

Research on Plant Diversity and It’s Dynamics along the Environmental Gradient in Henan Province Seetion of the Yellow River Basin

【作者】 廖秉华

【导师】 丁圣彦;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 植物学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 国际地圈—生物圈计划IGBP(International Geosphere-Biosphere Program)的一个长期目标是建立动态全球植被模型DGVM(Dynamic Global Vegetation Model)。在中国植被分区上,黄河流域河南段地处南北气候带,该地区植物多样性的动态过程是历史上自然变迁和人类活动双重作用的结果。因此,该地区在保存全球性生物多样性和维护地球生态系统中具有重要的作用。近30年来,该地区的人们对自然资源进行大量的开发,导致该地区流域生态系统结构发生了显著性的变化,同时,也意味随着土地利用、栖息地、生物多样性,以及生态系统稳定性发生显著性的变化,对该地区流域生态系统的功能产生了深刻的影响。理解植物多样性的这些动态变化及其产生的原因,对于未来研究该地区生态系统功能、生物多样性保护的可持续性发展的目标来说有重要的理论意义。前人研究表明生物多样性与干扰相互联系(中度干扰假说),并且表明对于生物多样性的保护来说,干扰(的频率和强度)是研究的一个重要目标。这项研究中,分析了黄河流域河南段群落多样性、植物物种多样性动态及其与环境梯度之间的关系。本文应用群落生态学的方法,在黄河流域河南段环境梯度上,调查研究了环境因子如何影响植物多样性的动态。这项研究是在不同景观类型(山地、丘陵、平原)中,以草本植物为主要的研究对象,于2009年至2011年进行了野外调查,通过不同环境梯度下植物物种分布格局、物种流动特征等,总结草本物种多样性沿着环境梯度的分布格局。研究结果表明:1.黄河流域河南段垂直于河岸50Km范围内,共有50个植物群落类型。山地、丘陵、平原的植物群落均体现出:随着海拔梯度的增加,Jaccard指数(相似性指数)和Simpson指数均为增加的趋势,Code指数(物种替代速率指数)为减少的趋势;Jaccard指数、Simpson指数、Code指数和海拔梯度之间存在显著或极显著的相关关系(P<0.05或P<0.01)。植物群落Simpson指数总的趋势是:山地>丘陵>平原。2009年~2011年黄河流域河南段的植物种类可分为54个科,159个属,241个种。2.由于不同季节的干扰的种类和强度发生变化,因此,随着不同景观类型中受到干扰的样地数目的增加,Simpson多样性指数持续减小。(1)由于四季(春季、夏季、秋季、冬季)里农田中使用除草剂的样地数目大小排序为:平原>丘陵>山地,因此,沿着山地、丘陵、平原不同环境(经度、海拔和干扰)梯度的变化,农田生态系统草本物种在四季(春季、夏季、秋季、冬季)的Simpson多样性指数均为持续减小的趋势。(2)由于春季和秋季放牧样地数目大小排序为:平原>丘陵>山地,草本物种的Simpson多样性指数沿着山地、丘陵、平原不同环境(经度、海拔和干扰)梯度的变化,均为逐渐减小的趋势。由于夏季河滩被水淹没的样地数目为山地>丘陵>平原,因此,草本物种的Simpson多样性指数沿着山地、丘陵、平原不同环境梯度(经度、海拔和干扰)的变化,为逐渐增加的趋势。由于冬季河滩冰封的样地数目为山地>丘陵>平原,因此,草本物种的Simpson多样性指数从山地经丘陵到平原不同环境(经度、海拔和干扰)梯度的变化,为逐渐增加的趋势。(3)由于人工林和撂荒地放牧的样地数目的排序为:平原>丘陵>山地,因此,沿着山地、丘陵、平原不同环境(经度、海拔和干扰)梯度的变化,在春季、夏季和秋季的草本物种Simpson多样性指数均表现为下降的趋势;由于冬季人工林和撂荒地火烧后的样地数目的排序为山地>丘陵>平原,因此,沿着山地、丘陵、平原不同环境(经度、海拔和干扰)梯度的变化,人工林和撂荒地生态系统中草本物种的Simpson多样性指数为逐渐增加的趋势。(4)由于灌丛在四季(春季、夏季、秋季、冬季)中水土流失的强度大小排序为:丘陵>山地,因此,沿着山地、丘陵不同环境梯度(经度和海拔)的变化,对于不同季节(春季、夏季、秋季、冬季)灌丛下草本物种α-多样性特征的动态来说物种Simpson多样性指数的变化均为:持续降低的趋势。3.沿着黄河流域河南段整个流域环境梯度的变化,从山地经丘陵到平原,河滩地、农田、人工林、撂荒地、滩地和农田交错带在不同季节(春季、夏季、秋季、冬季)产生了相似的生态效应,β多样性指数表明,物种相似性多为抛物线的变化趋势,物种替代速率多为倒抛物线的趋势。草本种类数的季节性变化的大小排序为:夏季>春季>秋季>冬季。4.不同季节草本物种在不同生态系统中的物种相似性和替代速率的大小排序存在差异:(1)春季Jaccard指数(物种相似性指数)大小排序:林地与农田>撂荒地与农田>林地与撂荒地>林地与滩地>滩地与农田>滩地与撂荒地;Code指数(物种替代速率指数)的大小排序:滩地与撂荒地>滩地与农田>林地与滩地>林地与撂荒地>撂荒地与农田>林地与农田。(2)夏季Jaccard指数(物种相似性指数)的大小排序为:滩地与撂荒地>林地与撂荒地>林地与滩地>林地与农田>滩地与农田>撂荒地与农田;Code指数(物种替代速率指数)的大小排序为:林地与滩地>撂荒地与农田>滩地与撂荒地>林地与撂荒地>滩地与农田>林地与农田。(3)秋季Jaccard指数(物种相似性指数)的大小排序为:滩地与撂荒地>林地与滩地>滩地与农田>林地与撂荒地>撂荒地与农田>林地与农田;Code指数(物种替代速率指数)的大小排序为:林地与滩地>滩地与撂荒地>滩地与农田>林地与撂荒地>撂荒地与农田>林地与农田。(4)冬季Jaccard指数(物种相似性指数)的大小排序为:撂荒地与农田>林地与滩地>滩地与撂荒地>林地与农田>林地与撂荒地>滩地与农田;Code指数(物种替代速率指数)的大小排序为:滩地与农田>滩地与撂荒地>林地与滩地>林地与撂荒地>林地与农田>撂荒地与农田。5.沿着“滩地→林地→撂荒地→滩地和农田的交错带→农田”不同环境梯度的动态表明:不同季节草本优势种表现出不同的环境依赖型的物种流:(1)春季的朝天委陵菜(Potentilla supina)为“滩地依赖型”,荠(Capsella bursa-pastoris)和藜(Chenopodium album)为“林地依赖型”,小蓬草(Conyza canadensis)为“撂荒地依赖型”,打碗花(Calystegia hederacea)和播娘蒿(Descurainia sophia)为“农田依赖型”;(2)夏季的朝天委陵菜为“滩地依赖型”,小蓬草为“林地依赖型”,双稃草(Diplachnefusca)为“撂荒地依赖型”,金狗尾草(Setaria glauca)为“农田依赖型”;(3)秋季的芦苇(Phragmites australis)为“滩地依赖型”,小藜(C.serotinum)为“滩地和农田之间的交错带依赖型”,金狗尾草为“农田依赖型”,止血马唐(Digitariaischaemum)为“林地依赖型”、“撂荒地依赖型”和“农田依赖型”;(4)冬季的朝天委陵菜和石龙芮(Ranunculus sceleratus)为“滩地依赖型”,止血马唐为“林地依赖型”,狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)为“撂荒地依赖型”,播娘蒿为“农田依赖型”,香丝草(C.bonariensis)为“林地依赖型”和“滩地和农田交错带依赖型”。6.从山地经丘陵到平原,在不同景观类型的同一生态系统中,以及在不同景观类型的不同生态系统中,沿着不同环境(经度、海拔和干扰)梯度的变化,草本优势种的重要值均为连续性的变化。并且,在同一景观类型内的同一生态系统内部(沿着外缘、内缘和中央的不同环境梯度的变化),以及同一景观类型内的不同生态系统之间,草本优势种的重要值沿着不同环境梯度的变化也为连续性的变化。

