

Research on the Changes of Disasters Management Ideas of New China

【作者】 呼唤

【导师】 查道林;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 我国是世界上遭受自然灾害最为严重的少数国家之一,灾害种类多、分布地域广、发生频率高、造成损失重,严重地阻碍了国家和社会经济的发展,给国家和人民群众的生命财产带来损失。因此,灾害管理问题是全社会关注的热点问题。中华民族在与自然灾害抗争的过程中,积累了大量丰富的灾害管理思想。新中国成立后,党和政府对灾害管理事业高度重视,在防灾、抗灾、救灾中形成了一系列科学且行之有效的管理思想,成为我国优秀思想文化宝库中的重要组成部分。本文从管理思想史的视角,综合运用管理学、历史学、社会学等学科知识和方法,尝试对新中国成立六十多年来灾害管理思想的发展演变进行研究。文章从灾害管理思想的相关概念入手,回顾了我国传统救灾思想的发展,系统梳理了建国后灾害管理思想的主要内容,对不同历史发展时期的灾害管理思想进行评价分析,总结灾害管理思想发展演变的总体脉络,分析其演变特点、演变规律,探讨未来的发展趋势。根据经济体制改革的发展阶段划分,结合灾害管理领域重大改革任务与发展思路的变化,本文将新中国灾害管理思想的发展划分为四个阶段,即灾害管理思想的探索阶段(1949年—1978年),灾害管理思想的变革阶段(1979年—1992年),灾害管理思想的形成阶段(1993年—2002年),灾害管理思想的发展阶段(2003年—至今)。第一章,着重介绍了新中国灾害管理思想演变研究这一选题的提出、研究意义、研究目的,并对选题的国内外研究现状、存在问题进行阐述;界定了管理思想、灾害管理、灾害管理思想的概念,并分析管理思想与管理制度、管理思想与管理实践的关系;阐明了论文研究的主要内容、研究方法;以经济体制改革的历史阶段划分为基础,将新中国灾害管理思想划分为四个历史阶段。第二章,新中国灾害管理思想探源。本章从三个角度对新中国灾害管理思想进行探源。首先,新中国灾害管理思想来源于对中国古代传统救灾思想的继承。天命主义禳弭思想是我国古代救灾思想的原始形态。与天命主义禳弭思想同时,出现了很多能够切实解决灾民实际生活困难的救灾思想,诸如赈济思想、调粟思想、养恤思想、除害思想、安辑思想等,这些思想是天命主义向消极防灾救灾过渡的发展形态。重农固本思想、仓储备荒思想、治水思想、林垦调水思想的出现,表明我国古代救灾思想已逐步走向成熟,完成由消极救灾到主动防灾的根本性转变,是我国古代救灾思想的定型形态。其次,新中国灾害管理思想来源于中国近代救灾思想。在传统社会向近代社会转型过程中,灾害管理领域也呈现出救灾主体多元化、救灾方式多样化、救灾制度规范化的特点,开始从传统到现代的过渡。民主革命时期,中国共产党根据自身所拥有的救灾物资储备和救灾条件,以自力更生和生产救灾为核心,坚持由单纯救济向积极生产救灾转变的指导思想,为建国后灾害管理制度的形成提供思想借鉴。最后,新中国灾害管理思想来源于对西方现代管理理论的应用。随着灾害管理对象的日益复杂化,要满足实际管理工作的需要,就要借助科学化、定量化的管理方法。系统论、控制论、信息论在灾害管理中的应用,直接推动了灾害管理思想的发展。第三章,灾害管理思想的演变。灾害管理思想演变分为四个阶段。灾害管理思想的探索阶段(1949年—1978年)。首先是历史背景分析。新中国成立后,我国确立了社会主义基本制度,建立了计划经济体制,然而20世纪50年代后期的“左倾”思潮和“文化大革命”,对国民经济和社会生活造成了破坏性的影响。在计划经济体制的历史背景条件下,新中国灾害管理思想与管理模式初步形成。其次是归纳整理本阶段灾害管理思想的主要内容。针对自然灾害频发多发的国情,党和政府对灾害管理工作极为重视,制定了“以防为主、防救结合”、“以救人为第一”、“以工代赈”等救灾指导思想。随着党和国家路线方针政策的不断发展,以及社会环境的不断变化,我国救灾工作方针也随之发生变化,但生产自救为主、国家救济为辅的指导思想不变。救灾不仅关系到百姓的生命和财产安全,更关系到新政权的巩固问题,因此突出强调救灾的政治性是这一时期灾害管理思想的重要内容。20世纪50年代,我国形成了防灾救灾与生产相结合的局面,这说明在建国的头十年,党和政府在强调以生产救灾为中心的救灾工作的同时,认识到了防、救结合的重要性。再次,以毛泽东为核心的党中央第一代领导集体对防灾救灾都有相关的论述,本文对毛泽东、周恩来、谢觉哉的灾害管理思想进行了分析。案例分析部分,通过1976年唐山大地震的抗震救灾管理实践,分析计划经济体制下灾害管理思想。1949—1976年我国灾害管理思想以生产救灾为中心,强调自力更生。中央政府是救灾的唯一责任主体,同时注重发挥人民群众的主体力量。在“以阶级斗争为纲”的历史条件下,抗震救灾模式凸显“政治挂帅”。灾害管理思想的变革阶段(1979年—1992年)。首先,是历史背景分析。1978年党的十一届三中全会以后,全国上下、各行各业掀起了改革的热潮。随着农村经济体制改革的不断深入,家庭联产承包责任制的广泛推行,农民生活得到改善,群众灾后自救和互救能力大大提升。与此同时,财政体制改革导致灾害管理体制与社会和经济发展的需要不相适应,救灾管理改革势在必行。这一时期,为响应联合国的号召,我国成立了“国际减灾十年”委员会,开展减灾管理活动。其次,归纳整理本时期灾害管理思想的主要内容。改革开放后,党和政府对自然灾害管理的认识回归科学,这一时期的灾害管理思想主要包括:救灾经费包干的思想、变无偿救济为部分有偿扶持相结合的思想、救灾与扶贫结合的思想、救灾与保险相结合的思想、救灾款管理确立专款专用原则、接受国际救灾援助的思想、坚持一手抓减灾一手抓经济建设的思想。再次,对以邓小平为核心的党中央第二代领导集体的灾害管理思想进行分析。通过1988年云南澜沧、耿马、沧源地震的救灾案例,分析探索时期的灾害管理思想在具体灾害管理实践中的运用。最后对本时期的管理思想进行评价。1979年-1992年的灾害管理变革是在复杂的时代背景条件下推进的,采取渐进改革的方式与策略,取得了一定的成效。但在接受救灾国际援助问题上仍然受到“左”的思想桎梏。此外,综合减灾理念在学术界的提出,引发灾害管理领域学术研究的热潮。灾害管理思想的形成阶段(1993年—2002年)。首先,对历史背景进行分析。1993年,党的十四届三中全会制定了我国发展社会主义市场经济的行动纲领和基本指导方针,勾画了社会主义市场经济体制的基本框架。面对新形势,救灾管理体制面临新的挑战和机遇。其次,归纳整理这一阶段灾害管理思想的主要内容。分级管理思想的出现,《中华人民共和国减灾规划(1998—2010年)》的颁布,标志着我国的自然灾害管理事业进入了一个新的发展阶段。再次,对以江泽民为核心的党中央三代领导集体的灾害管理思想进行分析,通过1998年抗洪救灾的管理实践反映这一阶段的灾害管理思想。最后,分析评价这一阶段的灾害管理思想。1993—2002年,分级管理思想适应了经济体制改革的需要,提高了灾害管理的水平。灾害管理理念从抗灾救灾为主转向了减灾防灾为主。灾害管理思想的发展阶段(2003年—至今)。随着科学发展观、以人为本执政理念的提出,综合减灾能力建设和应急体系建设成为这一时期灾害管理事业发展的指导思想。本节通过国家颁布的法律法规分析综合减灾能力建设思想,通过现有灾害管理体系的建设分析国家应急体系建设思想。案例分析部分,选取了2003年“非典”与2008年汶川地震的救灾管理实践,分析说明这一时期国家的灾害管理思想对管理实践的指导。2003年—至今,灾害管理思想体现了科学发展观的必然要求,体现了以人为本的执政理念,同时强调应急管理体系建设的整体性要求。第四章,中外灾害管理思想比较研究。一是比较中国、美国、日本三国的灾害管理制度。从灾害管理法制化程度、灾害管理系统组织结构、救灾应急机制、灾后救助四个方面分别进行比较,分析三个国家灾害管理制度产生差异的原因,并从中得到启示和借鉴。二是对中共四代中央领导集体的灾害管理思想进行比较研究,找到共性和差异性,得出灾害管理思想既有历史继承性,又有各自的发展和创新的结论。第五章,新中国灾害管理思想发展的总体考察。本章归纳整理了灾害管理思想发展演变的总体脉络;分析灾害管理思想发展演变的特点,灾害管理理念从抗灾救灾为主转向减灾防灾为主;灾害管理目标从减少经济损失转向以人为本;救灾责任从中央政府包揽一切转向中央和地方分级负责、分级管理;救助主体从单一向社会化方向转变;从事后救济转向全方位救助;从依靠经验管理转向预案与应急行动相结合的系统管理;信息管理从封闭转向全方位透明。文章总结了新中国灾害管理思想的演变规律,即灾害管理思想的演变受经济制度和文化因素的影响;灾害管理思想经历了从保守到开放和从分散到系统的演变过程;灾害管理思想发展的核心是以人为本理念的形成和发展;灾害管理思想发展的重要保障是社会主义制度的不断发展和完善;灾害管理思想的物质基础是综合国力的提升。未来灾害管理思想将更加注重科学管理思想和科学技术的应用、国际领域的开放与合作、社会化全方位的救助,以及相关法律法规的建设。第六章,全文总结与研究展望。对整篇博士论文进行总体描述,明确了本文主要结论和下一步的研究方向。本文的主要创新点体现在三个方面:一是划分新中国灾害管理思想发展演变的四个历史阶段,提出四阶段理论。灾害管理思想的探索阶段(1949—1978年)、灾害管理思想的变革阶段(1979—1992年)、灾害管理思想的形成阶段(1993—2002年)、灾害管理思想的发展阶段(2003—至今),并分析评价不同阶段灾害的管理思想及主要特征。