

Lineage and Marriage: Intra and Inter-Ma Village Relations in Eastern Shandong (1886-2012)

【作者】 马占斌

【导师】 朱学勤;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 自清末中国遭遇坚船利炮以来,西学东渐思潮兴起,西式现代化道路成为此后中国几代政府的不二选择。发轫于欧美的知识体系,长期主导了中国学界的话语权。在解释中国本土的政治、经济、社会问题时,一些研究者常常生搬硬套西方理论,如同隔靴搔痒,以致传统社会关系缺乏具有解释力度的深入研究。如本文聚焦的宗族传统,被国内学、政两界普遍视为社会进步的障碍而加以鞭挞,弃之如敝履。对中国社会的研究离不开对传统乡村的研究。乡村的社会特点、社会关系到底为何,在社科领域众说纷纭。中外学者对乡村中国从不同角度、对不同区域进行了卓有成效的研究,有些渐成模式,衍为学派。概因近三十年市场经济改革之故,近来影响较大的是施坚雅的市场共同体理论。施坚雅通过对成都乡村的个案研究,得出要义,认为中国乡村系以集市为中心,由诸多周围村庄共同形成的市场共同体。施坚雅学派由此将这一结论从成都个案推及整个中国乡村,进而推衍出中国的城市研究。但施氏理论未能考虑传统乡村关系中最为核心重要的宗族关系。费孝通提出的“差序格局”理论准确把握了传统社会宗族关系的特征并解释了村内关系,但对于宗族关系的历史演变及村际关系则未深入探讨。所以,乡村社会的基本关系为何,如何演变,至今尚无定论。本文所考察的马家村是位于山东胶东地区的一个普通村庄。一个半世纪以来,中国从传统社会进入到转型社会,胶东也不例外。当地村庄的集市、土地、人口等都发生了巨大变化。马家村有记录的历史,可追溯到明朝初年。始祖马安、始祖母王氏从四川成都府移民至山东莱州府,历经明、清、中华民国和中华人民共和国各历史时期,马氏后裔繁衍至今业已近三十代。马家村与周边村庄前后六百多年相对平稳的历史,尤其是近一百五十年来保留下来的珍贵原始资料,为了解中国乡村关系提供了一个有价值的原生态案例。笔者长期对以马家村为代表的胶东乡村进行实地调查与文献收集,通过研究发现,现有乡村关系理论并未详解外姻关系。本文在探讨村内宗族关系演变的同时,分析了近一百五十年以来马家村在各个不同时代的宗族婚姻圈变化,发现外姻恰好是与外村联系的桥梁,沉淀并蕴藏着丰富的社会变迁的信息。胶东乡村的基本社会关系是内宗外姻,即村内关系是宗族关系、村际关系则是联姻关系。在政治经济功能不断扩张的巨大压力下,宗族的社会功能逐步萎缩,渐趋失语,同时外姻的社会功能和意义却随即增强,变化异常活跃,并通过婚姻圈的盈缩变化和禁忌性突破进行自身调整。传统乡村关系,通过婚姻圈的变化,隐性地回应了政治经济体系的变化压力。以上结论限于胶东地区,是否适用于它地有待实证研究。本文以内宗外姻的社会关系作为主要研究对象,提出马家村自19世纪中叶转型以来,在嵌入的官方结构之外,还存在一个长期为人忽视的内生型乡村关系体系,即内宗外姻结构,其演变过程与轨迹反映了宏观社会的变迁。这不仅对传统乡村关系的内生型结构提出了全新解释,也对嵌入性现代乡村关系结构提出了一个独特的反观视角。

【Abstract】 Since the Opium Wars, western style modernization has been on the agenda ofsuccessive governments from late Qing onwards, and western discourse has alsoexperienced momentum in explaining social problems in China. Meanwhile, theview, held by scholars and politicians alike, that the family system is a hindrance tomodernization prevails even until today.Any study of Chinese society would be incomplete if the countryside wereexcluded. Yet the fundamental characteristics of the countryside are yet to be clearlydefined, and students of different schools have proposed various models in order todescribe the social relations in the rural areas. Among the various theories is theSkinnerian model, which claims that the market model reflects rural relationsindependent of official political territories. Other scholars focus on the familysystem within the village but often ignore the maternal side of the family and clan.The nature of inter-village relations in different historical periods and how they havebeen intertwined with the marriage circles is yet to be explored. Clearly, we havecome to a point in the argument where we must expand the studies to include allmembers of both genders and try to give them a meaning that is precise enough tohelp in the analysis of the complete forms assumed by agnatic groups.Ma Village is a typical village in eastern Shandong whose ancestors, Ma An andhis wife Wang, migrated from Chengdu during the early Ming Dynasty. The Ma’s,through the waxing and waning of the Ming, Qing, early Republican, Nationalist, andCommunist periods, are now in their28thgeneration. This research is based on anexamination of Ma Village for six centuries with special emphasis on the past one anda half centuries, and on first-hand and archival research from Ma village as well aspast studies on rural China. It concludes that under tremendous political andeconomic pressures, leading to the agnatic lineage being progressively underminedand eroded, the family institution has nonetheless perpetuated family ties throughmarriage. Yet a new form of lineage is assumed. Through an historicalexamination of political and economic transformation, the expansion and involutionof marriage have been revealed as reflections of this transformation. It turns out thatthe fundamental relations in eastern Shandong are lineage ones within the village andmarriage with other villages, instead of Skinner’s proposition or of any other theories.This conclusion implicitly assumes two premises: first, this finding appliesstrictly to eastern Shandong; and secondly the relation between officialdom and thevillagers has always dominated other relations, with lineage and marriage relationsbeing secondary. Modern industrialization and commercialization unequivocallyplay an instrumental role in dramatically accelerating the subversion of thecenturies-old lineage system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期
  • 【分类号】C912.82;C913.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】270
  • 攻读期成果

