

The Construction of Legal Awareness of Women Migrant Workers

【作者】 陈若冰

【导师】 欧阳光明;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 女性农民工法律意识的现代化,是现代法治的必然要求。建构女性农民工的现代化法律意识,唤起女性农民工对于法治的信任、信仰和情感,对于法治秩序的形成和发展,是必需的主体性基础。城市化的法治建设,要求女性农民工知法、懂法、守法,女性农民工要在城市站稳脚跟,立足并发展,必需学习法律知识,学会自我权益的保护。从女性农民工法律意识的现状来看,其除了缺乏法律知识,法律理想和法律评价之间冲突和矛盾外,还具有根深蒂固的传统法律虚无意识,普遍的权利意识淡薄,义务意识厚重,权利意识和义务意识不对称。显然,女性农民工对待法律的态度和看法方面存在着怀疑、不信任的特点,反映了女性农民工法律意志、法律信仰等法律意识构成要素的缺位。女性农民工法律意识整体比较薄弱的问题,实际上是国家、社会能为她们提供多少参与法律实践的机会的问题。法律实践活动是女性农民工法律意识建构的关键。女性农民工只有在法律实践过程中,即在立法实践、执法实践、守法实践以及司法实践环境中,才能使其法律意识本身向自觉性和能动性的理性认识转变。女性农民工从农村进入城市,接收着城市场域中比之农村较强的法治能量,其法律意识的自主性随着城市化进程不断提高,经历着传统法律意识向现代法律意识的演变。但是由于其在城市中被边缘化的场域位置,使得其法律实践也同样被边缘化,导致其在立法实践、守法实践、司法实践等法律实践活动中,形式上虽然在场,实质上却处于缺场状态。正是女性农民工法律实践的“缺场”,成为女性农民工法律意识建构的核心障碍。女性农民工法律意识的主观状态与其客观的法律实践状态具有一致性。要建构女性农民工的法律意识,关键是通过法律实践先解构其传统法律意识后,再在法律实践中重构其现代化法律意识。故而,要建构女性农民工正确的法律意识、良善的法律意识、现代化的法律意识、与主流意识形态一致的法律意识,则必须为女性农民工参与立法实践、守法实践、司法实践等法律实践活动,提供有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必究的现代法治环境。

【Abstract】 The modernization of the legal awareness of women migrant workers is theinevitable requirement of the modern law. To construct modern legal awareness ofwomen migrant workers and to evoke the trust, faith and emotion of women migrantworkers for the rule of law is necessary for the formation and development of therule of law. The urbanization of the rule of law needs women migrant workers whoknow and understand the modern law. If women migrant workers want to gain a firmfoothold in the city based and development, it is necessary for them to study therules of modern law and learn to protect themselves in using the modern law.From the current situation of the awareness of the law of women migrant workers,in addition to the lack of knowledge of the law and its conflicts and contradictionsbetween legal ideals and legal evaluation, the women migrant workers have also thedeep-rooted tradition of the nothingness of the awareness of the law, poor awarenessof universal rights, the thickness of the obligations’ awareness, and theasymmetric between the rights and obligations consciousness. Clearly, theattitudes and perceptions of women migrant workers to treat the law exist thecharacteristics of doubt and distrust, which is reflecting the absence of theconstruction elements of the modern law awareness of women migrant workers inlaw will, legal faith etc.The problem of the lack of legal awareness of women migrant workers as a wholeis, in fact, the situation of the state, society which can provide them with thenumber of opportunities to participate in legal practice. Legal practice is thekey to the construction of the legal awareness of women migrant workers. The lawawareness of the female migrant workers can be shifted to the initiative and therational understanding of the modern law only in the process of legal practice,legislative practice, and the practice of law enforcement, law-abiding practiceand judicial practice environment. Female migrant workers, who come from thecountryside into the city, receive more energies of the modern law in city thanin the countryside. The awareness of their legal autonomy continues to improve asthe development of the urbanization, in experiencing the evolution from thetraditional legal awareness to the modern legal consciousness. However, due to thefield position of being marginalized in the city, their legal practices are alsobeing marginalized, which leads to the formally presence but the Absence of theirlegal practice in legislative practice, law-abiding practice, judicial practice.The Absence of the legal practice of women migrant workers leads to the coreobstacles of the construction of the legal awareness of women migrant workers.It is consistent between the subjective state of the legal awareness of womenmigrant workers and their objective legal practice state. To construct the legal awareness of women migrant workers, the most important key point is to deconstructthe traditional legal awareness through legal practice first, and then toreconstruct their modern legal consciousness in the legal practice. Therefore, toconstruct the correct legal awareness of women migrant workers, the goodness oflegal awareness, the modernization of the legal awareness, and the consistent withthe mainstream ideology of legal awareness, we must provide the modern legalenvironment, which is strictly enforce and violators prosecuted in theparticipation in legislative practice, the law practice, judicial practice and lawpractice activities etc. for women migrant workers.

【关键词】 女性农民工法律意识建构
【Key words】 women migrant workerslegal awarenessbuild
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期
  • 【分类号】D669.68;D920.0
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】722
  • 攻读期成果

