

A Car Styling-based Study: the Design Methodology Based on Brand DNA

【作者】 张文泉

【导师】 赵江洪;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 汽车造型作为技术进步和时代风格的产物已有百年历史。汽车造型设计不仅仅是体现技术的物理存在,更应该是品牌价值和人文价值的表达。同样,品牌是汽车造型的存在方式,赋予了汽车造型“正确”的美。在这个意义上来说,所有的汽车造型设计和设计研究都应该不仅属于“科学”,而且也应该属于“文化”。本论文研究的题目是《辨物居方,明分使群——汽车造型品牌基因表征、遗传和变异》。首先,设计研究是一个自然科学和人文科学交叉的独特研究领域,需要运用科学的态度和文化的思想研究汽车造型设计。“辨物居方,明分使群”源于中国传统的思想哲理,是本文研究的核心指导思想;“汽车造型”是汽车设计的专门领域,既是一门学科也是一门技术,“汽车造型”定义了本文的研究领域属性,即主要的研究概念、术语和理论都是属于汽车设计领域的。其次,“品牌基因”是本文的主要研究对象,是通过“品牌基因”的研究来实现品牌的形象认知和概念认知;“表征、遗传和变异”是品牌基因研究的关键“科学”问题,是“品牌基因”的认识基础,也是品牌进化设计的方法论基础。本研究是以“案例分析”与“文献研究”为基本研究方法的设计研究,以实地调研文献(包括照片、历史图片)和论文论著作为理论基础,获得领域相关理论的结构性支撑,运用特征线提取、形式化表达和特征关联关系比较研究等具体方法,形成案例分析的“可视化”图表。最后,本研究是从“自然机制”的角度,通过汽车品牌来研究汽车造型设计。从研究本质上来说,属于设计的认识以及设计方法论的研究,强调案例事实观察的可靠性和案例分析方法的可重复性。本文的案例对象有两类:经典品牌案例和自主品牌设计案例。研究首先以德国宝马博物馆和奥迪博物馆实地调研(包括照片、历史图片)的经典品牌案例和文献为基础,提出汽车品牌是具有独立存在意义的“生命体”,有着自己独特的发展痕迹和存在方式,可以成为设计研究的“实在”对象。通过品牌内涵、外延和概念范畴以及“品牌故事”的讨论,提出了采用“造型代码”和“语义代码”进行汽车品牌基因表征的概念。造型代码是品牌基因特征属性的几何描述;语义代码是品牌基因特征属性的语义描述。在此基础上提出了汽车品牌基因定义:在汽车品牌历史中具有“生存”和“进化”能力的品牌特征,由造型代码和语义代码两部分组成,具有造型代码链和语义代码链的表征形式。然后,研究构建了汽车品牌基因代码映射关系框架,并认为汽车品牌就是品牌基因的造型代码和语义代码的不断循环,形成“上下文”关系的品牌造型代码链和语义代码链的过程。造型代码是一种由特征线表征的“视觉模式”;语义代码是一种由词语表征的“造型概念”,即品牌的形象认知和概念认知,两者实现了品牌认知的“视觉相似性”和“辅助定位信息”。在品牌基因表征研究的基础上,本文采用宝马品牌遗传案例和奥迪品牌变异案例的分析方法,结合中国重汽轻卡研发项目和中气自主研发项目的设计案例类比分析,探讨了品牌基因的遗传和变异现象,提出了品牌基因的遗传是品牌形成家族性和延续性的理论观点。遗传具有两种进化模式,同平台车型的“直系亲属”遗传进化模式;跨平台车型的“近亲”遗传进化模式。同时,提出了汽车品牌基因的变异是品牌的跨越性和品牌生命活力的表现。研究表明,通过语义概念和语义概念联想实现造型设计的创意和跨越是汽车造型设计的重要途径,造型特征与语义特征的映射是特征生成和变异的重要方法。研究提出技术进步与艺术思潮是驱动品牌基因变异的直接原因,品牌基因的跨越性变异是推动品牌不断向前演化的根本原因,其中基因变异的表现是动态性,变异的动因是适应性。品牌基因的动态性反映了人对品牌的认知不是一个在某时间内对品牌符号表征的计算,而更多的是一个动态的认知系统。品牌基因的适应性反映了语义代码和造型代码会对“艺术生态”和“技术生态”变化的刺激产生设计的反馈,具有刺激捕捉和自主反映两个特点。品牌基因变异形成了品牌车型平台深度的差异和广度的多样,是品牌的进化发展的源动力。在汽车品牌基因表征、遗传和变异研究的基础上,本文提出品牌历史是品牌基因呈螺旋式循环进化,逐渐由低级到高级的发展过程。构建了品牌螺旋式进化过程模型,并在汽车品牌螺旋式进化过程模型基础上定义和描述了品牌的回归设计和品牌的跨越设计两种进化设计现象。研究认为:设计与品牌对话是汽车造型设计的方法论,继承遗传和隔代遗传的回归设计是汽车造型设计的创新设计方法;设计与时代的对话同样是汽车造型设计的方法论,变异和突变的跨越设计也是汽车造型设计的创新设计方法。在汽车品牌进化过程模型的基础上,结合设计案例的研究,本文归纳总结了四种主要的品牌延续性设计策略:队列型进化设计策略、堆栈型进化设计策略、语义线索设计策略和特征聚合设计策略。探讨了四种品牌跨越性设计策略:动态性设计策略、适应性设计策略、设计进化的发散策略和设计进化的收敛策略。在此基础上,本研究最后提出了汽车品牌进化策略模型,提出品牌进化方法论,即汽车造型设计的目标是“品牌”,品牌基因进化是途径。