二是比较研究建国后四代中央领导集体的灾害管理思想。本选题尝试对中央四代领导集体的管理思想进行比较研究,找出共性和差异性,总结经验、弥补不足。就笔者所见资料,尚未发现类似的相关论文及著作。三是通过对灾害管理思想的演变过程梳理,总结归纳了新中国灾害管理思想的演变发展规律,并据此分析了管理思想未来的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 China is one of the few countries which suffer the most serious natural disasters in the world. The disasters have various types, large range, frequent reaction and serious damage. This terribly delays the development of our economy and brings great losses to national and demotic wealth. Therefore, the disaster management is a hot tissue concerned by the whole society. In the course of fighting with the natural disasters Chinese nation accumulates abundant experience. After the founding of new China, the Party and the government give full attention about it. A series of scientific and effective management ideas have been formed through the course of disaster prevention, fighting and relief. These become the important part of China’s excellent treasures of ideas.The aim of this paper is to study the development and evolution of the disaster management ideas during the more than sixty years of new China by using management, history, sociology and other disciplines of knowledge and methods from the perspective of the history of management ideas. From the related concepts of disaster management ideas, this paper reviews the development of China’s traditional ideas on disaster relief, systematically combs the main contents of disaster management ideas after the founding of new China, makes evaluation analysis of the overall development of the ideas in different historical period, analyzes the conclusion of the development and the evolution characteristics and law, then to discuss the ideas’ development trend of the future. According to the division of development of the economic system reform stage and combined with the field of disaster management’s major reform task and change, this paper divides the development of disaster management ideas of the PRC into four stages, namely exploration stage of disaster management ideas (1949-1978), change of the ideas (1979-1992), forming stage of ideas (1993-2002) and the development phase of ideas (2003-present).Chapter one introduces the propose, research purpose, significance and aim of the topic. It also elaborates the existing problems of the research status at home and abroad; it defines the concepts of management idea, disaster management, and disaster management idea. On this base, it analyzes the relationship between management idea and system, the relationship of management ideas and practice; it illustrates the main content of thesis research, research methods; on the basis of the historical stage of economic system reform, the new China’s disaster management idea is divided into four historical stages.Chapter two traces the disaster management ideas of new China. It grasps the ideas of PRC from three angles. First of all, the new China’s disaster management ideas derived from the inheritance of the ancient Chinese traditional thoughts on disaster relief. Destiny to rid of socialism concept is the primitive form of ancient Chinese disaster relief ideas. At the same time, there were many relief ideas which can efficiently deal with the difficulties of the victims of natural disasters. Such as relieving, grain requisitioning, pensioning, disaster eliminating, and soothing. These ideas constitutes the finalizing ideas of the ancient disaster relief ideas. All of these ideas are the transitions from the destiny to passive disaster relief form. The appearances of ideas such as storing up grains against crop failure indicates that Chinese ancient relief ideas gradually mature and complete the fundamental shift from passive disaster relief to active prevention. Second, new China’s disaster management ideas come from the relief thoughts in modern China. In a transformation process from traditional society to modern society, the field of disaster management also presented the characteristics such as the diversification of the subject and