

Building Teenagers Sports Network of Communities,Schools and Families Based on Community Sports Clubs

【作者】 谢宜轩

【导师】 周登嵩;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 2007年,《中共中央国务院关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》正式提出要全面完善“学校、社区、家庭青少年体育网络”的表述,其构建发展的重要性从中央政策层面得到突显。实际工作中,社区体育俱乐部这种新型社区体育组织所展现的工作成效与构建青少年体育网络目的相吻合。本文以基于社区体育俱乐部构建社区、学校、家庭青少年体育网络为研究对象,运用文献资料文献资料法、实地考察法、问卷调查法、访谈法、案例研究法、逻辑分析法和数理统计法等研究方法,以场域理论为视角,在梳理以社区体育俱乐部为基点构建青少年体育网络之理论内涵的基础上,对社区体育俱乐部组织开展相关活动的现状进行调查,总结其现存和发展的基本特征和基本模式,并提出相应的发展策略。主要研究结果如下:(一)学校、社区、家庭青少年体育网络作为体育场域而存在。在我国,青少年体质健康问题被上升到国家利益和社会民生高度,青少年体育网络进一步通过国家政策被构建成政府介入的政治场,倡导学校、社区和家庭要以供给者身份为青少年联合提供体育产品。但鉴于惯习和资本差异,包括学校在内的三方供给者在现实中多不能发挥基点作用理顺供给者内部的利益关系,往往产生出离散的行动策略和实践逻辑,从而掣肘着青少年体育网络的有效构建。(二)作为新型社区体育组织,社区体育俱乐部在青少年体育网络中的利益诉求不但与青少年体育需求相契合,还指向于家庭和学校,故其拥有主动与家庭和学校联合为青少年提供体育产品的惯习;不仅如此,俱乐部自身资本的强大也使其惯习外化为有效行动策略和实践逻辑得以可能。(三)以社区体育俱乐部为基点构建青少年体育网络起到了较好的工作成效,参与活动青少年体质健康得到了较为有效的促进。政府对构建青少年体育网络的政治介入以俱乐部为载体得以体现,各家俱乐部开展相关工作都离不开行政力量的支持。但出于各自利益指向、惯习和拥有资本的相对差异,俱乐部在构建青少年体育网络中仍形成了依托行政力量、依托经营手段、依托文化载体三种各有侧重的组织行为路径,由此在与家庭、学校的合作方式及对青少年体育兴趣、态度、习惯、能力(技能)和体质健康的促进程度上展现出相对不同的效果。(四)以社区体育俱乐部为基点构建青少年体育网络展现出时空衔接紧密性、资本互换多样性、教育张弛有度性、效益获得多元性四种基本特征。模式内涵:俱乐部根据拥有资本种类和数量,从自身利益指向出发,以相应的资本互换方式理顺了俱乐部、家庭和学校之间的供需关系;三方由此确立了稳定的联合供给结构和机制,以此形成合力使之对青少年体育产品的供给效能大幅提高。模式构成要素有:1、俱乐部拥有资本类型数量;2、俱乐部利益指向;3、俱乐部与相关各方的资本互换方式。(五)以社区体育俱乐部为基点构建青少年体育网络共生成行政主导模式、行政—经营主导模式、行政—文化主导模式三种模式。行政主导模式的特征为:各类资本平均化,利益指向行政化,资本互换随机化;行政—经营主导模式的特征为:经济资本集中化,利益指向市场化,资本互换针对化;行政—文化主导模式的特征为:文化资本突出化,利益指向综合化,资本互换主线化。将三种模式有效结合,打造行政—经营—文化主导模式,是对社区体育俱乐部构建青少年体育网络模式的最佳优化方式。(六)以社区体育俱乐部为基点构建青少年体育网络的发展策略有:1、加强构建网络的重视程度,调整政策指向的方向力度;2、保持俱乐部行政隶属关系,把握行政力量的弹性介入;3、促进俱乐部服务观念转变,提升青少年体育服务意识;4、坚持全员性体育发展目标,注重家庭体育的同步发展;5、明晰学社双方的利益诉求,推进学社合作的双向主动;6、敦促青少年课业减负落实,确保政策落实的连贯效应。

