

Research on the Core Factors of the Cross-Straits Dialogue System

【作者】 毛浩然

【导师】 林大津;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以系统论和跨文化语用学为理论基础,以两岸对话系统的核心要素分析为主线,从系统论宏观视角和语用学微观视角,兼顾两岸官方与民间两个维度和定性研究和定量研究两种方法,对两岸对话进行跨学科研究。主要研究发现和创新点涵盖系统论、跨文化语用学和咨政对策三个层面:1)首次从系统论角度系统研究两岸对话,提出两岸对话系统论,部分推翻了前人有关系统环境、系统结构和系统行为关系的论断;2)遴选出两岸对话系统的14个核心要素,通过典型例证和直观图示详尽分析其交互作用和运行规律;3)指出两岸对话是一种介于“文化内”和“跨文化”范畴的独特交流形态,不能生搬硬套现有的“文化内”或“跨文化”话语分析模式;4)指出官方话语不仅应关注如何“发声”,还应关注受众需求、体验与回应,让官方话语也能从单声道走向双声道甚至多声道。强调软实力能产生硬效果,应注重国家叙事修辞,提升国家软实力水平;5)提出两岸语言文字的抓大放小、渠成水到、扬长补短和系统研究四条求同路径,并发现对台政策的话语构建途径之一是通过对不同词汇的选择和协作使用来完成的;6)指出对台传播应打通官方和民间两个舆论场,可遵循传统媒体数字化、团队打造本土化、拓宽思路多元化三个思路;7)提出防范非传统安全因素威胁、建立两岸互信和两岸认同、构建两岸共同利益平台的系列务实对策。本研究贴近当前话语研究的跨学科趋势,吻合加快海西建设的时局,可为两岸文宣策略提供建设性参考,也有望为话语研究中国化增添新视角。

【Abstract】 Based on system theory and cross-cultural pragmatics, this dissertation carries out a multidisciplinary study of the cross-Straits dialogue by adopting both qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyze the core factors of the cross-Straits dialogue at both official and people-to-people levels. Its main findings draw upon the following three aspects/disciplines:system theory, cross-cultural pragmatics and policy consultation strategy as summarized below:1) The present dissertation is the first attempt at the analysis of the cross-straits dialogue from the perspective of system theory. Subjecting the cross-Straits dialogue to the examination of system theory, this study partly repudiates the conclusions made by previous researchers on the relations between system environment, system structure and system behaviour.2)14core factors of the cross-Straits dialogue are proposed and then are cross-examined in terms of their interacting and operating patterns with typical examples and revealing charts.3) The cross-Straits dialogue is viewed as a unique communication form in between intracultural and intercultural domains; therefore it is far from adequate to confine relevant research to either intracultural or intercultural discourse analysis alone.4) It is pointed out that "to officially speak up" should not be our only concern and that due attention should be paid to the needs, experience and reaction of the targeted audience, thus turning a mono-channel into a two-way channel or even multi-channels to produce "the effects of hard power" by way of soft power and enhance our national soft power by way of our national narrative rhetoric.5) Four approaches are suggested to seeking a common ground in cross-Straits discourse, namely, focusing on major tasks and leaving out minor ones,"building a ditch to bring in water", making up for weak links with strengths and rendering a systematic study of the subject under investigation. Furthermore, the Taiwan-directed policy in terms of discourse construction should be based on the choice and coordination of diverse expressions. 6) The Taiwan-directed communication should open up both official and people-to-people channels, maximizing and optimizing such approaches as digitalizing traditional media, incorporating local research teams and taping varying ways of thinking.7) A series of practical strategies are proposed to guard against non-traditional threats to security, to build and increase mutual trust and identification, and to construct a cross-Straits platform serving common interests.The research reflects the multidisciplinary trend in discourse study and coincides with the current situation of developing the west of the Straits; therefore it has constructive reference value to the cross-Straits propaganda and expects to provide a new angle in localizing discourse studies.In agreement with the multidisciplinary trend in discourse study today, the present dissertation coincides with the current mission of developing the west of the Straits; therefore it is of constructive value to the cross-Straits dialogue and a new light can be expected to shed on discourse studies from China’s perspective.


