

Peatland Archives of Holocene Volcanic Eruption Responce to Paleoclimate in Northeast China

【作者】 黄庭

【导师】 程胜高;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 环境科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 自人类在地球上诞生以来,人类活动逐渐成为环境变化过程中的一个影响因子,而且这种影响力变得越来越大。尤其是工业革命以来,世界工业化迅速发展,世界人口急剧增长,人类对资源、环境过度地开发利用引起了一系列环境问题,如全球变暖、土地沙漠化加剧、环境污染、生态环境失衡、森林草原面积减少、物种大量灭绝、水土流失严重、水资源匮乏、自然灾害发生的频率、程度加大等等,这一系列重大问题威胁着人类的生存环境。人类出于对自身生存和发展的需要,对全球环境、气候的未来变化普遍关注,迫切希望预知未来全球变化趋势,要想预知未来的全球变化,必须对过去的气候与环境状况进行深入的了解。随着分析测试技术的不断更新和完善,新的发现和理论不断涌现,使得古气候与古环境演化研究迅速发展成为国际地学界学术气氛最为活跃的领域,并在全世界受到广泛的重视。20世纪80年代起,国际学术界开展了一系列的全球变化研究:包括国际地圈一生物圈计划(IGBP)、全球变化人文计划(IHDP)、世界气候研究计划(WCRP)和生物多样性计划(DIVERSTITAS),目的是揭示全球变化规律,预测未来全球变化趋势。全新世(11500年前至现在)是第四纪二分的第二个世,也是最年轻的地质时期。全新世的气候变化与人类社会的发展有密切的关系:人类社会文明的一切发生、发展、繁荣、进步都出现在此时期,因此,全新世气候变化作为古气候的重点对人类研究全球变化具有重要的指导意义。火山活动作为全球气候变化的驱动因素之一,虽是一种短暂而剧烈的地质现象,但对于气候的变化与人类的生存环境却可以产生深远影响。强烈的火山爆发活动,可以摧毁城市、掩埋村庄,甚至引起区域或者全球性气候变化。因此,获取一种完整记录全新世气候变化与火山喷发等环境事件等信息的连续沉积档案材料进行研究是相当关键的。泥炭是作为一种天然的沼泽地产物,主要形成于第四纪,尤其是全新世这一重要时期。其形成和积累的主要影响因素为气候,其次受地质、地貌、水文等方面的控制。泥炭形成过程中包含了大量的古气候、古环境演化信息,因此,可以作为一种重要的恢复过去全球变化的研究材料,在全球变化的研究中有着重要的地位和意义。本文以富含古气候信息与火山喷发等环境事件的中国东北地区泥炭沉积物为研究对象,从多气候代用指标的角度出发,讨论了哈尼地区全新世气候变化并与其他区域气候变化进行对比,论证了哈尼泥炭气候代用指标与气候突变事件的响应。同时,提取出哈尼与金川泥炭剖面中的火山灰,识别了相应的火山喷发事件,探讨了火山喷发与气候变化的关系,将火山喷发事件和气候演化信息进行对比,解读并恢复全新世火山喷发对气候变化的影响,即火山活动的气候效应研究提供了新的途径和方法。其主要内容与研究成果如下:1.本文首先阐述了泥炭与泥炭地的含义“泥炭是植物遗体在饱含水的沼泽环境中和厌氧微生物不完全分解条件下,经生物化学作用而形成的具有不同分解程度,松软,富含水的有机质堆积物”,而“泥炭地即为泥炭的产地”;然后分析了全球以及我国泥炭地的分布状况,探讨了泥炭与环境的关系;总结了国内外以泥炭作为气候代用指标在全新世气候变化研究进展;提出了泥炭不仅能作为气候事件的档案馆,对火山喷发等事件也有良好的记录。2.选择了以中国东北作为研究区域,将长白山哈尼地区的堰塞湖泥炭地以及金川地区的玛珥湖泥炭地作为研究对象,详细叙述了研究区域的地质、地貌、水文、气候等状况,总结了论文的研究方法与技术。3.建立了哈尼与金川地区泥炭剖面14C年代学框架:在金川和哈尼泥炭地野外采样现场对采到的泥炭剖面依据其颜色以及岩性进行了详细的描述,并建立岩性层位控制点,通过对控制点的泥炭中的植物纤维素进行AMS14C测年获取了哈尼泥炭剖面的年代学框架,9米长的哈尼泥炭剖面持续沉积了11930±172a,金川泥炭地剖面10米泥炭柱年代为6922aB.P。采川CALIB4.3软件对年龄进行校正,并计算山哈尼泥炭剖面校正年龄与深度的关系:y=16.78x-619.4,R2=0.992;金川泥炭剖面校正年龄与深度的关系:y=9.132x,R2=0.934。运用内插值的方法计算出哈尼泥炭地泥炭沉积速率最大沉积速率为1.75cm/yr,最小的沉积速率为0.07cm/yr;金川泥炭剖面的沉积速率最大为0.663cm/yr,最小沉积速率为0.07cm/yr。4.分别从哈尼与金川泥炭剖面中识别并提取了火山灰,总结并研究了前人从沉积物中提取的火山灰方法。选择了酸化法提取哈尼泥炭地中火山灰,选择了稀碱法提取了金川泥炭地的火山灰。通过偏光显微镜对火山玻璃进行了识别、使用环境扫描电镜对火山灰的形态进行了分析:扫描电镜下火山灰表面布满气孔构造,呈多棱角的碎屑状,并相互重叠嵌紧。用电子探针技术对火山灰主量元素进行测定,发现火山灰主要为岩屑,主要类别为粗面岩,显示出火山喷发物为中性,火山处于中期发育,在喷发过程中将早期的基性岩体一并带出。5.测定了哈尼泥炭地的吸光度与透光度数据以吸光度表征泥炭腐殖化度;结合前人数据,论述了δ13C和δ18O数据所指示的古气候意义,分析了哈尼泥炭腐殖化度的古气候意义——哈尼泥炭腐殖化度反映了温度-湿度组合的信息,哈尼泥炭腐殖化度大表征气候温暖湿润,泥炭腐殖化度小指示了气候寒冷干燥。6.通过泥炭腐殖化度时间序列曲线、泥炭纤维素δ13C和δ180时间序列曲线,多指标重建了哈尼地区全新世气候演化,其主要分为六个主要阶段:12000aB.P-11200aB.P气候干冷阶段;11500-9800aB.P温暖湿润阶段;9800-9000aB.气候急剧降温干冷阶段;9000-4800aB.P气候暖湿阶段;4800-1800aB.P干冷暖湿波动阶段:1800~0aB.P干冷气候阶段。7.研究了哈尼泥炭地对全新世气候8.2ka事件与4.2ka事件的响应:哈尼泥炭中δ18O时间序列显示:在约8.3ka B.P期间,曲线上出现一个较宽的δ18O波谷。进一步研究发现,在约8.2ka B.P附近还有多个密集的δ18O下降点,指示了一个小的δ18O下降峰存在。对比δ13c时间序列,在约8.1~8.3ka B.P期间,哈尼δ13C出现三个峰值,8.3ka出现一个最大的峰值,表明气候比较干燥。在泥炭腐殖化度曲线上表现为7.8ka~8.3ka之间的一个稍有起伏的宽阔波谷,说明该时期长时间的干冷。本研究通过多指标对比,进一步证明了哈尼泥炭地气候代用指标对8.2ka气候突变事件的响应。对4.2ka事件的响应表现在:δ13C序列的强烈变化,δ13C的值在4.20~4.8ka之间突然变大,指示气候变得干燥;δ180在4.0~5.0ka之间表现出反复持续变化升降组合,在4.3ka左右急速下降,表现最为强烈,表明气候比较寒冷;哈尼泥炭腐殖化度数值在此期间波动异常,有两个低谷出现,并持续300a左右。8.区域对比哈尼泥炭地在全新世早中晚三期气候变化:以不同区域的气候档案从以下几个阶段探讨了全新世气候变化:12.8~11.2kaB.P,新仙女木期(9.7~11.Oka B.P14C年龄);11.2~8.0kaB.P,全新世早期(7.0-9.7ka B.P14C年龄);8.0~3.0kaB.P,中全新世(2.8~7.0ka B.P14C年龄);3.0~0ka B.P,晚全新世(0~2.8kaB.P14C年龄)认为哈尼泥炭地作为古气候档案不仅记录了本地区的气候变化,同时对全球气候变化也有响应,能为全球气候变化研究提供泥炭学方面的证据。9.