

【作者】 史正浩

【导师】 黄惇;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 艺术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 宋代是金石学在中国历史上发展的第一个高峰期。这一时期出现的大批优秀的金石学者们编撰了众多金石类书籍,其中尤其以金石图谱最具学术与艺术研究价值。宋代印刷、摹拓技术的广泛应用,促进了图像与图谱在文化传播中的应用。在宋代“追风三代”整体文化战略的影响下,宋人将这种图像、图谱的蓬勃发展归结为具有复古意味的“图谱复兴”,并最终提出了明确的“图学中兴”口号。在这种大环境下,受北宋初年《三礼图》在全国颁行的影响和宋仁宗的直接推动,并伴随着北宋古器物的大量出土,金石图谱在宋仁宗朝前期开始兴起。随着金石学在宋仁宗朝后期的兴起,金石图谱与金石学齐头并进,进入快速发展的通道,并最终在北宋末年达到高潮。靖康之变后,金石图谱的编纂受条件的限制和金石研究风气转变的影响,其发展重点转向金石文字图谱。从南宋中后期开始,随着程朱理学正式成为儒家正统,金石学开始走向衰落,金石图谱的学术性逐渐淡化。金石图谱不但对宋代金石清玩风气的兴起与维持做出了巨大的贡献,同时它还是金石清玩风气对其他艺术产生影响的纽带。金石图谱中包含的图像,不但为仿古器物制作提供了参考,其图像中所包含的金石元素,也被其他艺术挪用和借鉴。此外,宋代的金石图谱还对当时的篆隶书法产生了影响。

【Abstract】 The development of Eigraphy in the Song Dynasty is the first peak period in Chinese history. There are a large number of outstanding Sinitic Epigraphy scholars who compiled many epigraphy books. Among them the Collection of Illustrations has the most research value both in academic and artistic aspects. The wide application of printing and rubbings technology in the Song Dynasty promoted the use of the image and the Collection of Illustration in cultural diffusion. Under the impact of the overall cultural strategy called "Retro the three dynasties", the vigorous development of image and the Collection of Illustrations is conclude by the people of Song dynasty with a retro meaning named "The Revival of Collection of Illustrations", and finally put forward a clear slogan called "Graphics Revival". In this environment, under the influence of the promulgation of "San Li Tu" and the direct promotion of Emperor Renzong in the early Northern Song Dynasty and accompanied with a large number of the excavated artifacts, the Epigraphy Collection of Illustrationsmap Renzong began to rise in the early Emperor Renzong period. As the rise of epigraphy late Renzong period, the Epigraphy and Collection of Illustration advance side by side into the rapid development channel, And eventually areaches its climax in late Northern Song Dynasty. After the event of Jingkang the epigraphy codification of the Illustrations is constrainted by the epigraphy research ethos and its research conditions then changed its development focus into stone Epigraphy Text Collections. From the Southern Song Dynasty due to the Neo-Confucianism officially became the orthodox of confucianist the epigraphy began to decline and the Collection of Illustration of Epigraphy academic gradually faded. The Collection of Illustration of Epigraphy not only made a great contribution to the rise and preserve of elegant atmosphere of Song Dynasty but also a important bond between elegant atmosphere and artistic production. The images which the Collection of Illustration of Epigraphy contains not only provided a reference to the artifacts modelled after antique but the epigraphy elements of these image also misappropriation and learn by the other arts. Furthermoret the Collection of Illustration of Epigraphy also had an powerful influence on seal character and official script at that time.

  • 【分类号】J522
  • 【下载频次】727

