

The Research on the Theory of God’s Will and Ghosts of Taoist of Pre-Qin

【作者】 张海英

【导师】 张松辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 中国哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 不少研究者认为,我国在春秋战国时期已经出现了无神论思想和无神论思想家,子产、晏子、老子、庄子等都被认为具有无神论思想。论文对这些思想家进行了具体的考察,认为他们都并非真正的无神论者。事实上,春秋时期,天命鬼神的影响还是相当大,比起殷周时期来,只是在程度上稍微有变化,而绝无任何本质的不同,虽然也有极少数的所谓“进步的思想家”,在某些具体场合会怀疑天的权威和鬼神的力量,但总体上却自始至终没有一个人能否认天命鬼神的存在,也不存在真正意义上的无神论思想家。道家相信上帝,也相信天命,道家所言天、命依然具有神性义。老子所言之天在不少章节中仍然因袭了传统的天或天道的神性义而并非全指自然之天,文子所说的天有时同样是指具有人格意义的主宰之天。庄子说天和命,在很多情况下确实消退了不少宗教色彩,但也有不少的地方,庄子说到的天仍是宗教之天,所言的命也是传统意义上的天命。道家的天命观念具有以下特点:第一,天命具有强大的权威。第二,天命是必然性和偶然性的统一。第三,道家之命具有不可知性,命是神秘的,不可预知也无法言说。第四,道家的命与时有密切关系。道家的命论和“时”结合在一起的时候就具有了一种消极悲观的意味,给人生带来一种深沉的绝望感,也就必然导致出道家的安命思想。道家并没有否认鬼神。老子从来就没有否认鬼神的存在和鬼神超越人的功能。列子不但明确区分了鬼神,在他的思想中还有一个比较严格的鬼神系统。庄子和列子相似,对于鬼和神,庄子基本不怀疑他们的存在,并且多次明言鬼神的存在。道家大多有些神仙信仰,庄子在其书中又塑造了一系列的神人、至人、真人形象,庄子应该是相信这些神人的存在的。道家也有灵魂不死的观念。老子对祭祀和丧葬之礼很重视,从这种重视我们可以反推出老子有灵魂不死的观念。庄子也相信灵魂不死,关于人死后灵魂如何变化的问题,庄子认为一个人的生前状况直接影响到他死后的灵魂状况。道家虽然没有否认上帝鬼神的存在和灵魂不死,但道家鬼神观念的进步之处,就在于对鬼神的权威表现出一种超越思想。道家把道置于上帝之上,否定了上帝的绝对权威,突出了人的主体性地位,能够用相对理性的态度对待一些所谓的神鬼现象。道家对当时社会上流行的一些与天命鬼神有关的迷信行为也表达了自己的看法,进行了批评和揭露。首先,道家批判和揭露了梦迷信。列子否定了梦同神灵鬼魂的意志的关系,对梦的成因作出了较前人科学的解释。庄子对梦的看法在继承列子思想的基础上,又有了进一步的发展:第一,入梦的主体发生了巨大的变化,在此基础上,庄子认识到了梦的虚幻性,否定了梦预兆吉凶的功能;第二,庄子揭露了统治者对梦的利用;第三,庄子在继承列子梦思想的基础上,提出了人生如梦的思想。其次,针对当时神学化的天人感应思想,道家提出了气感应的自然感应观点。老子的天人感应思想虽然不乏神秘性,但到了文子的天人感应思想,虽然受时代的影响还有一些神秘的成分,不过主要的还是自然化的。庄子继承了“同声相应,同气相求”思想,明确把同类事物之间可以相互感应的思想上升到“天理”的高度。庄子“气”感应思想虽然是幼稚的,也并不科学,但这一思想也并非全无是处,它对今天的人类活动依然具有重大的启示意义。再次,春秋至战国时期,相术非常流行,人们也相信面相能决定命运。道家对相术有理性的认识,是较早揭露相术骗局的人。另外,道家对鬼怪致病原因和驱鬼活动也作出了比较理性的解释。

