

Reasearch on Comfort Evaluation and Grey Theory Analysis of Indoor Environment

【作者】 朱赤晖

【导师】 李念平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “室内环境品质”主要涉及非“污染”的室内环境,应从感知、可接受的角度研究室内环境品质问题。本研究针对室内环境品质的舒适性和系统的不确性开展研究工作,进行了室内环境的舒适性评价实验,建立了与主观评价结果相统一的室内环境品质评价方法,并对系统的不确性进行了灰色系统分析研究,获得了满意的结果。研究取得的主要成果有:(1)针对室内空气污染物种类繁多,室内空气品质监测数据缺乏,不便进行统计分析的实际情况,提出了室内空气污染物的灰色聚类模型,该模型用灰色绝对关联度描述污染物在污染物源和散发特性上的相关性,因此可以根据灰色关联矩阵进行污染物的归并分组,简化室内空气品质的评价指标。并通过上海、深圳办公楼室内空气污染物灰色聚类分析实例,验证了模型的合理性。分析实例表明,对于类似办公建筑,为简化评价过程和费用,可选取CO2、RSP、HCHO为室内空气品质评价的指标性污染物,因为每一指标都代表了一类在污染物源和散发特性相关的污染物,既避免由于指标过少导致的评价结果不可靠的问题,也克服了评价指标过多而导致的费用高、过程复杂的弊端。对于其他类型的建筑也可以采用灰色聚类模型分析污染物间的关系,提出合理的评价指标。(2)在一典型办公室内,通过对室内环境参数的调控,营造了9种不同的室内环境状态,开展了室内环境的舒适性评价实验。实验首次着眼于室内人员对环境的舒适感受,问卷调查了“准现场环境”下室内人员对各工况室内热环境、空气环境、声环境、光环境的评价,以及室内人员不适症状的水平及对室内环境质量的总体评价。实验结果表明,室内环境参数的变化将明显影响室内人员的舒适感受。尤为重要的是,在国内外卫生标准推荐的室内空气污染物控制限值下,室内人员的舒适性并没有达到要求。(3)基于韦伯/费希纳定律,提出了室内环境要素评价指数的构成方法,定义了二氧化碳评价分指数PMVCO2、可吸入颗粒物评价分指数PMVRSP、甲醛评价分指数PMVHCHO、声环境评价指数PMVAC、光环境评价指数PMVE,并提出了由PMVCO2、PMVRSP、PMVHCHO合成室内空气品质评价指数PMVIAQ的方法。并利用室内环境舒适性评价实验和相关文献的成果,分析了各评价指数与人舒适感的关系,验证这些模型的合理性。研究表明,与仅采用环境参数描述环境相比,评价指数建立起了客观的环境参数与主观的舒适性评价间的联系,统一了对环境要素的评价和度量,是评价各环境要素的理想方法。如果根据建筑的环境特征,还需其他的环境参数参与评价,也可按照同样的方法,建立相应的基于舒适感的评价指数。(4)分析了基于舒适感的室内环境要素评价指数与不满意率间的关系,研究结果表明,因为热、噪声、气味、眼刺激等相似的感觉现象遵循相似的规律,在评价指数与不满意率间存在着一致的PMVIAQi-PPDIAQi变化规律。因此提出了按PMVIAQi-PPDIAQi关系,将室内环境分为优、良、一般、不良、差五个级别的方法,并确定了各舒适等级的环境参数范围。该方法基于室内环境参数对人群舒适性的影响,作为划分依据的评价指数对不同的环境参数具有相同的分度标准,能在不同的环境参数间进行比较,改变了直接以环境参数值为划分依据的常用做法。在设计或营造室内环境时,可以根据不同建筑和人群的要求,按照基于舒适感的分级标准合理选择室内环境的舒适等级,也可依此进行室内环境的评价。(5)在室内环境要素评价指数的基础上,提出了室内环境品质的综合评价指数模型PMVIEQ,并分析了其与室内人员的舒适性评价投票值的关系。研究表明,PMVIEQ可按本文提出的模型,由环境参数计算得出,属于客观指标的范畴,PMVIEQ又能与主观评价的舒适性评价投票值相吻合,建立起了室内环境品质主、客观评价的统一关系,使评价更为完善、简便、有实用性,是评价室内环境品质理想的方法。(6)运用灰色系统理论的方法,对室内环境品质系统各影响因素的重要性进行了分析,结果表明,在室内环境要素中,室内空气品质对室内人员不良症状的影响相对来说是最大的;而从环境参数来看,可吸入颗粒物、甲醛及空气温度与室内人员的不适反应联系最大。因此在室内环境品质的管理和提出改善对策时,应对这些环境要素或环境参数特别关注,才能切实提高室内人员的舒适性。

