

【作者】 朱天

【导师】 刘伟冬;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 美术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文拟以《受胎告知》这一绘画主题为例,从基督教发展及传播的角度和中世纪与文艺复兴时期的社会发展对绘画的影响来对圣母的形象进行具体分析。从图像的角度,对中世纪和文艺复兴这两个时期的天使指向马利亚的手势所发生的改变,图像中双方所占据比例的变化,以及对天使加百列自身由原本单纯的男性形象逐步的向中性乃至于女性形象靠拢等一系列不同进行探讨和比较,并深入分析教会力量兴起和扩大的同时与世俗皇权之间势力相互制衡在这一母题表现中留下的影响。此外,本文还根据图像中表现出来的女性地位的提升,针对女性地位在中世纪和文艺复兴时期受到人文主义的影响从而由完全的顺从逐步开始想自我意识的萌发进行转变进行了分析和比较。同时,将《圣经》原文中相关段落的细节描写与本文主题相互印证,其实践意义在于,通过对基督教发展、两个时代绘画特征以及中世纪和文艺复兴时期女性地位的变化这三个方面进行梳理,从而在圣像这一绘画主题上找到更多的共同点和共鸣点,从一个侧面总结出宗教题材绘画的发展和变化是在社会这个大环境中收到多方面影响的结果,以及美术作品中宗教题材的呈现与表达。

【Abstract】 This essay take the painting Annunciation as an example, makes a concrete analysis of the virgin Mary’s image from the perspective of Christianity’s spread and development, and the impact that social development in Middle Ages and Renaissance have on painting. From the pictures, we can see the change of the gesture that angle points to Mary in Middle Age and Renaissance these two ages, and the changes of angle Gabriel’s image that gradually develop from pure male image to neutral and even female image. The pictures discuss and compare the changes, and deeply analyse the impact on motif that the rise and extension of church power and the checks and balances between imperial power or authority and common customs have left. Besides, according to the promotion of female status that expressed in the picture, it analyse and compare the change that women grow from being perfectly obedient to others to germinating their self-awareness. In the meantime, the practical significance of making a mutual corroboration of the detail description of related paragraph in the Bible and the subject of this essay lies in finding out more similarities and sympathetic responses in ikon this painting subject, summarizing the significance that religious themes have on celebrity worship and presentation and expression in work of art from one aspect by analysing through the development of Christianism, painting trait in the two ages and the changes of female status in Middle Age and Renaissance.

【关键词】 马利亚基督教《受胎告知》天使女性地位
【Key words】 MaryChristianityannunciationangelfemale status
  • 【分类号】J209
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】499

