

A Study on the Zhuan of Yuan Cheng Shuang Notation

【作者】 于韵菲

【导师】 陈应时;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 本文的研究对象是南宋唱赚乐谱《愿成双》中的一首“赚”谱。鉴于目前《愿成双·赚》谱的研究还存在共识不足、理解有误等问题,故本文在已有研究的基础上,对《愿成双·赚》谱进行再探究。笔者在研究的过程中,发现记载于《愿成双》谱前的唱赚口诀——《遏云要诀》,在后世曲谱的同名赚曲中得以一定的体现和传承,遂将二者结合起来作为研究依据,解析了《愿成双·赚》谱中的谱字、“/”号、汉字术语、乐曲结构、节拍节奏、词曲组合等问题,并提出了如下的观点:《愿成双·赚》中的一谱字对应一唱字;“/”号具有“句读标记”、“延长标记”、“一板标记”三种含义;“巾斗”术语不仅意味着旋律的反复,而且意味着唱字的反复;《愿成双·赚》为四片乐曲结构;《愿成双·赚》的“拍”相当于“板”,其节拍具有定量节拍与非定量节拍相交替的特征,《愿成双·赚》谱是骨干谱;等等。

【Abstract】 The object of this dissertation is a notation called Zhuan of Yuan Cheng Shuang(愿成双)in the Southern Song Dynasty. In view of the lack of consensus and the misunderstand of concepts in the current study of the Zhuan(赚)of Yuan Cheng Shuang, I will be give the further explores based on existing research.I discovered the records in the formulas of Chang Zhuan(唱赚)which was called E Yun Yao Jue(遏云要诀)would be expressed and inherited to some extent in the Zhuan of the operatic scores in the subsequent generations, then combined the above two aspects as the research basis, interpreting the issues including the notes, the symbolノ,the characters, the music structure, the beat and rhythm, filling in Lyrics, etc. And my opinions are as followings:A note could be correspond to a lyric in the Zhuan in Yuan Cheng Shuang notation. The symbolノhave three implications:the first is a phrase sign, the second is a pause sign, and the third is a beat sign.The character Jindou(巾斗)means not only the melody is repeated, but also the lyrics is repeated. There are four sections of music structure in the Zhuan of Yuan Cheng Shuang notation in which the beat is equivalent to the Down Beat(板)and the alternating characteristics between the Quantitative Beats(定量节拍)and Non-quantitative Beats(非定量节拍)are existed. It is a kind of skeleton notation, etc.

  • 【分类号】J612.1
  • 【下载频次】143

