

A Probe into Individual Self-identity Under the Sight of Social Transformations

【作者】 韦岚

【导师】 陈新汉;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当前中国社会转型的分析框架有西方现代化理论和马克思的三大社会形态理论两种,社会转型既是社会结构由传统型向现代型的全面转型,也是人的依赖性向以物的依赖性为基础的人的独立性的转型。处于复杂、多变的转型期中的社会陷入传统与现代的交织,个体则面临变革与守护的考验。其中,社会管理方式中的单位制与户籍制在社会转型期的变革给个体身份的确认带来了不确定性焦虑,辨认“我是谁”的重要依据受到影响,同时,网络空间的迅猛发展又将个体的“自我”推向由于虚拟世界与现实世界的分离造成的分裂困境。个体自我认同是个体对“我是谁”的回答,应当从个体自我意识、个体自我评价活动及其机制以及认同体验的获得等各方面整体把握其内涵,并同时意识到自我认同在个体层面与社会层面的不同侧重,即在个体层面表现为个体对自身的理性确认,在社会层面则表现为个体对社会价值等方面的内化。因而就一定程度而言,个体自我认同是更具特点、更富有内涵的一个整体,是在个体社会意义的确认与社会情感的生成得到共同实现的基础上形成的。换句话说,自我认同就是个体社会归属感的实现,表现为个体保持独立自主,积极参与社会变革。在社会转型中重塑个体自我认同,个体自身能力的增强与社会发展方式的相应转换都尤为重要。这两个方面具体表现为建构自我意识觉醒、主体性确立的反思性的个体;调整生产力发展路径、引领社会价值观念和倡导合理的社会生活方式等。尊重个体间的差异,并深刻意识到任何个体都无法脱离社会而存在,将为形成个体与社会之间的良好互动提供可能,从而实现个体在社会中“安身立命”,获得社会归属感的目的。重视个体自我认同的实现在塑造反思性的个体,从而在个体与社会的互动中将经过重新确认和确立的价值或期望内化并反映到个体行为中的意义,能够有效应对社会转型的困境,促进社会主义和谐社会的建设。

【Abstract】 Analytical framework of current social transformation in China includes twocategories: Western modernization theory and three social morphology of Marx’s. Thesocial transformation is a comprehensive transformation of the social structure fromthe traditional to the modern type, and the transformation from the human dependenceto the human independence based on the material dependency. Society interwoventraditional with modern, and individuals are faced with the test of change withguardian in a complex and ever-changing transition. Among social transformationsare the changes of social management means. Social management means are various,system of units and the household registration system being two important forms. Thetwo systems change caused by the uncertainty of individual identification anxiety,leading to be affected by the important basis of identifying “who am I”. At the sametime, the rapid development of cyberspace turns individual “self” into the split due tothe separation of the virtual world and the real world difficulties.Individual self-identity is the answer to “who am I”, and the answer shouldgrasp its meaning as a whole from the individual self-awareness, individualself-evaluation activities and its mechanisms, as well as recognition of experienceobtained. Meantime, the answer should be aware of the different focused onself-identity at the individual level and the social dimension. Self-identity at theindividual level performances for the rational confirmation of the individual’s own,and the internalization of individual’s the social value. Therefore, individualself-identity is an overall more features and more connotation to a certain extent. It isformed on the basis of the common achievement of individual social recognition andsocial-emotional significance generated. In other words, self-identity is the realizationof individual social belonging which expressed as individuals to maintainindependence and involve in social change actively.Individual capacity enhancement and corresponding conversion of the socialdevelopment approach are particularly important for the remodeling of individualself-identity in the period of social transformations. These two factors will putforward specific requirements in two aspects: one is to construct reflection ofself-consciousness and subjectivity established individual; other is to adjust the productivity development path, and lead the social values and advocacy reasonablesocial lifestyle, etc. It’s important to respect for differences among individuals andprofoundly aware that any individual can’t be separated from social existence. It willprovide the possibility of good interaction between the individual and society. Andthus this purpose will be realized of settling oneself down in society and getting socialbelonging.Emphasis on the realization of individual self-identity is meaningful for shapingreflective of the individual. The pursuit in the interaction of the individual and societywill reconfirm the value established expectations and reflects the individual behavior.This can effectively deal with the plight of social transformations and promote thebuilding of a socialist harmonious society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期

