

The Research on the Prospecting Right from the Dynamic Perspective

【作者】 王泽功

【导师】 屈茂辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 民商法, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 探矿权是一种动态财产权。与静态权利具有差异的是,该种权利随着探矿权人对探矿权的投入将不断增值。因此,无论是理论的探讨还是相关制度的设置都需要结合该种权利的动态性。理论上对于探矿权的性质存在各种争鸣,但都缺少深入而令人信服的理论体系,实践中对探矿权规定不明。由于对探矿权的性质认识不清,导致我国相关制度设计存在问题,很多制度不完善甚至配置错误。《物权法》将探矿权作为一种用益物权进行规定,这是我国采用所有权概念而不是财产权概念的逻辑结果。将探矿权归类为一种用益物权进行保护具有一定好处,但忽视了探矿权所具有的动态财产权属性。物权法将建立在矿产资源基础上的探矿权规定为用益物权的一种类型,但探矿权的客体显然并不是物。将探矿权物权化可以根据物权的保护规则对探矿权人的权利进行有效的保护,但制度的构建中必须要注意到探矿权的特殊性,尽量克服其所导致的不足之处。探矿权作为一种动态财产权利,应当在动态视角下加强对此种权利的保护。首先,立法应该体现探矿权的独立性。尽管我国的立法中对探矿权与采矿权作出分别规定,但实际中实行的是探矿权与采矿权合而为一的矿业权制度,理论上无法体现探矿权的独立性,实践中不利于探矿权的流转,具有严重的弊端。实行探采分离应当是我国矿业制度的必然选择。其次,要保证探矿权人优先权。设置探矿权的优先权,将极大的激励了探矿权人从事探矿的积极性,也在一定程度上抑制了探矿权人边探边采、掠夺性探采。探矿权人可以优先取得采矿权,是探矿权人之所以愿意承担高风险的原因。探矿权人优先权除了优先采矿权外,还应当包括优先取得勘查作业区内新发现矿种的探矿权,优先取得矿业用地的使用权等。再者,要保护探矿权人的收益权。现有制度下,探矿权人的收益权主要是通过转让探矿成果而获得收益,但是这种收益是一次性的,探矿权人为了获得更高的探矿成果转让收益,往往可能人为地夸大矿藏规模和矿品含量,或者故意隐瞒开采难度,使采矿权人的采矿风险增加。因此,要改变探矿权人收益途径单一的现状,例如设立探矿权人将探矿成果作为出资,通过分享采矿收益而实现探矿权权益。最后,要实现探矿权有序和公平流转。探矿权的出让不宜采用“招拍挂”。“招拍挂”从表面上看可以实现信息的公开和交易的公平,但最终造成探矿过程中的投入不合理,将矿藏勘探转化为一种投机行为。由于立法上过分强调探矿权的财产权属性,忽视了探矿权人的动态增值的特点,加上地方政府的趋利性,探矿权人为了降低风险,会降低探矿权的投入,进行边采边探。探矿权的出让采取“招拍挂”,往往忽视竞价人的技术能力和勘探水平,造成探矿权的恶意炒作,价格虚高。导致探矿权人在实际探矿中不能实现多矿种联合勘探,不注重环境保护,最后政府不得不为资源浪费和环境破坏买单。探矿权流转制度的完善是探矿权实现市场化的保证。探矿权二级市场的流转的有序首先要明晰探矿权的产权归属,完善探矿权流转登记制度,做到流转信息公开,流转程序合法和可控。基于矿产资源的公共属性与探矿权本身的动态财产权属性,探矿权人将不断增加对探矿权的投入,法律应当明确探矿的市场准入,政府依法授予探矿的行政许可,对探矿权的行使、转让、撤回等进行监督。在探矿权的管理中,需要处理好:第一,保证和促进探矿权市场公平竞争;第二,保障探矿权所需要的社会公共产品的供给与探矿权的发展;第三,实现既定的社会经济活动目标与探矿权利益相关者之间的利益平衡。要按照社会主义市场经济体制的要求和发展规律,遵守矿产资源勘探开发的市场机制,进一步完善矿产资源勘探开发的法律法规,完善相关制度和政策,改善投资环境,提高融资能力,为矿产资源勘探主体创造公平、健康和合理竞争的市场环境。

