

Deal with State Market and Community

【作者】 张慧芳

【导师】 张江华;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 人类学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 随着社会的不断发展,面对日益活跃的市场经济交易,经济纠纷日益增多,人们的债权债务关系也日渐复杂。债权债务关系的复杂化,导致债权的实现也日益成为一个比较严重的社会问题。本文通过对一个民间商业账务追收个案的描述,探讨民间商业债务追收因何而生?“商账追收师”如何追债?民间商账追收为什么会成功?它的存在和运作会给当今中国社会带来一些什么样的影响?或者它本身就是中国传统社会文化与现代性碰撞的产物。带着这些问题,文章首先从民间商账追收产生的大背景入手:市场经济发展的需要,政府信用的缺失,中国社会结构及传统文化的影响,使得民间讨债作为一种根植于市场并自发形成的民间追债机制,蕴孕而生。借此做铺陈,笔者对民间商账追收的行业架构、行动者——商账追收师、以及行动者为实现债务追收所使用的资源与方式进行详细的分析与论述,笔墨的重点落在分析民间商账追生存和发展所依赖的关键资源以及回答民间商账追收为什么会成功。进行上述分析之后,笔者试图在本文的中心内容中探讨这样一个问题:在当前中国社会转型期间,民间商账追到底处于何种境地?国家出于社会控制的需要对民间商账追收实行双重态度,使得民间商账追收这个边缘化的行业为获得形式上的合法化,也自愿依附、积极争取纳入到国家组织体系之内。对国家和法律,他们既要依附又要钻制度的漏洞,对社会暴力他们既要利用又要撇清,他们实际上属于一个尴尬的境地。在国家、市场和社会三种情境下,左右逢源,并在生存与自主之间取得平衡,至少,通过本文个案研究,笔者得出民间商账追收要想在国家、社会与市场之间找到生存发展的立足点,必须对国家、法律在依附与规避之间寻求合法性;对社会在利用与撇清之间逃离非法性;对市场在适应与顺从之间实现生存与发展的目的。由此笔者得出:在当今中国社会转型时期,由传统信用机制向现代信用体系转型过程中,在传统的以道德礼教、亲缘、宗族为根基的特殊人伦信用形式的非正式信用制度遭到破坏,新的以契约和法律为基础的信用机制尚未完全建立的过渡时期,本文关于民间商账追收的模式是现阶段民间追债生存、发展、获得认同必须选择的一种核心策略。其对我国社会信用机制建设有着不可取代的作用与意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy, there are more and more economic disputes, and so we have involved in a more complicated debtor-creditor relationship. Under this situation, how to protect the interest of creditor is going to be a big problem.This thesis will present a case of debt collection, which enforced by nongovernment group. And go through with this case, considering why this kind of debt collection has be needed, how debt collectors finish their work and succeed in it. Furthermore, it is necessary to think the influence of debt collection. Shall we regard it as a product of the interaction between traditional Chinese culture and the modernity.All the questions above will be discussed in this thesis. Firstly, we will focus on the background of debt collection. There are three main reasons for the exist of debt collection:the need of market; the deletion of government’s credit; and the tradition of Chinese society. All these are made debt collection possible. Secondly, I describe the structure of debt collection, and then analysis the practice of the debt collector, in order to figure out what kind of resource is used by them and how they carry out tasks. Thirdly, I will go on with the question that what is the situation of debt collection during the social transformation.For the reason of social control, the government has a dual-attitude to debt collection. Under this situation, it makes the debt collector depends on the government, and willingly to integrate in hierarchy system. They also have dual-attitude to law and violence, they need to attach themselves to law, but also need to take advantage of the loophole, on one hand, they had to use violence, but also had to distance themselves to violence, on the other hand. They switch into the market, government and society, find the balance between subsistence and autonomy. At least, in this case, we can say that the debt collectors want to find a surviving amongst market, government and society. They need to find the legitimacy for themselves, they had to use the law, but they also need to do not disregard of law; they had to use the violence, but they also need to distance from it; they had to conform with the market, and find a way to substance.In conclusion, duding the transformation of Chinese society, there is a period of transition from traditional credit institution to modern ones, in which the informal credit institutions which based on the morality, kinship and lineage are decayed, and the new credit system which constructed by contract and law are not already established. With this kind of background, I will propose that, at now, the debt collection is a suitable way for the masses to get their money back, and for the debt collectors, this model is a strategy for their substance, development and getting the identity from government and society. It is crucial to the construct of credit system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期

