

Research on the Legal Issues of Tidal Flat Protection

【作者】 王刚

【导师】 娄成武;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 沿海滩涂地处海陆交界地带,具有特殊的资源价值和生态价值。随着沿海经济的发展,以及大量人口向沿海一线转移,沿海区域面临发展空间不足、资源匮乏等问题。为了解决上述问题,沿海区域开始大规模开发(或侵占)沿海滩涂,大量的沿海滩涂被改造成农业耕地、城市建设用地以及渔业养殖场所。由于人们只是关注沿海滩涂的资源价值,而忽视其生态价值,从而造成了一系列社会和环境问题。目前,我国有关沿海滩涂的法律法规及其管理,更有利于沿海滩涂的资源开发,而非生态保护。因此,要实现沿海滩涂经济开发与生态保护的平衡,需要对我国目前沿海滩涂保护的法律问题进行系统性、创新性研究。目前我国相关法律法规尚未对沿海滩涂概念进行明确的界定,由于沿海滩涂概念不清或混乱造成实践中沿海滩涂管理与保护的缺位或错位现象很普遍。沿海滩涂更为科学的定义,是将其界定为具有可供沿海生物生存、栖息和繁殖的生态物质基础的潮间带、潮上带和潮下带。潮上带和潮间带滩面宽窄不一,从几十米至几千米不等;潮下带是退潮时向陆一侧水深不超过6米的区域。沿海滩涂按照不同的划分标准,可以分为不同的种类。按照地质构造成分的标准分类,可以分为泥滩、砂滩、岩滩三种;按照生态的显示度标准,可以分为裸滩和生物滩两种。其中生物滩又可以细分为草滩、红树林滩和珊瑚礁滩三种;按照其形态变化的标准,可以将之划分为稳定型滩涂、淤涨型滩涂、侵蚀型滩涂三种。沿海滩涂具有海陆交界性、动态变化性、生态性等特征,这些特征彰显了沿海滩涂的独特性。除了概念上的模糊之外,我国相关法律对沿海滩涂的性质也没有做出非常明确的定位。学界对其性质定位还遵循“非土地即海域”的两分法思路,从而使得沿海滩涂的潮上带、潮间带和潮下带分属不同的法律调整,造成了沿海滩涂保护的割裂。要实现沿海滩涂的有效保护,需要打破这种思维窠臼,遵循三分法的思路,即将之划分为“土地、海域、海岸带”三种性质,将沿海滩涂纳入海岸带范畴,实现沿海滩涂潮上带、潮间带和潮下带性质定位上的一致,从而将沿海滩涂作为一个整体予以保护。沿海滩涂在调节气候、保有生物多样性、净化海岸环境等方面发挥着重要的作用。但是我国的沿海滩涂退化严重:沿海滩涂的面积不断遭受自然侵蚀和人工侵占;生物多样性不断降低;滩涂污染也日益严重。沿海滩涂的严重退化使得其生态功能不断受到损害。我国的沿海滩涂之所以存在退化严重的状况,在于我国沿海滩涂的管理体制、法律法规及调整手段都存在些许问题。沿海滩涂的管理体制是一种分散管理体制,水利部门、海洋部门、林业部门、农(渔)业部门、国土部门及环保部门等都有管理和规制权限;沿海滩涂管理体制还是一种“地方为主、中央为辅”的管理体制,是一种环境保护从属于经济开发的管理体制。目前我国尚没有专门出台一部有关沿海滩涂的法律和行政法规,有关沿海滩涂的地方法规和规章主要基于滩涂的经济开发而非生态保护。地方法规和规章设定的沿海滩涂调整手段单一,主要包括“滩涂开发的环境许可、滩涂开发的环境规划、滩涂违规开发与环境破坏的行政处罚”三种调整手段。三种调整手段在实际操作过程中注重沿海滩涂的入口管控和末端管控,而非过程管控。沿海滩涂保护之所以在管理体制、法律法规及调整手段上存在上述问题,究其根源,可以概括为三个方面:注重资源而非生态的价值认知,基于分散而非综合的制度根源,侧重端口而非过程的调整思路。换言之,沿海滩涂保护具有“资源性、分散性和端口性”的症结。要实现沿海滩涂的有效保护,实现滩涂经济开发与生态保护的平衡,关键就是转变沿海滩涂法律保护的思路,秉承“生态性、综合性和过程性”的基本原则,构建沿海滩涂的生态保护法律机制、综合管理体制和完善的调整手段体系。其中,生态性原则是沿海滩涂保护的基础性原则,综合性原则和过程性原则是生态性原则的延伸和保障。沿海滩涂保护的生态性,可以通过沿海滩涂的生态保护法律机制构建得以实现。生态保护法律机制包括三个方面的内容:沿海滩涂“零净损失”法律机制、沿海滩涂功能区划法律机制、沿海滩涂生态补偿法律机制。三项法律机制形成一个紧密联系的整体。“零净损失”法律机制确立全国滩涂保护面积以及可开发的要求,功能区划法律机制根据滩涂种类和分布对滩涂进行生态功能分类,生态补偿法律机制则对滩涂开发与保护进行利益平衡。三项法律机制尽管并不完全否定滩涂开发与利用,但是可以改变沿海滩涂资源为本的开发属性,从而实现其生态为本的保护属性。沿海滩涂保护的综合性,可以通过沿海滩涂综合管理体制构建得以实现。遵循当前世界各国在环境保护上重视协调机构建设的思路,沿海滩涂综合管理体制构建的核心是建立职权明确、架构合理的沿海滩涂综合管理委员会。综合管理委员会需要实现与海岸带管理机构的契合,并为水利部门、海洋部门、林业部门、农(渔)业部门、国土部门及环保部门等滩涂管理主体提供沟通和协调的平台,从而实现沿海滩涂管理主体之间、中央与地方之间关系的理顺。沿海滩涂保护的过程性,可以通过沿海滩涂调整手段体系的构建得以实现。完善的沿海滩涂调整手段体系应该包括沿海滩涂行政调整手段体系和经济调整手段体系。行政调整手段基于命令-控制,具体包括滩涂环境标准、滩涂环境规划、滩涂环境影响评价、滩涂环境开发许可、滩涂环境破坏处罚等;经济调整手段体系则是基于激励-引导,具体包括滩涂开发权交易、滩涂开发押金、滩涂开发税/费、滩涂保护补贴等。两大类调整手段体系形成了事前预防、事中监控、事后补偿的完整体系,避免沿海滩涂保护“侧重事后处罚、轻于事前预防”等端口管控症结,从而实现过程调整。

【Abstract】 Tidal flat is located in the boundary between the land and sea area, has a specialresource value, ecological value. With the development of coastal economy,population and a large number of changes to the coastal line, coastal areas faceproblems such as insufficient development space, the lack of resources.In order tosolve the above problem, coastal areas began to large-scale development (or on) thecoastal tidal flats, large amounts of coastal tidal flats are converted to agricultural land,urban construction land, and the fishery breeding places.Because of the people justpay attention to its resources value, and neglect its ecological value, resulting in aseries of questions. Building coastal tidal flats in the legal system, therefore, is aneffective way to resolve these problems. Therefore, It is an effective way to resolvethese problems for building the legal system of tidal flat.At present, the definition of tidal flat is different, China’s relevant laws andregulations also did not give it a very clearly defined. Due to coastal tidal flatsconcept is not clear or confusion in practice management of