for the development of agricultural production and new industry, highlighting the ecological protection function, promoting the land utilization and ecological environment coordinated development, guaranteeing the construction target of watershed ecological tourism zone on the basis of land use zoning theory system and method system. In this paper, the author constitutes Liangzi Lake watershed land use decision tree partition function model, forming a partition scheme of land use function based on decision tree model. This model divides Liangzi Lake watershed into ecological, production and life function areas, a total of7land use function areas. This paper also analyzes the function of land use zoning in Liangzi Lake Watershed based on system clustering method, the method of land use between the subsystem and ecological environmental evaluation index system, calculating the partition unit of land use and ecological environment evaluation score, as the basis for generating cluster analysis, so as to form the partition results. Liangzi Lake Watershed is divided into ecological, production, life and core water four land-use function districts. Comprehensive analysis of the two kinds of partition scheme eventually forms a partition scheme of land using of Liangzi Lake Watershed:27division units can be divided into7functional blocks,3ecological function areas,2production and living function areas, to be specific:the Liangzi Lake core water ecological function protected areas, watershed conservation upstream drainage watershed northern ecological barrier area, ecological function area, basic farmland protection areas, watershed development zone general production function, living function improvement area and downstream development area northwest of life function. Each functional area covers30818hm2,18793hm2,59092hm2,97087hm2,17409hm2,17060hm2and1465hm2respectively. Finally, this paper proposes land use regulation and control measures of each functional area for the development and utilization of land resources in the face of environmental issues through the industrial structure adjustment, ecological barrier construction to form a coordination mechanism and other aspects of construction of Liangzi Lake watershed land use and ecological environment coordinated development model.


