

Research on Fujian Urban Social Basic Endowment Insurance System History Development Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China

【作者】 詹华

【导师】 汪征鲁;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 老年社会经济保障是整个社会保障体制中最重要的内容之一。为了保障步入老年期的社会成员的基本生活需要,国际上绝大多数国家和地区都建立了以政府为主导的社会基本养老保险金体制。面对全球人口老龄化的发展趋势,人口赡养比率的日益提高,社会基本养老保险金体制的重要性不断显现,改革、健全、完善社会基本养老保险金体制已经成为世界各个国家与地区的政府官员、工商实业界人士、专家学者们等共同关注与讨论的热点与焦点民生问题之一。在国内外有关社会基本养老保险金体制的研究方面可谓是百家争鸣、百花齐放、名家辈出、著述颇丰。丰富、充实的研究文献资料对于开展福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的历史研究而言是大有裨益的,为研究的有效进行提供了良好的客观物质条件,也提供了比较重要的学术参考价值的文献资料线索,使本研究能够充分借鉴前人的学术成果,站在较高的理论视角上,对福建城镇社会基木养老保险金体制的历史沿革以及在此历史进程中所反映出来的体制运行的机制性问题做一番比较全面、客观、深入的分析和探讨。对于中国而言,特别是对处于东南沿海的主要省份福建而言,在社会主义初级阶段社会生产力较低的历史条件下,面临较快的社会转型与经济体制转轨,面对社会人口日益老龄化的现实,构建一套符合现阶段国情与省情的城镇社会基本养老保险金制度,是一项重大的历史使命与严肃的政治任务。城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的改革与实践,基本上没有完整、现成的范例可以充分效仿,它是一个需要不断试验和探索的长期过程,在这一进程中,学术理论的先行先试,即学术理论方面的先行性探索和研究是十分必要的。福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的改革与实践是国家城镇社会基本养老保险金体制地区化管理和运作的重要内容。探索与研究福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的改革与实践问题必须要引入本土化的视角,立足于福建省的具体省情,才能做到有的放矢、言之有据。建国以来建立和不断健全、完善的福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的历史发展进程是福建省情的重要体现,不同历史阶段的福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的发展是由特定的社会历史背景下福建社会政治、经济制度的运行状况所决定的。每个历史阶段福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的发展都有着包涵时代特色的鲜明特征。福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制作为社会上层建筑的一个重要部分,是社会民生领域的核心内容之一,在其发展演变的历史进程中,既体现了一定程度的体制优越性和积极因素,同时也不可避免地存在一定程度的局限性和负面因素。对于福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制运行的历史性评价,应当要有一个全面、客观、辩证、理性的认识。因此,要充分地理解和认识福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的改革与实践问题的实质,必须对其整个历史沿革的概况和历史演变的基本脉络做一个全方位、详细、深入的考察,由此可见,开展福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的相关历史研究具有较强的现实意义与客观必要性。本论文着重于从历史学的视角,对福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的建立和发展演变情况进行研究。考虑到福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的历史研究有着较强的现实针对性与应用性,由此,本论文将采取理论与实践有机结合、资料调查与实地调查相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、理论分析与实证分析并用的方法进行课题研究。本文以“建国以来福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制历史演变研究”为题,围绕福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制运行发展的基本线索,充分结合史料,理论联系实际,介绍了社会养老保险金制度的主要概念和基本内涵以及社会养老保险金制度构建的主要思想理论依据与制度建立、发展的历史渊源,论述了福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的发展历程,对各个历史阶段福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制运行的主要特征进行了较为具体的归纳和分析,从社会政治、经济条件等角度入手,对不同历史时期福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制运行的社会历史背景做了较为详细、深入地剖析与说明,就不同历史阶段的福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制运行状况进行了全面、具体、客观的评价,重点分析了其运行机制的历史积极作用和历史局限性,最后论述了现阶段福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制发展的主要改进思路。