coastal tidal flats and theabsence of protection or dislocation phenomenon is very common. In this article, tidalflat defined as intertidal zone, supratidal zone and subtidal zone that having availablematerial basis for coastal biology to survive and breed. According to the differentclassification standards, tidal flat can be divided into different types. According to thegeological composition standard classification, tidal flat can be divided into mud flat,sand beach and bench beach. According to the ecological standards, tidal flat can bedivided into nude beach and biological flat, in which biological flat can be dividedinto marsh flat, mangrove flat and coral reefs flat. According to the morphologicalchanging standards, tidal flat can be divided into stable beach, type of beach accretion,and type of beach erosion. Tidal flats with the boundary between the land and sea,dynamic change, ecological characteristics, these characteristics reveal the uniqueness of the coastal tidal flats.China’s relevant laws and regulations on the legal nature of cognition of tidal flat,also follow the dichotomy of "either land or waters" mentality, so as to make theintertidal zone, supratidal zone and subtidal zone belong to different legal adjustment.To achieve effective protection of coastal tidal flats, need to break the trap of thinking,We should think intertidal zone, supratidal zone and subtidal zone as a whole,torealize the legal nature of the agreement.Tidal flat in regulating climate, maintaining biological diversity plays animportant role. But our country tidal flat ecological environment is deteriorating.Tidal flat has suffered erosion and embezzlement, biological diversity become worse,pollution is serious day by day. Tidal flat ecological environment deterioration makestidal flat ecological function being damaged. China’s coastal shoal exist degradationserious condition, is our country coastal tidal flats of the management system, lawsand regulations and adjustment means there is some problem.Coastal tidal flats is adecentralized management system management system, water resources department,ocean department, forestry department, the department of agriculture (fishery)industry, such as land and environmental protection departments have managementand regulatory authority;Coastal tidal flats management system is a kind of "localsupplemented, central" management system;Tidal flats management system is a kindof environmental protection from belongs to the economic development of themanagement system.At present our country is not a tidal flats in the relevant laws andadministrative regulations, local laws and regulations about tidal flats is mainly basedon the tidal flats development rather than protection.Local laws and regulations set bythe coastal shoal adjustment measures, mainly including "tidal flats to developenvironmental permits and tidal flats to develop environmental planning and tidalflats development and environmental violations of administrative penalty" threemethods of adjustment.Three kinds of adjusting method in the actual operationprocess pay attention to the entry control and end control of coastal tidal flats, ratherthan process control.The reason of tidal flat ecological environment deterioration is our country tidal flat management and legal regulation is "resource management, decentralizedmanagement, entrance management and terminal management". tidal flat is regardedas the resources to exploit and utilize, rather than the ecological system to