【Abstract】 A long-term goal of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) is toestablish a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM). The plot is located in the north-southclimate transition zones in Henan Province section of the Yellow River basin. The dynamicsof plant diversity in Henan Province section of the Yellow River basin are the results of thehistorical natural and anthropogenic activities. Thus, it plays a vital part in conserving globalbiodiversity and maintaining global ecosystem function.Over the past thirty years, the local people have conducted a mass exploitation on naturalresources, leading to significant changes in the local watershed ecosystem structure whichalso means the obvious changes of land use, habitat, biodiversity, and watershed ecosystemstability. They also deeply influence the local watershed ecosystem function. Understandingthese dynamic changes of plant biodiversity and the causes of these dynamics is essential forthe further research of local ecosystem functions and the goal of sustainable development inthe context of biodiversity conservation. Previous studies show the relationship betweendisturbance and biodiversity (intermediate disturbance hypothesis), for bio-protection,disturbances (frequency and intensity) are a main goal of relevance. This study was conductedin Henan Province section of the Yellow River basin. We conducted a research on the plantspecies diversity, plant community diversity, and did analysis toward the relationshipsbetween their herb species flow distributions and different environmental factors.By employing community ecology techniques, the study examined how theenvironmental factors influence the dynamics of plant biodiversity on the level ofenvironmental gradient in Henan section of the Yellow River. This study is carried on with theherb species of different landscape types (mountain, hill, plain) as its research object. Thecommunity research is conducted in the year of2009-2011and the distribution types of herbsalong environmental gradient are summarized by analyzing the plant species distribution, theflow feature of species along environmental gradient. The results of the research indicatedthat:1. There are50plant community types in the range of50km where Henan Provincesection of the Yellow River basin is perpendicular to the banks of the river. Jaccard Index(species similarity index) and Simpson Index showed increasing; Code Index (species replacement rate index) showed decreasing along elevation gradient decreasing. JaccardIndex (species similarity index) and Simpson Index and Code Index were significantlycorrelated with elevation (P<0.05or P<0.01). The order of plant communities Simpson Indexis: mountain>hill>plain. Plant species research in the year of2009-2011in Henan section ofthe Yellow River includes54families,159generas, and241species.2. Due to the changes of species and intensity of interference in different seasons,therefore, the diversity index of plant will decrease as the increasement of number of differentlandscape types.