

A Comparison Between the Decameron and Sanyan Erpai

【作者】 付江涛

【导师】 高继海;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 中西文学的对比工作,由来已久。随着文化的传播,文学对比逐渐从不自觉变为一种自觉的行为方式。中西文学的对比,可以提高和完善人们的文学修养和文学审美能力。作为一种重要文学体裁的小说,虽然在中西方发源的时间层次上略有差异,但它们发展的轨迹却存在着一些相似性。西方小说真正被人们看作一种独立的文学体裁是在中世纪以后。文艺复兴前后,随着城市市民阶层的出现,小说创作者们开始将笔触投向生活在城市中的商人、市民等普通群体,故此出现了生活气息浓厚的市民小说。中国小说出现的早期,虽然被正统文学者视为“道听途说”的“末道”,但由于其反映了一定的社会需要,其生存环境虽然不易,却也是顽强地存在着。从魏晋时期的志怪小说,到宋元话本,再到明清小说,中国小说保持了较为稳定的延续。特别是明清时期社会环境的变化,市民阶层的出现,为小说的创作环境带来了极大的改观。为了突显小说的市民属性,本文选择了意大利文艺复兴时期小说《十日谈》和中国明代小说《三言》、《二拍》作为分析对象,进行了比较式的细读分析。意大利的文艺复兴时期是个人才辈出的时期,文学、艺术作品极大解放了人民的思想,为后来的资产阶级大革命起到了思想动员作用。薄伽丘创作了短篇小说集《十日谈》,对宗教的禁锢思想进行了鞭挞,歌颂了人的力量,强调了幸福在人间。十七世纪的中国明代,资本主义生产关系的萌芽出现。在江南地区出现了大量棉纺织业的手工工厂,商业繁荣。伴随着市民阶层的崛起,市民阶级奠定了其经济基础和地位,文学艺术和审美价值也随之发生了转变。“好色”、“好货”等理念深入大众人心,对于人欲的强调也达到了极点。在此背景下,冯梦龙编撰了《三言》,凌濛初创作了《二拍》。这些作品的出现,均体现了市民阶层丰富和壮大的事实。为市民所创作的文学作品体现了创作转变和审美转变,印证了文艺的复兴这一理念,由此体现出市民文化与小说之间的紧密联系。本文选取了《十日谈》和《三言》、《二拍》小说文本进行了若干母题的对比分析,共分为七个部分。引言部分简单介绍了薄伽丘、冯梦龙和凌濛初的生平以及其作品,并指明了研究的目的,回顾了相关研究的文献;第一章对于“情”的母题进行了比较分析。借用冯梦龙的“情教观”以及薄伽丘的爱情观突显了市民阶层对于人性的追求,讴歌了“情爱”的力量;第二章比较分析了作品中的“性”描写。突出了市民对于“性”的渴求与认同,弘扬了“人欲”的向往,肯定了“性爱”的合理性;第三章对比分析了人们对待信仰的态度。通过作品中人们对宗教的看法描写,揭露了宗教的虚伪性,展现了复兴期民众思想的解放,同时也通过作者行文中复杂心态的流露表达了市民对于宗教态度的复杂性心理;第四章选取小说中对待妻子劣行的个案对比,展现了对女性的贬低态度。透过对厌女心态的揭露,暗示了女性地位的不平等并对于性别歧视提出了反对的呼声;第五章是综合对比的环节。通过对“高利贷”等片段的对比,突出了市民阶层的壮大以及社会的转变。强调了市民文化对于文艺创作的重要影响;最后的结论部分对比了《十日谈》和《三言》、《二拍》的作品局限性,指出了小说和市民之间不可分割的相互影响,最终肯定了作为意大利和明代文艺复兴期作品的《十日谈》和《三言》、《二拍》着实强调了市民文化对于小说的推动作用,从而印证了小说的市民文学属性。

