

【作者】 李青阳

【导师】 盛梅冰;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 美术学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 瓷器绘画是以工艺美术与绘画艺术相互融合的一种独具特色的瓷器装饰形式。瓷器绘画开始兴起于明末清初,全面兴盛于康熙时期,至清中叶后逐渐式微。康熙王朝开创了中国封建社会最后的盛世,也使中国古代瓷业的发展进入鼎盛时代。正是在康熙社会繁荣昌盛的景象下,以及在满汉文化的冲突融合、中西文明的交流碰撞中,技艺精良的窑场工匠们绘制、烧造出大量比任何历史时期的题材更为丰富,风格面貌更为多样的瓷器绘画。但作为具有很高艺术价值,在瓷器装饰历史中占有特殊地位的康熙瓷器绘画,却常常被陶瓷学者忽略,因而对康熙瓷器绘画进行深入、系统的研究有着重要的学术价值和现实意义。本文论题以康熙年景德镇瓷器绘画考察为中心,通过对当时瓷器绘画题材与风格的考察,探究其独特的绘画内容和形成原因。基于此,全文的论述重点分为两个部分展开:第一部分,康熙瓷器绘画人物题材的世俗化。先从明末清初以来版画的广泛流行,以及康熙制瓷工艺的改良这两个角度分析如何促进、影响康熙瓷器绘画人物题材的拓展与表现。接着例举“官方话语中的渔樵耕读图”、“女性身份与仕女图”、“市井文化与戏曲小说图”、“风俗流变中的刀马人图”等具有典型时代特征的人物题材,来进一步阐述瓷器绘画是如何反映了康熙时期的盛世气象;第二部分,康熙瓷器绘画风格的多样性。首先,探讨瓷器消费市场对瓷器绘画风格的主导作用,康熙时急剧扩大的瓷器市场深刻影响了瓷器绘画的风格面貌。然后,分析在瓷器市场增长的推动下,“五彩青花”与“康熙古彩”等工艺品类的创新是如何丰富了康熙瓷器绘画的风格面貌。最后,着重阐述康熙瓷器绘画中竞相争妍的民间绘画、文人画、院体画、中外融合的绘画等各种绘画风格,是怎样体现出各类消费群体的不同审美情趣。

【Abstract】 Porcelain painting is a unique decorative art form merging of crafts and painting. Porcelain painting began to rise in the late Ming and early Qing, comprehensive flourished in the Kangxi period, to gradually declined after the mid-Qing. The Kangxiwangchao pioneered the end of the Golden Age of China’s feudal society, the development of ancient Chinese Porcelain enter the peak times. In the sight of the the Kangxi social prosperity, as well as integration conflict in Manzu, Chinese culture,and the exchange of Chinese and Western civilization collision, the sophisticated skills kilns artisans draw and burned to create a large number of more abundant porcelain paintings that were more diverse style look than the subject matter of any historical period. As it has high artistic value and occupies a special place in the history of porcelain decoration, the Kangxi porcelain painting often has been ignored by ceramic scholars. So study of depth and systematic about Kangxi porcelain painting, has important academic value and practical significance.This article theme of the Kangxi porcelain painting is to explore the unique painting content and Causes by the investigation of the subject matter and style of the Kangxi porcelain painting. Based on this, the focus of discussion of the full text is divided into two parts:The first part of the theme is the secular figures subject matter of Kangxi porcelain painting. There are two angles abaut the widely popular of painting figures during the late Ming to early Qing and improving of Kangxi porcelain technology, that analyze of how to promote and expand the performance of the figural theme of the Kangxi porcelain painting. Then, Character theme with the typical characteristics of the times further elaborated porcelain painting is how to reflect the Kangxi period of peace and prosperity meteorological, for example,"fishermen and woodcutters and farmers and scholar in the official discourse","the character theme of female identity Ladies","Pop Culture abaut figure of opera novels ","Map of knife and horse and people in customs rheology". The second part is Diversity of the Kangxi porcelain painting style. First, it is explored that the porcelain consumer market has a leading role in porcelain painting style. Rapidly expanding porcelain market has a profound impact on the look of porcelain painting style during Kangxi period. Then, the article analyzes that "colorful blue and white "and" Kangxi ancient color" crafts class innovations are how rich the look of the Kangxi porcelain painting style in the porcelain market growth driven. Finally, it focuses on a variety of painting styles in the Kangxi porcelain painting that how reflect different aesthetic taste of various consumer groups.These painting styles include folk painting, literati painting, academy painting, fusion of Chinese and foreign painting and so on.


