

Changes of Village Community Boundaries and Village Transformation

【作者】 陆保良

【导师】 毛丹;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本文考察了快速工业化、城市化背景下,一个城郊村落共同体在自然地理边界、经济边界、政治边界、身份边界、文化边界等方面的变迁过程,并把村落边界变迁视为村落结构性转型的标志,讨论现代化背景中村落共同体终结、转型和复兴的前景和命运。边界的功能在于区分。边界既具有的区隔特征,体现了事物之间的差异性,同时又是一个关系性的概念,体现了事物之间的联接方式。社会边界是微观社会关系和宏观社会结构的区分和联系方式,构成持续变化而又相对稳定的社会秩序。村落共同体边界体现了村落共同体与国家、市场、城市等广阔社会之间的隔离程度与链接方式。传统村落是一个具有明确边界的共同体,为农民提供了有秩序的生活世界和稳定的社会意义归属。现代化过程中,随着民族国家力量的渗透、市场化逻辑的侵蚀,传统村落共同体淹没在大众社会的浪潮中。村落共同体能否继续存在,以及在何种意义上存在,成为社会公众关注的突出问题。坚持逆城市化的、封闭的传统村落固然不可取,但是“村落终结”的结论同样偏颇,二者之间形成一个从传统到现代的连续体(continuum),对村落命运的探讨需要在这个连续体中展开。自德国著名社会学家滕尼斯提出“共同体”的概念以来,共同体与社会的区分成为思考现代社会转型的一种重要维度。一种观点认为,随着市场经济规则无所不在的渗透和均质化大众消费社会的形成,村落边界越来越开放,共同体与社会融为一体,为社会所取代,村落共同体成为一种逾行逾远的历史传统,村落共同体注定将走向终结。另一种观点认为,现代社会个人主义盛行,社会流动加快,社会风险不断增加,现代性同时意味着现代性危机,共同体作为安全和归属感的源泉,成为回应现代性危机的社会反向运动而复兴。在这种理论视角下,村落共同体可以通过转型继续成为有价值的社会存在,并激起人们持续的怀旧之情。从知识社会学的观点看,社会边界体现了美国社会学家彼得·伯格所说的“现实的社会建构”双重过程。一方面,社会边界通过多重二元编码把复杂的社会关系类别化和范畴化,指出了现实世界中主体多元化、差异化、不可通约的区隔性特征,揭示了社会关系中存在的矛盾、对立、冲突;另一方面,社会边界是一个联系性概念,通过放飞“社会学的想象力”,通过公共领域内公开、充分的讨论,通过持续反思的辩证思维过程,边界可以重新划定,“理想类型”可以重新建构。在社会建构性意义上,村落共同体的边界如何变化,取决于我们把何种社会现实视为正当(justice)和可取(desirable)。基于以上认识,本文的结论是:村落共同体及其边界体现了以农民为主体的观察视角,村落边界是农民获得经济支持,实现身份认同、权利维护、意义归属的家园,是抵御极端现代主义意义上的国家和市场蕴含的社会风险的城垣和堡垒。消除边界的社会区隔,实现村落与社会的有效链接,关键在于促使真正意义上“农民”意识的觉醒,通过对农民赋权来建构农民新的身份认同,实现现代化过程中农村农民的参与式发展、自主性发展。考察村落共同体的边界,有助于我们在日常生活中重新发现社会,保卫社会,展现社会学作为人文学科的价值。

【Abstract】 This thesis is focused on the geographic, economic, political, identity and cultural boundaries changes of a suburban village under the background of rapid industrialization and urbanization. The changes of village boundaries can also be considered as a transformation symbol of village which reveals the vanishing, transitional or recovering fate of the village community in the future.The function of boundary is to differentiation through which macro-social structure and micro-social relationships are formed. Social boundaries reflect both the segmentation and connection of social relations. Village boundaries reflect the distinction and connections between village and broad society such as state, market and the city.Traditional village is a community with clear boundaries which provide farmers peaceful social order and life significance. In the process of modernization, both the penetration of modern national power and the encroachment of market logic buried the traditional village community under the waves of mass society. Can village community continue to exist, and exist in what sense? These questions become highly concerned theoretical and practical issues? The opinion which upholds inverse urbanization and traditional closed village community is not as desirable as the opinion which upholds the vanishing of the village community. The discussions about the fate of the village will be preceded between these continuums from tradition to modern.Tonnies’theory about distinction between community and society has become an important dimension in explaining modern social transformations. With the penetrations of the market economy and the homogeneous mass consumption society, someone think that the village community will come to an end and be replaced by society. Others think that the community has aroused people’s continuing nostalgia as a source of security and belonging with the growth of modern individualism and modernity social risk. Therefore, the community is far from disappearing, but to revival due to modernization and individualism. From this perspective, village community can continue to be a valuable and meaningful social being through trans formation.From the perspective of sociology of knowledge, social boundaries reflect the construction process of social reality. On one hand, social boundaries put complex social relations into neatly orders through multiple binary encoding by categorizing and conceptualizing, revealing the characteristic of diversification, differentiation and incommensurable feature of social relations in daily life which means contradictions, confrontation and conflicts. On the other hand, Social boundary is a relative-relationship concept which embodies connection ways of social relations. Through sociological imagination and ongoing dialectic reflection in public sphere, boundaries can be re-demarcated and "ideal type" can be reconstructed. In the social constructivism perspective, the fate of the village community is derived from how we see it as legitimate and desirable.The conclusion of this thesis is that the village community boundaries are the places for peasants to fight against the risk brought by state and the market, to achieve economic support, identity, rights, and significance attributions. The research about village community boundaries base on peasant’s autonomy and empowerment can help us find the existence of society and defend for it, thus highlighting the humanistic value of social science.

【关键词】 村落共同体社会边界市场国家农民
【Key words】 Village communitySocial boundaryMarketStateFarmer
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期