【Abstract】 Comparative literature has long been considered as a useful practice for literary studies.With the rapid development of cultural communication, comparative literature has become ansuccessful initiative for academic research. The comparison between Chinese and Westernliterature can enhance people’s abilities for literary accomplishment and appreciation. As animportant literary genre, fictions in China and the West share something in common in termsof their course of development, even though they appeared in different period of time.Fictions in the West were not entirely regarded as an independent genre until the Middle ages.Around the time of the Renaissance, the class of citizens emerged in the urban areas. Fictionwriters began to follow greatly with interest the ordinary groups of people such as merchantsand citizens. Thus civic fictions which were rich in flavor of life came into being. During theearly development of Chinese fictions, orthodox scholars viewed them as “gossip” or “what isheard on the byroad”. Survival for fictions was maintained after a fashion though. However,fictions were intended to reflect what was needed for society then, therefore, they managed tostay alive. From “supernatural tales of the Wei and Jin Dynasties” to huaben of the Song andYuan Dynasties and to fictions and novels of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, they sustained asteady-going progress. The Ming and Qing Dynasties, in particular, witnessed drastic socialchanges and the appearance of the citizen class. This contributed positively to the ambiancefor production of fictions. In order to illustrate the civic attribute of fictions, a close readingwas conducted in this dissertation based on the texts of the Italian Renaissance TheDecameron and the vernacular Sanyan Erpai of China’s Ming Dynasty.The Renaissance in Italy was a period blessed with numerous masters and talents. Greatliterary and artistic works emancipated people’s mind immensely, and mobilized the people spiritually to get prepared for the later Bourgeois Revolution. Boccaccio composed TheDecameron, a collection of short stories. This book mercilessly castigates the mental slaveryof religion and sings high praise for the power of man. Happiness is believed to dwell in thehuman world. In the seventeenth century of China, the bud of capitalist productive relationsappeared in the Ming Dynasty. In the area of Jiangnan, a lot of workshops of the cotton textileindustry showed up. Commercial and business activities were profoundly prosperous, and thecitizen class experienced a robust growth. With the elevation of the citizen class’ economicstrength and social status, significant changes in literature and aesthetics were produced.Notions such as “Love of Women” and “Love of Material” were deeply rooted in the commonmasses. Gratification of human desires became top priority. Under this circumstance, FengMenglong compiled Sanyan and Ling Mengchu wrote Erpai. The appearance of these worksproves the fact of the growth of the citizen class. The literary works produced for the citizensexhibit the transformation of writing and appreciation, and corroborate the renaissance ofliterature. Accordingly, the close relationship between civic culture and fictions is manifested.In this dissertation, The Decameron and Sanyan Erpai are chosen as objects for acomparative study. Motifs are compared and analyzed in seven parts altogether. InIntroduction, biographies of Boccaccio, Feng Menglong and Ling Mengchu as well as theresearch objective and literature review of this dissertation are mentioned; in Chapter One, acomparison of “Love” is done; with the help of Feng Menglong’s “View of qing” andBoccaccio’s view of love, a clear picture of citizens’ pursuit of human nature is presented, andthe magic of love is extolled. In Chapter Two, a comparison of “Sex” is carried out; citizensare proved to consent to the aspiration after sex, which is essential to human nature. Thus therationality of sex is confirmed. In Chapter Three, attitudes towards belief are compared;through the depiction of people’s daily involvement in religious activities and their comments,the hypocrisy of religion is fully disclosed. This shows the freedom in thoughts during the age of the renaissance. Meanwhile, the complicated contradiction of people’s feelings towardsreligion can be seen through the writers’ ambiguous fragments of writing. In Chapter Four,cases of misdeeds to wife are analyzed. The brazen misogynous descriptions in the fictionscan be regarded as an outcry to the inequality of and discrimination against women in feudalsociety. Chapter Five includes an integral comparison; aspects such as “usury” are comparedso as to lay stress on the development of the citizen class and transformation of society. Thevital influence of civic culture upon fictions is accentuated. In Conclusion, limitation of TheDecameron and Sanyan Erpai is illustrated. The inseparable relation between fiction and civicculture is once more emphasized, and the latter’s impetus to the former is ratified through thecomparative analysis of The Decameron and Sanyan Erpai, which are representative works ofthe age of renaissance in Italy and China. Finally, the fiction’s attribute of civic culturebecomes self-evident.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期
  • 【分类号】I106.4-03
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】446