总结了全新世火山在世界与中国的分布特征,介绍了中国东北地区全新世火山状况,描述了火山喷发物的类型;回顾了火山气候学的发展:火山气候学的研究方法为统计研究和数值模拟研究,火山活动与气候变化的关系研究主要体现在三个方面:基础资料的搜集与分析、火山气溶胶的辐射影响、火山活动对气候的影响;通过资料收集建立了全新世东亚地区VEI等级4以上的火山喷发序列和东北地区火山喷发序列,用VEI指数大于3的全新世全球火山喷发数据,制作了百年尺度、五百年尺度以及千年尺度的火山喷发次数与VEI累计曲线,认为其可以反映全新世火山喷发活动的趋势,尤其表现在4000~4300a B.P这个阶段,对全新世气候变化存在一定的响应。10.使用年龄深-度模型通过火山灰沉积层位,结合植物纤维素’4C年代,判断哈尼泥炭地6.0~6.25m火山灰来自8352±76a B.P~9604±80a B.P (AMS14C年龄)火山喷发事件,金川泥炭地2.52-2.55m火山灰来自2300~2315a B.P (AMS14C年龄)火山喷发事件。通过火山灰主成分的测定判断了火山灰来源,哈尼泥炭地火山灰来自吉林长白山天池火山,金川泥炭地火山灰来自龙岗火山群金龙顶子火山;发现火山灰所代表的泥炭沉积层的在古气候变化阶段都是气候干冷,表明了火山喷发事件与气候变化响应;使用火山喷发序列事件与泥炭中的多种气候代用指标曲线对比,发现邻近或大型火山喷发活动对应了泥炭气候代用曲线中的较低(高)值,指示温度和湿度都变小,结果表明,全新世泥炭地保存着广泛的火山喷发事件,而这些火山爆发活动对气候产生的影响为:区域温度和湿度减小,气候变得干冷。总之,在泥炭沉积中提取火山喷发事件,并与泥炭气候指标对比,研究火山喷发事件与区域气候变化的关系,探讨火山喷发的气候效应是一个可行的方法。

【Abstract】 Since the inception of mankind on Earth, human activity has gradually become an impact factor in the process of environmental change, and this influence becomes larger and larger. Especially since the Industrial Revolution, The world industrialization level is in rapid development as well as the growth of the world population. With human’s excessive development and utilization on resources and environment, it has caused a series of environmental problems such as global warming; desertification intensified environmental pollution; ecological environmental imbalance; reduction of the forest-steppe, species extinction; soil erosion; water scarcity; the frequency and degree of natural disasters increased and so on. All these issues threaten human’s survival environment hardly. In the need of human’s survival and development, they pay much attention on the change of future global environment or climate and eager to predict the future trend of them. In order to predict future’s global change better, it’s important to have a deep understanding on the past climate and environmental conditions. With the constantly updated and improved of analytical techniques, new discoveries and theories emerge in large numbers which make the studying on paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental evolution to be the most active areas of international geo-scientists academic atmosphere and have received wide attention all over the world. Since the1980s, the international academic community had carried out a series of global change researches such as:the International Geosphere-Biosphere Plan IGBP, International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change IHDP, the World Climate Research Programme WCRP and the DIVERSTITAS, whose purpose is to reveale the global variation and forecast future global trends.The Holocene (from11500years ago to the present) is the second epoch of Quaternary which is the youngest geological epoch. The change of Holocene climate is closely related to the development of human society, all the prosperity, development, advances, prosperous and strong of human civilization are occurred in the Holocene. So it has an important guiding significance for people to treat the Holocene climate as the key research object to human studying of the climate change. Volcanic activity is one of the driving forces in global climate change; it has a profound impact on the human living environment and climate change in spite of the fact that it’s a short but intense geological phenomenon. A Strong volcanic eruption