【Abstract】 In2007, CPC Central Committee and State Council on Strengthening Teenagers Sports and Enhance Teenagers Constitution formally proposes to comprehensively improve the expression "teenagers sports network of schools, communities and families", whose importance of building development is highlighted from the central policy level. In practice, community sports club this new community sports organization’s effectiveness of work coincides with the purpose of building teenagers sports network. The paper applies literature method, fieldwork method, questionnaire survey method, interview method, case study method, logical analysis method and mathematical statistics conclusions, based on the study on community sports clubs building teenagers sports network of communities, schools and families. On the perspective of field theory, the paper investigates the status quo of the community sports club organizing activities on the basic of combing the theory connotation of building teenagers sports network based on community sports clubs. It also summarizes the existing and developing basic characteristics and basic mode, and proposes development strategies. The main findings are as follows.First, teenagers sports network of schools, communities and families exists as a stadium field. In china, teenagers constitution problems are promoted to the height of national interests and people’s livelihood, and teenagers sports network is further built into the government intervention in the political field through national policy, which advocates that schools, communities and families jointly provide sports products as suppliers. However, in view of habitus and capital differences, the tripartite suppliers can not play basis points more in reality and can not rationalize the interests of the suppliers’ internal relations, which often shows discrete action strategies and practical logic and then constraints the effective construction of teenagers sports network.Second, as a new community sports organizations, the interest demands of community sports clubs in teenagers sports network not only correspond to teenagers sports demands but also point in the family and school, so it has the habitus of actively providing sports products with families and schools. In addition, it is possible for clubs to change the habitus into effective action strategies and practical logic because of their own strong capital.Third, building teenagers sports network based on community sports clubs has played a better effectiveness, and youngsters participating in the activities improve their constitutions. The government’s political intervention of building teenagers sports network is reflected to the club as a carrier, and the clubs carrying out related work are inseparable from the support of the executive power. But according to the orientation of interests, habitus and relative differences in capital, clubs show three different methods, such as executive power, operating tactics and cultural carrier in the process of building teenagers sports network, which presents various effects of cooperation mode with families and schools and of the promote degrees of teenagers sports interests, attitudes, habits, skills and physical health.Fourth, building teenagers sports network based on community sports clubs shows four basic characteristics:space-time connection tightness, capital exchange diversity, education of relaxation and benefits for diversity. Mode connotation:based on their owned capital type and quantity and their own orientation of interests, clubs have rationalized the demand and supply relationship between clubs, families and schools. The three sides have established a stable joint supply structures and mechanisms, in order to form a concerted effort to make youth sports products supply a substantial increase. Mode elements:first, number of club type of capital; second, club orientation of interests; third, capital swaps ways between clubs and related parties.Fifth, building teenagers sports network based on community sports clubs generates three modes:executive dominant mode, executive operating dominant mode, and executive cultural dominant mode. The characteristics of executive dominant mode: average of various types of capital, administration of interests’orientation, randomization of capital swap. The characteristics of executive operating dominant mode:centralization of economic capital, market-oriented interests’orientation, targeted capital swap. The characteristics of executive cultural dominant mode:highlights of cultural capital, Integration of interests’orientation, mainline of capital swap. Effective combination of the three modes and executive operating cultural dominant mode is the best optimized way for the mode of building teenagers sports network based on community sports clubs.Sixth, the development strategies of building teenagers sports network based on community sports clubs are as follows. First, strengthening the emphases of network building and adjusting efforts the policy direction. Second, keeping the clubs’ administrative relationship and grasping the flexible intervention of executive power. Third, promoting the conceptual change of club services and enhancing the awareness of teenagers sports services. Fourth, adhering to full sports development goals and emphasizing the synchronous development of family sports education. Fifth, clearing interest demands of schools and communities and promoting two-way initiative of schools and communities. Sixth, urging the implementation of alleviating teenagers schoolwork burden and ensuring coherent effects of implementation of the policy.


