

A Study of Shi Shijie,a Squire Returning from Taiwan

【作者】 郭权

【导师】 汪毅夫;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 台湾内渡士绅,是乙未割台后内渡大陆的一个特殊“地域历史人群”,是闽台近代关系研究中一个不可逾越的社会群体。作为台湾社会的菁英人物,内渡之后,他们积极融入当地社会,与近代中国社会的剧变紧紧相扣,渐次实现人生转型,最终在近现代政治、经济、文化、科技等方面涌现了一批可圈可点的优秀人才。本文所探讨的就是台湾内渡士绅如何转型、如何融入内地社会、哪些因素促使他们转型、他们的转型对台湾岛内士绅产生哪些影响等,并力图透过施士洁这一代表人物的分析来提供答案。施士洁是清末台湾文学一代宗师,在台湾旧文学史上占有重要地位。他幼承庭训,弘扬家学,科举顺利,早成进士,与父亲施琼芳成为台湾唯一的“父子进士”。青年施士洁凭藉科举功名和诗文名气,被唐景崧延聘为台湾最高学府——海东书院山长等职,成为引领台湾士类、声望极高的名士。与文学史塑造的诗人形象不同,施士洁亦是一位台湾名绅。1860年代台湾由移民社会转为定居社会,台湾科举士绅阶层随之形成、壮大,施士洁作为名绅则介入台湾公共事务,在管理培元局、协助清赋、举办团练、调解案件、掌管盐务等方面留下新的作为。日本侵占台湾,中断了台湾社会发展的“内地化”进程,殖民政府推行以警察制度为核心的社会管理体系,彻底破坏在台湾生根发芽的传统乡绅制度,台湾乡绅的乡村社会主导权被警察侵夺,社会活动空间也被相关殖民机构挤占。遭遇制度威胁的台湾士绅,激于民族气节纷纷离台内渡,施士洁作为其中的一员也返回祖籍泉州西岑定居,快速融入祖籍社会,成为泉南的一位知名乡绅,在乡村宗族事务、调解械斗、文教事业等方面发挥积极作用。甲午战后,中国社会进入加速转变期,商品经济大潮对传统农村经营模式产:生巨大的冲击力,维持“乡绅之治”的宗法体系渐次松动,促使施士洁开始向城市经济体靠拢,向新兴职业转型。在泉州、福州两地寻求机遇无果的情况下,施士洁迁居厦门,供职于厦门商务总会,’完成了由名绅向绅商的转型。随着商会的发展,绅商阶层成为地方经济命脉的掌控者和地方财政的提供者,实为地方政府仰赖的对象。在清末民初政权嬗替的特殊时期,以厦门商会领导人为主体的厦门参事会担负起地方的安全事务和经济事务,成为地方社会稳定和市政管理的主导力量。在厦门商会的帮助下,施士洁出任厦门周边的马巷通判,代表着商会权力向地方政权的延伸,是绅商阶层在近代政治舞台的一次尝试。以施士洁为例分析内渡士绅转型,本文得出:一、中国传统乡绅制度的渐次破坏推动内渡士绅不断转型,同时得出日本侵台后台湾乡绅制度的破坏崩溃,也是士绅纷纷内渡大陆的一个重要的制度性因素。二、内渡士绅的转型与中国近代社会的巨变相契合,体现内渡士绅的历史进步性。三、清末民初的政治更替为内渡士绅的转型提供了广阔的空间,促使他们登上近代政治、经济舞台,对日据台湾岛内士绅参与政治、经济活动产生极大影响。四、内渡士绅在转型的同时坚守民族核心文化,他们以旧文学为载体,开展与岛内士绅的文化交流,共同推进汉文化在日据台湾的传承。

