

A Study on Life Education of Teenagers from Cultural Perspective

【作者】 崔淑慧

【导师】 刘济良;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,关于青少年自杀、他杀等忽视生命尊严与权利的各种现象接连发生,这不仅会影响青少年的生命价值导向,而且会破坏他们的生命状态,形成残忍、麻木、冷漠等人格特质。生命教育旨在引导与整合人内部的精神力量,形成完整和谐、能应付生命危机的人格结构。因此,面对当代青少年漠视生命的种种现象,生命教育就成为解决当代青少年生命问题的重要途径之一。审视当代青少年漠视生命的种种行为,尤其是对生命权利的无意识暴力现象,解读其背后的深刻原因,文化是影响当代青少年生命状态的一个重要因素。相对于“书本世界”、“科学世界”而言,文化构成了青少年生活的“第二自然”。因此,本研究以文化为视角,以青少年的生命为原点,以多元文化的社会现实为出发点对当代青少年生命问题进行分析与研究,带着时代文化中的青少年生命问题寻求传统文化中的生命智慧,并返回现实文化语境,直面多元文化与社会转型下当代青少年的生命迷茫与销蚀问题,对当代青少年存在的生命问题进行解析,并为青少年生命教育提供理论基础与实践策略。本文由五部分构成。第一部分(第一章)为绪论,包括研究缘起、研究目标与意义、理论基础与核心概念界定、研究思路与研究方法以及生命教育的历史回顾几个方面。本研究主要运用文献法、思辨的方法以及历史与逻辑相结合的方法,以文化适应理论、文化资本理论、文化陶冶理论以及马克思主义中有关生命的理论对生命、生命教育、文化等概念进行梳理和界定。研究的最终目的一是为青少年生命教育提供理论依据,二是为青少年生命教育实践提供实践策略。生命教育的历史回顾部分主要运用文献法对生命教育的国内外研究现状进行了总结和分析。以时间为主线,以生命教育的发展状态为依据,将国内的生命教育研究分为四个阶段:第一阶段,生命教育的萌芽(1997年以前);第二阶段,生命教育的产生(1997年至2002年);第三阶段,生命教育的初步发展(2003年至2005年);第四阶段,生命教育的迅速发展时期(2006年至今)。从搜集的文献资料分析,已有的生命教育研究还存在一些问题:第一,对什么是生命教育没有明晰的概念;第二,已有的以文化为视角对生命教育进行的研究比较少,且没有将传统文化和现代文化中的生命元素融入到社会、学校、家庭和社区生命教育中。论文第二部分(第二章)探析了多元文化时代中的青少年生命状态。多元文化困境以及社会文化转型给青少年生命个体带来了不可回避的生命问题,从与自然中生命的对立到在社会中的生命困顿,从与他人生命的相遇到与自我生命的对话,青少年生命个体面临许多生命问题。研究发现青少年生命个体与自然中生命的对立表现为青少年对自然界生命的不尊重和青少年生态环境意识薄弱。在现代市场经济的牢笼中,在文化的转型及变动下,青少年与社会的关系呈现出冷漠的状态——青少年生命中的认同危机和青少年生命个体道德生命危机。网络文化下的青少年生命变异及人伦文化下的青少年生命管制则是青少年生命个体与他人关系平面化状态的表现。而青少年生命个体的异化,生命同一性混乱及生命焦虑状态是青少年生命个体与自我关系异化的突出特征。本文第三部分(第三章)以文化的视角解析青少年的生命问题。从人生存的角度来看,最深刻的变化是文化的变化,网络文化、大众文化、消费文化,以多元、平等、对话、交往的文化逻辑方式引发了文化的全方位变革,生存于文化转型与变迁中的青少年生命个体避免不了与文化相互影响的现实。民族文化与异己文化,传统文化与现代文化,个人文化与人类文化所组合成的多元文化碰撞与挑战导致了青少年生命的迷茫。重人类轻自然的人类中心文化,重自我轻他者的个人主义文化,重肉体轻灵性的现代消费文化,重显性轻隐性的大众感性文化和重虚拟轻现实的网络电子文化造成了青少年生命的异化。等级制的传统家庭文化观念和新时代家庭文化的悖论致使青少年的生命备受压抑。本文第四部分(第四章)主要阐述了我国传统文化与现代文化中蕴含的生命思想和生命元素。青少年所生存的文化场域由传统文化与现代文化融合而成,中国传统文化中的生命思想可以给青少年生命教育很多启示。因此,第四章第一部分对中国传统文化中儒家、道家、佛家文化中的生命思想进行了分析。中国儒家、道家、佛家皆是关于生命的学问,无论是儒家的乐天知命,道家的无为安命还是佛家的轮回悟命都蕴含着对生命的尊重和对生命精神的追求,其所隐含的生命智慧是青少年生命教育取之不尽的资源。第四章第二部分对现代文化中流行文化、动漫文化、网络文化、传媒文化中的生命元素进行了解析,现代文化中的生命元素为青少年生命教育提供了丰富的素材。论文最后一部分第五章是文化视阈下的青少年生命教育建构。在青少年生命教育的理论构建方面,研究试图运用法国社会学家布迪厄的文化资本理论解析青少年的生命问题,确立青少年生命教育的新范式。在青少年生命教育的实践方面,研究将文化融入到青少年生命个体所生存的社会文化场域、学校文化场域、家庭文化场域、社区文化场域之中,利用不同场域中的文化资本养成青少年的生命惯习,实现青少年生命资本的再生产。总之,可以认为青少年生命教育是多形态的文化场域里有关青少年生命知识、生命价值、以及生命关系的生产。青少年生命个体可在生命文化资本的不断调节与适应的过程中发展自我生命,更能够通过优质的生命惯习,达成超越自我生命。