could destroy the city, buried the village, and even lead to regional or global climate change. Therefore, it a key point to obtain a kind of environmental events archival material for studying which has a complete record of the Holocene climate change and volcanic eruption event. Peat is formed in the Quaternary, especially in the Holocene. Its formation and accumulation mainly is controlled by climate, then by the geology, geomorphology, hydrology and other factors. The process of peat formation contains a large number of evolution information of palaeoclimate and paleoenvironment; therefore, as an important research material to recover past global changes, peat plays an important role in the study of global changes.This article took the peat sediment in Northeast China as the research object, which contains palaeoclimatical information, volcanic eruptions and other environmental events. The article discussed the Holocene climate change in Hani peatland and compared it with other regions’ diverse climate proxies, and proved the response relationship between the climate proxies of Hani peat and abrupt climate change events. Meanwhile, we extracted the volcanic ash from Hani and Jinchuan peat profiles, identified relevant volcanic eruption events, explored the relationship between volcanic eruptions and climate changes, compared the volcanic eruption events and information of climate evolution, interpreted and recovered the impact of climate change from Holocene volcanic eruptions, that is, the research of volcanic activity’s climate effects provides some new ways and methods.The major research contents and conclusions of the paper are listed as follows:1.This paper firstly describes the meaning of peat and peatland:peat is organic sediment formed by the plant remains through biochemical action having different degree of decomposition, soft and full of water, the process is under the environment that full of water and anaerobic katolysis; the peatland means habitat of peat. Secondly, this paper analysis the distribution of the peatlands both home and abroad; investigate the relationship between peat and environment; summarize the progress of Holocene climate changes use peat as climate proxies, provide the evidence that peat not only can be used as the archives of climate events, but also provite favourable record through volcanic eruptions.2.In this paper, we chose Northeast China as survey region, select the dammed lake peatland in Hani regions and Maar lake type peatland in Jinchuan as the object of study, describe the study area in geology, geomorphology, hydrology, climate and other conditions detailedly, and summarize the methods and techniques ofresearch.3.In this paper, we establish14C chronology framework through Hani and Jinchuan peat profile:describe the collected peat profile detailedly based on its color and lithologic characters at the sampling lacation of Jinchuan and Hani peatland, and establish lithologic horizon’s control points, get the Hani peat profile geochronologic framework through the AMS14C dating of peat plant cellulose in control points,the9meters long Hani peatland constantly deposited for11930±172years, the age of10meter peat column in Jinchuan peatland profile is6922aB.P.Using the CALIB4.3software regulate the peat’s age, and calculate the relationship between the Hani peat profile correction age and the depth:y=16.78x-619.4, R2=0.992; and the relationship between the Jinchuan peat profile correction age and the depth:y=9.132x, R2=0.934.Use the interpolation method to calculate peat deposition rate of Hani peatland, maximum deposition rate is1.75cm/yr, while the minimum deposition rate is0.07cm/yr; the deposition rate of Jingchuan peat profile is0.663cm/yr as maximum value, the minimum is0.07cm/yr。