

Research on the Development of Contemporary Chinese Voluntary Service in the Vision of Civil Society

【作者】 高嵘

【导师】 万斌;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 加强社会建设、创新社会管理是科学发展观的重要内容,也是我们正在进行的重大理论和实践创新。当前我国既处于发展的重要战略机遇期,又处于社会矛盾凸显期,社会建设与管理领域存在的问题还不少,人民日报社论指出“社会建设和社会管理的任务之重、挑战之大、难度之高,举世罕有”。西方发达国家在社会建设管理的现代性转型中,建立了与他们国情相适应的社会管理体制机制和社会政策体系,在这方面积累了丰富的经验,值得我们认真借鉴。曾经有课题组把国外社会建设管理的基本经验,概括为如下八个方面:一是重视制度建设,改善社会治理;二是强调人文关怀,突出公民参与;三是提倡政府与民间的合作互动;四是法律与道德并重;五是致力于效率与公平的平衡;六是强调政府投入和社会参与的结合;七是重视管理的专业化和精细化;八是重视应用现代科技手段。其本质要求就在于建立以社会自我管理和公民广泛参与为前提的政府主导的社会管理体制。不积跬步无以至千里,社会建设的提速,就是一个个公民的行动聚合促成的。社会管理的新思路就在于,努力实现从传统模式向政府行政管理与社会自我调节、居民自治管理良性互动,多种手段综合运用,管理与服务融合,有序与活力统一的多元治理、共建共享的新模式转变。自20世纪90年代以来,志愿服务的兴起和志愿组织在全球范围的建立掀起了席卷全球的“社团革命”,民众热衷于参与志愿团体去提供人道服务,保障公民权利,促进基层经济社会发展,成为社会发展变迁的重要标志。与政府、市场共同构成公共治理支柱的公民社会的发展也成为我国社会变迁的要求。长期以来,我国是靠权力高度集中和自上而下的政治动员的方式来解决社会中的问题的。这在一定情况下虽然能带来高效率,但最终却导致了社会缺乏弹性,广大群众的主动性和积极性难以发挥。在“全能政府”难以为继的情况下,社会的发育和发展就是必要的和必然的。“社会善治”应该是政府的社会管理与社会自治管理有机衔接和互动的结果。在市场经济条件下,在开放的系统中,对整个社会的高度集中的行政管理模式是难以奏效的。政府的首要任务是集中处理那些与整个国家的生存、安全、发展紧密相关的重大问题,而把群众能够自己解决的问题留给社会,同时把相应的权力过渡给社会。在这里,承担责任的是各种各样的非政府、非营利的志愿性团体,并显示出越来越重要的社会功能。这些团体的发展有利于社会问题的解决,有利于社会资源的动员,有利于充满活力的社会的形成,而这正是我国建设现代化的社会主义国家所要求的。因此,志愿性社会组织的发展与公民社会的形成有着直接的联系,或者说它是公民社会发育的必经之路。志愿精神的第一要义是“自愿”,真正的公民社会是公民自己形成“我们要为社会做点儿事”的意识,自愿组织起来从事公益活动。