

A Study on System of Zero Time Logistics for Pingyu Coal Company

【作者】 王启山

【导师】 余敬;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪50年代,物流作为一个学科被提出来后,逐步受到重视,被视为降低资源消耗、提高劳动生产率之后的“第三利润源泉”。物流的理论研究和实践在欧美发达国家取得了长足的发展,物流管理经历了实体分销管理、企业集成化物流管理和供应链管理三个阶段。现代物流关注整个供应链的管理流程、物流和信息流的协同,而且更加注重时间竞争,实现物流的快速响应和满足客户个性需求已成为未来物流发展的方向。我国对物流的研究与应用相比欧美发达国家起步较晚,直到近十几年,物流理论和物流管理才逐步为企业所重视。目前对物流管理理论和案例的研究大多基于制造业或服务业的整个物流过程,而对煤炭企业这一性质明显不同的企业物流尚缺乏系统的理论和应用研究。然而,煤炭行业作为我国重要的基础能源产业,其产品是我国进入社会物流中数量最大的工业产品。而煤炭企业的生产效率在很大程度上取决于物流的效率,物流管理成为制约原煤成本和煤炭企业整体经济效益的重要因素。从煤炭行业的实践来看,尽管近几年来我国煤炭行业进行了大规模的兼并重组,实行了大集团、大公司化的改革,但企业规模的急剧膨胀并未带来效益的相应增长,反而造成了企业“大而全”、“规模不经济”的局面。因此,煤炭企业不仅有必要实施供应链管理,而且在现有的供应链管理基础上,研究提出一种既适合目前我国煤业集团企业实际情况,又能适应未来竞争要求的新物流管理模式是亟待解决的问题。为此,本文根据前人有关物流、供应链以及零时间理论的理论和实践研究成果,提出“零时间物流”的新概念,将基于时间竞争的最新成果——零时间理论引入到企业物流领域,对当前的物流管理模式进行了创新,构建出零时间物流的运作模型,为企业物流实现零时间运作提供理论框架。平禹煤电有限责任公司(以下简称平禹煤电公司)是平煤集团控股的区域性公司,煤炭生产是其主要业务,年原煤生产能力330万吨。公司物流体系中拥有物资供应公司、设备租赁公司、煤炭运销公司和电煤联销公司,承担着煤电公司内部设备、材料的采购、仓储、配送,以及煤炭营销业务。公司物流管理虽取得了一定成效,但从目前物流运行的整体情况看,存在一些问题和薄弱环节。本文以平禹煤电公司为例,对其物流体系进行科学优化。首先,在对公司物流现状进行详细调查的基础上,对其供应物流、物资存储、运销物流现状进行深入分析,明确目前公司存在的问题,初步对其未来改进方向进行科学预测。同时,广泛收集国内外相关资料,在分析平禹煤电公司物流的外部机遇与威胁、内部优势与劣势的基础上,运用SWOT分析法,结合公司自身发展规划,提出平禹煤电公司物流优化目标及战略定位。其次,针对公司物流优化目标和物流优化战略定位,采用相关的优化理论,建立平禹煤电公司主要物资的存储优化模型,对其仓储环节进行优化,并根据公司的数据资料,研究提出科学可行的存储、运输方案和措施。最后,在对平禹煤电公司现有软、硬件以及信息系统环境调差的基础上,依托公司物流优化总体战略及实施方案,并结合物资供应存储的优化模型,提出平禹煤电公司物流优化信息系统的实施方案。