【Abstract】 Indoor environmental quality, mainly relating to non-pollution of the indoorenvironment, should be studied from perception and acceptability perspective. Thisstudy, focusing on the comfort evaluation of indoor environment and systemuncertainty, has carried out a comprehensive evaluation test of indoor environmenquality, and has established assessment method and index of IEQ in accordance withsubjective questionnaires. Moreover the grey system theory is used to study theuncertainty in indoor environment. The main results of the research are:(1) The indoor air pollutants gray clustering model is proposed to simplify theevaluation of indoor air quality. Because absolute grey incidence degree can expressthe correlation in resource and dissemination characteristics between different indoorair pollutants, so the grey incidence matrix constituted by bsolute grey incidencedegrees can be used to group pollutants. Case studies of Shanghai, Shenzhen officeverify that the model is reasonable. And case studies show, for office buildings, CO2,RSP, HCHO can be selected as indicator pollutants. Because each indicator representsa class of pollutants which are similar in source and dissemination characteristics,index set induced not only avoid unreliability due to too small indicators, but alsoovercomes excessive high cost and complex process caused by too many indicators.(2) Through regulation of indoor environmental parameters, nine differentindoor environmental statuses are created in a typical office to carry out acomprehensive evaluation experiment of indoor environment quality. The experimentfor the first time surveys the cormfort sense of occupants on indoor thermalenvironment, air environment, acoustic environment and light environment, as wellas indoor personnel symptoms and overall evaluation of indoor environment qualityin quasi-field environment. The evaluation showes that the comfort of occupants isn’tachieved under indoor contaminants thresholds recommended by the health standards.(3) Baes on the Weber/Fechner’s law, the study first puts forword thecomposition principle of indoor environmental factor evaluation index, and definescarbon dioxide indexPMVCO2, respirable suspended particulate indexPMVRSP,formaldehyde indexPMVHCHO, acoustic environmental indexPMVAC, lightenvironment index PMVE and indoor air quality index PMVIAQ On the basis of indoorenvironmental comfort evaluation experiment and literature,the reasonableness of these models is verified. Compared with the environmental parameters, the newdefined comfort evaluation index models establish the link between the objectiveenvironment parameters and subjective comfort evaluation and unify the metrics ofindoor environmental factors. If other environmental parameters are involved in theevaluation, the corresponding index can be built in the same way.(4) Because the similar phenomena, such as heat, noise, odor, eye irritation andother, follow the same laws, the results show that there are the samePMVIAQi PPDIAQirelationships between the evaluation indices and percentage ofdissatisfied. So the paper brings up the classification method which grades indoorenviornment quality into five levels, namely excellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor,according toPMVIAQi PPDIAQi. Moreover, the environmental parameters ranges ofdifferent indoor environment grades are putted forward. The evaluation indices, asgrading criterion, have the same indexing standards and can be compared between thedifferent environmental parameters. The classification method is benefit forreasonably chooseing confort grade of indoor environment in designing stage.(5) On the basis of the sub-indices of indoor environment, a comprehensiveevaluation index modelPMVIEQof indoor environmental quality is putted fordword.Study has shown that the indoor environment index matches well with voting valuesof subjective indoor environment comfort survey, reaching consistency betweensubjective and objective evaluation.(6) Furthermore, gray system analysis of uncertainty in indoor environment istaken to show which factors are more important in the indoor environment qualitysystem. The results show that the respirable suspended particulate, formaldehyde andtemperature are critical relatively, so indoor environment quality management andimprovement countermeasures should pay special attention to these environmentalparameters.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期