【Abstract】 Many researchers think that in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periodsour country has appeared atheism thoughts and atheism thinkers, when Zi chan, YanZi,Laozi, Zhuangzi, etc are thought to have atheism thoughts. This thesis gives theseadvanced thinkers a concrete investigation, thinking they are not real atheist. In fact,during the Spring and Autumn period, the influence of the supernatural destiny is quitebig, than Shang Dynasty just in degree is a little change, and no any different nature.Though there are also a small number of the so-called "progressive thinker", in someparticular situation will doubt the authority of the God and the power of the ghosts, butin general no one can deny the existence of supernatural destiny, and there is noso-called atheism thinker.Taoists believed in the God, also believed the God’s will. What Lao tze said inmany chapters about the heavens followed the traditional means and didn’t only meanthe nature. What Zhuangzi said about heavens and fate, in many cases really resolved alot of religious color, but sometimes Zhuangzi’s heaven was still religious, and the fatewas traditional in the sense of destiny. Taoist’s destiny ideas have the followingcharacteristics: first, fate has strong authority. Second, destiny is the unity of thecontingency and necessity. Third, the fate of the Taoists is intellectual, mysterious andunpredictable. Fourth, fate has close relationship with the opportunity. The conclusionabout fate and opportunity has a negative pessimistic means, bringing about a deepsense of hopelessness.Taoists did not deny ghost, Laozi’s "tao" itself with ghosts had close relationship.Liezi not only distincted clearly out the ghosts, but also he thought where existed astrict ghosts system. Zhuangzi and Liezi was similar, for ghost and god, Zhuangzi hadnever doubted that they were there. Taoists mostly had some immortality faith.Zhuangzi shaped a series of supernatural beings and he should believe the existence ofthe supernatural beings.Taoists also had a soul undead concept. Laozi to sacrifice and the funeral rite veryseriously, the attention we can from the launch Laozi has a soul undead concept.Zhuangzi also believed that the soul not die, how about people who die of soul,Zhuangzi thought a person’s lifetime situation directly affected the situation after thedeath of his soul. Although didn’t not deny the ghost and the god’s existence and the soul not die,but Taoists had supernatural concepts to the Gods and ghosts. Taoists denied the God’sabsolute authority, highlighted the subjectivity and had rational attitude to the so-calledghost phenomenon.To the superstitious behavior Taoists also expressed their views and revealed thecriticism. First of all, the Taoists revealed the dream superstition. They completelydenied the Gods and ghosts’ will with the relation of the causes of the dream to aprevious scientific explanation. Zhuangzi’s dream thought inherited view based onideas, and the further development: first, the main body of the dream has changed agreat deal, and based on this, the understanding to the illusion of Zhuangzi’s dream of,complete denial of the dream of the good or ill luck omen function; Second, Zhuangzirevealed the ruler’s using to the dream; Third, Zhuangzi put forward the thought of lifelike dream. Second, in the pre-Qin period, interaction thought between Heaven andman includes the theological interaction and the natural interaction. Taoist schoolmainly holdings the thoughts of natural interaction. Laozi and Liezi, the interactionidea includes some theological concept. Wenzi’s thought about interaction mainly isthe natural interaction and few theological elements, but his induction of the gasinclude not only the material gas, but also the non-material’s heartfelt gas.Occasionally he also say "with the help of the sky, the land, and the ghost ",whichmakes his induction has some of the mystery. Zhuangzi abandoned theologicalinteraction thoughts, completely from nature to chat interaction between Heaven andman.Again, until the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods, physiognomywas very popular, people also believed that face could decide fate. Zhuangzi onphysiognomy had a rational understanding, which is XiangShu scam revealed earlier.In addition, the Taoist of demon causes and the spirits to activities is to do the morerational explanation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期

