

A Study on Wen Xuan in the Version of Kui Zhang Ge in Korea

【作者】 孔令刚

【导师】 王立群; 郭宝军;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 奎章阁本《文选》是朝鲜世宗十年(1428)以北宋元祐九年(1094)秀州本为底本的刻本,它保存了历史上第一部五臣李善合注本——秀州本的基本面貌。在秀州本已经亡佚的情况下,奎章阁本的文献价值显得尤为重要。首先,通过奎章阁本《文选》,可以了解《文选》从单注本到合注本发生的内容与形式方面的变化,归纳《文选》从单注本到合注本的演变规律,从而推动《文选》版本的研究。其次,奎章阁本《文选》可以为李善注和五臣注的整理、探寻两者的原貌提供重要依据。《文选》李善注、五臣注自唐代问世以来,版本甚众,内容各异。其原貌究竟如何,学界对此争论不休。奎章阁本依据的李善注和五臣注,均为较早的本子,更接近李善注和五臣注的原貌。因此,奎章阁本可以作为整理研究李善注和五臣注的权威底本,亦可作为评价其他版本的重要参照。再次,奎章阁本《文选》可以为《文选》定本和新注本提供底本和依据。因版本众多且各有不同,《文选》至今尚无学界公认的定本,《文选》新注也是现代一直被关注却难以解决的问题,原因之一即底本如何选择的问题。通过对奎章阁本《文选》细致的文本校读发现,它有资格成为《文选》定本和新注本的可靠底本和断定依据。本文以奎章阁本《文选》为中心,以正德本、北宋监本残卷为主要对校本,以陈八郎本、尤刻本、明州本等为参校本,考察奎章阁本《文选》与正德本、北宋监本的异同,爬梳正文、李善注、五臣注的变化情况,总结变化的原则,探寻《文选》从单注本到合注本的演变过程及规律。主体内容共分为五个部分。第一部分:奎章阁本《文选》正文研究奎章阁本的正文虽以五臣本为主,但也有多处采用了李善本。不管是采用五臣本还是李善本,奎章阁本都以夹注的形式出校,且校语的形式很规范。另外奎章阁本中还有多处文字既不从五臣,亦不从李善。奎章阁本自成一家的文字,部分是刊刻讹误造成的,部分是秀州本进行校勘的结果。第二部分:奎章阁本《文选》断句位置研究五臣本和李善本各有自己的断句下注位置。奎章阁本将两本合并后,不可避免地要遇到两本断句位置冲突的问题。奎章阁本根据注文内容采用移动、合并、拆分、取消、保留等不同的处理方式。对五臣本独有的断句位置有五种处理办法,对李善本独有的断句位置有六种处理办法,对两本共有的断句位置有两种处理办法。第三部分:奎章阁本《文选》音注研究五臣本和李善本的音注在内容上有大量的相同之处,其体例却大不相同:李善本是随注文音注,五臣本却是正文句中夹注。奎章阁本既有改李善音注为五臣音注之处,又有改五臣音注为李善音注之处;既因为有五臣音注而删李善音注之处,又有相反的情况,虽错综复杂,但仍有规律可循。另外,由于五臣是正文夹注,随着断句位置的变化,奎章阁本中五臣音注的形式也随之变化。第四部分:奎章阁本《文选》李善注研究奎章阁本对李善注进行了省略、删减、增添和拆分处理,各种处理都有其原因和规律。当李善注与五臣注内容大致相同且李善注简略时,奎章阁本省略李善注。当李善注部分内容与五臣注相同时,奎章阁本删减相同部分。因注释的合并、五臣注的阑入等原因,奎章阁本有增添李善注之处。因断句位置的调整,奎章阁本对李善注进行了相应的拆分。第五部分:奎章阁本《文选》五臣注研究奎章阁本同样对五臣注进行了省略、删减、增添和拆分处理,各种处理也都有其原因和规律。当五臣注与李善注全部或部分内容大致相同且五臣注简略时,奎章阁本省略或删减五臣注。因省略删减李善注、合并注文等原因,奎章阁本有增添五臣注之处。同样因断句位置的调整,奎章阁本也有拆分五臣注之处。在合并李善注和五臣注的过程中,奎章阁本《文选》的正文、李善注、五臣注都发生了调整变化,这些变化是为了适应合注的需要,也遵循一定的原则。这些原则同样也在明州本、赣州本、建州本等其他合注本中得到了体现。合注本虽然极大地方便了使用者,但是对《文选》李善注和五臣注的原貌造成了一定的破坏。