protect bycoastal government. Tidal flat management system is a distributed managementsystem. There are at least six department that having management and regulatoryauthority, which is the water conservancy department, marine department, Departmentof forestry, farming (fishing) department., land departments and environmentalprotection department. Decentralized management causes the responsibility chaos.Tidal flat law adjustment single, environmental responsibility vacancy, which makesthe related departments rely on the performance to escape the responsibility of tidalflat environment deterioration. In order to protect tidal flat ecological environment,achieve the balance of economic development and ecological protection, we needchange the idea of tidal flat management and legal regulation, achieve ecologicalmanagement, integrated management, process management and preventionmanagement. Among them,"ecological management" is the core to realize tidal flatecological environment protection.In order to achieve ecological management and legal regulation of tidal flat, weneed establish three legal system. This is "no net less" legal system, functional zoninglegal system, ecological compensation legal system. The three legal system is aClosely linked system. The "no net less" legal system establishes national tidal flatprotection area and development requirements. The functional zoning legal systemachieves the classification of tidal flat. The ecological compensation legal systembalances the exploit and protect. In spite of the three legal system do not ban theexploit and utilization of tidal flat completely, we can change the resourcemanagement nature of tidal flat.Integrated coastal shoal protection, comprehensive management system of thecoastal tidal flats can be build.Follow the current all countries in the world attachesgreat importance to the coordination on the environmental protection agencyconstruction train of thought, and comprehensive management system of the coastaltidal flats at the heart of the building is to build a building authority clear and reasonable architecture of the coastal tidal flats comprehensive managementcommittee.Comprehensive management committee needs to fit with the coastal zonemanagement mechanism, and for the water conservancy department, oceandepartment, forestry department, agriculture (fishery) industry department, thedepartment of homeland and the environmental protection department, such as tidalflats management main body offer the platform of the communication andcoordination, so as to realize the coastal mudflats between management subject,straighten out the relations between central and local.On the other hand, we build the administrative adjustment means system andmarket adjustment method system of tidal flat. dministrative adjustment measuresbased on command-control, market adjustment means system is based on incentives–guide. The administrative adjustment means system is including environmentalstandards, environmental planning, environmental impact assessment, environmentalpermits, environmental punishment. The market adjustment method system isincluding the development of trading, the development of the deposit, thedevelopment of tax/fee, protection subsidy. Two categories of legal adjustmentmeans formed beforehand prevention, monitoring, system of complete indemnity,avoid coastal mudflat protection "punishment, lighter than later on prevention" portsticking point adjustment, so as to realize "process adjustment".