(1) Because the order sample number of herbicide used in farmland in four seasons(spring, summer, fall, and winter) is mountain>hills>plain, therefore, Simpson Index of herbspecies showed decreasing in the farmland ecosystem along environment (longitude, elevationand disturbance) gradient changes of mountain, hills, and plain in four seasons.(2) Due to the number of sample plots for grazing in the wetland is plain>hills>mountain,therefore, Simpson Index of herb species showed decreasing along mountain, hills, and plaindifferent environment (longitude, elevation and disturbance) gradient of changes. For thenumber of sample plots for water flooded in the wetland is mountain>hills>plain, SimpsonIndex of herb species showed increasing along environment (longitude, elevation anddisturbance) gradient changes of mountain, hills, and plain. Due to the number of sampleplots for iceing in the wetland is mountain>hills>plain, therefore, Simpson Index of herbspecies showed increasing along environment (longitude, elevation and disturbance) gradientchanges of mountain, hills, and plain.(3) Due to the number of sample plots for grazing in plantation and abandoned farmlandis plain> hills>mountain, therefore, Simpson Index of herb species showed decreasing alongenvironment (longitude, elevation and disturbance) gradient changes of mountain, hills, andplain in spring, summer and autumn. Because the number of sample plots of fireing inplantation and abandoned farmland is mountain>hills>plain, Simpson Index of herb speciesshowed increasing along environment (longitude, elevation and disturbance) gradient changesof mountain, hills, and plain in winter.(4) Because the intensity order of shrub-grassland ecosystem in soil and water loss offour (spring, summer, fall, and winter) is hills>mountain, therefore, Simpson Index of herbspecies showed decreasing along environment (longitude, elevation and disturbance) gradientchanges of mountain and hills in shrub-grassland in spring, summer, autumn, and winter.3. Jaccard Index (species similarity index) of herb species mostly shows the trend of the parabola dynamic change, Code Index (species replacement rate index) of herb species mostlypresents inverted parabolic dynamic change in different ecosystems. Seasonal changes of herbspecies number is: summer>spring>autumn> winter.4. In different ecosystems, the similarity and replacement rate of herbs in differentseasons are different:(1) Jaccard Index (species similarity index) of size sort: plantation and farmland>abandoned farmland and farmland>plantation and abandoned farmland>plantation andwetland>wetland and farmland>wetland and abandoned farmland in spring. Code Index(species replacement rate index) of size sort: wetland and abandoned farmland>wetland andfarmland>plantation and wetland>plantation and abandoned farmland>abandoned farmlandand farmland>plantation and farmland in spring.