

Historical Exploration of Modern Chinese Romantic Literature

【作者】 王孟图

【导师】 郑家建;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国现代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 “中国现代浪漫主义文学的历史探源”这一课题,并非是要着眼于“浪漫主义”文学在现代中国四十年间发展的研究,而是从一个发生学的角度,在历史源头上关注“中国现代浪漫主义文学”的萌生问题。事实上,“中国现代浪漫主义文学”是在汲取多方位、多层面的文明资源的基础上生成的,并且是一个相当漫长、复杂和渐进的历史过程。在文化基因的根源上,“中国现代浪漫主义文学”与中国本土的文化哲学、抒情传统、思想价值观念体系等等因素,早已有着某种千丝万缕的联系,并最终在伏脉千里的中国古典文学长河中,实现了它“从古典到现代”的超越,而在“晚明至清初”、“晚清至民初”这两个特定的中国近代史阶段,“浪漫主义”更是历经了从开启、兴盛,到衰弱、中断,然后又再度开启等等的诸多波折,这一段“中国近代文学史”与“中国现代浪漫主义文学”的关系特别值得探究,它们的那种新与旧、破与立、危与机、守成与蜕变、死亡与重生一并共存的特殊风貌,与“中国现代浪漫主义文学”的生长大环境非常的相似,即都决不是一张舒适的温床,而是相反的,时时处在喧嚣、焦灼与动荡的时空之中。最后,迟至19世纪末20世纪初,在一种强大的民族危机和文化危机的催促下,中国的浪漫主义文学又增添了“西学”背景的一番深刻浸润,从而最终呈现出一个完整和明晰的面貌,并迅速以一种激进的方式强劲地发展起来。当然,“中国现代浪漫主义文学”本身并非是本文研究的重心,但却是支撑着整个研究的一个杆杠支点,本文试图以“中国现代浪漫主义文学”本身作为一个研究的“起点”,将其置身于一个多元喧哗的历史纵深大语境之中,而每一番历史的回望和探源,都将立足于“中国现代浪漫主义文学”这一“起点”之上,同时,它又身兼着一种“终点”的意味,因为每一个历史的细微点滴,都将最终融化在中国浪漫主义文学的现代容貌之中。

【Abstract】 The subject, Historical Exploration of Modern Chinese Romantic Literature, is not to focus on the development of "romantic" literature for forty years in modern China, but pay exclusive attention to emergence of Chinese modern romantic literature from a genetic point of view and from the historical source. In fact, China’s modern romantic literature was formed by absorbing multifaceted civilization resources in a long, complicated historical process. The cultural gene of the modern Chinese romantic literature can be traced back to and heavily involved in Chinese native cultural philosophy, lyric tradition, thought value system and so on,and finally realized the transformation from classic to modern after the long history of the classical Chinese literature. In the late Ming dynasty to Qing dynasty and late Qing dynasty to the early Republic of China, the two specific phases of Chinese contemporary history,"romanticism" experienced a variety of fluctuations from commencement, prosperity, decline to interruption and rebirth. Special importance should be attached to the relationship between modern Chinese literary history and modern Chinese romantic literature because its coexistence of conservation and transformation, death and rebirth, the action of destroying and establishing, the new and old, and dangers and opportunities bears much resemblance to the grand living environment for modern Chinese romantic literature. This environment is definitely not a suitable seabed, but full of aconstant uproar, anxiety and instability.Until the turn of the20th-century, in a strong national crisis and cultural crisis, the western background was imposed on the romantic literature with a deep infiltration which finally presented a complete and clear appearance, and developed radically. Of course," Modern Chinese Romantic Literature " itself is not the center of study in this paper, but it is the rod for the whole research.This article attempts to use "modern Chinese literature of romantic" itself as a starting point,and place it in a multiple noisy historical context. Each historical retropect and exploration will have a foothold on the Chinese modern romantic literature as the starting point and at the same time with the implication of ending, because each small historical spot will eventually melt into modern appearance of the Chinese romantic literature.


