

Study on Innovation Ability of Sports Scientific Research in College of China on the Perspective of Interdisciplinary

【作者】 黄睿

【导师】 黄汉升;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪以来,体育科学已发展成一门独立的学科体系,其研究领域涉及自然科学、人文科学和社会科学。自1923年第一个国际体育学术组织——国际体育教育联合会成立以来,国际上相继成立了运动医学、运动生物力学、运动心理学、体育社会学等各种学术组织和机构。我国也于1958年成立了第一个体育科学的研究机构——北京体育科学研究所,其后各省市相继成立了体育科研机构。学科的成熟和科研机构的完善,为体育科学研究奠定了坚实的基础。2003年初,国际奥委会的大型科研项目——奥运会总体影响评价(Olympic Games Impact,简称OGI),由中国人民大学在公开投标后获得。本应由体育科研机构负责攻关的重大项目,却由非体育科研单位主持,这不得不引起我们对体育科学的科研能力进行反思,我们不禁要问“体育科学具有这样的研究能力吗”。另一方面,科学在经历高度分化发展的阶段后,朝着广泛而综合的方向前进,跨学科已成为当前学科发展的潮流,而跨学科研究则成为科研创新的重要途径。然而,当前我国体育科学的研究还处于低水平的“移植型”研究,学科间的互动研究较少,更谈不上真正意义的跨学科研究。研究以跨学科为视角,运用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、内容分析法、系统法、层次分析法和模糊评价法,探讨体育科学的跨学科研究和科研创新能力,据此展开实质性的分析。首先,理解和认识跨学科与科研创新能力的重要概念;其次,分析科学研究的发生模式和体育科学的学科属性,从理论上对部分体育基础学科进行跨学科分析,并对我国当前体育科研的现状进行实证研究;然后,从跨学科与科研创新的互动关系上,分析跨学科研究对体育科研创新能力的促进作用,进而构建体育科研的创新能力体系,并对我国7所院校的体育科研创新能力展开实证分析;最后,就如何促进我国体育科研创新能力提出建设策略。研究的主要结论如下:1.体育科学的综合属性决定体育科学研究是具有一定深度的“学科互动研究”。而跨学科研究是体育科学发展的内在诉求,应以跨学科研究作为体育科研创新的理论支撑和行动指导。2.当前我国还没有形成对体育科学跨学科研究的统一认识,研究者对跨学科的学习和运用还存在不足。相对于跨学科研究的丰富理论,体育科学的跨学科研究的实践工作则相对滞后,研究以概念、理论和方法的“移植”居多,且研究水平不高。3.体育科学的问题具有学科交叉属性,其科学研究要以问题的为中心,吸收和融合不同学科的理论、方法和资源,把不同领域的研究力量聚集到体育科学领域,并以综合治理的方式,产生协同效应,提升体育科研创新能力,推动体育科学的发展。4.体育问题的复杂性导致体育科研创新能力在结构和关系上具有多层次复杂性。研究从科研创新的投入能力、运行能力和产出能力三个方面构建体育科研创新能力的指标体系,涉及人力、物力、组织、政策、环境、知识等多个影响因素。该指标体系具有可操作性,对评估某一地区、某一单位的体育科研创新能力具重要的指导意义,能引导我国体育科学发展,促进体育科研创新能力的提升。5.跨学科是体育科研创新的一种认识工具和研究手段,为体育科学研究创造必备的物质基础和良好的环境氛围。要以跨学科教育培养具有“大科学”思维方式和“大体育”观的体育科研人才;要以跨学科研究探寻体育科学的问题,引导多学科协同的创新能力建设,促进科研创新成果的产出和转化。6.体育科学在强调跨学科学习与借鉴的前提下,需要追溯体育科学与其它学科的互动发展的历史轨迹,把握体育科学与其它学科交叉发展的规律,为创建自身的学科理论和研究方法,共享和整合不同学科资源提供历史借鉴,建设共生共荣地良好生态关系,更好地为当代体育科研创新服务。体育科学的创新能力建设,要依托社会、经济实践中对体育的客观需求来发现问题,寻求多学科的交流与合作的契机和科研创新的突破点;因地制宜、因研制宜的借助其它学科的优势和成果,积极拓展体育科研创新的空间,形成自身的学科特点和学术优势,缩短与其它学科之间的差距,尽早建立体育科学的跨学科研究范式,充分融入到科学发展的大潮中。