通过相关信息的整合,为公司提供更为高效的管理手段以及一定的辅助决策支持功能。本文共分为七章:第一章,绪论。阐明了本文的研究背景和意义,综述了物流及供应链的基本理论和当前的研究进展,在此基础上阐述了本文的研究目标、研究内容、研究方法以及技术路线等。第二章,构建了零时间物流理论模型。本章首先对零时间理论进行了概述,阐述了零时间理论的产生和研究进展,然后在零时间相关概念及零时间五大法则的基础上,提出并界定了“零时间物流”的概念,构建了零时间物流运作模型,为企业物流进行零时间优化提供理论框架。第三章,分析了平禹煤电公司物流现状。本章首先对平禹煤电公司的物流系统进行了简要介绍,然后分别对公司的物资供应物流、物资存储物流和煤炭销售物流系统的现状进行了深入分析,明确了平禹煤电公司物流需要优化的问题。第四章,确定了平禹煤电公司物流优化的战略定位——零时间物流。在分析平禹煤电公司物流的外部环境和公司内部条件的基础上,明确了其面临的外部机遇和威胁、内部优势和劣势,结合公司发展规划,提出构建零时间物流是平禹煤电公司物流优化的目标,并明确了公司物流优化的战略定位。第五章,设计了基于零时间的平禹煤电公司物资供应存储优化模型。木章首先介绍了存储论中存储问题的基本要素和存储模型,然后基于平禹煤电公司物资供应存储的现状,提出平禹煤电公司物资供应存储优化模型,并以公司实际数据进行了实例研究,提山了物资存储优化策略和物资调配策略。第六章,构建了基于零时间的平禹煤电公司物流优化总体战略,并提出具体的实施方案。木章从平禹煤电公司的物流优化目标和物流战略定位出发,以零时间物流运作模型为基础,制定平禹煤电公司物流优化总体战略和基于零时间的供应物流优化战略、存储物流优化战略以及销售物流优化战略,并提出了平禹煤电公司物资供应物流、物资存储物流以及煤炭销售物流具体优化实施方案。第七章,设计了平禹煤电公司零时间物流信息系统。本章首先对平禹煤电公司信息化现状进行分析,并提出了信息化系统设计的关键问题,进而对信息系统相关理论进行综述,介绍了.NET构架。然后在对公司信息系统的需求、结构、流程进行分析的基础上,构建了信息系统设计原则和框架,最后设计了系统的各个模块。通过相关信息的整合,为公司提供更为高效的管理手段以及一定的辅助决策支持功能。本文的创新点主要体现在:(1)己有的基于供应链视角,将零时间思想用于研究物流优化的成果尚少,本文基于物流、供应链以及零时间理论,提出了“零时间物流”的新概念,并结合煤炭企业物流管理实践,建立了零时间物流运作模型,为煤炭企业物流实现零时间运作提供了理论框架。(2)以存储优化为突破口,建立了连续监控的不允许缺货的定期订购的多时期存储管理确定型模型,并通过实例计算,得出了48种主要矿用物资最优供应存储策略,以及各矿之间物资调配策略。降低了总的供应存储成本,优化了储备资金结构。(3)基于零时间理论,结合平禹煤电公司供应、存储、销售物流现状,提出其物流优化目标是实现“零时间物流”,并提出了其实现零时间物流的四大战略体系:即时价值联盟战略、即时响应战略、即时管理战略以及即时关联战略。(4)以物资管理优化模型为理论支撑,基于.NET框架技术,开发出适应平禹煤电公司零时间物流信息管理系统。本系统创新性地解决了该公司长期以来信息孤立、共享程度较低、决策缺乏依据等问题,为平禹煤电公司降低物流运作成本、提高管理水平和核心竞争力提供了现实手段。

