

Monitoring and Analyzing the Lagoon Dynamics in China Using Remote Sensing Imagery

【作者】 孙伟富

【导师】 倪岳峰; 张杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境科学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 我国海岸线绵长而蜿蜒曲折,沿岸广泛发育澙湖湿地。在自然环境演变和人为过度开发利用的作用下,特别是改革开放30多年来,人们对海岸澙湖的开发利用日渐突出,我国的澙湖湿地面积不断缩小,泥沙淤积现象严重,潮汐汊道逐渐淤塞,部分澙湖已经消失。目前,我国尚未对海岸澙湖进行全面的系统研究,对海岸澙湖的状况没有一个总体把握,因此,掌握我国海岸澙湖的数量与分布,摸清我国海岸澙湖的家底这项工作势在必行;研究我国澙湖的地貌学分类和各个生态演变过程阶段、掌握近年来的澙湖的变迁情况,有助于确切把握我国海岸澙湖所处的发育状况并切实做好保护措施;探讨典型澙湖的形成与演变规律、影响过程和作用机制,有助于更好的提出澙湖生态保护和修复的办法,对于合理开发和利用澙湖自然资源具有实际的意义。本文对全国范围内海岸澙湖进行遥感监测和变迁分析,并以博贺港为例分析典型澙湖的海岸环境变化。我国海岸澙湖主要分布在辽宁、河北、山东、广东、广西、海南和台湾等7个省(自治区),因论文工作时间与资料的限制,本文将研究范围确定为除台湾和海南以外澙湖产生发育的主要区域。文章首先对覆盖研究区域的102景遥感影像数据进行了辐射定标、暗目标法大气校正、线性对比度拉伸和几何校正等数据预处理工作,然后基于该数据结合1:50000地形图确定了澙湖的名称,进行了澙湖信息提取和变迁原因分析,最后以广东博贺港澙湖为例,研究了周边海岸环境的变迁,主要工作如下:(1)对我国海岸澙湖及其发育演变阶段进行了分类。提出了基于澙湖地貌学成因的遥感分类体系,将我国海岸澙湖划分为堡岛型、沙坝型、沙咀型、湾顶坝型、连岛坝型和河口型等6种地貌类型,扩展了遥感在地貌中的应用;建立了基于发育演变阶段的澙湖遥感分类体系,将海岸澙湖分为青壮期、老年期和死亡期3个发育演变过程,并以近红外、红、绿波段组合后的假彩色影像为例,从色彩、纹理、地物邻接关系等方面建立不同澙湖类型的遥感解译标志,为澙湖遥感识别和分类提供了科学依据;(2)利用遥感技术调查统计了我国海岸澙湖的名称、类型和数量分布并进行了变迁分析,研究结果显示,1979-2011年间研究区域共有251个澙湖,至2011年我国海岸澙湖共消失19个,无增加;(3)利用遥感技术调查统计了我国海岸澙湖的岸线长度和面积信息,研究了1979年、1990年、2000年和2011年的澙湖变迁,并进行了变迁原因分析,所获数据为我国海岸澙湖演化变迁研究和管理提供了数据支持,遥感技术为澙湖信息提取和分析提供了广阔的前景,在信息提取的过程中,提出了一种基于相同地理位置的图斑精度验证方法;(4)从自然因素和人为因素的角度分析了澙湖变迁的驱动力,并以白沙口澙湖为例从波浪、潮汐、海面变化和陆地径流等自然因素分析了澙湖的形成、发育及演变过程和趋势,从海岸工程的角度分析了口门外小澙湖的形成演变及潮汐电站对该澙湖发育的影响;(5)以2001年和2010年2期潮位相近的TM图像,分析了博贺港澙湖和外湖的潮滩、涨潮流三角洲的变迁;利用2000年和2009年测量的海图数据采用TIN插值方法生产了2期水下DEM数据,并进行了精度验证,提出了一种基于多期海图数据的冲淤变化量化方法,并实现了应用,应用结果合理;结合坡度、2001年土地覆盖类型和2001年植被覆盖度信息计算了博贺港周边流域范围的水土流失强度和泥沙流失量,给出了该流域范围的侵蚀模数;结合潮滩、涨潮流三角洲变迁、水下地形变化和水土流失贡献量,对博贺港周边海岸变迁进行了分析。