4. Volcanic ash was identified and extracted from Hani and Jinchuan peat profile respectively, and the methods of extracting volcanic ash from sediments that predecessors had done were summarized. To extract volcanic ash, acidification method was selected in Hani peatland, while thin alkali method in Jinchuan peatland. Volcanic glasses were identified through a polarizing microscope, and the environmental scanning electron microscope was used to analysis the morphology of volcanic ash:under the scanning electron microscope, the surface of the volcanic ash is full of stomata structure with multi-edges and fragmental, overlaped and embedded tightly. The main elements of volcanic ash was measured by electron microprobe technique.resulting that volcanic ash is mainly rock debris, type of trachyte with low potassium content, which shows that volcano eruption is neutraland belongs to mid-term development in which process the early basic rock was carried out5.The absorbance and transmittance of Hani peatland were measured,together with813C and δ18O. Choose absorbance to characterize peat humification, the significance of813C and δ18O to ancient climate were discussed. Combining with the data previously analysised the significance of Hani peat humification to the ancient climate. High value of peat humification indicates warm climate..It goes opposite for the carbon isotopic variation trend with the peat humification.6.On the basis of time series curve of peat humification and the time series curve of δ13C and δ18O of peat cellulose, using multi-index method the Holocene climate evolution of Hani regions was rebuilt, which was mainly divided into six stages:12000aB.P~11200aB.P with the climate of dry and cold,l1500~9800aB.P with the climate of warm and wet,9800~9000aBwith the climate of sharply cooling and dry cleaning,9000~4800kaB.P with the climate of warm,and wet,4800~1800aB.P with the climate of fluctuations between dry and cold with warm and humid;1800~OaB.P with the climate of dry and cold.7. The response of Hani peatlandon8.2ka and4.2ka events of Holocene climate were studied; δ18O time series of Hani peat shows thatit appears a wide δ18O trough on the curve during the period of8.3ka B.P. Further study showed a series of decrease point of δ18O at the period of8.3ka B.P, indicating the existing of a small decline of the δ18O peak. Compare with the813C time series, during about8.1-8.3ka BP δ13C of Hani has three peaks and appears a peak value at8.3ka, which indicated a relatively dry climate. It shows a slightly undulating broad trough in the peat humification curve which shows a long term dry and cold climate during7.8ka-8.3ka period. Contrasted by multi-index in this study has further evidence for the response of the Hani peatland climate proxies to8.2ka climate abrupt events. The4.2ka event response shows