

Spatio-temporal Evolution and Driving Mechanism of Rural Settlements

【作者】 许家伟

【导师】 李小建;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 地理事象的空间格局过程与机理研究一直是地理学的研究重点。任何事物的历史并不单纯是自身的历史,必须将它置于由那些围绕着支撑着它的其他历史所构成的背景之中。对待长时段的问题,如果仅仅采用静态的理论,可能得到缺失历史视野的武断结论。缺失历史视野,所关注的问题和所得出的结论就显得非常单薄,所使用的论据有时也欠妥,所隐含的假设有时根本不符合历史事实。理论研究必须在“论域”中进行。克里斯塔勒的中心地理论是在严格的假设条件下进行的规范分析,其核心假设是均质平原。这是在地理学独特性研究中不具有现实性的一个前提。更为脱离现实的事实是其演化过程并未给出,主导等级体系的影响因素也不能改变,在不同等级中心地之间似乎存在着固化的假定,等级的上升或下降好似不能进行。从长时段来看,这明显地是一个致命的缺陷。对于人类实践绩效的验证未必一时一地即可完成,它往往需要长时段的时间延伸才能最终清晰。结构本身就是一种长时段的历史现象,它们规定和制约着历史,人们也只有在历史进程的深层因素——各种结构中,才能把握和解释一切历史现象。借助历史学法国年鉴学派长时段理论、GIS空间分析以及景观指数分析方法,从历史演进的角度论证乡村聚落空间结构的时空演变及驱动机理,所关心的既是对研究对象长时段变迁之逻辑的理解,也是对形成当前空间格局的历史基础及路径线索的发掘,更是试图找出乡村聚落空间结构演变的趋势以及现时对其调整的必要性和合理性,为国家相关政策的制定立据。从历史视角中求真,以使其有可能超越传统思考,重新确立历史、现实与未来之间的内在联系。论文强调了长时段因素(地貌、气候等)对中时段、短时段因素的隐蔽性制约作用,发挥了年鉴学派重视地理环境、气候变化等具有长时段意义的变量,而把战争、偶然事件等作为一个长时段下的迸发的瞬间,终究会被历史演进所淹没,揭示乡村聚落空间结构的历史面貌和演化趋势。论文主要解决如下问题:(1)人类如何选择聚落位置,在何处能形成核心聚落以及形成何种的空间结构?(2)人类自然选择下,乡村聚落空间结构的演变及演化过程的主导因素?(3)人类自然选择下,乡村聚落空间结构演变是否具有自我提升的能力?(4)在中国现时情况下(结合规划因素),乡村聚落空间结构的走向。研究结果表明:(1)地理环境约束。聚落是人地关系最显著也是最重要的表征。只有了解了历史时期的地理环境,才能正确解释历史或历史时期的聚落所受到的影响。地理环境在历史发展的长河中是一个“可变量”,人类社会每前进一步,其与人类之间的关系就变化一次。在人类循环往复利用地理环境不同要素的过程中,人类社会越是向前发展,地理环境对于人类的作用或影响就会越复杂。随着人类社会的发展,地理环境将日益扩大化(由于人类利用空间的不断拓展),并被越来越多地赋于新的内容,许多新的自然环境与人文环境将纳入地理环境的范畴,从而使地理环境的内涵与外延发生变化,随之而来的就是人类与地理环境的关系越来越密切且越来越复杂,地理环境约束是贯穿于乡村聚落空间结构演变的力量。(2)结构长期稳定。漫长的历史时段既具有相继性,也具有相似性。通过空间和时间可以展示一种演变缓慢而又能揭示永恒价值的历史过程。短时间的事件的影响很容易被夸大,但只有在长时段的视角下其作用才会显现。也只有在更大的命运中,事件才能得到真正的理解和解释。以若干世纪为周期的这种变化,乡村聚落的缓慢的繁荣和衰退,在历史的长河中无一不呈现出令人难以察觉的进程。政治变动、朝代更替,大规模战争和自然灾害都足以破坏聚落空间结构的演进,但只要影响演进的方式不变,就会在原有的废墟上重建。这些漫长的、连绵不绝的周期必定包含着相当严密的结构。从总体上来看,中国长达几千年的农业社会带来的乡村聚落空间结构周而复始的兴衰即是例证。聚落具有适应社会环境变动的能力,形成的空间结构具有持久的生命力,仅从县治长期驻扎在站街镇老城就可以明了。从史前时期到现在,回郭镇就一直位于巩义乡村聚落空间结构的顶端,山区聚落中高等级的镇集也仅在清末民初的农村工业化之后才得以出现。即使现在,在城镇和村庄之间仍然维系着一张很久以来的联系网络,这个大网的中心枢纽仍然是县治所在地和镇集。(3)等级自我提升。乡村聚落空间结构经历了萌芽期、奠定期、调整期、推进期、转变期和延续期,分别对应于沿河线状结构的萌生、稳固、强化、解体以及对称结构的产生和网状结构的形成。史前时期,聚落主要用于躲避自然灾害,根据微地形星点分布,无所谓的聚落空间结构;文明时期出现联盟或统治关系,出现了聚落分异,围绕某个聚落形成聚落空间结构;农业时期,聚落主要是用于农业生产,聚落空间结构以土地肥力为依据;集市与专业化城镇兴起,形成了以市场原则的等级结构;高产作物的引进,推动了山区的开发,聚落空间结构向山区扩展,在山区形成新的中心聚落;乡村工业化的推进促使聚落功能产生巨大变革,工业与农业分离并向城镇集中,加剧了聚落之间的分化,从而彻底改变了数千年来的乡村聚落空间结构。聚落成长为村落进而分化出集、镇、城等,聚落等级得以提升,聚落空间结构依据不同的规模、等级、职能得以产生。乡村聚落空间结构从无到有,从史前的“孤立点”,发展到农业社会的“结构点”,进而部分“结构点”升级成为“面”,而今聚落空间结构已不是以点而形成等级结构,而是已通过“点”与“线”的衔接而成为一个“点-线-面聚合体”——即网状的乡村聚落空间结构,走过了“点-线-面-网”的整个历程,实现了聚落空间结构的自我提升。(4)驱动机理转换。不同时期乡村聚落空间结构和核心城镇的演变,总是建立在人类利用改造地理环境的基础上。不同时期地形因子、区位因子和社会经济因子可能会有不同的耦合方式。地形因子是聚落形成和发展的基础。区位因子对聚落空间结构的作用体现在更为微观的时间与空间尺度上,改变聚落空间结构与形态。社会经济因子既能为农村聚落提供内生动力(人口居住需求),又能提供现实基础(经济实力的提升),还能直接作用于聚落本身(政策指导)。从地形因子、区位因子和社会经济因子对聚落的影响来看,区位因子已起到主导作用,特别是新的区位因子(距高速距离、距国道距离和距省道距离),其作用显著增强。对于地形复杂且具有悠久历史的小尺度区域,乡村聚落空间结构长期形成的“路径依赖”很难短时间内得到改变,自我演化较为迟缓,而社会经济因子作用可能并不明显。在规划先行的目标下,形成以工业生产和居住为主要特征的聚落职能,聚落规模更加分异,将改变自由选择下乡村聚落空间结构的“路径依赖”。历史无非是人在一定的时间、空间内的活动,空间、时间和人三者构成一个有机体。就人与空间的关系来说,布罗代尔的长时段理论,一方面强调地理、气候环境对人类活动的极大限制作用;另一方面,也承认人类塑造和利用环境的能力。乡村聚落空间结构将会受到越来越多外界的冲击。全球化趋势下任何地方与世界都紧密地联系在一起,在网络空间的基础上,已经进入了“流”的空间。在此时期,中国可以追溯到几千年前的独特的乡村聚落发展模式将达到它的极限。在新的局势下,乡村聚落空间结构将会做何调整将是需要跟踪研究的课题。同时,政府力量主导下和规划指导下的乡村聚落空间重构中农民的意愿是一个难以回避的问题,其中社会关系的重构对于稳定聚落空间结构重构的成果有至关重要的作用。

【Abstract】 The method and technology of Geography theory have become the basis for many important issuesfacing in human society. The process and mechanism of geographic spatial pattern has been the key study.Theoretical research must be carried out in the domain of discourse. Any one theory has its scope, ifbeyond its threshold, the application of theory will becomes the fallacy from the truth. The normativeanalysis of Christaller’s Central Place Theory is carried out under the strict assumptions, its coreassumptions is homogeneous plains which does not have a prerequisite of reality in the geography uniqueresearch. The fact is more unrealistic