(2) Jaccard Index (species similarity index) of size sort: wetland and abandonedfarmland>plantation and abandoned farmland>plantation and wetland>plantation andfarmland>wetland and farmland>abandoned farmland and farmland in summer. Code Index(species replacement rate index) of size sort: plantation and wetland>abandoned farmland andfarmland>wetland and abandoned farmland>plantation and abandoned farmland>wetland andfarmland>plantation and farmland in summer.(3) Jaccard Index (species similarity index) of size sort: wetland and abandonedfarmland>plantation and wetland>wetland and farmland>plantation and abandoned farmland>abandoned farmland and farmland>plantation and farmland in autumn. Code Index (speciesreplacement rate index) of size sort: plantation and wetland>wetland and abandonedfarmland>wetland and farmland>plantation and abandoned farmland>abandoned farmlandand farmland>plantation and farmland in autumn.(4) Jaccard Index (species similarity index) of size sort: abandoned farmland andfarmland>plantation and wetland>wetland and abandoned farmland>plantation and farmland>plantation and abandoned farmland>wetland and farmland in winter. Code Index (speciesreplacement rate index) of size sort: wetland and farmland>wetland and abandoned farmland>plantation and wetland>plantation and abandoned farmland>plantation and farmland>abandoned farmland and farmland in winter.5. Along "wetland→plantation→abandoned farmland→ecotone between wetland andfarmland→farmland" different environmental gradient dynamics indicates that herb dominantspecies in different seasons exhibit different environment-dependent species flow:(1) Potentilla supina as "wetland-dependent type", Capsella bursa-pastoris and Chenopodium album as "plantation-dependent type", Conyza canadensis as "abandonedfarmland–dependent type", Calystegia hederacea and Descurainia sophia as "farmland-dependent" in spring;(2) P. supina as "wetland-dependent type", C. canadensis as "plantation-dependent type",Diplachne fusca as "abandoned farmland-dependent type", Setaria glauca as "farmland-dependent" in summer;(3) Phragmites australis as "wetland-dependent type", C.serotinum as "ecotone betweenwetland and farmland-dependent type", S. glauca as "farmland-dependent type", Digitariaischaemum as "plantation-dependent type" and "abandoned farmland-dependent type" and"farmland-dependent" in autumn;(4) P.sophia and Ranunculus sceleratus as "wetland-dependent type", D. ischaemum as"plantation-dependent type", Cynodon dactylon as "abandoned farmland-dependent type", D.sophia as "farmland-dependent type", C.bonariensis as "plantation-dependent type" and"ecotone between wetland and farmland-dependent type" in winter.6. In the same ecosystem of various landscape types and in the different ecosystem ofvarious landscape types along environment (longitude, elevation and disturbance) gradientchanges of mountain, hills, and plain, the importance value of herb dominant species presentscontinuous change. Moreover, in the same type of ecosystem of the same landscape types(along different environment gradient changes of outside boundary, inside boundary andcenter), the importance values of herb dominant species present continuous changes amongdifferent ecosystems of the same landscape type along environment gradient changes, theimportance value of herb dominant species shows continuous change.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】522