【Abstract】 The squires returning from Taiwan after it was ceded to Japan in1895were a special group in terms of history and area. They were a social group which cannot be ignored in the research of relations between Fujian and Taiwan in modern times. After coming to the mainland as an elite group in Taiwan, they proactively involved themselves into local society, closely linked to dramatic change in modern China. They gradually came to make their own change of life and became extraordinary in fields of politics, economy, culture, science and so on. This article makes a study of how the squires changed and involved into the mainland, what facilitated their change, and how much their change influenced those squires within Taiwan. This article also tries to provide answers by analyzing the symbolic figure of Shi Shijie.Shi Shijie was a master of Taiwanese literature at the end of the Qing Dynasty and took an important position in the history of old Taiwan literature. He was well educated from a young age, succeeded in imperial examination and became Jinshi at early time. Because his father Shi Qiongfang was also Jinshi, they were the only Taiwanese family in which both the father and the son were Jinshi. The young Shi Shijie, renowned for his poem and literature and success in imperial examination, was appointed by Tang Jingyan to be head of the Haidong Academy and became a leading celebrity of Taiwan squires with high fame.Apart from being a poetic figure in the history of literature, Shi Shijie was also a renowned official. In the1860’s, Taiwan shifted from an immigrant society to a settled society. A class of squires from imperial examinations formed and grew strong. As a member of the class, Shi Shijie participated in public affaires of Taiwan and made a new dent in managing Peiyuan Council, helping with taxation, organizing civil corps, mediating cases, administering salt affairs and so on.The Japanese occupation of Taiwan interrupted the localization process of Taiwanese social development. The colonial authorities put into practice a social management system centered on police and completely destructed the traditional squire system which had been deeply rooted and budded in Taiwan. The supremacy the squires had taken in the countryside was snatched away by the police and their space for social activities was occupied by relevant colonial institutions. Threatened by systems and stimulated by national morale, the squires, one after another, left Taiwan for the mainland. Shi Shijie, as part of the influx, returned to Sicen, Quanzhou, his ancestral home. He quickly integrated into the society, became a famous local squire in south Quanzhou, and played an active role in religious affairs, mediation of fights, cultural and educational matters.After the Sino-Japanese War of1894-1895, the Chinese society entered into a phase where changes accelerated. Waves of commodity economy brought great impact to the traditional rural mode of operation and the patriarchal system upon which the dominance of squires depended began to dismantle. Shi Shijie was forced to move toward urban economic entity and shift to new profession. After the failures in Quanzhou and Fuzhou, he relocated in Xiamen and worked in the Chamber of Commerce of Xiamen. He succeeded in shifting from a famous squire to a merchant. With the development of the chambers of commerce, the class of merchants became the people who dominated the local economic lifeline and they were the supporters of local finance and economy. The local governments actually depended upon them. In the special transforming period between the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early years of the Republic of China, the Council of Counselors of Xiamen in which the leaders of the Chamber of Commerce of Xiamen played the major part, took on local security and economic affairs and became the leading force in social stabilization and municipal management. With the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce of Xiamen, Shi Shijie became Tongpan in Maxiang, an official position in charge, of affairs around Xiamen. It marked the extension of power of commercial associations toward local political institutions and another effort of the class of merchants to show up on the political stage of modern times.This article, taking Shi Shijie as an example, analyzes the change of those squires returning from Taiwan and makes the following conclusions:Ⅰ. The gradual dismantlement of the traditional system of squires pushed up the continuous change of those squires returning from Taiwan. Meanwhile, the destruction and breakdown of the squire system in Taiwan after the Japanese occupation was also an important systematic element in the withdrawal to the mainland of the squires. Ⅱ. The change of those squires coincided with the dramatic change of modern society of China. It shows the historical progressiveness of those squires.Ⅲ. The political transition between the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early years of the Republic of China provided a wide space for the change of those squires, and facilitated them to take onto the political and economic stage of modern times, bringing about great impact to the squires within Japan-occupied Taiwan for participating in the political and economic activities.Ⅳ. The squires returning from Taiwan held fast to core national culture when making their change. Taking old literature as an carrying instrument, they made cultural exchanges with those squires within Taiwan and jointly carried on the Chinese culture within Japan-occupied Taiwan.

【关键词】 台湾内渡士绅施士洁
【Key words】 TaiwanSquires returning from TaiwanShi Shijie

