

A Study on the Technique and Style of Tan Dun’s Early Works

【作者】 李珺

【导师】 贾达群;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 作曲, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 任何一部音乐作品都无法把其“内容”与“外在”机械的、彻底的分离开来,自20世纪后,越来越多的作曲家将目光锁定在观念的新颖上,与之相辅的是现代音乐中技术与创作理念的贴合愈加的严丝合缝。在对此类作品分析时,我们不仅要关注其创作理念与创作技法的单一面,而更应该在对二者的认识中寻找“观念”与“形式”之间的关系。因此,贾达群教授根据20世纪后的音乐特点提出了“观念与形式化程序的对应”的分析手法,这也是他“结构分析学”中的一个子项目。谭盾是中国“先锋音乐”的重要代表人物,他极富创新意识,其作品有着多元化的特征,形成了东西方的交融、民族与世界的相合、文化与文化的对位。而交融的艺术手法、“有机音乐”与传统音乐的结合等等形式特征都源于他灵活新颖的创作观念与音乐文本间的对应。这种别具一格的特色在他早期作品就屡有显现,笔者从中选取四部以探索他风格的形成之路。论文分两个部分,绪论中是对贾达群教授“观念与形式化程序对应”的理念概述。第一章是对谭盾早期四部作品的分析,包括《道极》、《乐队剧场Ⅱ:Re》、《圆:为四个三重奏组、指挥和听众而作》、《死与火:与保罗·克利的对话》。第二章是谭盾作品中的人文理念与前卫性。本论题的研究,意图以观念与形式化程序相对应的分析手法,通过对谭盾早期作品的分析来透视其音乐风格的形成,以期对20世纪以来的音乐创作和理论建设提供新的线索和思路。

【Abstract】 It is not possible to mechanically and thoroughly separate content from form of any music composition. When it came to the20th Century, more composers started to attach importance to the novelty of perception, which was characterized by the growing fitness of technology and cative concept in modern music composition. When analyzing works of this kind, our attention should be put not only on perception and composing technique, but also on finding connection between perception and form during the process. Therefore, Professor Jia Daqun put forward an analyzing method called Correspondence Between Perception and Formalized Process according to post20th century music, which is a sub-project of his Theory of Structure Analyze.Tan Dun, with his rich innovation, has been a key figure of Pioneer Music in China. His works are characterized by diversification-blending of the East and the West, combining of the National and the International, and corresponding between cultures. His artistic expression, integration of Organic Music and Traditional Music are generated from the corresponding between flexibility and novelty of his creative perception and music composition. Such unique style can be found in many of his early works, and the author picked four to analyze and explore the forming of his style.This dissertation consists of two parts and an introduction-briefing of professor Jia Daqun’s theory of Correspondence Between Perception and Formalized Process. Part One analyzes Tan Dun’s early works:On Taoism, Orchestral Theatre Ⅱ:Re, Circle with Four Trios, Conductor and Audience, and Death and Fire:Dialogue with Paul Klee. Part Two disscuses the humanity ideal and progressiveness of Tan Dun’s works.This dissertation intends to analyze the formalization of Tan Dun’s style through his early works by adopting perception and formalized process correspondence method, in view of providing new clues and thoughts for music creation and theoretical construction since the20th century.

【关键词】 谭盾早期作品人文理念前卫性
【Key words】 Tan DunEarly worksHumanity IdealProgressiveness
  • 【分类号】J614
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】487

