

Before the Founding and Early Days of the Founding Research of the Huangmei Opera the Vocal Style Development

【作者】 李峰

【导师】 王耀华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 音乐学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文选取建国前和建国初期黄梅戏唱腔发展作为研究对象,源于这段时期的唱腔发展在整个黄梅戏历史进程中具有重要的转折意义。文中重点章节对黄梅戏唱腔从不定腔到定腔规式化发展中的音乐本体进行深入剖析,对黄梅戏唱腔演变背后的文化脉络进行深刻阐释,试图为今天的黄梅戏音乐创作工作提供一定的理论借鉴。第一章主要对黄梅戏历史渊源及其文化生态环境进行梳理。说明戏曲的繁荣发展与它所处的区域环境息息相关,尤其与地方方言的关系最为紧密。第二章对建国前不定腔发展的黄梅戏曲调举例阐述。从音乐唱腔的视角出发,运用中国传统音乐结构层次理论,对不同形式、不同表现内容形成的曲调进行分析和比较,另一方面对建国前黄梅戏发展中遭遇的农村和城市双重文化环境进行比较性梳理,深入阐述了黄梅戏不定腔成因更多归因于当时动荡不安的社会大环境的现象。第三章探讨了建国初期黄梅戏从不定腔到定腔的规式化发展进程,主要从三个层次进行举例说明:首先是选腔,在众多没有归类的曲调中,选择具有较大拓展空间的曲调为黄梅戏定腔做好准备;第二个层次是黄梅戏定腔规式化,从唱腔类型规式化、伴奏规式化、“腔”结构规式化等多个方面进行深入浅出地分析;最后一个层面从创新视角对规式化之后的作品创新发展进行说明,包括传统范围内的创新和专业创作手法介入后的创新两个方面。随着黄梅戏一大批经典剧目搬上银幕及其众多脍炙人口曲调的全国性传播,唱腔发展进入崭新的时代,这也标志着黄梅戏从不定腔到定腔的基本确立。第四章对建国前至建国初期二十年间,黄梅戏唱腔发展的文化脉络进行探索性分析,首先从黄梅戏唱腔发展的运营机制入手,继而探讨它的创作思维、舞台表演以及唱腔审美等多个方面的嬗变。余论部分主要描述规式化之后的唱腔对改革开放以来黄梅戏三十多年发展的影响,以及笔者对黄梅戏未来发展的一点展望。

【Abstract】 This article selects Huangmei Opera music singing from the very beginning period of the nation as the research object, because of its important role in the development of Huangmei Opera history. It analyses Huangmei Opera singing from variable cavity to cavity and tries to find its singing rheological of inheritance essence, which provides certain theoretical reference for today’s opera music creation.The first chapter is to card and analyze Huangmei Opera historical origin and cultural ecological environment. The formation and development of opera are closely related to the regional environment, especially their closest relationship with the local dialect.The second chapter aims at Hangmei Opera music singing from the very beginning period of the nation, from the angle of the play music singing, using traditional Chinese music structural hierarchy theory to analyze and compare different music singing by different contents. To carding the support and sustain of this culture context from double cultural perspectives.The third chapter bases mainly on the perspective of accompaniment and Huangmei Opera singing and discusses the development from variable cavity to cavity,from the countrysides into the cities, centering on the drums accompaniment to string accompaniment, from the traditional range to professional technique involved in the cavity and cavity, Huangmei Opera’s take-off becomes historically inevitable. As a large number of Huangmei Opera classic screen, along with the numerous vocal music singing national, Huangmei Opera music singing began to enter the gauge type development era, it also marks the HuangmeiOpera from variable cavity to cavity development of basic establishment.The fourth chapter is to analyse Huangmei Opera running mechanism, and then explore creative thinking, stage performance and aesthetic. Drama origin may contain more interest, and opera development may be more economic operation mechanism, which is at work, its change will bring other drama related content changesOn the part of the main description of the the Huangmei aria given chamber rules on the Huangmei nearly50years of its future development outlook.

【关键词】 黄梅戏唱腔定腔不定腔规式化
【Key words】 Huangmei OperaSingingSet the cavityVariable cavityRegulation