【Abstract】 Logistics was proposed as a subject in1950s. It is regarded as the "third source of profits" following resource consumption reduction and labor productivity promotion. Theoretic and empirical study on logistics is promoted greatly in western countries. Logistics management has experienced three stages, physical distribution management, enterprise integrated logistics management and supply chain management. Modern logistics management focuses on the whole management flow in supply chain, the coordination of logistics and information. Also, time based competition, rapid response and to meet the individual needs of customers are future trend of logistics research.In China, the logistics research and its application is later than that in Europe and the United States. Until the last decade, Chinese enterprises pay attention to logistics theory and logistics management gradually. At present, most of the achievements of logistics are based on the whole logistics process of manufacturing and service industries, while there is little research in the field of coal enterprises. However, the coal industry is an important foundational energy industry, and coal products are the largest quantity of industrial products in social logistics. The efficiency of coal production primarily depends on the efficiency of logistics. Logistics management plays an important role that restricts the cost and the economy benefit of coal company.Currently, even though the coal industry underwent the large scale merger, reorganization, and the corporate reform, but the rapid expansion of business scale has not been a corresponding increasing in benefits but resulted in the diseconomy of scale. Therefore, the coal companies not only implement supply chain management, but also find out a new management mode of logistics to meet the actual situation and the future competition of Chinese coal company.Therefore, based on the current research achievements about logistics, supply chain and zero time, this dissertation proposes a new concept, zero time logistics, which brings the latest fruits of time based competition to enterprise logistics field. It promotes the logistics management mode and its operational model, which provides the framework of zero time logistics implementation to enterprises. Pingyu Coal Company is located in Yuzhou city, a holding subsidiary of Ping Ding Shan Coal Co. Ltd. Coal production is its main business, and its annual production capacity of raw coal is3.3million tons. The logistics system is made up of4main parts, the Material Supply Company, the Equipment Leasing Company, the Coal Transportation and Marketing Company, and the Coal and Power Marketing Company. These departments are in charge of purchasing, storing, distributing equipments and materials, and coal marketing. This company has made achievements in logistics management. However, there are some problems from the overall operation situation of current logistics system. Taking Pingyu Coal Company as an example, this dissertation optimizes its logistics system. First of all, we carry out detailed investigations into the status quo of logistics, especially for the supply logistics, materials storage, and distribution logistics. We find out the current problems and predict the initial direction of improvement. Meanwhile, we analyze the external opportunities and threats, internal strengths and weaknesses of Pingyu Coal Company on the basis of the relevant literatures and information, and propose the object and strategic orientation of logistics system by SWOT analysis according to the company’s development plan. Next, we use the relevant optimization theory to construct the optimizing model of main materials storage, and to provide a feasible scheme of storage and distribution. Finally, based on current situation of soft, hardware and information system of Pingyu Coal Company, we design the implementation programming of logistics optimization information system considering of overall optimization program and the optimizing model of main materials storage. Through the integration of relevant information, the programming can provide some more efficient management tools and certain functions to support decision-making.This dissertation is made up of seven chapters:Chapter one clarifies the background and significance of this research. It summarizes the basic theories and current achievements about logistics and supply chain. Then it gives the purpose, content, methods and technology path of this research.Chapter two builds the theoretical model of zero time logistics. It summarizes the zero time theory and the research progress firstly. Then it proposes the concept of zero time logistics on the basis of five principles of zero time. Moreover, it constructs the zero time logistics operational model, which provides the framework to optimize the logistics of enterprises.The third chapter analyzes the logistics status quo of Pingyu Coal Company. This chapter firstly gives a brief introduction about logistics system of Pingyu Coal Company. Then it has a specific analysis of the company’s material supply logistics, material storage logistics and coal sales. After that, the optimization problems are identified.Chapter four identifies zero time logistics as the strategic orientation of logistics system to Pingyu Coal Company. Based on the analysis of the coal company’s external environment and internal condition, this chapter clarifies its external opportunities and threats, internal strengths and weaknesses. Zero time logistics is regarded as the goal of logistics optimization and the strategic orientation of logistics system to Pingyu Coal Company is provided.Chapter five designs the optimizing model of material storage based on zero time for Pingyu Coal Company. This chapter firstly introduces the basic models and issues of storage theory. Then it provides the optimizing model of material storage. At the end, it uses the actual data to operate this model and provide the strategies of material storage and distribution.Chapter six constructs overall strategy of optimizing model based on zero time for Pingyu Coal Company, and the specific program. Based on the operation model of zero time logistics and the strategic orientation of logistic optimization, this chapter establishes the overall strategy of logistics optimization and the corresponding zero time strategies:materials supply logistics, materials storage logistics and coal sales logistics strategy. It also provides their implementation programs.Chapter seven designs the logistics information system based on zero time for Pingyu Coal Company. This chapter indentifies the key problem of information system designing after the analysis of current situation of information level of the company. Then it summaries the relevant literatures of information system, and introduces the.NET framework. After analyzing the need, structure and the process of this company’s information system, this chapter constructs the principles and framework of information system designing and each of the modules, which will provide a high efficient management tool and some assistant decision making functions.The new ideas are as follows:(1) Since the existing results are less for studying logistics optimization using the idea of zero time on the basis of perspective of supply chain, a new concept of zero time logistics and its operational model is developed on the basis of logistics, supply chain and zero time theory in a creative way. Combined with the practice of the coal enterprises’logistics management, this dissertation establishes a model of zero time logistics, which provides the theory framework for the implements of the zero time logistics in coal enterprises.(2) Storage optimization is considered as a point of breakthrough, this dissertation establishes a continuously monitoring and not out of stock regular ordered multiple storage management identified model. And the actual data of48kinds of mineral materials is used to identify the strategies of material storage and distribution. This reduces the storage cost and improves the structure of reserve fund.(3) Based on the zero time theory and the current status quo of company’s supply, storage and marketing logistics, zero time logistics is regarded as the goal of logistics optimization for Pingyu Coal Company. And the four overall strategic systems:instant value alignment strategy, instant response strategy, instant management strategy, and instant involvement strategy are proposed.(4) Based on the optimization model of material management and the technique of.NET frame, a management information system of zero time logistics for Pingyu Coal Company is developed. This system creatively solves problems such as isolated information, low degree of information sharing, the lack of foundations for decisions et al. This system is able to cut down the operational cost of logistics, improve the level of management and the core competence.

  • 【分类号】F253;F426.61
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】424
  • 攻读期成果