that δ13C sequence change strongly and the value increased largely between4.2-4.8ka, which indicated the dry climate. The δ18O curve showed lifting combinations of repeated constantly changes between4.0-5.0ka, at the point of4.3ka the most strongly sharp decline performance that the climate is relatively cold; the values of Hani peat humification fluctuate abnormally during this period with two troughs, and continuously about300a.8.Comparing the climate changes during the three periods in Holocene of Hani peat in regions. Using different regional climate files to discuss the Holocene climate changes from different stages,12.8-11.2ka B.P, Younger Dryas (9.7-11.0ka B.P14C age);11.2-8.0ka B.P, the Early Holocene (7.0-9.7ka B.P14C age);8.0-3.0ka B.P, the Middle Holocene(2.8-7.0ka B.P14C age);3.0-0ka B.P.The Late Holocene(0-2.8ka B.P14C age) shows that as paleoclimate file, Hani peatland not only record climate changes in the region, but also respond to global climate changes,which provide evidence for the researches of global climate changes.9.The distribution characteristics of Holocene volcano in the world and China weresummarized, and the volcanoes condition of northeast China was introduced. This paper reviews the development of volcano climatology, whose method is statistical and numerical simulation. The relationships between volcanic eruption and climate change show in three aspects, which are collection and analysis of basic data, the radioactive effect of volcano aerosol and the climate effect of volcano activity. We have built the time sequence of volcanic eruptions such as (the time sequence of volcanic eruptions in East Asia, VEI>3; the time sequence of volcanoes in Northeast China) and we product the different time scales of the volcano eruption times and VEI cumulative curves. These curves show the trend of Holocene volcano eruption activity, representative of the period4000-4300a B.P.10.Combined with the14C dating data of peat cellulose, using the age-depth modeling, volcanic ash layers have been traced, the age of Jinchuan tephra layer can be calculated to2300-2315a B.P (AMS14C age) and the age of Hani tephra layer is8352±76a B.P.-9604±80a B.P.(AMS14C age). We study the geochemical composition of the tephra, speculated that the tephra of Jinchuan peatland came from the Long-gang volcano group Jinlongdingzi volcanic eruption andthe tephra of Hani peatland came from Changbaishan Tianchi volcanic eruption. The tephra in peat layers deposited represents the dry-cold climate condition, which shows that the volcano eruption event response to climate change.Comparing a series of East Asia volcanic eruption events in δ18O and δ13C and the humification degree curves of peatland from Jinchuan and Hani peatland, we found thatthe neighboring or large scale volcanic eruptions precisely responded to the minimum temperature and humidity. The results show that peatland can conserve Holocene widely volcanic eruption events, and these eruptions can cause the regional climate change, temperature and humidity decrease. Therefore, it is a feasible method to extract tephra and recognize volcanic eruption from peat to analyze the relationship between the climate changes and volcanic eruptions.

【关键词】 全新世古气候泥炭火山喷发东北
【Key words】 HolocenePaleoclimatePeatVolcanic eruptionNortheast