【Abstract】 Sports science has developed into an independent discipline system since the20th century, and its research fields cover natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences. The first international sports academic organization---International Federation of Physical Education was established in1923, hereafter, varieties of organizations and institutions appeared which include sports medicine, sports biomechanics, sports psychology and sports sociology, etc. In1958, China has also set up its first sports science research institution---Beijing Institute of Sports Science, subsequently provincial and municipal ones have been established. The mature disciplines and developing scientific research institutions have laid a solid foundation for sports science research. In early2003, the People’s University of China procured the large-scale research project of the International Olympic Committee through an open tender which is called Olympic Games Impact (OGI). Such important project should be in charge of the sports science research institution instead of the non-sports research units. We have to re-think and ask what the capacity of sports science research is.On the other hand, after experiencing highly differentiated development, science moved forward to a wide-ranging and comprehensive direction. Interdisciplinary has become the current trend of the discipline development, while the interdisciplinary research is proved to be an important way of research and innovation. However, the current sports science research in China is still in the low levels of "the transplant type", and there are few interdisciplinary interactions, let alone the genuine interdisciplinary research.By use of literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics, content analysis, analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy evaluation methods, this paper explores the interdisciplinary research and innovation capacity of sports science, and expand the substantive analysis from the perspective of interdisciplinary research. First, understanding and awareness of the concepts of interdisciplinary research and innovation capacity; Second, analyzing the occurrence mode of scientific research and the disciplines property of sports science, applying interdisciplinary theoretical analysis on some sports disciplines, and taking empirical research on our current sports research status; thirdly, analyzing the interdisciplinary research’s promotion on research capacity of sports science from the interaction between interdisciplinary and research innovation, then, building a sports research innovation system, and analyzing seven institutions’ sports research and innovation capacity empirically; Finally, proposing strategies on how to promote the sports research and innovation capacity of China.Conclusions:1. Sports science is a comprehensive discipline, which determines it is a certain depth "discipline interactive research". The interdisciplinary research is the internal demand for sports science development, should be as a theoretical support and guidance for action of sports research and innovation.2. China has not formed a united understanding of the interdisciplinary study of sports science, and there are deficiencies on the study and use of the interdisciplinary. The practice of interdisciplinary research on sports science is too undeveloped for the rich theory, which is mainly about concepts, theories and methods by the way of "transplant", but it is still in a low level.3. Sports science problems are interdisciplinary property, and its research need to center in the problem. So sports science should absorb and integrate the theories, methods, and talents of different disciplines, gather research forces of different areas to the field of sports science. Taking problem with comprehensive eyes would produce coordinate effect, upgrade the innovation capacity of sports research and promote the development of sports science.4. The complexity of sports problem leads to the fact that innovation capacity of sports research has multi-level complexity in structure and relationship. This paper constructs an index system of sports research’s innovation capacity from three aspects of investment, performance and output. The index system evaluates the influencing factors of innovation capacity of sports research from manpower, material, organization, policy, environment, and knowledge, and it is practical and of important directive significance in assessment of innovation capability of sports research in a certain area or a unit. The index system can guide the development of China’s sports science and promote the innovation capacity of sports research. 5. As the tool of guiding sports science, interdisciplinary research can allocate resources according to the requirements of scientific issues, create the necessary material foundation and good environment for sports science research. Through talent training of interdisciplinary, we need actively cultivate the way of thinking of the "big science" and concept of the "big sports" that matches with modern scientific development, explore valuable scientific problem in sports practice, and guide the innovation capacity construction of multidisciplinary cooperation.6. On the premise of emphasis on interdisciplinary study and reference of sports science, we should trace the trail of interactive development and find out the interdisciplinarity of sports science and other disciplines, in order to create our own discipline theories and research methods, share and integrate research resources of different disciplines, provide historical reference, build a harmonious and inseparable ecological relationship, and serve better contemporary sports research and innovation.