【Abstract】 Elderly social economic security is one of the most important contents in social security system as a whole. In order to guarantee the social members’basic living needs of the aging period, the international most countries and regions have established a government-led social basic endowment insurance system. The face of aging trends of global population and population dependency ratio increasing, the importance of basic social pension system is shown ceaselessly, reform and perfect social basic old-age insurance system has become government officials of all the countries of the world and regions of the world, business practitioners, common concern and hot spot of discussion of the experts and scholars and the focal point of people’s livelihood problem.The related research on the social basic pension system in the domestic and foreign is the contention of hundreds of thought, masters come forth in large numbers, all flowers bloom together., informative, prolific author. Rich, enrich the research literature in Fujian urban social endowment insurance system history research is be of great advantage, as the study of the effective to provide favorable objective material conditions, can also provide important academic reference value of literature clues, so that the study can make full use of the previous academic achievements, sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height, standing at a higher theoretical perspective, Fujian urban social endowment insurance system history and the historical process of the system running mechanism problems to do a more comprehensive, objective, in-depth analysis and discussion.In China as a case, especially in Fujian of the main province of the southeast coast, in the primary stage of socialism of the low social productivity in the historical conditions, facing the rapid social transition and the transition of the economic system, facing the social reality of the aging of the population, constructing a set of consistent with current national and provincial urban social basic pension insurance system, it is a greater challenges historicalmission and a political task. The reform and practice of the urban social basic endowment insurance system, basically with no ready-made paradigm can follow, it is a need in the dark before and a procession being continued to testand explorate, in this process, the rest of going ahead of the foretasting of the theory,namely the prospective exploration and research of the theory is very necessary.The reform and practice of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system is the main content of the national urban social basic pension system in management and operation. The exploration and research of the reform and practice problem of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system must introduce local perspective, based on the specific situation in Fujian Province, in order to accomplish having a definite object in view, it is the only another. Since the founding of new China had established and continuously improving Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system in the process of the historical development of Fujian province is reflected importantly, the historical evolution of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system reflects the historic changes of Fujian such as in social politics, economy system in areas in the different historical periods, as an important province of the southeast coast in China, the different historical stages of the development of Fujian urban social endowment insurance system is determined by the specific social and historical background of Fujian social politics and economy, ideological and cultural system running the decision of the state institute. The development of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system in every historical stage has a inclusion characteristics of distinctive feature of the times. Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system as a social superstructure is an important part of the social system, is one of the core content, in the process of its development and evolution of the history, not only reflects the degree of the system advantage and positive factors, but also inevitably exists certain limitations and negative factors. For running the historic evaluation of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system, should have a comprehensive, dialectical, objective, rational knowledge. Therefore, we should fully understand and know the problem of the reform and practice of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system, we must do a comprehensive, detailed, in-depth study on basic context of the profiles and historical evolution of the whole history of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system, therefore, to carry out the historical research of Fujian urban social basic pension system has a strong practical significance and necessity.This thesis focuses on the history of the establishment and the development of Fujian urban social endowment insurance system. In consideration of the research of Fujian urban social endowment insurance system history has a strong practice and application, therefore, this paper will take the organic combination of theory and practice, data investigation and on-the-spot investigation, the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis and methods for research.According to the" Research on Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system history development since the founding of the people’s Republic of China ", around the basic clue of the development of Fujian urban social endowment insurance system, combining history, linking theory with practice, describes the concept and the basic connotation of the social endowment insurance system and the main and academic basis of the social pension insurance system construction and the historical clue of the founding and development of the system, discussed the development process of Fujian urban social endowment insurance system and main feature of Fujian urban social endowment insurance system in the various historical stages undertook relatively detailed induction and the analysis, from the political, economic conditions of such perspective, in different historical periods of Fujian urban social endowment insurance system social and historical background to do a more detailed, in-depth analysis and description, in different historical phases of Fujian urban social endowment insurance system in a comprehensive, specific, objective evaluation, and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of operating mechanism, finally discusses the main reasonable ways of Fujian urban social endowment insurance system development.

  • 【分类号】K27;F842.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】415
  • 攻读期成果