that the evolution is not given, and seems to exist solidifying betweenthe different levels of central place assumed that levels of increase or decrease can not be performed; thedominant factors can not be changed. From a long term point of view, this is obviously a fatal flaw. Thechange of dominant factor is bound to bring about changes in the spatial structure (hierarchy). For theverification of the performance of the human practice can not complete only through once, it often requiresa long period of time. The structure is a long period historical phenomenon which restrict and constraint thehistory, in order to grasp and explain all historical phenomenons only through a variety of structures in theunderlying historical process. With learning from a long period of time theory of French Annales School,GIS spatial analysis, and the analysis methods of landscape ecology, the paper shows the spatial-temporalevolution of the spatial structure and driving mechanism of rural settlements from the point of history view,the concern is not only the logic understanding of spatial structure changes in the long period, but also toexplore the historical basis and path clues of the formation of the current spatial pattern, and try to figureout the evolution trend of the rural settlements spatial structure as well as the necessity and rationality ofadjustment for planning the relevant national policy formulation. For seeking truth from the historicalperspective, it must be re-established the intrinsic link between history, reality and future according to thetask to make it possible to go beyond the traditional thinking. The results show that:(1) The constraints of geographical environment. The settlement is the most significant and mostimportant characterization of the man-land relationship. From the whole of the geographical environmentand the long-term history of human society development, the role of geographical factors on human society is a trade-off, even if one factor in the geographical environment may weaken the role of the human society,but the other geographical factors may be enhanced. Only by understanding the geographical environmentin historical period, the people could correctly explain the impacts on settlement and settlement spatialstructure. The man-land relationship is a cyclical history with a slow passage, which often repeatedly andconstantly re-starts, more and more geographic and human factors have been taken into the factors of therural settlements. With the development of human society, many of the natural environment and humanenvironment will be included in the scope of the geographical environment, so that the connotation andextension of the geographical environment change. More and more geographic and human factors to ruralsettlements, the constraints of geographical environment must be a force throughout the evolution of ruralsettlements spatial structure.(2) The long-term stability of structure. The events are likely to be exaggerated in short time, but theroles will appear only in a long time perspective. Only in a greater destiny, the event could be gotten a realunderstanding and interpretation. The historical event is a one-time, but the daily life is repeated whichmakes the general, and even become structural. All structures are both support also obstacles, in which timeonly plays a minimal role on. Political change, dynasty change, a large-scale war and natural disasters haveenough power to destroy the settlement spatial structure evolution, but if the influence factors have notchange, it will be rebuilt on the ruins of the original. The long, endless cycle must contain a very tightstructure. The settlement have the ability to adapt to changes in the social environment, the formation ofspatial structure have the lasting vitality, the county government has long stationed in laocheng village,zhanjie town, and the huiguo town (shaocai village, Luozhuang village, qingyi town) have been in the topof hierarchy. The stability structure seems doomed from the outset, almost did not see the traces of timecarved in the sands of time outside.