

Study of the Prehistoric Art of East Tianshan Region

【作者】 罗佳

【导师】 李青;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文以东天山地区史前时期的艺术遗存为研究对象,通过对考古学材料、文献资料、图像资料的分析、梳理和田野考察活动,运用考古学、文献学、人类学、图像学等多学科的综合性研究方法展开研究。文中首次对东天山地区史前艺术遗存的图文资料做了全面、系统的整理与归纳;以艺术门类为研究框架,对该地区史前时期的石器、陶器、铜器、金银器、木器、服饰及岩画艺术的发展状况、形态特征、文化源流作了初步考释;并尝试对史前艺术所体现的民族关系、原始宗教、工艺技术、生态环境等问题进行了分析与探讨。笔者认为,该地区的石器艺术始于工具制造,是造物技艺、审美心理及文化关系的最早显现;陶器艺术受到以甘青地区为主的周邻文化影响,形成了自身特色,并在新疆史前陶器艺术的发展过程中发挥了重要作用;金属艺术,尤其是铜器艺术,在西方冶铜、制铜技术的影响下形成了强烈的地域性特征,进而对我国中原及北方地区铜器艺术的发展产生影响;木器及骨(角)器艺术以本土实用器物为主体,同时也折射出对西来文化因素的积极内化和创新;服饰艺术彰显了生活化的审美情趣,以及制革、染织、刺绣工艺的发展水平;岩画艺术以直观的视觉形象为载体,表现了史前先民的现实生活与精神信仰。东天山地区史前艺术是先民现实生存需要、原始宗教信仰与审美意识的综合体现;特定的自然环境、技术水平、经济形态构成了史前艺术形成的地域和时代背景,同时也深度影响了艺术品格的形成。作为异质文化因素的承载者,东西方古老族群共同参与了当地史前艺术的创造过程,使其艺术呈现出极强的包容性和丰富性,艺术面貌甚为独特。总而言之,东天山地区史前艺术的主体形成于内陆欧亚早期文化交流的历史背景中。作为具有多元文化特质和强烈本土风格的早期地域性艺术,它不仅彰显了我国古代艺术宏厚与多元的本质,同时也在欧亚内陆早期艺术的传播、交流和发展中具有不可替代的地位。

【Abstract】 The research topic of the paper focuses on the prehistoric cultural relics of the EastTianShan Region, archaeological materials, references, video materials related to the topicwere collected and analyzed, corresponding fieldwork were performed, archaeology,philology, anthropology, iconography and multidisciplinary research methods were applied inthe research. For the first time a comprehensive and systematic classification research wascarried out, which based on the art categories of the prehistoric artistic relics of the EastTianShan Region. The artistic relics such as Stoneware, Pottery, Bronze, Gold and SilverWare, Woodenware, Apparel and Petroglyph were investigated to study the evolution, patternfeatures and cultural origin of regional prehistoric arts. According to the achieved information,analyses and discussion were performed to understand the ethnic relations, primitive religion,technology and ecological environment exhibited by the prehistoric arts.It can be concluded that the stoneware art of the east TianShan region originates fromthe tools manufacture, which reflects the earliest manufacture techniques, aestheticpsychology and cultural relationship. The pottery art has its own characteristic and theformation process is influenced mainly by the culture came from the neighbor Gansu andQinghai provinces, simultaneously, it plays an important role on the development process ofthe prehistoric Xinjiang pottery art. The metal art, especial bronze art, affected by the smeltand manufacture techniques of bronze from the western world, a strong local feature has beenformed, and it further influences on the development of bronze art in central and north China.The woodenware and bone articles come from the regional practical utensil, and indicates theinnovation and integration based on the exterior western cultural factors. The apparel artexpresses the aesthetic taste of daily life as well as the technical level of the tanning, dyeingand embroidery. Based on the visible object, the petroglyph presents the daily life andspiritual beliefs of prehistoric local people. The necessary for survival, primitive religiousbeliefs and aesthetic awareness, these factors compose of the prehistoric art of east TianShan region. Apparently, the special natural environments, technical level and economical form,these factors worked as an era and region background, contribute to the formation of its ownartistic characteristic. As a carrying exhibited exotic cultural factor, ethnic groups both fromancient western and eastern world have been participated the creation of the local prehistoricart, as a result, the east TianShan region art has an unique artistic characteristic whichcontains inclusive and abundant features.The main part of the East TianShan Region prehistoric arts had formed during thecultural exchange of Eurasia at prehistoric period. Definitely, the formation of its artistic styleis not only attributed to the cultural exchange and merge between Europe and Asia, but alsoresulted from the excellent creation of local people, which is influenced by the regionalnatural and humanistic environments. As a prehistoric art, the East TianShan Regionprehistoric art exhibits the character of the early stage regional arts with strong cultural andlocal features, it reveals the characteristic of diversity and abundance of Chinese ancient arts,simultaneously, plays an unparalleled role in the dissemination, communication and evolutionof Eurasian prehistoric arts.

  • 【分类号】K879;K871
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2469
  • 攻读期成果