relief ways, the standardization of the relief system. It began to shift from traditional to modern. In democratic revolution period, the communist party of China regarded self-reliance and production relief as the core according to their own disaster relief materials reserve and emergency conditions. It insisted on the guiding ideology that the simple relief should be changed into the produce relief. And this idea provided a reference for the form of the disaster management system after the founding of PRC. Finally, the disaster management ideas of the PRC are from the application of western modern management theory. Along with the growing complexity of the object in disaster management, we need the help of the scientific and quantitative management methods to meet the needs of actual management work. The use of system theory, cybernetics and information theory in disaster management directly promoted the development of the disaster management ideas.Chapter three the evolution of the disaster management ideas, which is divided into four stages. Expletory stage of disaster management thoughts (1949-1978). First is the historical background analysis. After the founding of new China, we completed the new-democratic revolution and the socialist transformation, and established the basic socialist system, and succeeded in achieving the most profound and greatest social change in China’s history. However, in the late1950s,"left" ideological trend and the "cultural revolution" had a devastating effect on national economy and social life. Under the condition of historical background of the planned economy system, new China’s disaster management idea and management mode are initially shaped. Followed by organizing the main content of this phase. Based on the national condition of the frequency of natural disaster, the Party and the government are of the utmost importance to disaster management, and formulated the guiding ideology:"in case priority to, as well as combination of prevention","save the first" and "working instead of rescuing". With the continuous development of the route of the Party and state’s policies, and the changing social environment, disaster relief policies also change in our country, but the guiding ideology of "production of self-help supplemented""national relief" is the same as before. Disaster relief is not only related to people’s life and property safety, more related to the consolidation problem of the new regime. Therefore, emphasizing political relief is an important content during the period. In the1950s, our country has formed the situation of the disaster prevention and disaster relief combined with production, which shows that in the first decade of the founding of the Party and the government work in the center of the stress relief for production at the same time, recognized the importance of prevention and rescue. Again, the first generation of collective leadership with MAO Zedong as the core of the central party committee has related saying about disaster prevention. In this paper, he disaster management thoughts of MAO Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Xie Juezai are analyzed. In the case analysis part, by the disaster relief management practice of1976Tangshan earthquake, analyze the disaster management idea under the planned economy. During1949-1976, China’s disaster management ideas took production disaster relief as the center, emphasis on self-reliance. The central government is the sole responsibility of the main body, and at the same time, paying attention to main body of the people. Under the historical condition of "taking the class struggle as the key link", the earthquake relief pattern highlights the spearhead of "political".The change of disaster management ideas (1979-1992). First, the history background analysis. After the third plenary session of the eleventh1978, a hot wave of reform of all walks of life was raised in the whole country. With the deepening of the rural economic system reform, and the wide of the implementation