(3) The self-improvement of rural settlement level. The change in the rural settlement spatial structureis always built on the basis of the geographical environment of human use, the evolution of core towns arebased on human use for the geographical environment in the different periods. In the prehistoric times, thesettlement was mainly used to avoid natural disasters according to the microtopography, there were no ruralsettlement spatial structure; in the period of civilization, there were alliances or domination betweensettlements, settlement differentiation and spatial structure would form around the core settlements; in agricultural society, the settlements are mainly used for agricultural production, the settlements spatialstructure are based on soil fertility; the bazaar and specialization towns rise to the hierarchical structure ofthe market principles; the introduction of high-yielding crops promote the development of settlementsspatial structure to the mountain, the new centers of settlements form in the mountainous; the promotion ofrural industrialization, the settlements increase a industrial production functions, the settlements in themountain rely mineral resulting settlements spatial structure bias to mountain; the modern settlementresidential function highlights, both agricultural production and industrial production retire secondly, thespatial structure of rural settlements are into the functions of the new transition to the primary function ofliving. Therefore, the factors had been considered to be favorable conditions, with the development ofsociety, the potential to transform a limiting factor which is considered to be the limiting factor, but can becontributed to the stimulation of economic development and the formation of urban-town. In the cycle ofusing different elements of the geographical environment, rural settlements spatial structure are fromscratch, from the prehistoric "isolated point", to “structure point” in the agricultural community, and thusupgrade "area" for part of "structure point", and now the settlements spatial structure do not a hierarchicalstructure of points, but become "the convergence of point-line-area"——the net structure of ruralsettlement which aggregates of point, line and area, and achieves self-improvement.(4) The conversions of driving mechanism. The evolution of rural settlement spatial structure and thecore towns are always on the basis of the geographical environment of human use transformation in thedifferent periods. The different periods of topographical factors, location factors and socio-economicfactors may have different coupling mode. The evolution of the different periods of the core towns, alwaysbuilt on the basis of the geographical environment of human use transformation. From a long term point ofview, the laws of driving mechanism seem to dominate the spatial structure of rural settlements industryand transportation interaction promote. For complex terrain and with a long history of small-scale area,long-term formation of the spatial structure of rural settlements "path dependence", it’s hard to be changedwithin a short time, the speed of self-evolution is relatively slow, and the role of socio-economic factorsmay not be obvious. The goal of planning will be in advance, which will change Rural Settlement Spatialstructure under the freedom of choice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期

