

Research on Confucian School Official Group of Taiwan in Qing Dynasty and Their Literary

【作者】 杨艳华

【导师】 陈庆元;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 台湾自康熙二十二年(1683)纳入清朝版图,到光绪十一年(1885)单独设省前,一直隶属于福建省,称“福建台湾府”。台湾在清代统治的212年间(1683-1895),实行了闽台一体的管理制度,台湾官员多由曾在闽省任职者中拣选,其中的儒学学官则几乎全部是福建“内地”人。本论文意在以清代闽籍入台学官群体为研究对象,通过对这一群体在台湾的文化活动和文学创作的探析,从职官群体的视角来展示闽台区域间的文化、文学传播及交流情况。台湾社会发展在清代经历了从移民社会向定居社会的转型,而文化发展则经历了从“俗化”趋向“文治化”的过程。学官作为一个文化素质、道德修持较高的群体,肩负着朝廷“育人才、正风俗”的社会角色。但他们在社会地位上却处于整个封建官僚系统的最底层,素被视为“冷官”。本论文一方面分析了入台学官在公共空间的重教兴学、建言献策、采风观谣、阐扬节烈典范对台湾文化教育发展及社会伦理秩序形塑所起的重要作用。另一方面,由学官“名重实轻”的职官特点出发,从分析入台学官的仕宦心理和创作心态入手,从中择取风土诗、节烈诗、咏物诗三种诗歌题材,对其进行内涵和艺术上的审美分析,从中探索入台学官在台文学创作的观察视角及其特点、价值,并在闽台地域交流视角下,探究闽文化在清代台湾古典文学系统建构中所起的作用。论文的下篇是对闽籍入台学官的个案研究。目前,两岸交流的力度和广度还远没有达到资料共享的程度,因此在闽台区域文化和两岸交流的研究中,还存在者囿于资料限制各说各话的情况。因此,在搜集、研读总集、全集的基础上,对研究对象进行的基础研究,就显得尤为重要。本论文利用福建省内丰富的地方文化资源,对几个不同类型入台学官进行了较为细致地分类研究,期望以学官个案研究的累积,来推进和加深闽台区域文化交流的整体研究。

【Abstract】 Taiwan, included in the Qing Dynasty in the22th year of Emperor Kangxi(1683), had been a part of Fujian Provice called as Taiwan Fu, Fujian province, before being a separate province in the10th year of Emperor Guangxu (1885). In the212years (1683-1895) ruled by Qing Dynasty, Taiwan had the same management system as Fujian Province, where the offcials were chosen mostly from those once severed in Fujian Province. And the Confucian school officials were almost from Fujian Province. This thesis is intended to study the Confucian school officials entering Taiwan from Fujian Province, and demonstrate the culture, literature communication and exchange between Fujian and Taiwan from the perspective of school official group, through analysising the cultural activities and literature creation of such group.Taiwan was experienced a transition from a immigrant community to a settled society, while the culture went through a trend from the secularization to institutionalization. As a well educated and ethical group, school officials shouldered the social role to educate people and correct custom. But their social status was in he bottom of the entire feudal bureaucratic system, so school official was in fact considered as a insignificant official. This thesis analyzes the important role that school official played on the educational development and social ethical order shaping of Taiwan through emphasising education, offering advice and suggestion, mining concept callad, and praising chastity model. On the other hand, for the characteristics of undeserved reputation, the role of Fujian Culture is explored in the construction of Taiwan classical literature system in Qing Dynasty under the view of regional exchange between Fujian and Taiwan, by analyzing the psychological and creative mentality, the connotation and artistic aesthetic characteristics of endemic poem, chasitity poem, and Yongwu poem, and the literary creation perspective, characteristics, and its value of school official.The second part of the thesis focuses on case studies. Currently, since data sharing dones not meet, the study of the culture of Fujian and Taiwan and cross-strait exchanges is limited. Therefore, on the basis of collecting,studying the total set, the basic research on the object is particularly important.In this thesis, based on the rich cultural resources in Fujian Province, the overall research of regional cultural exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan is expected to be deepen and made prograss by a more detailed classification and study of several defferent types of school officials and case studies.