在我国,志愿服务活动、志愿组织是建构公民社会的特殊力量,它以志愿服务社会的道德实践建构着社会,也建构着行动者自己,而这些都将成为社会的宝贵财富。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,公民社会的建设必将提上议事议程,这是一个社会结构重组的过程,也是社会组织方式发生重大变化的过程。在这一过程中,如果志愿活动、志愿组织所代表的时代精神能够成为一个重要的建构要素,那将是我国社会发展之幸事。志愿组织的活动为其成员提供了扮演和实践现代公民的机会,并为公民社会提供了新的、有价值的要素。这些贡献包括,它强化了成员的责任意识和合作意识,养成了他们的平等意识和对人的尊重,使他们对权利和平等产生更深刻的认识。而这些都是现代社会中公民社会的成员所应具备的美德。尽管中国式公民社会还存在很多实质性的缺陷,但大量草根性志愿者及由政府放权组织、社会自下而上演生,甚至觉醒于自治秩序而出现的志愿者组织,将会使更多的中国人参与社会,承担自己的社会责任,并逐渐向政府争取自己的选择权、决策权和自治权,进而行使对政府的监督权。当中国公民的权利意识普遍觉醒的时候,建构完全意义上的公民社会的时机才会成熟。文章的研究框架如下:1.导论:包括研究的缘起,对论文研究的意义、文献综述以及论文架构、研究方法。2.志愿服务的基本涵义及其孕育:阐述不同文明主导人类社会发展时期志愿精神、志愿服务、志愿组织的孕育发展、基本特征、观念演进等。3.发展历程:基于新中国成立以来不同的社会建设发展背景,按照发挥的功能作用,进行历程回顾,提出了当代中国志愿服务发展历程的四段论,即建国初期以群众性捐助互助为特征的过渡起步阶段,以全民学雷锋运动为特征的运动式成长阶段,改革开放以来探索建立志愿服务体系的转型发展阶段和社会普遍认同、广泛参与阶段。4.发展现状:立足中国志愿服务是中国公民社会的同构体,从中国志愿服务发展的精神动力、文化认同和时代背景分析中国志愿服务发展现状、特点及公民社会兴起的表现,提出公民社会视域下志愿服务发展的价值。5.功能定位和路径选择:当代中国志愿服务需要从产生机制、组织方式和发展模式上的“转型”,即由政府主导的、自上而下的模式向自觉的、内生型、自主性模式转变,由活动型组织向生产性组织转变。志愿服务除了增进社会福利,还需要在完善社会建设与共治、促进公共服务、优化资源配置、引领社会文化方面发挥独特且显著的作用。为此,志愿服务应当建构包括与政府关系、社会筹资、制度环境、社会认同等在内的多重动力机制和支持系统。6.比较研究。以美国为代表的其它国家有着不同的历史背景,因而志愿服务发展及其在公民社会形成中的作用有着不同的特点。在比较的基础上,提出志愿服务组织是中国公民社会的核心,志愿服务组织的兴起与中国公民社会的进程是一致的,其本身也是这一进程的有机组成。7.结束语。重申当代中国志愿服务及其组织未来发展的影响因素、趋势,提出志愿服务在我国发展的依靠力量,努力促进志愿服务与“第三域”的有机结合。公民社会视域下志愿服务及其组织发展内容的丰富性,决定了它是一个值得深入探讨和研究的领域。