of the household contract responsibility system, farmers’life was improved, and the post-disaster aid and communal ability was greatly ascended. At the same time, the fiscal system reform led to that the disaster management system was not adapted to the needs of social and economic development, so disaster relief management reform is imperative. During this period, in response to the UN’s call to set up "international decade of disaster mitigation" committee in our country, it carried out disaster reduction management activities. Second, sum up the main content of disaster management ideas of this period. After the reform and opening up, the Party and the government regression scientific understanding of the management of the natural disasters. The disaster management ideas mainly includes:all-in relief funds thought, becoming free of the combination of relief for part of the paid support, disaster relief and poverty alleviation, the combination of disaster relief and insurance, the principle of relief management special fund is special, the idea of accepting international relief aid, insisting on grasping and mitigation in grasping the thought of economic construction. Again, analyze the ideas of disaster management of taking Deng Xiaoping as the core of the central committee of the second generation leadership. Through the earthquake relief case of Lancang, Gengma, and Cnagyuan in1988, analyze the disaster management ideas used in practice during the exploration period. Finally the evolution of the management thought of this period. The disaster management change during1979-1992was forward under the condition of complicated background, taking the way of gradual reform and strategy, and achieved some results. But on accepting international aid relief, there was still "left" ideological shackles. In addition, the concept of integrated disaster mitigation in academic circles was put forward, and led to disaster management academic research in the field of boom.The formation of disaster management idea stage (1993-2002). First of all, analyze the historical background. In1993, the third plenary session of the fourteenth formulated an action plan for the development of he socialist market economy in our country and basic guidelines to define the basic framework of socialist market economy system. Facing the new situation, the disaster management system is facing new challenges and opportunities. Secondly, organize the main content of disaster management ideas of this period. Hierarchical management thought, and the law of the People’s Republic of China on disaster mitigation planning (1998-2010) marks the natural disaster management in our country has entered a new stage of development. Again, analyze the disaster management idea of the third generation collective leadership with Jiang Zemin as the core of he central part committee, through the management practice of flood relief in1998reflecting the management thought of this stage. Finally, analyze and evaluate the disaster management idea. During1993-2002, hierarchical management thought is adapted to the needs of the economic system reform, and improved the level of disaster management. The concept of disaster management mainly turned from disaster relief to giving priority to disaster prevention and reduction.The development of disaster management ideas (2003-now). With the scientific outlook on development, and people-oriented governing idea put forward, comprehensive disaster reduction ability construction and the emergency system construction has become the era of disaster management guiding ideology. This section issued by state laws and regulations of the analysis of comprehensive disaster reduction ability construction thought, through the analysis of the existing disaster management system for the construction of the national emergency system construction ideas. In the part of case analysis, select the disaster management practice of Wenchuan earthquake in2008, showing that national disaster management ideological guidelines