【Abstract】 The prospecting rights is a dynamic property rights. Differences with static rights,the right will continue to add value as prospecting and exploration right inputs.Therefore, both theoretical set of related systems requires a combination of the rightdynamic. Theoretically there are a variety of contending for the nature of theprospecting rights, but the lack of depth and convincing theoretical system, unknownpractice prospecting rights provisions. A clear understanding of the nature of theprospecting rights, leading to the problems of our system design, the system isimperfect, and even configuration errors. Property Law exploration right as ausufructuary regulations, this is the logical result of our concept of ownership ratherthan the property rights concept. Real right to adjust the object into a thing, theusufructuary a type which will be established on the basis of mineral resourcesprospecting and regulations, but the object of prospecting rights Obviously not matter.Prospecting rights rem exploration licensees, the right to the protection of propertyrights rules effective protection of building the system must be noted the specialnature of the exploration right, try to overcome the inadequacies of their cause.Exploration rights as a dynamic property rights, should strengthen the protectionof such rights. First, the legislation should be reflected in the independence of theprospecting rights. Prospecting rights and mining rights in China’s legislativeprovisions, respectively, but the actual practice is the mining rights of prospecting andmining rights into one system, in theory, can not reflect the independence ofprospecting rights, the practice is not conducive to exploration The transfer of theright to have serious drawbacks. Implementation of exploration, extraction separationshould be the inevitable choice of China’s mining system. Second, to ensure that theperson with mineral exploration priority. Set the priority of the prospecting rights willgreatly inspire prospecting and the enthusiasm of the people to engage in prospectinginhibit the prospecting rights edge exploration while mining predatory exploration,extraction, but also to some extent. The exploration can to obtain mining rights,prospecting rights was willing to bear high risk. In addition to the priority miningrights, exploration licensees, priority should also include priority in obtaining the theexploration areas newly discovered minerals exploration rights priority in obtainingmining land use rights. Furthermore, to protect the the exploration right person usufruct. Under the existing system, prospecting and usufruct by the transfer ofprospecting results obtained income, but this income is disposable, the explorationright people in order to get the prospector higher achievements transfer income, mayoften artificially inflated mineral scale and The content of mineral products, orintentionally concealing the difficulty of exploitation, mining mining rights increasedrisk. Therefore, in order to change the status of a single exploration right person gainsways, such as the establishment of prospecting and prospecting achievements as theinvestor, prospecting and equity share of mining revenue. Finally, to achieve theprospecting and orderly and fair circulation. The transfer of the prospecting rightsshould not be used to "trick shot","trick shot" from the surface can be open and fairtrading, but the final result in the course of prospecting inputs unreasonable, mineralexploration into a speculative behavior. Prospecting and dynamic value-added featuresof the legislation is too much emphasis on prospecting and property rights propertyneglect, plus local government benefits or reduce, the exploration right people in orderto reduce risk, will reduce investment in mineral exploration rights, while miningexploration. The transfer of exploration rights to take the bidding, auction, and tend toignore the technical capacity of the bidder and the level of exploration, resulting inprospecting and malicious speculation, artificially high prices. Can not be achievedmulti-mineral exploration licensees, the actual prospecting joint exploration, do notpay attention to environmental protection, the last government had to pay for thewaste of resources and environmental damage. Perfection of the Circulation ofprospecting and exploration rights to market guarantee. The the the prospecting andsecondary market turnover orderly first to clear prospecting rights property rights,improve the registration system for prospecting and circulation, to do circulation ofpublic information, the transfer process is legitimate and controllable.Based on the public property of the mineral resources, combined with the theexploration right people will continue to increase investment in mineral explorationrights, the law should explicitly prospecting market access, the government’s legaladministrative license granted prospecting exercise of prospecting rights, transfer,withdrawal supervision. Need to handle the prospecting rights management: first, toensure fair competition and promote the exploration rights market; Second, the supplyof public goods to safeguard the prospecting and need social and prospecting anddevelopment; Third, in order to achieve the stated achieve a balance between the goalof socio-economic activities and exploration rights stakeholders. To comply with theexploration and development of mineral resources in accordance with the requirements of the socialist market economic system and the development of the law,the market mechanism, to further improve the laws and regulations of the explorationand development of mineral resources, improve the relevant systems and policies toimprove the investment environment, improve the financing capacity for explorationof mineral resources body to create a fair, healthy and reasonably competitive marketenvironment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期
  • 【分类号】D922.62;D923.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】337
  • 攻读期成果