【Abstract】 Strengthening the society construction and innovating social management is an important factor of scientific thinking on development and is the important principle and innovation of practice we are conducting in the progress. Now, we are in the period of both golden strategic chance of development and complexities of social conflicts. There exist many problems in the field of society construction and social management. Foreign countries have established the systems of social management and society policy that are fit for their national conditions during the process of modern transition of social management. In this aspect, they accumulated much valuable experience that is worth being introduced and learned seriously. Once, a topic team summarized the basic experience of society construction and management abroad into eight aspects as follows:1.valuing the system construction and improving the social management;2.stressing humane care and highlighting people’s participation;.encouraging the interaction between government and civil person;4. stressing equally on law and moral;5.balancing fairness and efficiency;6.intensifying the combination between government input and social participation;7.laying stresses on professional and careful management;8.paying more attention to the application of modern technology. The essence of social management abroad is to set up a system of social management led by government with the premise of social self-management and broad civil participation.Rome is not built in one day. The acceleration of society construction is driven by every citizen’s actions. The new idea of social management is to realize the transformation from the traditional system to a new one. The new system has many new characteristics such as sound interactions among government management, social self-adjustment, and self-governance by resident; comprehensive application of many means; harmony with management and service; ordered and unified multi-governance, co-construction and sharing. In the1990s, the rise of voluntary service and the foundations of voluntary organizations in the word opened an "organization revolution" swept the globe. People are very eager to join in the organizations to offer humane service, safeguard the civil rights, and improve the basic level economic and social development. The phenomenon has become the important sign of social development and change.The development of civil society with the backbone of public administration constituted mutually by government and market has been a request of social change in China. For a long time, our country dealt with the problems by high concentration of power and political mobilization from top to bottom. Although it can bring high efficiency in certain conditions, finally resulted in lack of social flexibility and less development of the masses’activeness and initiatives. Under the conditions that the omnipotent government does not develop functionally, the growth and development of society actually are necessary and certainly. The high-centralized administrative mode of management does not perform well in the open system under the market conditions. The primary task of the government is to handle tightly some problems closed to the whole country’s existence, safety and development, go back to the root of service, leave the problems which the masses are capable of handling to the society, transform the corresponding rights to society and ensure sound development of society. Here, the responsible organizations are non-governmental, non-profit voluntary group and they show the more important functional role of society. The development of the organizations is favorable for the settlement of social problems, mobilization of social resources, and the formation of energetic society. It is real request that our country is building the modernized socialist country. Therefore, the development of voluntary social organizations has direct connections with civil’ society, or it is the only passed way of growth of civil growth.The first important task of voluntary spirit is "voluntary". The actual civil society is that the citizens have formed their own sense that we are willing to do what we can do to the society, organized voluntarily to carry out public interest activities. In China, voluntary activities and voluntary organizations are the special powers of constituting the civil society, which construct the society through the moral practice of voluntary services and build up themselves. Then the services and organizations will become the valuable treasures of our society. With the pace of developing the socialist market economy system, the establishment of civil society will certainly be put on the agenda. It will be a process of social structure reconstruction and of great changes of social organizations. In addition, during the process, it will be beneficial to our development of society if the spirit representing by the voluntary services and organizations can become an important factor of society constitution.The activities of the voluntary organization provide opportunities for its members for playing and practicing modern citizens, and provide civil society new and valuable elements. These contributions include its strengthening the members’ sense of responsibility and cooperation, developing their equality consciousness and respecting for persons, and producing more profound understanding in rights and equal. In addition, there are virtues that the modern citizen members of society should have. Although Chinese civil society still has a lot of substantial defects, there exist a large number of volunteers of grassroots, voluntary organizations by the government, decentralized organization, social bottom-up genesis, and organizations awakening in the order of autonomy. They will make more Chinese people to participate in social, undertake social responsibilities, strive for their own option, decision-making rights and autonomy from the government gradually, and then exercise supervision to the government. When Chinese citizens’ consciousness of rights awakens universally, the opportunity to construct the civil society in complete significance will mature.This article research framework is as follows:1.Introductory theory:Including the origin of research, the research significance, literature review and thesis structure, research methods2.The basic meaning of voluntary service and the inoculation:Expounds different civilization which leads volunteerism, voluntary service, voluntary organization of development, basic features, concept evolution and so on in the period of human society development.3.Development history:Based on different social construction and development background since the new China’s founding, according to its functions, carries on the history review, puts forward four period of theory of the contemporary Chinese volunteer service development, transition initial stage namely with he founding of the mass mutual donations for the characteristics after founding of the new China, the growth stage with the characteristics of the study from Lei Feng movement, transition stage of development of exploring the volunteer service system since the reform and opening up and social common identity, extensive participation stage.4.The current situation of development:Based on China’s voluntary service is China’s civil society isologues from China, analyze Chinese volunteer service development present situation, the problems and the rise of civil society performance, difficulties from the development of voluntary service spirit power, cultural identity and background, and put forward volunteer service value under the perspective of the civil society.5.Function orientation and path choice:Based on the out of the civil society development dilemma, contemporary Chinese volunteer service needs "transformation" from generation mechanism, organization mode and development mode, which means that the government leading, top-down mode to conscious, endogenous type, the autonomy of bottom-up social genesis model transformation, by activity type organization to productive organization transformation. Voluntary service in addition to improve social welfare, still need to play a unique and significant role in perfecting social construction and virtue, promoting the public service, optimizing the allocation of resources, leading the social culture. Therefore, volunteer service should construct multiple dynamic mechanism and support system including relations to government, social financing, institutional environment and social identity.6. Comparative study:the U.S as a representative of other countries has different historical background. Therefore, voluntary service development and the role of civil society formation have different characteristics. Based on comparison, to put forward the volunteer service organization is the core of Chinese citizen society, volunteer service organizations and the rise of China’s civil society process are consistent, and itself is the process of organic composition.7. Conclusion:Reiterate that contemporary Chinese volunteer service and its organization future development of influence factors, trends, put forward the strength to rely on of the development of voluntary service in our country on, and strive to promote voluntary service and the "third domain" organic combination. The richness of the voluntary service and organization development content under the civil society horizon, decides it is a worthy field of further discussing and researching.

【关键词】 志愿服务当代中国公民社会视域
【Key words】 Voluntary serviceContemporary ChinaCivil SocietyVision
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 03期

