

【作者】 黄建军

【导师】 俞良早;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 论文由解读马克思主义经典作家社会管理的思想开始,继而研究了中国社会主义建设时期毛泽东社会管理的思想,研究了改革开放以来当代中国共产党领导人关于社会管理的思想。论文认为,马克思、恩格斯剖析了资产阶级社会管理的性质和弊端,总结了国际共产主义运动特别是巴黎公社革命的经验,对未来共产主义的社会管理进行科学预测,形成了他们关于社会管理的基本思想。马克思、恩格斯提出,资产阶级进行社会管理和国家管理,旨在维护自己阶级的统治地位,将广大民众排斥于管理职能以外;未来的共产主义社会管理则是全体公民自己当家作主,直接进行社会管理。作为经典作家的列宁,社会管理思想同苏维埃国家的成立以及建设事业的发展紧密相联。其主要内容是:由全体民众对社会产品的生产和分配进行“计算和监督”,由无产阶级先锋队领导进行社会管理,吸收旧社会过来的专家参与社会管理,努力提高管理工作者的素质,加强对管理工作的监督,等等。论文认为,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党第一代领导集体在领导中国社会主义建设过程中,为巩固政权和建设社会主义,凭着革命化的社会管理理念,实施自上而下的单向管理模式,在当时的历史条件下促进了事业的发展。毛泽东的社会管理思想具有鲜明的特点,也具有局限性。改革开放以来,中国共产党领导人社会管理思想经历了一个不断发展的过程。80年代,经济体制改革使我国社会管理真正具有了中国特色,即突出以经济建设为中心的综合平衡管理。党的十四大以后,社会管理呈现出市场经营化发展趋势,推进了管理的法制化,并且转变政府的管理职能作为市场化改革的保障被提上议事日程。新世纪以来,以科学发展观为指导的社会管理新思路逐步形成,社会管理开始致力于保障改善民生,加快构建现代社会管理的格局,形成与经济社会发展相适应的多元化社会管理体制。当代中国共产党人丰富和发展了经典作家关于社会管理的思想。论文通过对马克思主义经典作家社会管理思想的阐述,以及对社会管理思想在当代中国发展进程的研究,指出经典作家社会管理的思想具有时代的价值,当代中国共产党人的思想和理念是行动的指南,必须继续推进社会管理的创新。当前,随着我国改革开放的不断深入,经济社会深刻的变革,处于社会转型期和市场经济体制下的社会管理面临着日益增多的问题和挑战。面对这些挑战和困难,需要探索社会管理新的有效途径。转变社会管理理念是实现社会管理创新的前提,不断健全公共服务体系是社会管理的核心责任和重要内容,构建合理的利益协调机制是社会管理创新的重要任务。社会管理创新的基本方向和着力点是构建以社会公正为导向的多元治理模式。

【Abstract】 This paper from the understanding of social administration theory of Marxist classical authors, and then studies Mao Zedong’s social administration theory in the socialist construction period, and the contemporary Chinese communist party leaders about the social administration theory since the reform and opening up.The paper point out that Marx and Engels through a profound analysis bourgeois social administration system and disadvantages, by summing up the international communist movement, especially the experience of the Paris Commune revolution, forecast the future communist social administration, form the basic ideas of their social administration. They put forward the bourgeois state administration is just to maintain their dominance, excluse of the majority of the people in the management of state power, in the future the communist social administration is all citizens direct management. The classical author Lenin social administration theory with the establishment of the Soviet state and consolidation is closely related, Its main content is: Calculation and supervise the production and distribution of products by all the people, engage in the construction and administration of the socialist society under the leadership of the proletarian vanguard, under the aid of the capitalists managers engaged in the administration and improve the quality of administration workers, strengthen supervise of the administration work, etc.The first generation of collective leadership headed by Mao Zedong in the Chinese socialist construction practice, in order to the stability of regime and building a socialism, rely on revolutionizing the concept of social administration, through a top-down administration model to implement social administration,promoting the development of the socialist cause. These administration t ideas contains distinctive characteristics of the methodology, Also has some limitations.This paper argues that since the reform and opening up, the Chinese Communist Party social administration theory has undergone a constantly evolving process. After the1980s reform, the social administration with Chinese characteristics, highlight the comprehensive balance administration and take economic construction as the center. After the14th Party Congress, the social administration showing the development trend of marketing administration, steadily promote the legalization of social administration, the transformation of the government’s social administration functions as protection of market-oriented reform was officially put on schedule. Since the beginning of the new century, the guidance of scientific development concept for the new ideas of social administration is gradually formed, the social management is committed to improve people’s livelihood, accelerate the construction and improve the modern of social administration pattern, continuous reform and innovation, Establish the diversity social administration system to adapt to the requirements of economic and social development. Further develop the social administration theory of classical authors.This paper from the classical authors of marxism social administration theory of discussion, through the social administration theory development and analysis in contemporary China, points out the classical authors social administration theory still has the value of the times, the Chinese Communist Party’s thought and idea is the guide to action, we must be from the evolution of the theory of social administration promote the social administration innovation. With the deepening of China’s reform and opening up, profoundly transforming the economy and society, in the social transformation and market economy system, has come to pose an increasing number of problems and challenges to social administration, must re-adjust the theory of social administration, facing the challenges and difficulties correctly, exploring an effective way to social administration innovation.This paper argues that the transformation of social administration concepts is the premise of social administration innovation, and constantly improve the public service system is a core responsibility and an important part of the service-oriented government, build reasonable interests coordination mechanism is an important task for current and future social administration innovation, based on this, puts forward the social administration innovation of the basic direction and focus is to build the social justice-based multiple governance mode.

  • 【分类号】A811;D091
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1225
  • 攻读期成果