【Abstract】 In recent years, various phenomena about teenager suicide and homicide ignoring the dignity of lifeand rights occurred constantly one after another. It not only destroyed the social life value-orientation ofteenagers, but also destroyed the state of their life, which led to the formation of their psychology ofpersonality as cruelty, numbness, rebuff and so on. Life Education is to guide and integrate spirit’s strengthof people in order to form the complete,harmony psychological personality that could deal with the lifecrisis. Therefore,Teenagers’ Life Education is becoming one of the most important ways to solve theencountered problems regarding the life of teenagers.Examining various behavior that teenagers are indifference to life,especially the phenomenon that theyare unconscious of violence of the right to life,it could be found by analyzing the profound and hiddenreason that culture is an important factor which affects teenager’s state of life.Relative to“the world ofbooks” and “the world of science”,culture forms “the secondary physic” of teenager life. Therefore, in thevision of culture, taking teenagers’ life as the origin and the multicultural reality as the starting point, theencountered problems regarding life of teenagers are researched by seeking the wisdom of traditionalculture in the era of globalization and then coming back into the reality cultural context.That directly facethe problems of teenagers’ bemused and corroded life in the multicultural environment and socialtransformation, and analyze the question of teenagers’ life, in order to provide theoretical basis andpractical strategies for Teenager’Life Education is the main purpose of this dissertation.The whole dissertation includes five parts.The first part is preface,including origin,objectives andsignificance of the research.The theoretical basis,core concepts,research approaches and methods such asDocumentary Method,Thinking Dialectics and Combining Tistory and Logic are briefly introduced in thispart.The concept of Life,Life Education and Culture are combed and defined according to Theory ofCulture Adaptation,Theory of Culture Capital, Theory of Culture Cultivation and the Life Theory fromMarxist. Both the domestic and foreign research status of Life Education are smmarized and analyzed byDocumentary Method in the part of Life Education studies.The Domestic Life Education studies aredivided into four stages based on the time sequence.The seeding stage of Life Education is the first stage(before1977); The generating stage is the second(from1977to2002);The initial development is thethird stage(from2003to2005);The rapid period of development is the fourth stage(from2006tonow).Some questions about the existing Life Education are put forward. For example,there is not a clearconcept of Life Education;The second part of this dissertation (Chapter2) analyzes the status of teenagers’ life in the era ofmulticulture.Multicultural dilemma and the transformation of social culture bring many inevitable lifequestions of teenagers ranging from the unity of opposites of nature life to life frustrations in society,fromencountering with the lives of others to the conversation with oneself.It was found that the teenagers’disrespect to nature life and unconsciousness of ecological environment are the most obvious behaviors ofthe conflicts between their own life with other life in nature.The relationship between teenagers and thesociety is in an indifference state with the identity crisis of adolescent life and the individual moral lifecrisis,because they live in the cage of modern market economy and the changing stage of culturetransformation.The variation of adolescent under network culture and the control of adolescent underethical culture is the appearance of the flat relationship between teenagers and others.The state of teenagerssuch as alienation,identity confusion and anxiety are the facts of the realationship of teenagers and itself.The third part of this dissertation (Chapter3)the strategy to deal with the issues of adolescent life incultural perspective are proposed by digging into culture. The most profound change is the change ofculture from the view of human existence.It is Network Culture,Popolar Culture and Consumption Culturethat trigger all-round transformation of culture by the fashion of cultural logic such aspluralism,equality,dialogue and exchanges.There are many collision and challenges from the compositionof multiculturalism including national culture and alien culture, traditional culture and modern culture,individual culture and human culture, which lead to the youth life confusion. The emphasis on human andcontempt for nature of Anthropocentrism, the emphasis on oneself but contempt for others ofIndividualism, the emphasis on flesh but contempt for spirituality modern of Consumer Culture, theemphasis on dominant but contempt for recessiveness of Popular Culture, as well as the emphasis on virtualbut contempt for reality of Network Culture caused the alienation of adolescent’s life.The tierarchy conceptin traditional family culture and the paradox of family culture in new era made adolescent life repressedvery much. In the fourth part this dissertation analyze the ideology of life from Chinese traditional culture and theelements of life from Chinese modern culture.No elements of life in the traditional culture and modernculture are integrated into the Life Education of society,school,family or community.Teenagers live in thecultural field by a combination of traditional culture and modern culture.The ideology of life from Chinesetraditional culture could bring many enlightenment to Teenagers’ Life Education.Therefore, the first part ofthe fourth Chapter analyze the Ideology of Life from Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism in Chinesetraditional culture,which is the rich resource of Teenagers’ Life Education, are briefly analysized..Thesecond part of the fourth Chapter analyze the elements of life from Chinese modern culture as popularculture, cartoon culture, network culture and media culture, the elements of life from Chinese modernculture provide many fodder to Teenagers’ Life Education..The construction of Teenagers’ Life Education is discussed under the vision of culture in the last partof this dissertation (Chapter5).The theoretical system could be constructed by using the French sociologistBourdieu’s Cultural Capital Theory to analyze the questions of teenagers’life and form a dynamic andharmonious life culture system. It is suggested that Teenagers’ Life Education should be conducted inpractice by integrating culture into the social culture field,school culture field,family culture field as well asthe community culture field wherever teenagers exist in order to develop teenagers’ life rituals and. achievethe reproduction of teenagers’ capital of life.In summary, teenagers’ Life Education is the production of the knowledge of life, the value of life andthe relationship of life in polymorphous cultural field. Adolescents should not only develop their life in theprocess of adjusting and adapting of culture capital of life,but also surmount the ego by getting into goodlife habits.

【关键词】 文化视阈青少年生命教育
【Key words】 Culture PerspectiveTeenagersLife Education
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期