【Abstract】 The Korean edition of Wen Xuan is a block‐printed edition made in1428, based on Xiuzhou edition (1094) as a master edition. It preserves the basic features of the first joint‐annotated edition‐Xiuzhou edition‐by Five Courtiers and Li Shan. With the Xiuzhou edition being lost, the Korean edition has been shown the prominence of its documentation value. Firstly, through viewing the Korean edition of Wen Xuan, the changes of both contents and froms from the single‐annotated edition to the joint‐annotated one can be known, and by summing up the evolution pattern, the research of different editions can be pushed forward. Secondly, the Korean edition of Wen Xuan can provide significant evidences for organizing annotated editions of Lishan and Five Courtiers, searching the original appearance of the two editions. Since the two annotated editions (Lishan’s and Five Courtiers’) of Wen Xuan came out, there have been diverse versions of different contents. What the original appearance is like, the academic circles have been debating intensely. The annotated editions of Lishan’s and Five Courtiers’ the Korean edition was based on are both the earlier editions, much closer to the original appearance of the annotated editions of Li’s and Five Courtiers’. Therefore, the Korean edition can be an authoritative master copy for the organization and research of the annotated editions of Li’s and the Five Courtiers’, also can be an important reference while evaluating the other versions of editions. Thirdly, the Korean edition of Wen Xuan can be a master edition and reference for the definitive edition of Wen Xuan as well as a new annotated edition. Because of the diverse versions of different contents, the Wen Xuan still has no a definitive edition in the academic world till now; a new annotated edition of Wen Xuan is also a problem which has been being attended but difficult to solve, and one of the puzzle is how to choose the master edition. Through a careful proofreading of the Korean edition of Wen Xuan, the author considers that it is qualified to be the definitive edition for Wen Xuan and can also a reliable master edition and reference for the new annotated editions.This article centered on the Korean edition of Wen Xuan, taking the Zhengde edition and the remnant Jian edition in the North Song Dynasty as the main checked editions and the Chen Balang’s edition, Youke’s edition Mingzhou edition as the reference editions, examines the similarities and differences between the Korean edition and the Zhengde, Jian editions, combing the changes in Lishan’s edition and the Five Courtiers’ edition, and summarize the principles of these changes, in order to discover the evolution processes and regular patterns from the single‐annotated edition to the joint‐annotated edition. The main content is divided into five parts:The first part: research of the main body of the Korean edition of Wen Xuan.The main body of the Korean edition is mainly based on the Five Courtiers’ edition though; many places taken from the Lishan’s edition can be found. Whether taken from the five Courtiers’ or the Lishan’s edition, the Korean edition all writes them in the interlinear notes in standard wordings. In addition, the Korean edition contains a lot of words neither taken from the Five Courtiers’ nor the Lishan’s. The Korean edition establishes its own special way of wording, of which parts are caused by the carving mistakes while parts are the results of reference to the Xiuzhou edition.The second part: research of the positions of pauses in the Korean edition. The Five Courtiers’ edition and the Lishan’s edition both have their own position of annotation in pause sentences. The Korean edition after combining the two editions has to face with the contradictions of the positions of pauses. The Korean edition takes use of different methods such as moving, combination, separation, cancel and reservation according to the contents of the annotations. To the particular positions of pauses in the Five Courtiers’, it has five deposing methods, and towards the particular positions of pauses in the Lishan’s edition, it has six methods, and to the common positions of pauses, it has two treating methods.The third part: research of the pronunciation annotations of the Korean edition.The pronunciation annotations of the Five Courtiers’ edition and the Lishan’s edition have many in common, but in different styles: in the Li’s edition, the pronunciation annotations follow the annotations; while in the Five Courtiers’ edition, they are put in interlinear notes in the main body. The Korean edition combines the two ways of putting pronunciation annotations; it changes one way to another or otherwise, though in a quite complicated way, there are still rules to follow. In addition, because of the interlinear note in the Five Courtiers’ edition, according to the changes of the positions of the pauses, the way of pronunciation annotations in the Korean edition also changes.The Forth part: research of Korean edition in reference to the Lishan’s edition.The Korean edition has omitted, cut, added, separated the Lishan’s edition, and all these dispositions have their reasons and rules. When the contents of the Li’s edition and the Five Courtiers’ edition are similar but the Li’s simpler, the Korean edition omits the Li’s content; and when the contents are partly the same, it cut the same parts. Because of the combination of the annotations and mix of the Five Courtiers’ edition, the Korean edition adds some contents into the Lishan’s edition. And on account of the adjustment of the pauses, the Korean edition separates the Li’s edition relevantly.The fifth part: research of the Korean edition in reference to the Five Courtiers’ edition.The Korean edition has also omitted, cut, added, separated the Five Courtiers’ edition, and all these dispositions have their reasons and rules. When the contents of the Li’s edition and the Five Courtiers’ edition are all or partly the same but the Five Courtiers’ simpler, the Korean edition omits or cut the Li’s content. Because of the combination of the annotations and mix of the Li’s edition, the Korean edition adds some contents into the Five Courtiers’ edition. And on account of the adjustment of the pauses, the Korean edition separates the Five Courtiers’ edition relevantly.In the process of combining the Lishan’s edition and the Five Courtiers’ edition, the main body of the Korean edition and the contents of both Li’s and the Five Courtiers’ editions experienced adjustment changes; and all these changes are to meet the needs of joint‐annotations and follow certain principles. These principles are also reflected in some other joint‐annotated editions such as the Mingzhou edition, Ganzhou edition and Jianazhou edition and so on. The Joint‐annotated editions are extremely convenient to the readers, but cause some damages to the original appearance of the Lishan edition and the Five Courtiers’ edition of Wen Xuan.

【关键词】 《文选》合注原则体例
【Key words】 Wen Xuanjoint‐annotationsprinciplestyle
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期
  • 【分类号】G256;I206.2
  • 【下载频次】271

