

The Birth of New Aesthetic Experiences

【作者】 陈建芳

【导师】 朱立立;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 21世纪最初十年间台湾文论界出现了一个新的批评概念“新乡土小说”,用以指称一类运用乡土题材并借鉴后现代主义技巧来创作,表现出与传统乡土小说不同面貌的创作现象。尽管这个概念的内涵和外延仍处于争论中,但它总是内含着一批由1970年代出生,并在1990年代末期和21世纪初期登上文坛的作家及作品确是共识。本论文针对这批作家及作品进行研究,在具体论述中,主要从新乡土小说所表达的历史经验、现代性体验和话语建构等三大审美经验的层面上进行阐释分析,借以观察“新乡土小说”如何在继承台湾传统乡土小说发展脉络的同时,又为台湾乡土小说发展开拓出新的路向和视景。

【Abstract】 There was a new concept of criticism:"new vernacular novel" in the Taiwan Cultural Circles during the first decade of the21st century. The concept is used to refer to a literary phenomenon which used local topics and postmodernism skills to create works and showed a different look with traditional vernacular novel. Although the connotation and extension of this concept is still being debated, there is a consensus that it always contains a group of works written by who born in the1970s, boarded the literary scene in the late1990s and early2000s. This thesis is to study the group of writers and their works. In the process of exposition, the study was interpreted from three levels:the historical experience, modernity and aesthetic experience, in order that observe how the new vernacular novels inherited the traditional vernacular fictions while pioneering the development of traditional native novels.

【关键词】 新乡土小说历史现代性话语
【Key words】 "new vernacular novel"historymodernitydiscourse