【Abstract】 China has a long coast, widely developing the lagoon wetlands. Because of theevolution of the natural environment and human over exploitation, especially thereform and opening up in the last30years, the development and utilization of coastallagoons have been increasing prominently. The lagoon wetland area has beenshrinking, with the sediment accumulation, and the tidal inlets have been graduallyblocking seriously, parts of the lagoons have disappeared.At present, China has not been studying the coastal lagoons comprehensively andcompletely, having not understood of the status of the coastal lagoons. So that,mastering the numbers and distribution and finding out the real situation of the coastallagoons are imperative. Studying the geomorphology classification and ecologicalevolution stage of coastal lagoons and understanding the lagoon dynamics status inrecent years may help to grasp the development status of coastal lagoons and makeprotection measures. Investigating the formation, evolution, affection process anddynamics mechanism of the typical lagoon can help to propose lagoon ecologicalprotection and restoration approaches. It has practical significance to rationaldevelopment and utilization of natural resources in coastal lagoons.In this paper, the author monitor and analyze the coastal lagoon dynamicsnationwide using Remote Sensing imagery and then take the analysis of typicallagoon coast environmental changes of Bohe lagoon. China coastal lagoons aremainly distributed in Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan andTaiwan provinces (or autonomous regions). Due to the paper work time and datalimitations, the scopes of the study are being determined to the major lagoondevelopment regions except Taiwan and Hainan Province. Firstly,102scenes ofimageries covered the study area are preprocessed using radiometric calibration, darktarget atmospheric correction, linear contrast stretching and geometric correction.Secondly, based on the data processed before and combined1:50000topographicmaps, the author determine the name of the lagoons, extracting lagoons position,coastline length and lagoon areas and analyzing the changing factors. In the last, thispaper take Bohe lagoon as example, studying the changes in the environmentsurrounding coast. The main work are as follows:(1) The paper proposes lagoon remote sensing classification system base on thesand geomorphology and classifies the coastal lagoons into6landform types: sandbarrier type, sand tsui type, bay head barrier type, tomboloof type and estuary type. It expands the application of remote sensing in geomorphology. The paper builds lagoonremote sensing classification system based on the development stages of evolution,the coastal lagoons are divided into3evolution stages of growth phase, old phase anddeath phase. Remote sensing interpretation keys of different lagoon types areestablished based on images combined with near-infrared, red and green bands withgeographic properties (color, texture and vicinity). The interpretation keys provide ascientific basis for the remote sensing identification and classification of coastallagoons.(2) The paper surveys China coastal lagoons names, types, numbers and thegeographic distribution, and then take the dynamics analysis. The results show thatthere were251lagoons in1979. It has disappeared19lagoons till2011. There is nonew lagoon born in the last32years.(3) The paper surveys China coastal lagoons coastline length and areainformation, studying the dynamics in1979,1990,2000and2011, and analyzes thedynamics. The data obtained support the researches of China lagoons evolution andmanagement. The technology of remote sensing provides the information extractionand analysis of lagoons a broad prospect. In this paper, an accuracy verificationmethod is put forward based on the polygon features in the same geographic location.(4) Driving causes of dynamics are analyzed in natural and anthropogenic factors.In this paper, the formation, development and evolution of White Sand Mouth lagoonare analyzed in waves, tides, sea level change and terrestrial runoff etc, and theformation and evolution of small lagoon outside the White Sand Mouth are analyzedin the view of coastal engineering.(5) Dynamics of the tidal flats and the flood tide delta of Bohe lagoon and outerlake are analyzed by TM data of2001and2010, the2images tidal level are in similar.Two underwater DEM data are produced by TIN interpolation method using2000and2009ocean chart data, and the accuracy of the DEM is verified. Based on remotesensing imagery, an underwater erosion and deposition quantitative method is putforward. Combined with slope, land cover types and vegetation coverage informationin2001, the intensity of soil erosion and sediment loss of Bohe surrounding basin arecalculated, and the erosion modulus of the basin is given. Combined with the changeof tidal flats and the flood tide delta, the change of underwater terrain, and the loss ofsoil and water, dynamics of Bohe surrounding coast are analyzed.

【关键词】 澙湖遥感澙湖变迁
【Key words】 LagoonRemote SensingLagoon Dynamics