【Abstract】 The history of the car styling is nearly a hundred years which is the developmentof the advanced technology combined with up-to-date style. Today, car is more thanjust physical technology artifact. It should be the presentation of value and the historyof the car brand and in turn the brand makes the car styling design meaningful. Basedon this point of view, all car styling design activities should be the scientificconstrained creation works full of culture heritages.The title of this Ph.D thesis is a car styling-based study: the design methodologybased on brand DNA. Firstly, this research belongs to the design research which is aunique interdisciplinary study between the branch of nature science and humanities.So the core research though on this thesis is not only from a theoretical interpretationbut also from the Chinese traditional thinking on the distinction and categories of theartifacts.Secondly, the core research questions are what brand DNA is, how to representand how to build a car brand using it. So we turn to the history of the car brand anddecomposed these questions into several small research parts such as in which waythe brand DNA turns into the brand image and develops a brand concept, etc.Thirdly, the basic research methods in this thesis are case study and literaturereview. We use surveys, feature lines comparisons, features’ relationship, andformalized presentation which are shown in the visualization figures. All the dataused in this thesis is from field study including photos, books and correspondingpapers.At last, this thesis is an attempt that talking about the ways of car styling designfrom brand at the point of the natural mechanism which is the evolutional thoughtsmade up by brand DNA’s hereditary and mutation.As this thesis is about the designerly ways of knowing, we cares more about thecase’s reliability and reusability. There are two kinds of cases in this thesis that isclassic foreign brand cases and domestic brand cases. The former ar e the brandhistory cases and the later are the brand design cases.The classic foreign brand cases are the surveys of BMW museum in Munich andAudi museum in Ingolstadt where the precious history photos and documents got from.They show that the procedure how a car brand build have its owned unique life circle and brings the idea that the brand is a growing life creature which has brand DNA topresent its characters. So we proposed two operators, the “feature code” and“semantic code”, which are the characters could self-produce and the brand wouldevolve from, for the sub-structure of brand DNA. The feature code stands for thegeometry attribute of the brand DNA by the feature lines indicating the brand patterncognition while the semantic code for the semantic concept attribute by the adjectivesindicating the brand value cognition. Besides we assume that the codes are in the formof string as the brand history is a lasting development. Based on this hypothesis, thebranding process is the feature code and the semantic code move in endless cycles tobuild the brand context called “the brand story” and the brand cognition is more like astorytelling process.The domestic brand cases are the surveys about the design process of Zhongqi CarDesign Program and Zhongqi Commercial Vehicle Design Program. In these twoprograms, we studied how the brand DNA affect the design proposal where we foundthat the product family and the brand stability could be explained trough the heredityof brand DNA while the brand’s innovation and the brand vitality could be the resultof the mutation of brand DNA. Analogy with the BMW brand case, we find there aretwo ways to build the product family which are the same platform features’ inheritingcalled “the immediate family” and the cross platform features’ inheriting called“closely related”. Meanwhile, analogy with the Audi brand case, we conclude thereasons for the brand’s innovation are the technology creations and art improvements.Then we find that the connection founding between the semantic codes wouldstimulate the creative design and the mapping between the semantic codes and featurecodes would make the design more meaningful and more acceptable. The researchresult shows that the expression of the brand DNA mutation is a dynamic state whichmeans the brand cognition is a dynamic recognition system instead of a sum of thesymbol during a time period and the consequence of brand DNA mutation is theadaptive state which implies that the brand feature code and semantic code w ouldsense the change of the technology and art environment and adapt it. Thanks to themutation, the brand platform is more advanced and more diversify.Based on the research on the car brand DNA’s presentation,heredity and mutation,we propose a spiral brand development model due to the brand DNA’s reinforcementfrom the lower state to the higher state which is like a spiral evolution process. Fromthe model, we define two kinds of brand design phenomenon which are described asthe creative flyback design phenomenon and the creative leap design phenomenon. The first one is like a direct or an inter-generation conversation between the designand the brand history which we called it the inheriting design strategy. The latter oneis like design talking with the current time called as the leap design strategy.Furthermore, this thesis summarizes four types of methods in the inheriting designstrategy which are the in-line type inheriting method, the stack type inheriting method,the semantic clue building method, the feature aggregation method and four types ofmethods in the leap design strategy which are the dynamic design method, theadaptive design method, the divergence design method, the convergence designmethod. In the end, this thesis proposed a car brand evolutional strategy structure andcorresponding methodology that the right or the purpose of car styling design is thebranding and the way to achieve it is the brand DNA evolution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期

