

"Hemu" and Reproduction of Local Society

【作者】 杨丽

【导师】 沈关宝;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 人类学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 “合亩”制作为海南黎族研究的“活化石”很早就引起学界关注。以往的“合亩”制研究可归纳为两个方面:一是将“合亩”制作为一种黎族社会旧有的经济生产组织,考察其性质、特征、发展及消亡,并以此推断黎族社会早期所处的社会阶段。二是通过对历史上“合亩”制地区的重访,展现黎族人民生活的变迁,探讨少数族群社会发展历程的传统与现代。这二者的学术积累,为我们透过“合亩”制了解黎族社会提供了视角,同时也要看到,“合亩”的本质问题至今未得到很好地探究,尤其是“合亩”对黎族地方社会结构的生成与社会再生产延续的意义缺乏足够关注。为此,本文的工作便是从“合亩”制这一文化类型切入,了解黎族地方社会的整合与运作逻辑,展现出当遭遇各种外部力量冲击、面对社会变迁压力时,“合亩”关系如何保持地方社会结构的稳定。具体来说,本研究首先立足于黎族社会历史调查材料,从“合亩”的人群结构、运作模式等方面入手,讨论“合亩”的本质,及其对于古代黎族社会结群与再生产的意义。其次,选取海南中部高地的杞黎村落作为田野点,在完成了对村落社会历史与空间图景、村落的生计格局、地方社会的人群结合方式等几方面基础工作的考察后,以村落社会的历史变迁为主线,重点关注“合亩”制在地方社会历经各个历史阶段所呈现的样态与运作逻辑。由此展现,面对社会生活行政化、经济生活市场化的冲击,传统“合亩”制村落如何保持自身社会结构的稳定,并实现“合亩”传统的延续。通过这一过程的分析,本文表明:“合亩”制是古代黎民在农业生产领域,依附于土地而形成的劳务交换体系,同时这种交换关系延伸至社会生活各个领域,成为实现黎族社会结群和社会再生产的重要力量。受琼岛中部地理条件所限,封建王权统治始终鞭长莫及,因此,王朝国家时代下的黎族“合亩”社会依赖于自治维持秩序的稳定。进入集体经济时代,因国家对农村的集体化改造理念与“合亩”制本身相契合,使国家基于黎族的“合亩”传统较容易地实现了黎村的“合作化”,互助合作的交换体系在这一历史阶段具有延续的生命力。自国家推行联产承包责任制至今,正是在黎族社会的“合亩”传统、国家政策的积极引导以及外部市场力量推动三者的共同作用下,当代黎民依然选择结成“合亩”关系,共同抵御现代社会的各种风险。本文以田野考察的方法,基本完成了一部展现黎民整体生存伦理的人类学民族志。通过对少数族群社会的一种文化类型的探讨,展现在国家化、市场化乃至全球化进程中,面对外部世界的急剧变迁,该地域社会仍保持自身运作逻辑的历史延续性,这体现为本人田野期间观察到的种种社会事实,都与该社会固有的社会性与文化传统密切相关。

【Abstract】 Scholar has focused on “HeMu” institution as “Living fossil” for longtime.Previous studies can be summarized into two aspects: First, take it as an oldeconomic produce organization in the society of Li ethnic group and research itsnature,features,development and demise.Second, revisit the “HeMu” institution area toshow the great changes in the life of Li people and discuss the traditional andmodern in the development of minority society.The two academic accumulationprovide the perspective for us to understand the society of Li ethnic through“HeMu”institution.However, the nature of “HeMu” hasn’t been well researched, especiallythe significance in Li people’s local social structure and reproduction needs to befurther concerned.Therefore,the work of this essay is to understand the integration ofthe local society and the operation logic in the society of Li ethnic,also reflects how“HeMu”relationship has kept a good social order when facing various external forceand pressure of social transformation.Specifically,first, based on the Li people investigation materials of social history,this studybegins by HeMu’s structure and mode of operation,meanwhile,it will discuss the nature of“HeMu” and the significance for the ancient Li ethnic social group and reproduction.Then,theauthor choose a village as the field which is in the central highland of Hainan, also describecommunity background of village,lanscape,living support and communityorganization.Next,the essay focuses on the state and operation logic of“HeMu”through various historical stages.Last, it tries to reflect how traditional“HeMu” village keeps the social stability and the “HeMu” tradition’s extension.Through the analysis,this essay shows that:“HeMu” is a labor exchange system thatancient Li people adhere to the land in the field of agricultural production.The exchange relationextends to the field of social life, and it has become the important force for Li social group andreproduction.Restricted by geographical condition in the central region of Hainan, feudalmonarchy rule cannot be reached,so Li society maintain the autonomous stability.In the era ofcollectivization,because the HeMu’s tradition is consistent with the concept of national ruralcollectivization, it is easy to realize the corporation of Li village based on HeMu tradition.So,the exchange system of mutual cooperation has continued vitality in this historical stage.Since thefull implementation of the rural household contract responsibility system, under the“HeMu”tradition effects together with the national policies and market forces,contemporary Lipeople still choose to form “HeMu” relationship to resist all kinds of risks in modern society.Based on the method of field work, this essay has basically completed an ethnography ofholistic living ethics.Through the discussion of a culture type in minority society,it reflects thatLi society still maintain its historical continuity of operational logic facing the rapid change ofthe external world in the national,market and the globalization process. It represents that allkinds of social facts observed are closely related with the inherent social and cultural tradition ofthe Li society.

【关键词】 “合亩”制黎族社会再生产
【Key words】 “HeMu”Li peoplereproduction of local society
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期

