

Text,Culture and Theme:a Study of Paul Hindemith’s Opera Mathis Der Maler

【作者】 乐敏

【导师】 沈旋;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 欣德米特是20世纪上半叶最具影响力的德国作曲家,在纳粹时期深受迫害、作品遭禁、被迫流亡国外。本论文以他的歌剧《画家马蒂斯》为研究对象,通过对文本(绘画、音乐)形态结构及风格特征的分析,并以文本(脚本、音乐)为切入点,运用比较文学视域下的“主题学”研究方法提炼剧中集中反映的九大母题,阐释欣德米特对社会、人生、艺术、宗教的观念,从而全面揭示作品的艺术价值与思想内涵。全文共分五章。第一章为背景概述,介绍了20世纪二、三十年代的社会-文化环境、欣德米特处境及创作概况。第二章述及歌剧《画家马蒂斯》的创作概览,并针对文本(绘画、脚本)展开研究,分析伊森海姆祭坛画的结构布局与文化内涵,历史的画家马蒂斯·格吕内瓦尔德的生平与创作,以及欣德米特对脚本的精心构思;第三、四章为论文的主体部分。第三章分析歌剧的音乐技术手段及其特征,分别从体裁、曲式、和声、素材引用、合唱与重唱、器乐戏剧性表现、数字意象等方面进行论述,兼及歌剧意涵。第四章着重挖掘歌剧深层次的文化蕴涵与思想寓意,分别围绕自我质疑、矛盾斗争、邪恶人性、宗教信仰、艺术价值、民族观念、亲情爱情、死亡净化与宇宙和谐九大母题展开研究,解读欣德米特对于社会、人生、艺术、宗教的观点。在阐释每个母题各自意义之后,以有机联系的方式考察其网状结构组织,认为欣德米特的主旨是:一切斗争与邪恶终将在死亡中实现和谐,以及艺术家的根源、职责和良心。第五章作为总结,是对前四章内容所进行的整体性概括和余论,包括进一步解读马蒂斯作为个体和社会属性的典型意义、欣德米特的和谐观与价值评估等问题。运用“主题学”研究方法所进行的相关论述及其结论是本论文研究《画家马蒂斯》的独创性成果。所运用的音乐分析方法和系列图表均为本人大胆探究、借鉴前人基础上有所创新的体现。

【Abstract】 Paul Hindemith, a German composer, is the foremost German composer of his generation. He was persecuted and exiled, and his works banned. This dissertation takes his opera Mathis der Maler as the subject of study. The research in the structure and style of text (painting and music), combined with the nine motifs reflected in the drama from the thematological approach in comparative literature, explains Hindemith’s view on the society, life, art, religion, thereby exploring the artistic value and ideological implication.There are five chapters in this dissertation. The first chapter is a summary of the social and cultural background, Hindemith’s situation and his dramas. The second chapter is the outline of the opera Mathis der Maler, and explores the text (painting and libretto), analyzing the layout and cultural implication of the historical painter Matthias Grunewald’s life and work, and the elaborate conception in Hindemith’s libretto. The main body of this dissertation is the third and forth chapters. The third chapter analyzes the musical technique and characters, from several aspects of genre, form, harmony, material quotations, chorus and ensemble, orchestra’s dramatic expressions, numeric imagery, etc. and the implication of the opera. The forth chapter emphasizes the cultural and ideological implications, studying the nine motifs of self-doubt, contradiction and struggle, evil nature, religious faith, artistic value, national concept, love, death, catharsis and cosmic harmony, to explain Hindemith’s views on the society, life, art and religion. After discussing every motif’s meaning, I explore the net structure, and come to a conclusion that all the contradiction and evil will turn to harmony through death, as well as the root, responsibility and conscience of the artist. The fifth chapter as a conclusion summarizes the whole thesis, including further analysis of the typical meaning of Matthias Grunewald as an individual and social quality, Hindemith’s harmony concept and evaluation, etc.The discussion and analysis of these nine motifs and the conclusion with the thematological approach are the originality of this dissertation on the study of Mathis der Maler. The music analysis and series of diagrams all are my originality after using for reference and exploring.

  • 【分类号】J617.2;J832
  • 【下载频次】308

