

Study on Intellectuals’ Creation under Amitabha’s Buddhaksetra Belief in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 马小方

【导师】 李小荣;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在唐代,西方净土信仰作为终极信仰的优越性被义学大师反复阐释并强化,被僧俗两界普遍认同,被庶民阶层热诚崇奉,并得到了绝大多数唐代统治者的扶持。西方净土信仰在这一时期也更普遍、深入地影响到文人的思想和生活。唐代文人研习佛教理论成为风习,通过与各宗大师的广泛交流,佛学的精深义理已逐渐被他们接受并掌握,并植入到他们的世界观、人生观、审美观之中。这种影响在文学创作的内容和形式上都得到充分、鲜明的体现,佛教遂成为推动文学发展的重要力量之一。唐代文人崇佛的心态比较复杂,其接受西方净土信仰的因缘和途径不同,表现互异。总体来讲,唐代文人的净土信仰思想杂糅不一,复杂多变,与真正的佛教徒有很大的区别。尽管每个人的信仰程度无法用统一的标准去衡量,西方净土信仰已经成为他们日常生活体验的重要组成要素,并逐渐成为其思想的一部分。一旦日常生活中的宗教体验反映到文学创作中,便极易使之带有明显的西方净土烙痕。表现在诗歌中的一个方面就是出现了大量西方净土意象,这使得唐诗显示出比较独特的净土审美特色,提升了唐诗的境界,也强化了唐诗的艺术感染力。很多诗歌都表达出一种净土禅观之后所达到的空灵的觉悟,以及空旷、虚寂的意境,特别类似于净土经典中佛国净土的描绘,及由此带给人的审美感受。有关西方净土的赞文及其它佛教宣唱文学,数量可观,应用极广,对唐代文坛有一定的影响。唐代文人关心佛教者大抵都有写作佛偈、佛赞,归心净土者则创作了大量的西方变画赞、绣像、造像赞。西方净土信仰同样也反映在唐代文人的碑塔铭文创作中,他们常借用净土经典中的语汇和表现手法来描绘寺院的环境,并在创作中表达着自己对净土大德的崇敬及其净土宗教观。西方净土信仰的盛行,不仅影响了唐人诗文创作,也推动了佛教小说的发展。盛行并普及的念佛法门在唐代小说中有突出的表现,西方净土信仰自身的发展进程和变化也被反映在小说创作中,如佛号的称呼从“无量寿”到“阿弥陀”变化。受西方净土信仰影响,唐代小说形成了鲜明的净土理想国的文体模式,小说中对自然环境、社会环境及作品人物的刻画与描写,与净土经典的内容及描述方式有高度的相似之处。唐代小说的这种写作模式也从一个侧面反映了唐人期望超离生死之苦、往生彼岸世界的净土理想。

【Abstract】 In the Tang Dynasty, as a kind of ultimate belief, the superiority of Amitabha’s Western Buddhaksetra was repeatedly explained and reinforced by Masters, generally agreed by monks and laymen, especially sincerely worshiped by plebeian class. Western Buddhaksetra belief also got the support of the majority of the rulers of the Tang Dynasty. In this period, the belief affected more commonly and profoundly on intellectuals’ thought and life. In the Tang Dynasty, intellectuals studied Buddhist theory very popularly. Through extensive exchanges with masters of Buddhist sects, they had gradually accepted and mastered deep moral principles of Buddhism and implanted it into their outlook of the world, life and aesthetics. The influence was fully manifested both in the content and form of literary creation. Buddhism became an important force to promote the development of literature. However, intellectuals hold complex mind to the Buddhism and accepted the Western Buddhaksetra belief in different ways for varies cause, also showing different performance. Overall, their Western Buddhaksetra belief thought was mixed, complex and volatile, different from that of true Buddhists. Despite of no uniform standard to measure their belief, Western Buddhaksetra belief had been a part of their thinking and daily life experience. This religious experience was reflected in the literary creation and had obvious influence in it. Therefore, there is lots of Western Buddhaksetra imagery in poetry, showing the unique aesthetic of the pure land features and enhancing the artistic influence of the poems. Many poems express an ethereal consciousness, which only can be get in meditation, as well as the artistic experience of open space and virtual silence similar to that from the depict of pure land in Buddhist scripturesl. The significant number of geya and gatha about Western Buddhaksetra were put into wide application and had also a great influence on literary in the Tang Dynasty. Many literati created verse poems like geya and gatha. Some who hold Western Buddhaksetra belief wrote a large number of eulogied for kinds of Paintings, embroidery images and statues about Western Buddhaksetra. Western Buddhaksetra belief was also reflected in the inscriptions creation in monument towers. The intellectual often used vocabulary and means of expression in Buddhism classical to describe the environment of the monastery, expressing their respect to eminent monk and views to Buddhaksetra belif. The flourish of Western Buddhaksetra belief not only affected the creation of poetry and Prose writing, but also promoted the development of Buddhist fiction in Tang Dynasty. The prevalence and popularity of the dharma of saying the name of Amitabha is embodied notably in novels. At the same time, the process of development and change of the Western Buddhaksetra belief is also reflected in the novel creation

  • 【分类号】I206.2;B948
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】580
  • 攻读期成果