for management practice of the period. During2003-now, the disaster management idea embodies the inevitable requirement of scientific development concept, embodies the people-oriented governing idea, at the same time, emphasizes the integrity of construction of the emergency management system requirements.Chapter four involves the comparative study of disaster management ideas at home and abroad. Firstly, this study compares the disaster management systems in China, United States and Japan. Based on a respective comparison of the following four aspects, that is, the degree of legalization in disaster management, the organizational structure of disaster management systems, the emergency response mechanism of disaster relief and the post-disaster relief, an analysis of the reasons why disaster management systems differ in the three countries is carried out, which can be used for reference purposes. Secondly, this study identifies the similarities and differences through a comparison of the disaster management ideas of the four generations of central collective leadership of Chinese Communist Party and draws the conclusion that there are both historical inheritance and development and innovation.Chapter five conducts an overall examination of the development of disaster management ideas in PRC. This part summarizes in an overall manner and analyzes the development and evolution of disaster management ideas:the shift from disaster relief to disaster prevention and mitigation in terms of the emphasis of disaster management concepts; the shift from economic loss reduction to people-oriented concept in terms of the aim of disaster management; the shift from the situation in which everything is undertaken by the central government to hierarchical responsibility and management respectively shared by the central and the local governments in terms of responsibilities of disaster relief; the shift from oneness to socialization in terms of the principal participant of disaster relief; the shift from post-disaster relief to comprehensive relief; the shift from experience-based management to the systematic management which integrates preplanning with emergency operation; and the shift from information blockage to information access. This part also summarizes the evolution pattern of disaster management ideas in PRC:the evolution of disaster management ideas is affected by factors of economic systems and culture; disaster management ideas transfer from conservative to open and from decentralized to systematic; the core of the development of disaster management ideas lies in the formation and development of people-oriented concept; the development of disaster management ideas depends heavily upon the constant development and improvement of socialist system; and, the material basis of disaster management ideas lies in the growth of comprehensive national power. For future disaster management ideas, increasing emphasis will be placed on the application of scientific management ideas and technology, the opening up to and cooperation with the outside world, the all-around socialized disaster relief, and the establishment and development of laws and regulations.Chapter six summarizes this overall research and examines its prospects. This part deals with this doctoral thesis in an overall manner and specifies its conclusions as well as the topics of future research. The shining points of this research are mainly introduced in the following research aspects, firstly, the division of the four historical stages in the development and evolution of disaster management ideas in the PRC as well as the summarization of characteristics in each stage; secondly, the comparison of disaster management ideas from the four generations of central collective leadership of Chinese Communist Party; thirdly, the summarization of the development and evolution pattern of disaster management ideas in the PRC as well as the analysis of the future development trends of disaster management ideas by dealing with this evolution process.


